

artistic representation of phosphenes

光幻视(英语:phosphene)是在没有光实际上进入眼睛的情况下看到的现象。英文Phosphene来自于希腊语phos(光)与phainein(展现)。[1] 由运动或声音诱导的光幻视可能与视神经神经炎英语optic neuritis有关。[2][3]

光幻视的产生方式有:透过对视网膜视觉皮层使用机械、电磁刺激;随机触发视觉系统的细胞;直接压迫眼球使视网膜产生电子讯号,最后在视觉中枢产生影像[4],另外冥想者(禅那[5]、长期忍受没有视觉刺激的人(囚犯的电影院英语prisoner's cinema)、使用迷幻药的人也有光幻视的情况。[6]


  1. ^ "Phosphenes: The Evidence". www.oubliette.org.uk. [2020-08-10]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-25). 
  2. ^ Davis, F. A.; Bergen, D.; Schauf, C.; McDonald, I.; Deutsch, W. Movement phosphenes in optic neuritis: A new clinical sign. Neurology. 1 November 1976, 26 (11): 1100–1104. PMID 988518. S2CID 32511771. doi:10.1212/wnl.26.11.1100. 
  3. ^ Page, N.; Bolger, J.; Sanders, M. Auditory evoked phosphenes in optic nerve disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry. 1 January 1982, 45 (1): 7–12. PMC 491258可免费查阅. PMID 7062073. doi:10.1136/jnnp.45.1.7. 
  4. ^ Davis, Floyd A.; Bergen, Donna; Schauf, Charles; McDONALD, I. a. N.; Deutsch, William. Movement phosphenes in optic neuritis: A new clinical sign. Neurology. 1976-11-01, 26 (11): 1100–1100 [2020-08-10]. ISSN 0028-3878. PMID 988518. doi:10.1212/WNL.26.11.1100. (原始内容存档于2020-09-25) (英语). 
  5. ^ Nicholson, Philip T. The Soma Code, Part III: Visions, Myths, and Drugs. Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies. 2002, 8 (3): 70–92. doi:10.11588/ejvs.2002.3.942. 
  6. ^ Klüver, Heinrich. Mescal, and Mechanisms of hallucinations. University of Chicago Press. 1966: 70. OCLC 1194424731.