User:31cc/沙盒/Q20 和 Q44 巴士


Q20AQ20B(统称为Q20A/BQ20) 和Q44巴士线路构成了缅街线,这是纽约市皇后區的一条公共交通线路,主要沿着牙买加英语Jamaica, Queens法拉盛附近两个主要巴士地铁枢纽之间的緬街英语Main Street (Queens)运行。Q20A/B的终点站是皇后区北端的大学点英语College Point, Queens。Q44则继续向北进入布朗克斯,终点是布朗克斯動物園附近的西农场社区英语West Farms, Bronx。Q44是在两个行政区之间运营的两条皇后区巴士路线之一(另一条是Q50)。

q20a, q20b
一辆在布朗克斯区的Q44 SBS巴士。
一辆在布朗克斯区的Q44 SBS巴士。
所屬車廠Casey Stengel 车库
  • Orion VII NG HEV
  • New Flyer Xcelsior XD40
  • Nova Bus LFS


  • New Flyer Xcelsior XD60
1937(Q20 法拉盛至大学点服务)
1938 (Q44 法拉盛至牙买加服务)
1999 (Q44 限站停靠服务;Q20A/B 大学点至牙买加服务)
2015 (Q44 SBS服务)
社區服務Queens: Jamaica, Briarwood, Kew Gardens Hills, Queensboro Hill, Flushing, Whitestone, College Point[1]
The Bronx (Q44): Throggs Neck, Unionport, Parkchester, Bronx River, West Farms, Bronx Park[1]
起點站Jamaica, Queens – Merrick Boulevard
途經Main Street, Union Street, Parsons Boulevard
Q44 (Bronx): East 177th Street
終點站Q20A/B: College Point, Queens – College Point Boulevard & 15th Avenue
Q44: Bronx Zoo/West Farms Square – East 180th Street
线路长度Q20A/B: 9.8英里(15.8公里)
Q44: 13.9英里(22.4公里)[1][2]
运营日期24 hours (Q20A, Q44)[3][4]
Weekdays only between 5 a.m. and 12 a.m. (Q20B)[3]
票价补贴Q20A/B: 3,025,328 (2022)[5]
Q44: 4,792,041 (2022)[5]
← Q19
B46 SBS (by borough)
B44 SBS (by route number)
 {{{system_nav}}}  Q21
B46 SBS →

1999年6月,Q44开始在皇后区进行限站服务,Q20则分成两个分支提供本地服务。2015年11月 29日,Q44转变为特选巴士服务(SBS)路线。



一辆使用New Flyer XD60车型的Q44 SBS在布朗克斯帕克彻斯特车站附近。
一辆标准长度的New Flyer巴士,在Q44 SBS服务中,用普通铰接式车队的补充。

现在的Q44线路始于皇后区牙买加英语Jamaica, Queens市中心的梅里克大道和射手大道交叉口,位于165街巴士总站英语165th Street Bus Terminal以南,并于Q17共用此站。沿射手大道向西行驶,经过牙買加中心-帕森斯/射手車站及其巴士总站。在连接長島鐵路牙买加站和甘迺迪國際機場捷運苏特芬林荫路车站后,线路向北转入苏特芬林荫路。然后向西转入山边道,向北转入皇后大道,可与IND皇后大道線的两个站点换乘。[1][4][6][7]

緬街英语Main Street (Queens)上,Q44向北拐弯,在皇后大道和法拉盛市中心(又称法拉盛唐人街)的北方大道之间贯穿整条街道。法拉盛市中心是法拉盛-緬街車站的终点站,多条公交线路、IRT法拉盛线地铁和长岛铁路華盛頓港支線英语Port Washington Branch在此交汇。之后Q44转到联合街和帕森斯林荫路,到达白石镇的14大道。然后进入布朗克斯白石大橋,与Q50共用大桥。在整个皇后区,Q44提供限站服务,主要在主要路口和景点间歇性停靠。[1][4][6][7]

进入布朗克斯后,Q44和Q50沿哈琴森河公园大道英语Hutchinson River Parkway辅路行驶至布鲁克纳大道布鲁克纳大道英语Bruckner Interchange以南,只停靠两个站点:一个在拉法叶大道,另一个在布鲁什大道和布鲁克纳林荫路,乘客还可在此转乘Bx5公交车。之后Q50向东转入Bx5的路线,而Q44则向西转入东177街(跨布朗克斯快速道路辅路),沿该路的任一方向行驶。在帕克彻斯特车站,Q44 绕过休 J. 格兰特圓環继续沿东177街行驶,直至与谢里丹高速公路交汇处,然后向北转入德沃大道。Q44在西農莊廣場-東特雷蒙特大道車站附近的东特雷蒙特大道停靠,终点站设在布朗克斯動物園南部边界的东180街。公交车在布朗克斯河上的一座桥上停留,然后在波士顿路英语Boston Road (Bronx)上重新投入运营。虽然Q44的北部终点站标有“布朗克斯动物园”(原名“布朗克斯动物园-西农场广场”),但从这里并不能进入动物园;最近的入口位于布朗克斯公园南和波士顿路以北的几个街区处。[1][4][6][8]

1999年之前,Q44在皇后区牙买加和布朗克斯西农场之间完全是以本地服务运营。它是皇后区缅街沿线唯一的公共汽车服务。[9] 在2015年11月实施特选巴士服务之前,Q44完全沿东177街运行。 现在,它在东177街采用了相当于限站停靠的服务,但东177街沿街并没有额外的本地路线运营。[10]


Q20A、Q20B与Q44在牙买加和白石镇之间的线路相同,然后向西分流,前往它们在法拉盛湾英语Flushing Bay附近的大学点英语College Point, Queens共用终点站。Q20A在20大道分岔,沿原法拉盛机场北部边缘行驶,为一个大型购物中心提供服务。这条线路与Q76共用。Q20B在14大道向西向北拐弯,途经居民区。20大道和14大道路线都是最初的Q20线路的一部分,最初的Q20线路只在大学点和法拉盛市中心之间运行。这两条线路都提供本地服务,但Q20A随时运行,而Q20B仅在工作日运行。[7][11]



2015年7月,皇后区法拉盛的两辆Q44 New Flyer铰接式巴士,距离特选巴士服务的实施还有五个月。

1932年2月15日,北岸巴士公司开始运营巴士服务,以取代长岛铁路白石支线。[12][13] 这条线路被标为Q35。[14] 这条线路与现在往返于布鲁克林区和洛克威公园之间的Q35线路不同。它从法拉盛缅街终点站出发,沿林登街(现林登巷)和127街向北行驶,途经法拉盛和大学点,到达14大道。[15] 这是现在Q25的路线。[7]最初的Q35沿14大道向东行驶[16]然后再沿现在的Q76和Q15的路线行驶[7]至白石镇。[16]


1935年9月22日,北岸巴士公司收购了法拉盛高地巴士公司,但并未与之合并。[18][19] 北岸公司只是临时收购了Q25;[20] 作为补偿,市政府向该公司保证,他们将获得法拉盛和牙买加之间经由缅街的新路线。[20] 计划在缅街延伸段(包括一座横跨大中央快速路的桥梁)完工后投入使用。[20]1937 年,公交线路发生了几次重大变化。皇后区-拿骚公交公司接管了Q25线路,并将其与沿大学点林登巷和第127街的Q34线路(现Q25线路北部的前身)合并。北岸公交公司停运了Q35,取而代之的是新的Q20。[20][21][22][23] Q20的路线与现在Q20B的路线(途经第14 大道)相同,只是沿第122街(现为大学点林荫路)继续向北延伸,并在该区北端的麦克尼尔公园附近与现在的Q25(当时的Q34)沿相同的环形路线行驶。[22][24][25]


1936年12月,北岸巴士公司申请了法拉盛和牙买加之间途经缅街的 “Q-44”线路的特许经营权。[26] 1938年3月22日,当主街向南延伸至大中央快速路时,牙买加长岛铁路车站的法拉盛主街与射手大道之间开通了Q44服务。[27][28] [29] 该公司宣传说,这条线路是“从整个北岸”皇后区到牙买加的最短线路,两个终点站之间的运行时间为15分钟。[30][31][32] 1939年4月布朗克斯白石大橋开通后,[33] 当年7月1日,北岸巴士公司开始运营往返于布朗克斯西农场广场和在法拉盛草原-可乐娜公园的1939年紐約世界博覽會之间的巴士服务。.[34] 1940年10月28日,这条线路与Q44线路合并,从克猶花園-聯合公路車站(沿后来成为Q74的路线)出发,途经白石镇和布朗克斯区的东177街,到达西农场广场的特雷蒙特大道和波士顿路。另一条支线通往布朗克斯的威斯彻斯特广场。[24][35][36] 当年12月,Q44返回牙买加,行驶至165街巴士总站。[37]

A College Point-bound Q20A in Downtown Jamaica.

1939年7月1日,Q20与Q17联运,这意味着在法拉盛以南,巴士将继续沿Q17路线前往牙买加-165街终点站。[24][38] 该服务被命名为“Q17-20”或“Q20-17”,滚动标志显示为Q17/20。[24][37][39][40] 从1942年6月8日开始,由于第二次世界大战期间对汽油和轮胎使用的限制,该服务被缩短至大学点的14大道和122街。[24][41] 直到1946年2月4日恢复14大道以北的服务。[39] 1947年1月27日,Q20在非高峰“基准时段”与Q17分离。[42] 同年 3 月,北岸巴士公司被纽约市交通委员会(即后来的紐約市公共運輸局)接管,使巴士线路成为城市运营线路。[43][44][45]Q17-20联合服务受到圣约翰大学学生以及在法拉盛市中心购物的牙买加庄园和法拉盛高地(现为克犹花园)的居民的欢迎。[2][46][47]

1957年2月3日,纽约市公共运输局将Q17和Q20服务全时段分开,取消了14大道和122街(大学点林荫路)以北的服务,并将Q20更名为Q44FS(法拉盛班车)。[2][25][46][48] 它是使用“Q44”名称的几条路线之一,包括Q44本身、Q44A(现在的Q46)、Q44B(前往皇后区马尔巴的班车,现已取消)和Q44VP(后来的Q74)。[2][24][49][50]

1964年纽约世博会期间,开通了Q44特别服务,通往法拉盛草原公园的罗德曼街入口。这些线路被命名为 "Q44 WF",并标有 "World's Fair"(世博会)字样,从西农场广场或165街出发,分别在布朗克斯区或皇后区的线路上停靠,以世博会为终点站。[51][52]

1966年7月11日,纽约交通局将Q13、Q14、Q16、Q28 和Q44FS的终点站从法拉盛市中心迁至法拉盛停车场,该停车场由37大道、联合街、138大道和39大道环绕,试运行六个月。这一改变是应皇后区多位民选官员的要求做出的,旨在为乘客提供庇护,减少市中心的拥堵。然而,由于购物者抱怨这一改变迫使他们步行四个街区才能从地铁到达公共汽车,商人和民选官员立即表示反对,1966 年 7 月 20 日,纽约市公共运输局宣布将于7月24 日取消这一改变。Q13、Q16和Q28服务的终点站将回到罗斯福大道北侧的缅街东侧,而Q14和Q44FS服务的终点站将恢复到缅街东侧的39大道。[53][54]皇后区区长Mario Cariello曾于7月18日致函纽约市公共运输局,要求撤销服务变更。纽约交通局是应他4月份的要求更改服务的。Cariello指出,他的许多选民都要求更改服务。[55]

1967年12月,纽约市公共运输局向估算委员会递交了一份将Q44延长4.33英里(6.97公里)的建议。以服务于合作城(Co-op City)英语Co-op City, Bronx,并在该线路的西端终点站因一些街道改为单行道而略作改动的建议。[56]1969年10月,纽约市公共运输局总监建议修改布朗克斯区的Q44线路,不再使用被认为“不适合公共汽车通行”的街道。线路将修改为沿波士顿路和布莱恩特大道之间的东特里蒙特大道、波士顿路和东特里蒙特大道之间的布莱恩特大道以及布莱恩特大道和东特里蒙特大道之间的波士顿路行驶。[57]


1990年4月15日,[58] Q44FS被重新编号为Q20;此时,随着街道的拓宽和购物中心的建成,20大道服务开始了。[59] 1995年9月,Q20取消了周末服务,仅在工作日提供服务。[60] 1998年1月11日,Q44开始在梅里克大道和苏特芬大道之间的射手大道上双向运行,以提供直达長島鐵路牙买加站的通道,并消除在拥挤街道上转弯的困难。[61] 利用射手大道、168街、牙买加大道和梅里克大道建立了一个新的调头环路。在此之前,南行公共汽车沿牙买加大道行驶至梅里克大道,北行公共汽车沿射手大道和153街行驶至牙买加大道。这一变化于1997年11月提交MTA董事会批准,最初计划于1997年12月生效。[62]

1999年6月27日,[63] Q44开始在皇后区进行限站服务,Q20分为两个分支(Q20A和Q20B)提供本地服务,Q20B沿14街的Q20旧路线提供服务,Q20A沿20街提供新服务。沿20大道增加的服务是应该大道商业开发项目业主(例如BJ'sTarget)的要求而增加的。[64] Q20A也恢复了周末服务。 由于Q44成为服务,Q20沿着缅街向南延伸,提供本地服务。[9] 在此之前,Q20只在工作日的早上5点至晚上11点运营,班次为15至30分钟一班。[65] 此时,Q44从其位于联合大道和希尔赛德大道之间的布里亚伍德街区的历史路线上转移。它之前向东转向大中央公园路辅路,然后向南转向150街,前往牙买加,[9][27][30][31][50] 自1938年以来,一直沿用同样的路线,当时缅街在大中央公园路辅路处终止。[29][66] 它被改道继续向南经主街,然后经皇后大道到达山边道。[9] 最初,Q44巴士的停靠站点有限,工作日为早6点至晚10点,周六为早7点至晚10点,周日为早8点至晚10点。Q44和Q20的服务变化是为了增加乘客量和服务新市场。[64] 1999年7月29日,在市政厅召开了一次会议,MTA的官员出席了会议,讨论了这些变化。许多乘客发言反对这一改变,他们指出,这一改变使使用150街沿线站点的老年人和残疾人的出行更加困难,而且这一改变增加了完成行程的换乘次数,需要支付额外的车费。MTA的一位发言人表示,MTA没有计划恢复服务的改变,并指出Q44改线后的皇后大道和缅街地区的人口密度有所增加。[67] 改变生效后不久,布里亚伍德居民就组织并散发了一份请愿书,反对150街失去公交服务。这一变化于1999年3月底向民选官员宣布,并于1999年4月15日获得MTA董事会的批准。[68]

2005年4月1日,缅街和桑福大道(Sanford Avenue)的Q44限站停靠服务停止,Q20A/B继续提供服务。[69]


A Q44 SBS bus in front of St George's Church in 2016

2004年和2006年,缅街走廊被确定为法拉盛-牙买加巴士快速交通系统(BRT)服务的潜在路线,这是MTA和纽约市交通局的特选巴士服务(SBS)计划第一阶段的一部分。[6][70]该走廊最终没有被纳入第一阶段的SBS路线。[71][72] 2008年2月,MTA提议在法拉盛和福特汉姆广场之间的走廊北部增设一条限时停靠服务,暂定名为Q94。该线路取消了在东180街换乘Bx9的要求,被称为“超级特快”,并将取代皇后区与贝德福德公园之间的X32学校特别班次(现已停运)。[72][73][74][75]

虽然Q94线路从未实施过,但Q44线路在2009年被纳入SBS第二阶段研究。[6][71][76] 到2013年,Q44已成为皇后区第一条拥有全套铰接式巴士车队的线路;SBS服务所使用的巴士(Nova Bus LFS型号)与之相同。2014年,164街走廊(Q65)和Parsons/Kissena走廊(Q25 和 Q34)加入缅街走廊,成为法拉盛和牙买加之间潜在的SBS线路。到2013年,Q44成为皇后区第一条拥有全套铰接式巴士车队的路线;[77][78][79] 与SBS服务使用的巴士相同(Nova Bus LFS)。2014年,164街走廊(Q65)和帕森斯/凯辛娜走廊(Q25和Q34)加入缅街走廊,成为法拉盛和牙买加之间潜在的SBS路线。[80][81] Q25 LTD和 Q44 LTD被选中进行进一步研究,其中Q44优先考虑是因为它的客流量高、皇后区和布朗克斯之间的跨行政区连接以及主街的宽度有利于公交车道。[1][82] 作为改造的一部分,布朗克斯的八个站点被取消;保留下来的乘客占该行政区乘客使用量的85%。 牙买加商业区的几个站点也被取消。[10] 此外,Q44 LTD在Guy R Brewer Boulevard/165街和射手大道、缅街和北方大道、帕森斯林荫路和17大道、帕森斯林荫路和21大道的停靠站以及白石高速公路和Center Drive的南行唯一停靠站被取消。[83]

2015年11月29日,Q44 SBS开始服务,全天24小时运行。Q20A 成为全日制航线,以取代已停运的深夜专用Q44本地航线。[1][84]

Bus redesign[编辑]

In December 2019, the MTA released a draft redesign of the Queens bus network.[85][86] As part of the redesign, the Q44 would have become a "high-density" route called the QT44 and would be extended in the Bronx to Fordham Plaza Bus Terminal. The Q20 would have been replaced by a "neighborhood" route, the QT86, which would run from Linden Place in College Point to Cooper Avenue in Glendale, leaving the Main Street corridor at Vleigh Place. The 20th and 14th Avenue corridors would have been served by the QT64 and QT84, respectively.[87]

The redesign was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City in 2020,[88] and the original draft plan was dropped due to negative feedback.[89] A revised plan was released in March 2022.[90] Under the new plan, the Q44 would have still been extended to Fordham Plaza and the northbound stop for Kissena Boulevard would be removed. The Q20 would have still run on Main Street but would no longer have branches; the 20th and 14th Avenue corridors would be taken over by the Q76 and Q31, respectively. The northern part of the Q20 would have taken over the Q15's routing in Beechhurst, while its southern terminus would have been cut back to the Briarwood station.[91] A final bus-redesign plan was released in December 2023.[92][93] The Q20's branches would be combined into a single route, which would run at all times using the Q20B's existing routing via 14th Avenue; the 20th Avenue routing would be served by the Q76 and a new Q62 route. The Q20 would be diverted to serve the Mitchell-Linden Houses in Flushing, previously served by the Q34 (which would be eliminated). The Q20 would also be diverted upon entering Jamaica, following the Q60 towards Jamaica Avenue, and then heading right on Sutphin Boulevard. The Q44 would remain unchanged.[94]


The intersection of Main Street and Northern Boulevard as seen on September 26, 2017, eight days after a crash between a Q20A and a tour bus. The crash damaged the building on the left, which has scaffolding on it as a result of the collision.

On September 18, 2017, during the morning rush hour, a private tour bus moving at a high speed collided with the back of a New Flyer Xcelsior XD40 Q20A bus turning from Main Street onto Northern Boulevard in Flushing. The bus then plowed into a Kennedy Fried Chicken restaurant at the corner of the intersection. The accident killed 3 people including the tour bus driver, and injured at least 17.[95][96] The private charter bus company had been repeatedly cited for reckless driving.[95][97] The charter driver was a former MTA bus driver, until he was fired in April 2015 after a crash in his personal automobile in which he pleaded guilty to driving under the influence and leaving the scene of the crash.[97][98]

See also[编辑]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Flushing To Jamaica Select Bus Service: January 22, 2015: Public Open House (PDF). Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York City Department of Transportation. January 22, 2015 [July 6, 2015]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于June 27, 2015). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Mooney Jr., Joseph W. New Bus Schedules Will Force Some Riders to Transfer Twice (PDF). Long Island Star-Journal. February 1, 1957: 6 [January 11, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 MTA Regional Bus Operations. Q20 bus schedule (PDF). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 MTA Regional Bus Operations. Q44 SBS bus schedule (PDF). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Facts and Figures. August 28, 2011 [January 19, 2016]. (原始内容存档于September 24, 2017). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Q44 Select Bus Service: Queens Community Board 12 Transportation Committee (PDF). New York City Department of Transportation. June 9, 2015 [October 16, 2015]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于September 14, 2023). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Queens Bus Map (PDF). Metropolitan Transportation Authority. December 2017 [April 24, 2018]. 
  8. ^ Bronx Bus Map (PDF). Metropolitan Transportation Authority. September 2017 [April 24, 2018]. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Bertrand, Donald. ROUTE OF BUS TROUBLES TRANSIT CHANGES HURT SOME IN BRIARWOOD. Daily News (New York). August 12, 1999 [December 16, 2015]. (原始内容存档于March 7, 2016). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Transit & Bus Committee Meeting June 2015 (PDF). Metropolitan Transportation Authority. June 2015 [December 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 20, 2016). 
  11. ^ MTA Regional Bus Operations. Q20 bus schedule. 
  12. ^ New Bus Line Seen As Relief to Whitestone. Brooklyn Daily Eagle. January 6, 1932 [January 3, 2016]. (原始内容存档于October 28, 2016). 
  13. ^ Whitestone Seen Served by Buses When L.I.R. Quits: City Shows No Signs of Activity to Give Rapid Transit to North Shore. Brooklyn Daily Eagle: 3. January 5, 1932 [January 5, 2016]. (原始内容存档于October 28, 2016) –通过  参数|newspaper=与模板{{cite web}}不匹配(建议改用{{cite news}}|website=) (帮助)
  14. ^ City Will Protect Bus Employees By Clauses in All New Franchises; 32 Separate Bids Made for Routes in Queens; Green Line Offers 15 Per Cent for Entire Borough (PDF). Long Island Daily Press. April 6, 1934: 9 [January 12, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
  15. ^ Whitestone Bus Express Service Is Discontinued: North Shore Bus Company Blames Lack of Adequate Patronage (PDF). Brooklyn Daily Star: 14. June 28, 1932 [January 8, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于March 20, 2023). 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 North Shore Bus Routes Changes By Repaving Work: Flushing and Whitestone Projects Necessitate Shifts in Three Lines. Brooklyn Daily Eagle. August 4, 1932 [January 8, 2016]. (原始内容存档于May 11, 2022) –通过  参数|newspaper=与模板{{cite web}}不匹配(建议改用{{cite news}}|website=) (帮助)
  17. ^ Nostrand, George J. Nostrand's Map New York City: Kew Gardens Hills (地图). 1932 [January 16, 2018]. (原始内容存档于September 13, 2016). 
  18. ^ Bus Routes Changed By Zone Plan; Some Riders to be Forced to Transfer; Committee Takes Corona Line From North Shore, Gives It to Tri-Boro (PDF). Long Island Daily Press (Long Island Sunday Press) (316). January 12, 1936: 4 [January 12, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
  19. ^ North Shore Company Takes Over Rival's Routes. Brooklyn Daily Eagle. September 24, 1935 [January 3, 2016]. (原始内容存档于October 28, 2016). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Survey Shows Commuters in Zone B Want More Buses Run in Rush Hours: North Shore Passengers Praise Equipment as Improvement (PDF). Long Island Daily Press. April 7, 1937: 2 [January 12, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
  21. ^ Survey Shows Commuters in Zone B Want More Buses Run in Rush Hours: North Shore Passengers Praise Equipment as Improvement (PDF). Long Island Daily Press. April 7, 1937: 1 [January 12, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Franchises Awarded for Thirty-Four Bus Routes (PDF). Long Island Daily Press. September 25, 1936: 10 [January 12, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
  23. ^ Summer City Hall Linked By Buses: Queens-Nassau Transit to Start Jamaica to College Point Route. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle. July 15, 1937: 32 [January 3, 2016]. (原始内容存档于December 15, 2023). 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 For the Convenience of A, B and C Car Owners (PDF). Long Island Star-Journal. December 22, 1942: 7 [January 9, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 College Point Backs Move to Curb TA (PDF). Long Island Star-Journal. January 14, 1957 [January 11, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
  26. ^ Franchise Hearing: Motor Omnibus Lines, Queens (PDF). Long Island Daily Press. December 4, 1936: 28 [January 9, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 Harvey Sees New Bus Route As Spur to Queens Shopping: Ceremonies Mark Opening of Jamaica-Flushing Transit Line (PDF). Long Island Daily Press (Section Two). March 23, 1938 [January 8, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
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  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 Main Street Extension Is A 'Hot Potato': With Coming of Fall, Civic Leaders Are Again Demanding Action (PDF). Long Island Daily Press. September 6, 1938 [January 13, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
  30. ^ 30.0 30.1 Buses to Pass Courthouse (PDF). Long Island Daily Press. February 28, 1939: 9 [January 9, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 North Shore Bus Company. New Bus Line: Traveling Time Cut in HALF (PDF). Long Island Daily Press. March 21, 1938: 3 [January 9, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
  32. ^ North Shore Bus Company. Route Q-44: Flushing and Jamaica (PDF). Long Island Daily Press. July 11, 1938: 10 [January 9, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
  33. ^ WHITESTONE SPAN OPENED BY MAYOR; New Bronx-Long Island Link Hailed as Symbol of City's Never-Ending Progress. The New York Times. April 30, 1939 [November 4, 2007]. (原始内容存档于June 16, 2018). 
  34. ^ New Bus Service In Bronx: Line Starts From West Farms Square and Runs to World's Fair (PDF). The New York Times. July 2, 1939 [January 9, 2016]. (原始内容存档于December 15, 2023). 
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  38. ^ College Point Buses Ready (PDF). Long Island Daily Press. June 30, 1939: 26 [January 13, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
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  43. ^ CITY TAKES OVER BUS LINE: O'Connor Selected to Operate North Shore System (PDF). The New York Times. March 30, 1947 [March 27, 2016]. (原始内容存档于December 15, 2023). 
  44. ^ Sparberg, Andrew J. From a Nickel to a Token: The Journey from Board of Transportation to MTA. Fordham University Press. October 1, 2014. ISBN 978-0-8232-6190-1. 
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  48. ^ Mooney, Jr., Joseph W. Bus Cuts Begin at Midnight And Bayside Hills Won'y Like 'Em (PDF). Long Island Star-Journal. February 2, 1957: 1 [January 13, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
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  50. ^ 50.0 50.1 1975 Queens Bus Map. New York City Transit Authority. 1975 [February 18, 2016]. (原始内容存档于March 9, 2016). 
  51. ^ TA Schedules Fair Buses (PDF). Long Island Star-Journal. March 23, 1964: 3 [January 13, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于December 15, 2023). 
  52. ^ 2 New Bus Routes Will Link Brooklyn With World's Fair (PDF). The New York Times. February 5, 1964 [December 17, 2015]. (原始内容存档于December 15, 2023). 
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  55. ^ Riders Change Minds, Want Bus Line Back. New York Daily News. July 19, 1966 [March 20, 2022]. (原始内容存档于March 20, 2022). 
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  58. ^ Your old bus may bear new number. New York Daily News. April 9, 1990: 238 [February 3, 2019]. (原始内容存档于December 15, 2023). 
  59. ^ Hughes, C.J. Attention, Shore Lovers. The New York Times. October 21, 2011 [April 22, 2016]. (原始内容存档于May 8, 2016). 
  60. ^ AROUND THE BLOCK TOUGH BRAKE AS BUS CUTS BEGIN. NY Daily News. [December 31, 2015]. (原始内容存档于March 4, 2016). 
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  62. ^ * NYC Transit Committee Agenda November 1997. New York City Transit. November 17, 1997: 121. 
  63. ^ New Q44 and Q20 services starting Sunday, June 27.. New York Daily News. June 28, 1999: 634 [February 3, 2019]. (原始内容存档于February 4, 2019). 
  64. ^ 64.0 64.1 Schack, Richard. Q44 Route Change Makes For Complicated Commutes. Queens Tribune. July 15–21, 1999. 
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  75. ^ Bertrand, Donald. Summer hike in subway, bus services. Daily News (New York). February 25, 2008 [December 26, 2015]. (原始内容存档于February 22, 2016). 
  76. ^ BUS RAPID TRANSIT PHASE II: Future Corridors (PDF). New York City Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Transportation Authority. June 2010 [January 1, 2016]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于March 4, 2016). 
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  79. ^ Rafter, Domenick. CB 9 articulates ire on articulated buses. Queens Chronicle. October 24, 2013 [October 29, 2015]. (原始内容存档于January 29, 2017). 
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  81. ^ Toure, Madina. NE Queens leaders wary of Select Bus Service proposal. Times Ledger. January 22, 2015 [July 6, 2015]. (原始内容存档于July 6, 2015). 
  82. ^ Flushing to Jamaica Select Bus Service Public Workshop October 7, 2014 (PDF). Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York City Department of Transportation. October 7, 2014 [January 4, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于March 4, 2016). 
  83. ^ Q44 Select Bus Service on Main Street Queens Community Board 7 Transportation Committee July 7, 2015 (PDF). July 7, 2014 [March 18, 2022]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于March 18, 2022). 
  84. ^ Effective November 29: Q44 Select Bus Service. Metropolitan Transportation Authority. 2015 [November 15, 2015]. (原始内容存档于November 12, 2015). 
  85. ^ Acevedo, Angélica. MTA gives 'sneak peek' of transformative Queens bus network redesign plan. December 17, 2019 [January 1, 2020]. (原始内容存档于January 1, 2020). 
  86. ^ MTA Unveils Draft Proposal to Redesign Bus Network in Queens. Spectrum News NY1 | New York City. December 31, 2019 [January 1, 2020]. (原始内容存档于January 1, 2020). 
  87. ^ Draft Plan, Queens Bus Network Redesign. Metropolitan Transportation Authority. December 2019 [January 1, 2020]. (原始内容存档于December 31, 2019). 
  88. ^ Queens bus network redesign remains on hold amid COVID-19 pandemic: MTA. [2020-07-05]. (原始内容存档于July 5, 2020) (美国英语). 
  89. ^ Duggan, Kevin. MTA to release 'totally redone' Queens bus network redesign draft in early 2022. amNewYork. December 15, 2021 [January 21, 2022]. (原始内容存档于January 21, 2022). 
  90. ^ Duggan, Kevin. FIRST ON amNY: MTA reveals new Queens bus redesign draft plan. amNewYork. March 29, 2022 [March 29, 2022]. (原始内容存档于March 29, 2022). 
  91. ^ Draft Plan, Queens Bus Network Redesign. Metropolitan Transportation Authority. March 2022 [January 1, 2020]. (原始内容存档于March 29, 2022). 
  92. ^ Brachfeld, Ben. MTA unveils final proposal for Queens bus network redesign. amNewYork. December 12, 2023 [December 13, 2023]. (原始内容存档于December 13, 2023). 
  93. ^ Shkurhan, Iryna. MTA unveils final plan to overhaul Queens bus network for the first time in decades. December 13, 2023 [December 14, 2023]. (原始内容存档于December 14, 2023). 
  94. ^ Final Plan, Queens Bus Network Redesign. Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Dec 2023 [January 1, 2020]. (原始内容存档于December 12, 2023). 
  95. ^ 95.0 95.1 Gardiner, Aidan; Kapp, Trevor; Honan, Katie. 3 Dead and 16 Hurt as 2 Buses Crash in Flushing, Officials Say. DNAinfo New York. September 18, 2017 [September 18, 2017]. (原始内容存档于September 18, 2017). 
  96. ^ Bromwich, Jonah Engel; Harris, Elizabeth A. 3 Killed and More Than a Dozen Injured in Bus Crash in Queens. The New York Times. September 18, 2017 [September 18, 2017]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于September 18, 2017) (美国英语). 
  97. ^ 97.0 97.1 Ray, Esha; Crane-Newman, Molly; Dimon, Laura; Brown, Stephen Rex. Tour bus driver races through Queens intersection and plows into MTA bus, killing three, injuring 17 others. New York Daily News. September 18, 2017 [September 19, 2017]. (原始内容存档于September 18, 2017). 
  98. ^ Rivoli, Dan; Parascandola, Rocco; Rayman, Graham. Tour bus driver killed in Queens crash had license suspended after DUI crash that hurt three in 2015. New York Daily News. September 18, 2017 [September 19, 2017]. (原始内容存档于September 18, 2017). 

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