
User:Smirk F./沙盒1

Bikini Bottom

比奇堡(英語:Bikini Bottom),(历史上曾叫做“比奇堡谷”(英語:Bikini Gulch)、“死鱼眼谷”(英語:Bikini Gulch)和“比奇堡郡”(英語:Bikini Bottomshire))是动画《海绵宝宝》中的主要场所。该城市的精确人口为538人,尽管许多集数中的人数比这要多得多。





史蒂芬·海倫伯格所说,比奇堡位于太平洋马绍尔群岛比基尼环礁的海底。剧中也有多处体现:There are many instances of evidence of this in the show: After being scared off by "ghosts," Sandy Cheeks evacuates to Texas.×10Pranks a Lot She was seen flying east over the Pacific Ocean. In the Employee of the Month computer game, a fish mentions that Bikini Bottom is located in the Pacific Ocean. In The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, when SpongeBob sings the song


"Goofy Goober Rock," the camera rose out of the water into outer space. When it did, it came out of the Pacific Ocean. In the TV commercial "Plankton's Holiday Hits," Bikini Bottom is revealed to be part of the United States Of America, and its residents Americans. In "SpongeBob's Last Stand," Bikini Bottom is on the Outskirts of Nowhere. It's also located west of California.



比奇堡的地理环境由山、森林、湖、水池、洞穴、草地、礁和河流构成。《海绵宝宝电影版》中显示比奇堡的周边区域有火山、地沟和沙漠。 比奇堡有以下景点:

  • 沙山(Sand Mountain)
  • 水母田(Jellyfish Fields)
  • 海草森林(Kelp Forest)
  • 亲亲谷(Make-Out Reef)
  • 上古水手谷(Ancient Mariner Valley)(目前是海神王宫殿)
  • 酷乐湖(Goo Lagoon)
  • 棕榈湾(Palm Bay)
  • 聪明大脑田(Brain Coral Fields)
  • 硫磺田(Sulfur Fields)
  • 大海顽童谷(Sea Urchin Cove)
  • 废工业公园(Industrial Park)
  • 海超人与大洋游侠的秘密基地(Mermalair)
  • 起落山(Mount Climb-up-and-Fall-off)
  • 针海(Sea Needle)
  • 比奇堡垃圾场(Bikini Bottom Dump)
  • 石头堡(Rock Bottom)(位于比奇堡下方的一座城市)
  • 蟹堡王(Krusty Krab)
  • 海之霸(Chum Bucket)

比奇堡由它的主干道路贝壳街(Conch Street)构成,贝壳街从市区一路穿过海绵宝宝、章鱼哥、派大星的家,穿过蟹堡王、海之霸和礁岩电影院(Reef Cinema)。

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出现比奇堡背景的每一话都会展现比奇堡的建筑、屋子和一个船锚。在早期会有a red flower arch。某一些集数中会出现一座灯塔,那也许是泡芙阿姨的海底驾训班。有些集数中也会出现蟹堡王和船的螺旋桨。





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也许这是因为稳定的海洋生活从来没有完整形成过。The structures of the buildings in the main part of town have a relatively wavy structure, probably due to undersea currents. These buildings may be apartments. The homes that are made of different items from the surface may be a more residential or suburban area, possibly close to Goo Lagoon and Jellyfish Fields. In the episode "Bubblestand" (in the aerial view when Squidward is floating away) behind the neighborhood, but it's unknown what it is. It could possibly be another neighborhood because a road goes through a medium sized arch. Three buildings are there: two regular (with roads connecting to each of their doors) another building is seen over there: a large building that's shaped like a low (in height) cylinder with something atop and what appears to be a window. Another building a few hundred feet to the east is seen. It appears to be a pavilion of some sort with three sections and a small road (thinner than the usual road) leading to it. These buildings don't appear again in the series.




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在珊迪快离开比奇堡前,她唱了一首歌,提及比奇堡“拥挤又烟雾缭绕”(crowded and smoggy),而这也是洛杉矶的特征(即使比奇堡的外观显示这是一座比洛杉矶小得多的城市)。海绵宝宝曾创造的美丽蟹堡吸引了46853个客人。这些客人几乎是比奇堡的全部人口,因此可以推断比奇堡大概有50000人。在《我是大老闆》中,章鱼哥表示比奇堡是“乡下地方”,意味着比奇堡应该是个人口稀少的乡下小镇。在《蟹堡王飯店》中,章鱼哥说比奇堡是个“鸟不拉屎的地方”(in the middle of scenic nowhere)。然而,章鱼哥的话语也许只是他对比奇堡的偏见而已。在《用功好學生》中,泡芙阿姨说:“接下来我们就会撞到无数条无辜的生命!”"We're going to flatten millions of innocent lives!” 也许这表明比奇堡中有众多人口。但在《失踪记》中,比奇堡入口处写道:“欢迎来到比奇堡,人口:538。”("Welcome to Bikini Bottom- Population: 538.") 当然这也可能只包括市区的人口,观众也无法得知海绵宝宝是否了解比奇堡真正的人口数。






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  • 海绵宝宝家 - 住户:海绵宝宝、小蜗、海绵宝宝家的贝壳Shelley、Puffy-Fluffy(先前)和铲铲
  • 派大星的岩石屋 - 住户:派大星、小石头和Noggin
  • 章鱼哥家 - 住户:章鱼哥、竖笛、蜗牛Snellie(曾经?)
  • 珊迪树屋 - 住户:珊迪、她的宠物(有时)。
  • 蟹老板家 - 住户:蟹老板、珍珍和虫虫先生
  • 海之霸 - 住户:皮老板、凯伦
  • 蟹妈妈家 - 住户:蟹妈妈、蟹老板(幼时)
  • 章鱼哥爸妈家 - 住户:章鱼哥的父母
  • 泡芙阿姨家 - 住户:泡芙阿姨
  • Mr. Wyatt[谁?] - 住户: Mr. Floppy和Moe
  • 帅章鱼家 - 住户:帅章鱼
  • 安养中心 - 住户:当地居民、海超人、大洋游侠
  • 老年公寓(Rusty Krab) - 住户:当地居民(该建筑多年前破产,後来蟹老板将其买下,成为了今天的蟹堡王
  • 章鱼村:位于比奇堡的旁边,只有章鱼能居住,海绵和海星无法进入。




  • 比奇堡医院
  • 超级逊咖综合医院
  • 珊迪实验室



部分食物是海洋食品,但多数食品都能在现实生活中找到原型。像现实生活中的一样,比奇堡的食物中也有薯片、快餐、肉食(牛肉干、汉堡包)和美食。外形像水果圈的麦片品牌Kelpo是比奇堡著名的品牌之一。美味蟹堡(Krabby Patties)是老少咸宜的速食,享有良好的声誉。而另一家速食餐厅海之霸(Chum Backet)贩卖的都是难以下咽的食物--如海霸棒(Chum Sticks)、海霸堡(Chum Burgers)和其他产品。比奇堡的食品基本都是快餐,但Fancy!餐厅中也有较为高档的食品。以下是其他的一些食品:

  • Drinkable Sausage
  • Kelp Jerky
  • Yummy Stuff
  • Nachos
  • Blancmange (an actual sweet food, pronounced 'blah-monge').
  • Snail-Po
  • Kafta Juice
  • Barnacle Chips
  • 冰淇淋(Ice Cream)
  • 牛奶(Milk) (and other usual products)
  • Canned Bread
  • Coral bits
  • Kelp Nougat Crunch (A candy bar)
  • Milk Shakes
  • Krabby Newburg (Aged, imported kelp, stuffed with herbs, wrapped in parchment with shallot tapenade, slow-roasted for six hours in a wood-fired, clay-filled oven or kiva and served with a garnish of wilted coral on a mahogany plank)
  • Kelp fries
  • Kelp Shake (Canceled because of a toxic ingredient that makes green hair appear)
  • Seahorse Radish
  • Rotten Cuusaa
  • Square Cheese
  • Crunchity Munchities
  • Nature Patty 




  • 体育馆


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The Krusty Krab
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The Chum Bucket
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Weenie Hut Jr.’s







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第二,扇贝类似于鸟类。它们常群居在酷乐湖,表现得如海鸥一般。扇贝一般是橙色或紫色的。生蚝体育场(Oyster Stadium)中有一只名叫Clamu的巨大扇贝,她现在已经做母亲了。中等体型的蛤蜊群类似于狼,大型蛤蜊类似于缺乏感知能力的鲸鱼(如Clamu)。






第八,ray像鹰。Eighth, rays, which are eagles.








可知的居住者为原始海绵、原始海星、水母、鹦鹉螺、一些三叶虫和一条原始绦虫。当时的生物还不会说话、写字、生火和其他事物。最大的发明是章鱼哥创立的抓水母。In an event of The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out Of Water, Squidasaurus Rex maybe live there too. With his generation gap: Primitive Sponge and Primitive Star. Due to Squidasaurus Rex saying 'I thought my friends were Primitive'.


Spongy Spongy也许於那个时代就已经存在,但一直到近期才解冻。



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在这一话中,我们看到了公元前10000年的SpongeGar, Patar and Squog。这个时代已经较为先进,有语言系统和基础的房屋设施。当时仍只有3个房屋:SpongeGar的、Patar的和Squog的。有很多丛林也有很多奇怪的生物和穴居的原始螃蟹。This era can also be seen in the PC version of Lights, Camera, Pants! and "Atlantis SquarePantis." Some of the things they discovered were the club, fire and pets.

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Advanced Prehistoric Era Squog SpongeGar, and Patar.




Then called Bikini Bottomshire, Medieval Times was seen in the episode, "Dunces and Dragons." The time when the year is 1700's or 1600's. The totalitarian tyrant Planktonamor reigned for a short time, until SpongeBob and Patrick were sent by King Krabs to rescue Princess Pearl and slay the Dragon Jellyfish, much like many medieval tales.

  • 场所
    • King Krabs' Castle: A massive castle that King Krabs and Princess Pearl lived in. There was a prophecy on the wall, a guillotine and a dungeon in which Squidly lived for a short time. This might be the medieval Krusty Krab.
    • Planktonamor's tower: Planktonamor's tower was gargantuan and the only things that lived there were Planktonamor, Glass Ball Karen and the fearsome Dragon Jellyfish. It contained a huge spiral staircase. This is possibly the medieval Chum Bucket.
    • The Village: The main area of Bikini Bottom in medieval times. There was a hospital, a hotel, Ye Old Bowling Alley, an old-folks home and a massive area of farmland.
    • Armor Shop: A store that sold armor and weapons and even made them. There was only one known employee, the owner.



In Western times, Bikini Bottom is called Dead Eye Gulch (or Bikini Gulch) in which Dead Eye Plankton rules the

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Old West Bikini Bottom.

entire town and almost everything there is owned by Dead Eye Plankton. Every business here except for The Krusty Kantina was named after Dead Eye Plankton, seen in the episode, "Pest of the West." The stores and houses in Dead Eye Gulch are made up of wood. Cacti are seen in most parts. Skulls of dead animals can be seen. Seahorses and coffins are used for transportation.


  • The Krusty Kantina: A place owned by Mr. Krabs. The Krusty Kantina was going bankrupt, for Dead Eye Plankton kept all the money The Krusty Kantina earned. The Krusty Kantina had a stage that Western Pufferfish used to dance. The Krusty Kantina also owned a piano that worked by putting a coin into the coin slot. The only one who played the piano was Hopalong Tentacles. The Krusty Kantina was in search of a fry cook.
  • Dead Eye Funeral Parlor and Ice Cream Parlor: A place where you get handmade coffins and ice cream at the same time.
  • Old Dead Tree Hill: a cemetery for all of the past sheriffs who had been killed by Dead Eye Plankton, but unfortunately this cemetery was already full.
  • Boot Hill: Was the second cemetery built for the past sheriffs that had been killed by Dead Eye Plankton.



在西部时代结束後和现代前,比奇堡曾受到一个叫“Bikini Top”的城市的统治。比奇堡在某年的7月4日宣布独立,成为了今日的“比奇堡”。

当初比奇堡只有38人。一天,一个叫魔魟(Man Ray)的生物前来占领了比奇堡。这时,海超人和大洋游侠阻止了他并将他冻结了起来(直到海绵宝宝和派大星在30话里将他放出来为止)。这两名超级英雄从那时开始便受到爱戴,之後甚至推出了他们的电视系列节目。


Bikini Bottom in the 40th century.

In the 40th century, everything will be painted in chrome, and the only residents known are the robots SpongeTron, his 486 clones, Patron and the chrome-workers. The only place seen in the 40th century was the futuristic Krusty Krab and a little bit outside. Squidward traveled here by running into a freezer to hide, and then getting stuck and freezing himself solid until SpongeTron found him 2,000 years later.



The 51st century was seen in the episode "SpongeHenge." Then, chrome was not used, and there are aliens in glass containers instead of fish. The Three Aliens also discovered the SpongeBob Stones.

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The Sponge monuments seen in the 51st century.





蟹堡王是比奇堡最重要的餐厅之一。最大多数故事中这是人气最高的餐厅。蟹堡王中有厨房、洗手间、饮食处和蟹老板的的办公室。雇员有海绵宝宝和章鱼哥。先前的雇员有金哥(Jim)、史丹利表弟和派大星。凯伦也曾在蟹堡王工作过,但很快便被炒了。(《Karen 2.0》)




Shell Shack


The Shell Shack is a popular restaurant at an unknown location. It was mentioned only once in the series in the episode "Patty Hype," when Tom and Fred met in the street and said: "There's a talking dog over at the Shell Shack!" Later he mentioned that the talking dog was singing.



The Diner是一家餐馆。这家餐馆的外形为一艘大船,外有看板。Chocolate With Nuts" and "Missing Identity中有详细出场。It also appears in the PC game, Employee of the Month.

The Kelpshake was once a popular place to buy delicious shakes until it was discovered that the drink could poison you.

This is an ice cream bar that appeared in the episode "No Weenies Allowed." Nerds are the standard customers and a robot is the only employee.

A "super" version of Weenie Hut Juniors seen in "No Weenies Allowed" and "Stuck in the Wringer."

A restaurant that sells burgers and has an enormous chicken statue outside of it. It appeared in "The Masterpiece" and has not been seen since.

This restaurant was seen in "Krusty Love," "Chocolate With Nuts," "Le Big Switch," and "SpongeBob LongPants." It is in the shape of a ship in a bottle. It appears that only the fancy Bikini Bottomites eat here. 


An ice cream parlor only featured in "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie." Children, as well as SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick Star are the main customers. It is the home of Goofy Goober, the parlor's mascot.


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Boating School crash.




First Mayor of Bikini Bottom seen on the show








比奇堡法律中的一部分与美国法律相似。如禁止盗窃、谋杀、乱停车、在消防龙头旁停车、乱丢垃圾、蒙眼行驶、在公共场合裸体、乱闯红灯、开派对不邀请警官等等。在"Little Yellow Book中甚至有法律规定不得阅读他人的日记,惩罚为示众并向违反者扔番茄。章鱼哥是目前唯一可知的犯罪者。






比奇堡监狱中的牢房大小和待遇都是相等的。蟹老板有偷窃行为(他个人称此为“借”),泡芙阿姨和章鱼哥经常因由海绵宝宝或派大星犯下的行为遭到逮捕或是被罚做社区劳工。一次,一颗炸弹在蟹堡王内爆炸,造成周围区域受到毁坏。比奇堡内还存在海神王的处决,如偷走他的皇冠。比奇堡有两所监狱:The Institution for the Criminally Tiny(据说是出现在电影版的,我怎么一点印象都没有... 囧rz……)和比奇堡监狱。这座水下城市有自己的法院,裁判长是一条母鱼,後来的剧情中是雄性。比奇堡警察局(Bikini Bottom Police Department)是公正的组织(除了曾无端逮捕市民我记得这是海绵宝宝和派大星干的吧... 囧rz……在免费气球节当晚因偷窃气球而关海绵宝宝和派大星数秒後释放并告诉他们当日是免费气球节)

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。In the game SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab, the army makes an appearance. It seems the army is made out of helicopters with giant nets (used to capture Plankton), tanks that shoot blue flames, special laser machines, electric fields and bomb-throwing tanks.


  • 泡芙阿姨的海底驾训班(Mrs. Puff's Boating School) - 泡芙阿姨经营的驾训班。主管为菲兹先生(Mr.Fitz),曾一度由Sergeant Roderick掌控。
  • 波塞冬小学(Poseidon Elementary School) - 蟹老板和皮老板曾经就读的小学。
  • 比奇堡社区大学(Bikini Bottom Community College) - 派大星和扁哥(Flats the Flounder)曾经就读的大学。
  • 成年人学习中心(The Rec Center/Adult Learning Center) - 有烹饪课和艺术课。章鱼哥曾经在那里教书。
  • 比奇堡高中(Bikini Bottom High School) - 珍珍和她的朋友就读的高中。学校内有一个用于跳舞的体育馆。
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  • 比奇堡小学(Bikini Bottom Elementary) - 比奇堡内的一所小学。
  • 比奇堡名流音乐大学(Bikini Bottom Prestigious Music College) - 学校内有音乐课。章鱼哥也曾在那里教书。
  • 比奇堡大学(Bikini Bottom University) - 珊迪和凯伦曾在该学校中帮助比奇堡居民进行再教育。




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比奇堡的主要道路为贝壳街(Conch Street)。贝壳街经过海绵宝宝、派大星、章鱼哥的家,穿过蟹堡王和海之霸,一直到比奇堡的闹市区。在比奇堡闹市区与珊瑚大道(Coral Avenue)纵横交错。高速公路从市区直穿郊区。有一辆公交车从亚特兰蒂斯直通比奇堡,还有一辆公车从比奇堡开往石头堡(Rock Bottom),途中经过手套乐园。有趣的是去往终点站需要开下90度的直坡,离开石头堡的方法只有搭公车和借助气球飘上去这两种方法。





  • 比奇堡医院:比奇堡医院在较少的集数中出现。Dr. Gill Gilliam是医院中最广为人知的医生。该医院在一些剧集(《泡泡病》)中有很好的医疗服务水平,而在一些剧集中(《心爱的床垫》)的医疗水准又很糟糕。医院里还有一些演员在扮演医生(《心爱的铲铲》)。
  • 逊咖综合医院(Weenie Hut General):逊咖去的医院。
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    "I Was A Teenage Gary"
  • 宠物医院:《超酷大乐团英语Band Geeks》中Dr. Gill Gilliam到章鱼哥的家去询问他是否有一只垂死的动物。在《I Was a Teenage Gary》中一条紫鱼医生出现在蜗牛形状的救急车为小蜗注射。另外,在小蜗患疯狂蜗牛症中,Dr. Gill Gilliam表示他是一位专业的蜗牛专家,也是兽医。
  • 兽医院(Vet):比奇堡的兽医院。



艺术品让比奇堡有更好的外观。比奇堡有3座博物馆:厨师博物馆(The Fry Cook Museum),钩钩博物馆(Hook Museum)和航海博物馆(boating museum)。(《Nautical Novice》)比奇堡还有一个音乐厅、一个会议大厅、一个艺术中心。章鱼哥也为比奇堡的艺术界作出了巨大的贡献。

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Bikini Bottom recreational center



比奇堡的气候是典型的风和日丽的气候。比奇堡偶尔也会下雨、甚至暴风雨,也会在冬季下雪。比奇堡偶尔也会有极暑或极寒天气。在《雪球效应》中表明比奇堡应该是属于热带气候,只有在冰山融化时才会下雪。在《Mutiny on the Krusty》中比奇堡有巨浪。

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Main Article: List of Destructions Caused in Bikini Bottom

  • 25b《虫虫危机》: 虫虫事件 - 海绵宝宝和派大星警告比奇堡居民有怪物(其实是蝴蝶)来袭使比奇堡居民发生大恐慌并导致比奇堡遭受巨大破坏。
  • 7a"Hall Monitor": 损坏车辆 - 海绵宝宝在担任hall monitor的当日滥用权力并造成比奇堡大混乱。
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  • 22a《臭到不行》(Something Smells): 吸入毒气 - 海绵宝宝家中已用光配料,他吃了花生洋葱圣代。之後的一天他都带有严重的口臭,当晚在电影院里派大星也吃了圣代,并最终和海绵宝宝一起融化了整座电影院。
  • 73b《疯狂蜗牛症》(Once Bitten): 疯狂蜗牛症爆发 - 一场突然爆发的疾病让居民都被感染成了“僵尸”,随後使整个比奇堡都陷入恐慌之中,使比奇堡遭受巨大破坏。
  • 64b《美丽星期天》(Good Neighbors): 章鱼哥屋子发动的攻击 - 章鱼哥为自己的屋子安装了保全系统,随后保全系统被派大星触发,最终摧毁了比奇堡。
  • 40b(Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm): 阿拉斯加牛虫事件 - 一日晚上,一条阿拉斯加牛虫进入比奇堡并造成了破坏,因此居民讲比奇堡搬运到他处,但在牛虫追踪海绵宝宝和珊迪时最终掉入山谷,砸毁了整个比奇堡。
    File:Good Neighbors 40.png
  • 24aDying for Pie: 炸弹派事件 - 章鱼哥无意在海盗处买了一个内有炸弹的派,當蟹老闆准备尝一口时,他无意将派摔落并引发了爆炸,几乎将蟹老板和章鱼哥炸死。海绵宝宝随后发现了派,章鱼哥和蟹老板以为海绵宝宝已经吃下了派,蟹老板表示海绵宝宝活不过日落。章鱼哥随后陪海绵宝宝度过海绵宝宝“人生最后的几个小时”。在日落时,一场爆炸发生,但这其实是海绵宝宝在吹炸弹泡泡,海绵宝宝表示自己留着派打算和章鱼哥一起分享,但此时他不小心被石头绊倒导致派被砸到了章鱼哥的脸上,随后派爆炸,威力相当于一颗核弹。
  • 海绵宝宝电影版: 皮老板控制了比奇堡的所有居民并要求他们称他为Planktopilis。
  • 89b《爆红大歌星》(Sing a Song of Patrick): 派大星创曲事件 - 派大星创造了一首叫《我写的歌(I wrote this)》的歌,和海绵宝宝一起到电台要求放送,结果电台工作人员拒绝放送,于是海绵宝宝和派大星来到电台塔上放送,歌声席卷整个比奇堡,造成比奇堡居民大暴动。
  • 《盘子脏脏》(The Krusty Plate): 清洁污点事件 - 当海绵宝宝在蟹堡王加班清洗盘子时,他无意产生了分子效应,最终炸毁了蟹堡王待修改
  • 80bGift of Gum: 口香糖事件 - 派大星吃下口香糖球後打饱嗝,使整个比奇堡都遍地口香糖。
  • "Doing Time" and "Mrs. Puff, You're Fired": 驾驶事故 - 海绵宝宝驾驶着他的新船来考驾照。
  • 力挽狂澜(SpongeBob's Last Stand): 因高速公路问题,水母发生暴动。
  • "The Clash of Triton": Triton incident - SpongeBob was tricked into letting Neptune's son, Triton, out of his cage, and the prince started wrecking Bikini Bottom with his god powers, and whenever he touched the buildings, they blew up. Triton also wrote his name in the middle of town with his powers that caused at least ten buildings to blow up.
  • "The Krabby Patty That Ate Bikini Bottom": At the Krusty Krab, the massive flow of a patty flows everywhere, eating Bikini Bottom.
  • The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water: Missing Formula incident- After the formula is taken by Burger Beard the Pirate, The Great Krabby Patty Famine starts, causing Bikini Bottom to fall to its knees and become an apocalyptic cesspool.
  • "Krabby Patty Creature Feature": Secret Patty Incident - After hearing several customers asking what is new to the menu, Mr. Krabs teamed up Sandy to create a new and improved Krabby Patty. However, the new patty
    File:Krabby Patty Creature Feature 144.png
    came with a terrible side-effect. Whoever eats the secret patty gets turned into a Krabby Patty Zombie Monster. Soon, almost everyone in Bikini Bottom who ate the new patty (except SpongeBob) created chaos and nearly destroyed part of the city.




  • The largest newspaper in the city is a quality daily, The Bikini Times. It is a broadsheet that features the regular news, sports, lifestyle features, arts, entertainment, travel, business, classifieds, as well as daily comics. The newspaper's largest edition, Bikini Sunday Times, comes out on Sunday, a thick edition packed with multiple sections, advertising inserts, a Sunday Times Magazine, and an expanded comics section. At times, the Sunday edition exceeds 300 pages, with an average of about 250 pages on Sunday, and an average of about 30-80 pages daily. One of the comics is called The Wisenheimers. It is the most-respected and read newspaper in the city. The newspaper is the most expensive in Bikini Bottom, $2.00 for a daily edition and $5.00 for a Sunday edition.
  • The second largest newspaper in the city is a daily tabloid, The Examiner. Like its counterpart, The Times, it features news, sports, and lifestyle features. Despite its tabloid format, it is still a well-respected newspaper in the city. The largest edition comes out on Sunday. Its prices are considerably cheaper than The Times, costing 75 cents for a daily edition and $1.75 for a Sunday edition.
  • The city has one main weekly newspaper, Bikini Weekly. This newspaper is free and widely distributed throughout Bikini Bottom. It is printed each Thursday, and usually contains 70-100 pages per edition, in its tabloid format.
  • There are two science magazines called the "Bikini Bottom Inquirer" (a parody of The National Inquirer) and "Fake Science Monthly" seen in the episode: "The Camping Episode." There is another magazine that is called, "Long, Tan and Handsome." There are two dance magazines: "Dance Now," and "Interpretive Dance Quarterly." Other magazines include "Squid Ink," "Boring Science Digest," and "Fancy Living Digest."
  • There are many singers and there also appears to be boy bands and rock bands; the first being "Boys Who Cry" (R&B) that Pearl enjoys and "Stingray 5000" (Album Rock) that Patrick happily found in the dumpster, and "Ned and the Needlefish" (AAA), who appear in the episode: "Wigstruck." Also, SpongeBob and Squidward form a band in "Hello Bikini Bottom."
  • There is Bikini Bottom News (television newscast anchored by Perch Perkins, who at times is also a field reporter, and the Realistic Fish Head along with Bob and Barbara and food critic Gene Scallop) and many different TV channels such as Sport, Lifestyle, and a "Secret Channel."
  • Some of the Radio stations in Bikini Bottom are WH20-FM (as of 2006, Hot Adult Contemporary/Adult Top 40), KRUM (Rhythmic-leaning Top 40/Dance), who aired the hit "Electric Zoo," and KOLD (as of 2001, it was Oldies/MOR in the Morning). Another Radio station, heard in "A Day Without Tears" is known to play Classic hits, such as Songs from Eely Dan (A parody of Steely Dan). Also, there is KRUD with "You Won’t Get Away with Stealing My Car" hits.
  • Since KOLD was first "seen" in 2001, it could be that, much like other oldies stations that existed back then, KOLD evolved or shifted from softer Oldies to more rock-based Classic Hits by 2010, and could have restricted or outright rotated out the MOR songs to the point where it could have been the classic hits station in "A Day Without Tears."
  • House Fancy is a show that Squidward was always hoping to appear on. He eventually did. The host is a fish with groomed blond hair named Nicholas Whithers. Squidward also appeared on the Bikini Bottom Public Access television program with his show, Squidward Chat, after his favorite show was replaced by Guitar Lord.



The Sports in Bikini Bottom are fairly different from a normal American range of sports. Here is the range.

  • The Fry Cook Games is a spoof of the Olympic Summer and Winter Games, but with fast food. The Fry Cook Games are held at Bikini Bottom's Fast Food Coliseum. The first annual competition was held in 1981. Eugene H. Krabs and Sheldon J. Plankton went head-to-head against each other until the 21st Fry Cook Games in
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    2001. There, SpongeBob SquarePants represented the Krusty Krab, and Patrick Star represented The Chum Bucket. In the 21st Fry Cook Games, there were at least 8 events. The tiebreaker was bun wrestling which no one won.
  • The Great Snail Race is an annual race between snails at Oyster Stadium, which is located in the Bikini Bottom Zoo. At the pre-game ceremony, of the 102nd Running of the Snail, Lightning Larry Luciano (The winner of the first race) lights the Torch of Good Sportsmanship (although very slowly). After the torch is lit, the games begin. The first snail to make it across the finish line, wins. The result of the 102nd race ended with Rocky (won by default, owned by Patrick Star, actually a Pet Rock) in first place, Snellie (owned by Squidward Tentacles) in second place, and Gary (disqualified, owned by SpongeBob SquarePants) in last place, disqualified due to the coach running on to the race track.
  • The Anchor Toss Competition and Weightlifting is a contest of strong ocean dwellers tossing a large anchor on a 510+ yard field. A referee goes and measures the distance between the tosser and the anchor, but is
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    constantly hit by it. SpongeBob was part of the contest, along with Sandy Cheeks, Don the Whale, and Larry the Lobster. Weight lifting is very popular at Goo Lagoon. There are even weight lifting competitions at Goo Lagoon. SpongeBob even has a small fitness center at his house. However, instead of weights, SpongeBob uses stuffed animals as weights. SpongeBob has used a stick with two marshmallows attached to it, which he could not lift
  • Jellyfishing is a fictional sport that is similar to fishing. It involves hunting Jellyfish using a wooden net and a plastic jar. The sport was first introduced in the episode "Jellyfishing." In the episode, the characters SpongeBob and Patrick take their neighbor Squidward to Jellyfish Fields, where many episode plots involving jellyfishing would be set in.
  • Bubble Blowing is another hobby in Bikini bottom. However, the only bubble blowers known are SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick Star, although Squidward has blown bubbles before. SpongeBob once set up The Bubblestand in the episode "Bubblestand" and charged 25 cents for bubble blowing; 25 cents for lessons. There is a special technique to bubble blowing which SpongeBob invented. Some awkward shapes of bubbles include an elephant, butterflies, worms, among others. Two bubble-themed episodes are "Bubblestand" and "Bubble Buddy".

Other sports include those that are played by people in the real world, such as weight lifting, swimming, volleyball, karate, and hot dog-eating contests. Swimming is a very popular sport at Goo Lagoon. There are small circular pools elsewhere in the city. Volleyball is just like the real sport. In Bikini Bottom, volleyball is played at Goo Lagoon. Karate is a popular sport for SpongeBob and Sandy. Some Karate moves include the Double Overhand Squirrel Knot, the Squirrel, and the Tin Cans. Two karate-themed episodes are "Karate Choppers" and "Karate Island." A hot dog eating contest is briefly shown during the episode "SpongeGuard on Duty."



比奇堡有许多的节假日。以下5个主要的节日和现实世界中的类似:Bikini Bottom has its share of holidays. It has five main holidays, as in the real world like:

  • 情人节(Valentine's Day) (16A《情人节》) (2月14日)
  • 万圣节(Halloween) (13A《膽小鬼》) (10月31日)
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Bikini Bottom in "It's a SpongeBob Christmas!"
  • 圣诞节(Christmas) (28圣诞节特辑英语Christmas Who?)(12月25日)
  • 复活节(Easter) (87B《突變章魚哥》),
  • 独立日(Independence Day) (突變章魚哥) (7月4日)

Three minor holidays are celebrated in Bikini Bottom, which humans know of like:

  • Opposite Day (by Squidward saw on "Opposite Day") (January 25)
  • April Fools' Day (seen in "Fools in April") (April 1)
  • Leif Erikson Day (seen in "Bubble Buddy") (October 9)
  • Founder's Day (seen in "What's Eating Patrick?")

Other holidays are not known in the real world, but are known in Bikini Bottom are:



比奇堡也有举办各种活动,多数活动发生在酷乐湖(Goo Lagoon)中。Such events include:



Bikini Bottom has its own national anthem, which goes as follows:

Oh, Bikini Bottom,
We pledge our hearts to you!
As faithful, as deep, as true, as blue,
Bikini Bottom, we love you!

Plankton inside his Mr. Krabs Robot sang this along with SpongeBob in the episode "Imitation Krabs."

Panoramic Images


Crashed Bikini Bottom


Other places


There are places and features outside Bikini Bottom. Many of them appear in video games.

Other towns and cities in SpongeBob SquarePants include rock bottom, Bass Vegas, Ukulele Bottom, Apple World, Atlantis, Leisure Village, tentacle acres, Palm Bay and bottoms up/Waverly Hills, New Kelp City, plus Bikini Atoll on the surface. Shell City (Also on the surface) is six days away through a long and dangerous route beyond the County Line (the border of Bikini Bottom).


Battle for Bikini Bottom

Bikini Bottom is the hub world in the SpongeBob video game Battle for Bikini Bottom. It is connected to every level in the game, and is losely based off of the Bikini Bottom in the show, because it looks almost nothing like the one from the show. This Bikini Bottom has most of the staff from the show, but is missing quite a bit. The DinerBikini Bottom Zoo, Glove World!, Barg'N-Mart, and Mrs. Puff's Boating School are not present in the game. A few things in Downtown and other areas were not present. Reasons why they were not featured were most likely due to the lack of memory in gaming systems at the time. Downtown Bikini Bottom appears as its own level, separate from the Bikini Bottom hub world.


  • There is a glitch that allows the player to go outside of bounds. The glitch also allows you to skip all the levels and Bosses to the final level and final boss battle. This glitch can only be done once on a saved game. You would have to start a New Game to do the glitch again. A Video Tutorial on how to the activate glitch is below.
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File:Spongebob Squarepants Battle for Bikini Bottom Getting behind Rock Bottom



Golden spatula locations

  • SpongeBob's closet
  • Top of the pineapple
  • Inside Squidward's house
  • In Sandy's treedome
  • On top of Shady Shoals
  • On top of the Chum Bucket
  • In the Krusty Krab

Golden underwear power-up locations

  • On top of Squidward's house
  • On top of the Police Station
  • On the Krusty Krab sign


  • The second mayor of Bikini Bottom bears a resemblance to New Jersey governor == 欢迎加入维基百科! ==

您好,Smirk F.!


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  • Unlike regular cities, to serve milkshakes to others, one must have a license.×10License to Milkshake
  • The player is able to build their very own Bikini Bottom in the app SpongeBob Moves In!
  • In the first season, Bikini Bottom had a Flower Arch, but no Wind Turbine.
  • Battle for Bikini Bottom does not have every area from the show.
    • It has unused levels and areas.
  • Basic Prehistoric Era was prior to the Advanced Prehistoric Era.
  • The real world era that corresponds with the Basic Prehistoric Era is the Cambrian Era.
  • According to "Gary Takes a Bath," Bikini Bottom is located in a free country, although the name of this country has never been revealed.




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