Русский: Репродукция сообщения советского радио о нападении Германии на СССР. Голос знаменитого радиодиктора Ю. Левитана. Записано в 1950-е гг. "для истории" [1]
English: Reproduction of the Soviet radio message about German attack of USSR. Narrated by famous newsreader Yu. Levitan. Postwar record, 1950s
Nederlands: Boodschap van radio van Sovjetunie betreffende Duitse aanval op Sovietuni. Voorgelezen door Ju. Levitan, bekende radiopresentator. 1950s
本文件处于公有领域,因为this file is in the public domain in Russia. (1a) The text is uncopyrigthed, because it's an official document. (1b) The text is anonymous/corporative work, and its copyright expired (it was published more than 50 years before 1993 and more than 70 years ago). (2) The neighbouring rights for audio record are expired: it was created more than 50 (and 54) years ago and the narrator (Yu. B. Levitan) died.
{{Русский}} Сообщение советского радио о нападении Германии на СССР, 1941. Голос знамениого радиодиктора Ю. Левитана. {{English}} Soviet radio massage about Germ