

集數「Akim the Terrible」的插卡字幕(英语:Intertitle)
集數「Akim the Terrible」的插卡字幕英语Intertitle
  • 美國
  • 西德
  • 法國
播出日期1954年10月15日 (1954-10-15)—1955年7月15日 (1955-07-15)

飛天大戰》(英語:Flash Gordon)是一部科幻電視劇,於1954年10月15日至1955年7月15日首播,播出管道包含廣播聯賣杜蒙特電視網英语DuMont Television Network。該劇改編自金氏特稿社英语King Features Syndicate出版、艾力克斯·雷蒙英语Alex Raymond創作的同名連環漫畫英语Flash Gordon


與原著漫畫不同,該劇的背景設定在西元3203年;劇情講述銀河調查局(Galactic Bureau of Investigation,縮寫GBI)幹員飞侠哥顿英语Flash Gordon黛兒·亞頓英语Dale Arden查可夫博士英语Hans Zarkov聽從指揮官保羅·理察茲(Paul Richards)的命令,駕駛太空船「飛天號」(Sky Flash)穿梭銀河系,打擊星際壞蛋。



环球影业一度持有漫畫《飛天大戰》的影視改編權,卻放任其失效。後來前環球高管愛德華·格魯斯金(Edward Gruskin)與馬蒂·福克斯(Matty Fox)和漫畫出版商金氏特稿社英语King Features Syndicate達成協議,製作電視劇的前26集。[1]該劇的製作人由格魯斯金和文策爾·呂德克(Wenzel Lüdecke)擔任[2],編劇組包含格魯斯金、布魯斯·蓋勒厄爾·馬卡姆(Earl Markham),而導演則有小華勒斯·沃斯利(Wallace Worsley, Jr.)與岡瑟·馮·弗里奇英语Gunther von Fritsch[2]



該劇每集分配到15,000美元的預算[1],且一集要在3天內拍完。拍完前26集後,沃斯利以出現薪資糾紛為由退出劇組。最後的13集改地至法國马赛製作,在馮·弗里奇的執導下進行[4]。該劇屬於西德、法國和美國合拍的電視劇,由Intercontinental Television FilmsTelediffusion合力製作[6]

該劇在美國大部分地區以廣播聯賣形式播出,在東岸則由杜蒙特電視網英语DuMont Television Network播出[7]


集數標題原文首播日期 [8][note 1]
1飞侠哥顿與死星Flash Gordon and the Planet of Death1954年10月1日 (1954-10-01)
2逃進時空裡Escape into Time1954年10月8日 (1954-10-08)
3電氣人The Electro Man1954年10月15日 (1954-10-15)
一名神秘的神靈電氣人(Electro Man)統治著一顆所有生命都是由金屬製成的星球,閃電俠一行人與之對抗[10]
4拉比德的復仇The Vengeance of Rabeed1954年10月22日 (1954-10-22)
5恐怖阿基姆Akim the Terrible1954年11月5日 (1954-11-05)
邪惡的阿基姆王(King Akim)統治著卡戎(Charon),當地唯一的法律就是沒有法律。閃電俠的摯友遭到阿基姆洗腦,因而行刺閃電俠。閃電俠和黛兒隨即前往卡戎瓦解阿基姆的陰謀。
6非法標定礦地者The Claim Jumpers1954年11月12日 (1954-11-12)
7舞動的死亡The Dancing Death1954年11月19日 (1954-11-19)
8死亡吐息The Breath of Death1954年11月26日 (1954-11-26)
9天大機密The Great Secret1954年12月3日 (1954-12-03)
10機器人捲土重來The Return of the Androids1954年12月10日 (1954-12-10)
11受驚的國王The Frightened King1954年12月17日 (1954-12-17)
12The Deadly Deception待公佈1954年12月24日 (1954-12-24)
13決戰黑暗Duel Against Darkness1954年12月31日 (1954-12-31)
14聲波槍The Sound Gun1955年1月14日 (1955-01-14)
15活兵器The Weapon that Walked1955年1月31日 (1955-01-31)
16Mission to Masca待公佈1955年2月4日 (1955-02-04)
17The Lure of Light待公佈1955年2月11日 (1955-02-11)
18The Rains of Death待公佈1955年2月18日 (1955-02-18)
19Flash Gordon and the Race Against Time待公佈1955年2月25日 (1955-02-25)
半數的星球集結起來想要剝奪GBI的權力,並瓜分GBI持有的機密內容。地球投下關鍵的一票,贊成維持GBI,並指派理察茲指揮官前往火星向星系議會(Galaxy Council)遞交投票。冥王星的邪惡代表Krybian與罪犯聯手,為了讓GBI失勢而企圖阻止理察茲投票。閃電俠破解了這個陰謀,並將理察茲準時載到。
20The Witch of Neptune待公佈1955年3月4日 (1955-03-04)
Part 1 of 3. Zydereen, the "Witch of Neptune," plots to take over the planet.[24] To that end she brainwashes Zarkov and Commander Richards to destroy the planet's atmospheric converters.
21The Brain Machine待公佈1955年3月11日 (1955-03-11)
Part 2 of 3. Flash and Dale race to Saturn to clear the names of the captive Zarkov and Commander Richards, accused of sabotaging Neptune's atmospheric converters. They battle the evil Zydereen, "Witch of Neptune," who brainwashed the captives and has stolen their knowledge of galactic defense.
22Struggle to the End待公佈1955年3月18日 (1955-03-18)
Part 3 of 3. Using her stolen knowledge, Zydereen, Witch of Neptune, builds a solar ray and threatens to destroy all life if she is not declared Queen of the Galaxy. Flash and Dale race to Neptune to thwart her evil plot.
23The Water World Menace待公佈1955年3月25日 (1955-03-25)
Underwater creatures wish to live out of the water, so they plot to steal a device to allow them to live on land.[25]
24Saboteurs from Space待公佈1955年4月1日 (1955-04-01)
As the Sky Flash is pulled off-course to an uncharted planet, every machine on Earth is seized by a mysterious "mechanical paralysis." Flash, Dale and Zarkov must stop Ziering, ruler of Planet X, before he can kidnap the 100 leading scientists from Earth in his bid to take over the galaxy.
25The Forbidden Experiment待公佈1955年4月8日 (1955-04-08)
From the near-lifeless planetoid Theta N-1, Dr. Fabian Prendis puts out a desperate call to Dr. Zarkov, at the command of his mysterious master. Upon arrival, Zarkov is taken captive and learns that Prendis is dead. His captor is a "lion-man" who demands that Zarkov continue Prendis' "transmutation" experiment to make him fully human in appearance. Flash and Dale discover where Zarkov has gone and race to his rescue.
26Heat Wave待公佈1955年4月15日 (1955-04-15)
Increases in the Earth's temperature are traced to the planet Caloria. Flash and his crew must thwart the invasion.[26]
27The Hunger Invasion待公佈1955年4月22日 (1955-04-22)
Flash, Dale and Zarkov must stave off a galactic invasion by a plague of devouring insects.[27]
28Encounter with Evil待公佈1955年4月29日 (1955-04-29)
A man called Evil confronts Flash, turning all of Flash's friends against him.[28]
29The Matter Duplicator待公佈1955年5月6日 (1955-05-06)
The GBI investigates a case of jewels mysteriously disappearing and reappearing.[29]
30The Micro-Man Menace待公佈1955年5月13日 (1955-05-13)
Flash and company work to stop a villain who is able to shrink people and entire planets.[30]
31The Space Smugglers待公佈1955年5月20日 (1955-05-20)
Flash and the GBI must stop smugglers who are transporting a drug that causes a hypnotic trance.[31]
32The Mystery of Phoros待公佈1955年5月27日 (1955-05-27)
The rulers of a disease-ridden planet prevent Flash, Dale and Zarkov from trying to stop the epidemic.[32]
33The Shadowy Death待公佈1955年6月3日 (1955-06-03)
The planet Saturn seeks to join the Galaxy Council but the son of the king acts to oppose it.[33]
34Death in the Negative待公佈1955年6月10日 (1955-06-10)
Queen Cygnil has the power to kill with a machine that turns people into photographic negatives, and it's up to Flash and friends to stop her.[34]
35The Earth's Core待公佈1955年6月17日 (1955-06-17)
A series of unexplained earthquakes prompt Flash to travel to the center of the planet to discover the cause.[35] There he, Dale and Zarkov encounter Zaldu, despotic ruler of the underground kingdom, and must halt his plans to burn his way through to the surface world to invade.[36]
36Deadline at Noon待公佈1955年6月24日 (1955-06-24)
Planets are being destroyed and Earth is next. Flash, Dale and Zarkov must time-travel to 1950s Berlin to defuse a bomb planted 1,250 years in the past.
37The Law of Velorum待公佈1955年7月1日 (1955-07-01)
Dale goes missing and a desperate Flash must find her.[37]
38The Skyjackers待公佈1955年7月8日 (1955-07-08)
Flash, Dale and Zarkov investigate the mysterious disappearances of a number of spaceships.[38]
39The Subworld Revenge待公佈1955年7月15日 (1955-07-15)
Strange tremors again threaten Earth, and Zarkov discovers that the evil Zaldu has survived his previous encounter with Flash and company and rebuilt his kingdom. The GBI team must once more journey deep underground in the Earth-borer Earthworm to thwart Zaldu once and for all.

Critical response and themes[编辑]

Variety noted that the series was from a technical standpoint "up to the demands of the script and the average viewer probably won't notice the differences in quality between this and home-grown produce".[39] Flash Gordon was immediately popular in the United States and continued to run in syndication into the early 1960s.[40]

Modern critical reaction to the series has been light but largely negative. The production values are frequently derided, with the series described as "bargain-basement".[41] The televised series suffered in comparison to the earlier film serials with the television incarnation labeled "vastly inferior," lacking "good concepts and scripts" and "most of all, [lacking] Buster Crabbe, who was Flash Gordon".[42] One positive comment notes Champlin's portrayal of Dale Arden, who was transformed from the typical damsel in distress英语damsel in distress of the serials into a trained scientist and a "quick thinker who often saved [Flash and Zarkov] from perishing".[43]

Film theorist Wheeler Winston Dixon英语Wheeler Winston Dixon, far from decrying the series for its production values, finds that "the copious [use of] stock footage and the numerous exterior sequences shot in the ruins of the bombed-out metropolis give Flash Gordon a distinctly ravaged look".[44] He writes that its international origins give the series "an interesting new cultural dimension, even a perceptible air of a split cultural identity".[4] Dixon quotes German cultural historian Mark Baker英语Mark Baker (author), who writes of a particular scene from the episode The Brain Machine as emblematic of this cultural split. The scene uses stock footage of a June 17, 1953 demonstration by East Berlin workers against the East German government. Soviet tanks opened fire on both demonstrators and bystanders, thus confirming East Germany's status as a Soviet puppet state in the minds of West Germans. American viewers, Baker speculates, were probably unaware of the iconic power in West Germany of the images of fleeing East Berlinners, which were used to illustrate a panic on Neptune.[45]

Dixon, noting the similarities between the ideals espoused by "space operas" like Flash Gordon, Captain Video英语Captain Video and His Video Rangers and Rocky Jones, Space Ranger英语Rocky Jones, Space Ranger and American Cold War values, argues that such series were designed to instill those values into their young viewers.[46] Flash Gordon, he writes, along with its fellow space operas, "have a common, unifying theme: peace in the universe can be achieved only by dangerous efforts and the unilateral dominance of the Western powers."[40] This echoes the earlier critique of Soviet writer G. Avarin, who in the Soviet film journal Art of the Cinema had accused Gordon and other space-faring characters of being "the vanguard of a new and greater 'American imperialism'".[47] The "ravaged look" of the series, Dixon writes, "underscores the real-world stage on which the action of the space operas played".[1]

Preservation status[编辑]

Physical copies of two episodes, "Escape into Time" (October 8, 1954) and "The Witch of Neptune" (March 4, 1955), are held in the J. Fred MacDonald英语J. Fred MacDonald collection at the Library of Congress. A total of fourteen episodes are currently available in the public domain, both on various DVD releases[48] and on websites such as the Internet Archive:[49] Episodes 1, 5, 6, 8, 10, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 36, and 39.

See also[编辑]


  1. ^ There are sources that incorrectly indicate that the series was broadcast as early as January 1954, c.f. Vernon, Terry (January 11, 1954). Tele-Vues. Long Beach (California) Independent, p. 16. "'FLASH GORDON', based on the famous comic strip, comes to TV as a film series on KTLA (5) Jan. 24. STEVE HOLLAND portrays "Flash."; Albuquerque Journal advertisement, p. 24 (March 1, 1954). "FOLLOW FLASH GORDON as he rockets to adventure in the first exciting episode of SPACE SOLDIERS". However, the original Universal Studios Flash Gordon serials were re-titled Space Soldiers for television syndication, c.f. Shales, Tom (August 10, 2007). p. C01. "'Flash Gordon' Is More Comic Than Cosmic on Sci Fi." Washington Post.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Dixon, p. 97
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Dixon, p. 324
  3. ^ Wertz, Diane. 'Flash Gordon' not out of this world. Newsday. August 9, 2007 [2007-12-03]. (原始内容存档于November 14, 2007). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Dixon, p. 98
  5. ^ Worsley, p. 69; quoted in Dixon, p. 98
  6. ^ Flash Gordon and the Planet of Death. Flash Gordon. 第1季. 第1集. 1954-10-01. 
  7. ^ Cook, et al. p. 46
  8. ^ Flash Gordon (1954). Epguides.com. George Fergus. [2017-03-26]. 
  9. ^ Episode Detail: Escape Into Time - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  10. ^ Episode Detail: The Electro Man - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  11. ^ Episode Detail: The Vengeance of Rabeed - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  12. ^ Episode Detail: The Claim Jumpers - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  13. ^ Episode Detail: The Dancing Death - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  14. ^ Episode Detail: The Breath of Death - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  15. ^ Episode Detail: The Great Secret - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  16. ^ Episode Detail: Return of the Androids - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  17. ^ Episode Detail: The Frightened King - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  18. ^ Episode Detail: The Deadly Deception - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  19. ^ Episode Detail: Duel Against Darkness - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  20. ^ Episode Detail: The Sound Gun - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  21. ^ Episode Detail: The Weapon That Walked - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  22. ^ Episode Detail: Mission to Masca - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  23. ^ Episode Detail: The Rains of Death - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  24. ^ Episode Detail: The Witch of Neptune - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  25. ^ Episode Detail: The Water World Menace - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  26. ^ Episode Detail: Heat Wave - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  27. ^ Episode Detail: The Hunger Invasion - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  28. ^ Episode Detail: Encounter With Evil - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  29. ^ Episode Detail: The Matter Duplicator - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  30. ^ Episode Detail: The Micro-Man Menace - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  31. ^ Episode Detail: The Space Smugglers - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  32. ^ Episode Detail: The Mystery of Phoros - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  33. ^ Episode Detail: The Shadowy Death - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  34. ^ Episode Detail: Death in the Negative - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  35. ^ Episode Detail: Flash Gordon - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  36. ^ The Subworld Revenge. Flash Gordon. 第1季. 第39集. July 15, 1955. 
  37. ^ Episode Detail: The Law of Velorum - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  38. ^ Episode Detail: The Skyjackers - Flash Gordon. TV Guide. [2008-10-11]. 
  39. ^ quoted in Dixon, p. 98
  40. ^ 40.0 40.1 Dixon, p. 100
  41. ^ Bassoir, pg. 25
  42. ^ Harmon, et al., p. 45
  43. ^ Terrace, p. 46
  44. ^ Dixon, pp. 98–9
  45. ^ Dixon, p. 99
  46. ^ Dixon, pp. 93–4
  47. ^ Kasischke, Richard. Soviet Critic Blasts U. S. Spacemen As 'Imperialists'. Stevens Point Daily Journal (Stevens Point, Wisconsin). Associated Press. February 5, 1954: 5. 
  48. ^ Classic Sci-Fi TV - 150 Episodes. Mill Creek Entertainment. [March 2, 2016]. (原始内容存档于August 21, 2016). 
  49. ^ Classic TV : Free Movies : Download & Streaming. Internet Archive. [March 2, 2016]. 


  • Bassoir, Jean-Noel (2004). Space Patrol: Missions of Daring in the Name of Early Television. McFarland & Company. ISBN 0-7864-1911-3.
  • Cook, John R. and Peter Wright (2006). British Science Fiction Television: A Hitchhiker's Guide. I.B. Tauris. ISBN 1-84511-047-1.
  • Harmon, Jim and Donald Frank Glut (1973). The Great Movie Serials: Their Sound and Fury. Routledge. ISBN 0-7130-0097-X.
  • Dixon, Wheeler Winston. "Tomorrowland TV: The Space Opera and Early Science Fiction Television". collected in Telotte, J.P. (ed.) (2008). The Essential Science Fiction Television Reader, pp. 96–110. University Press of Kentucky. ISBN 0-8131-2492-1, ISBN 978-0-8131-2492-6.
  • Terrace, Vincent (2002). Crime Fighting Heroes of Television: Over 10,000 Facts from 151 Shows, 1949-2001. McFarland & Company. ISBN 0-7864-1395-6.
  • Worsley, Jr., Wallace and Sue Dwiggens Worsley (1997). From Oz to E.T.: Wally Worsley's Half Century in Hollywood. Lanham, MD, Scarecrow.

External links[编辑]

Template:Flash Gordon Template:Space opera serials 1930-1960