

  • Wikipedia
  • 全球:2001年1月15日[1]







玩家可累積經驗值(EXP)並升級。有些玩家對升級非常執著,儘管他們的等級非常高,他們對於遊戲社群的價值不是很高。有一種特殊的妖精英语Wikipedia:Edits Per Day#Editcount fairy會追蹤經驗值。


Players develop a unique distribution of statistics, and can choose between a number of classes, such as Gunner, Trickster, Arch Mage, Sorcerer, Archer, and Priest, as well as choosing from one of several races, such as gnomes, ogres and imps. In some cases, a player may choose to play with excessive summons, or play with multiple warriors at the same time. This provides an additional challenge, because they must avoid being caught by Bounty Hunters, who are tasked with rooting them out and destroying them. The in-game currency (WikiMoney) has largely fallen out of use, and most players prefer to accumulate different types of stars and various icons which other players can award them. Players can take on quests, fight boss battles, enter battle arenas, and even take class change trials to become Game Masters. It is possible to stumble upon random encounters and defeat such monsters.

Non-player characters (often abbreviated as "NPCs") can also be found in the game. Wikipedia differs from other MMORPGs in that ordinary players may design their own NPCs, and submit them to be approved for inclusion in the game world. NPCs can be seen throughout the game world, doing tasks such as apprehending criminals, cleaning up taverns, and other helpful tasks.

After taking 50 actions in 7 days, gamers gain additional powers, such as the ability to change the names of caves, bypass weaker magic chains, and import art into the game world. After taking 500 actions, gamers unlock the ability to bypass boosted chains.










Weapons such as guns are used normally, but cannons and swords can be used to defeat an undefeatable enemy. Many players also carry a shield to protect themselves. Often, players will monitor dungeons that they are (or have been) involved with special cameras, which are connected to a private area which belongs to that player and that only he or she can access, and then only when logged in, so that enemies cannot use it to their advantage.

Guns can be used in places other than battle arenas for clearing the problems of a dungeon, but breaking the three hit rule may result in a Ice Block.

Barbarian-fighting is a form of combat that has many similarities to a variation of spawn kill.

Illegitimate battle strategies are abundant. Sneaky players like to use excessive summons and minions to trick Game Masters.

There are also enemies such as WikiPorcupines, which shoot Toxic Spikes from their heads and also gang up in many groups in order to accomplish their goal. There are a similar species called WikiHedgehogs, but are Trolls' pets. They are also very blamey about New players entering their territory.

Players can also attempt to destroy, mangle or disrupt parts of the game world. Player-killing is strongly discouraged, but nevertheless happens. New players are most vulnerable. Game Masters attempt to control this by placing offending players in ice blocks, freeze locks, or bans.




  • Cave-in – a powerful spell which causes a dungeon's walls to collapse, making it inaccessible to all but the most experienced adventurers (game masters and bounty hunters).
    • Mining Toolkit – a number of mining tools such as a mining helmet and wooden support beams which enable Game Masters to explore collapsed dungeons and re-open them to others if they want.
    • Nuke – explodes to collapse all dungeons of a player.
  • Ice Block – encases another player or minion in a block of ice, preventing them from moving for a certain length of time (or forever!). A similar version is the Freeze Lock, which locks gates or entire borders of gates from entry. Whether the frozen player can speak or use hand gestures or not is up to the game master in either case. Any gate next to a player in an ice block automatically freeze locks.
    • Thaw – thaws a frozen player or minion out. A similar item is the Sandwich-warming glove, which is a wearable item that allows Game Masters and players permitted by Game Masters to enter through any gate, whether locked or not.
  • Magic Chains – seals the entrance to a dungeon with magical chains which can only be bypassed with special items. Some dungeons' magic chains are absolutely permanent and can never be removed, although the special items still allow a player carrying them to bypass them.
    • Skeleton Key – a magical key given to all Game Masters which can remove any magical chains around a dungeon entrance for that player.
  • Cloak of Silence – quietens a player's footsteps, enabling them to avoid patrols. A more powerful version of the Boots of Stealth, which can be worn by most players.
  • Rapid-Fire – can massively subdue multiple attacks at once. A more powerful version of Single-Fire, which can be used by most players using guns. Rapid-Fire can be used by normal players by becoming Gunners, but only with the permission of Game Masters.
  • Teleport – can create an inter-dimensional portal that can summon a large number of dungeons.
  • Brick dissolver: Only game masters may use a brick dissolver, which allows bricks in a dungeon wall to be dissolved. A dissolved brick is nothing but a clear space that still supports the bricks above it, and can be only viewed by game masters or miners. Whether the signature or even the name of the player who made the brick gets dissolved or not can be decided by the game master. The solvent is 69M per-unobtanic acid.
    • Brick crystallizer: A game master can also choose to re-crystallize a brick that has been dissolved, turning it back into a normally-functional brick.






Gunners are required to be both careful and quick. So they have a series of weapons, to assist them: they can choose a heavy artillery or a general multi-purpose hand-gun. Despite all these weapons, some players chose to fight criminals with their fist.

Artists are known for their ability to turn the worst most disorganized looking dungeons into works of true beauty.

Builders have the ability to turn the smallest dungeons into the most complex ones. Some increase dungeons' size, other increase their complexity, both are vital. After all, what's the point of an oversized dungeon with no mazes?



There exist several classes of users which have even greater powers and spells than already mentioned.

Anyone with it can permanently vaporize a dungeon's bricks. It is used when a player's secret plans and weaknesses are revealed to all the other players. The blueprint for constructing a vaporized brick is kept in a vault visible only to these players. Other players may also acquire brick vaporizer. However, they are usually also Game Masters.


A clan of Game Masters with even greater powers and abilities than their colleagues. One must be elected by other players to be a Knight, and can only be a Knight for a year before a reelection is required. Knights must be present in all worlds and be at least 18 years old and the age of majority in their area of origination. Knights have the following abilities:

Knights act as bounty hunters, overlords, game masters, and the like for worlds who have not chosen any of their players to do such tasks.


The master and founder of Wikipedia and its related worlds. He patrols the game world, and in former times he has had complete and total authority, and still is the only one besides the Knights who is allowed to change any user's user classes (including Knights). His power has diminished, as he has become reluctant to use his powers, but he still has methods of overriding the actions of Game Masters, and even Super Game Masters, by more subtle means. If you feel the game has treated you particularly unfairly, you can create free amusement for other players by asking the Dark Lord for assistance.


  1. ^ Wikipedia: HomePage. [2001-03-31]. (原始内容存档于2001-03-31). 
  2. ^ Tarng, Pin-Yun; Chen, Kuan-Ta; Huang, Polly. An analysis of WoW players' game hours. NetGames '08: Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Network and System Support for Games. 美國: 计算机协会: 47-52. 2008-10-21. doi:10.1145/1517494.1517504. ISBN 978-1-60558-132-3. 
  3. ^ 他們的總部可以在這裏找到

