


一个对电子游戏的小小建议(英语:A Modest Video Game Proposal)是由前律师兼社会活动家杰克·汤普森于2005年10月10日所写的公开信。他将此信寄给各新闻媒体与娱乐软件协会的主席Doug Lowenstein英语Doug Lowenstein,提议:如果有人“在2006年创作、生产、发布并贩卖一款电子游戏”,允许玩家按照他的剧本杀死电子游戏开发者,他就会为前Take-Two主席Paul Eibeler英语Paul Eibeler所指定的任意一家慈善机构捐赠一万美元[1]。这封信的标题来源于作家乔纳森·斯威夫特于十八世纪所写的反讽短文《一个小小的建议》。

汤普森声称根本不会有人做出这样的游戏,认为开发者们害怕“培养出”会杀害他们的人。然而,汤普森并不知道,早在Running With Scissors英语Running With Scissors的商业游戏《喋血街头2》中,玩家便能杀戮包括其CEO Vince Desi与演员加利·高文在内的公司雇员。更早之前,还有游戏公司将可以毁坏的公司建筑作为彩蛋加入游戏(如MechWarrior 2英语MechWarrior 2某些关卡中的动视总部)。甚至,在《毁灭战士II》的最终Boss战中,玩家必须要杀死id Software的联合创始人约翰·罗梅洛




游戏主角名为Osaki Kim,是一位父亲。他还在上高中的儿子被玩过用棒球棍杀人游戏的十四岁玩家以与游戏同样的杀人手法杀害。游戏便以法庭上这名玩家被判处无期徒刑时的场景为开场。 Osaki Kim发誓要复仇,拿起了武器,“甚至是棒球棍,尤其是棒球棍。”Kim来到了纽约,杀死了“Take This[注 1]的CEO Paula Eibel和她的家人,在他们的脑干上撒尿(像《喋血街头2》中那样),因为“Take This”制作了“培养杀害他儿子凶手的杀人模拟器”(英语:"murder simulator on which his son's killer trained")。其后,“伴着歌手杰克逊·布朗80年代的痛击恋爱中的律师英语Lawyers in Love啪叮”(英语:"with singer Jackson Browne's 1980's hit Lawyers in Love blaring."),Kim杀光了为“Take This”辩护的“Blank, Stare”法律事务所中的律师,接着又毁灭了一家名为“GameWerks”高科技电子游戏厅。最后,他在5月10日开幕式那天到达现场,以“最后的、野兽般愉快的狂暴”(英语:"one final, monstrously delicious rampage")消灭了游戏业界所有的高管。途中,Kim会去百思买Circuit City英语Circuit City塔吉特沃尔玛偷取补给品,殴打超市经理与员工,大喊“你们本应该检查小孩子的身份证!”

《人格诽谤: 汤普森杀人模拟器(Defamation of Character: A Jack Thompson Murder Simulator)》


在公开信发表的整整一周之前,一组名叫Fighting Hellfish(取自辛普森一家的章节名)的游戏模组制作团队,发布了一款基于侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯的游戏模组《人格诽谤: 汤普森杀人模拟器》。此模组将主角设定为杰克·汤普森本人,剧情主题与公开信中的“建议”有着惊人的相似点,甚至还有暗杀Doug Lowenstein的剧情情节。

在该模组中,受到催眠的汤普森化身为封禁侠(英语:Banman),乘着他的封禁马车(英语:Bannedwagon,谐音乐队花车效应)来到各个街道,在恶霸鲁尼发布之前销毁了该游戏所有的供货[注 2]。在阻止了珍妮特·雷诺的政变后,汤普森刺杀了她。有了这样的经历,汤普森终于意识到,在将大量时间投入到研究游戏暴力的过程中,他已经成为了被自己操纵的“人肉傀儡”。


汤普森声称游戏必须在2006年发布,而且Paul Eibeler还没有指定慈善机构,而且游戏必须要由某家公司发布,而不是“随便在车库里”弄出来的拼凑品。尽管汤普森之前声称他的“建议”是个讽刺,他后来又称他的提议依然有效:只有提议中游戏的剧本描述是在讽刺,而他所说的提议捐款一事是真的[2]

《我是O.K – 杀人模拟器(I'm O.K – A Murder Simulator)》


作为对这个“小小的建议”的回应,在2006年1月,一个由“三名酒鬼与一名外国交换生”组成的团队创立了一家名叫Thompsonsoft[注 3]的公司,制作并发行了一款名为《我是O.K[注 4] – 杀人模拟器》的游戏[3]

此游戏根据公开信中描述的内容而制作,并附带了多种不同的武器。游戏中,玩家扮演一位无辜受害者的父亲。他认为是游戏将别人变成了杀害他儿子的凶手,打算向整个游戏业复仇。这位父亲为了复仇,开始了大肆的杀戮,他先是攻击了制作那款游戏的“Take This”公司的办公室,杀死了这家公司的主席“Paula Eibel”与她的家人。接着,主角通过公路旅行,穿过美国各州,沿途袭击了为“Take This”主持法律事务的法律事务所“Blank, Stare”以及各家游戏厅、游戏商店和贩卖游戏的超市。E3展开场后,他向参与者展现了他“野兽般愉快的狂暴”。

游戏发布过后,汤普森声称此游戏的内容与他所提的“建议”并不相近。但除了Take-Two前CEO Paul Eibeler并没有正式指定过慈善机构这个事实之外,汤普森并没有给出此游戏具体哪部分还不满足他的“建议”。汤普森还声称:“(我)将会联系这些蠢货的律师。”(英语:"The attorneys for these idiots will be contacted."[4]然而,Thompsonsoft的律师从未真的被联系过。但另一方面,据Thompsonsoft声称,他们最初的网页服务商曾收到过法律威胁,而后拒绝继续为他们提供服务。[来源请求]





Penny Arcade


On October 17, 2005, Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins of Penny Arcade donated the promised $10,000 to charity on Jack Thompson's behalf. Krahulik and Holkins donated the money, under Thompson's name, to the Entertainment Software Association Foundation,[6] the charitable arm of the Entertainment Software Association. Thompson e-mailed both Penny Arcade and Joystiq, who ran a story about the donation, demanding that the articles be taken down "or else." The check was presented to the ESA Foundation at an ESAF fundraising dinner in San Francisco; in its memo line was written: "For Jack Thompson Because Jack Thompson Won't".[7]

In retaliation, Jack Thompson faxed a letter to Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske, requesting assistance in halting the activities of Krahulik and Holkins. In his letter, he described how personnel within Penny Arcade were harassing him: the sale of an "I Hate Jack Thompson" shirt and frequent postings on their website where they allegedly admitted to harassment.[8]

According to GameSpot,[9] as of 9:55AM PDT October 18, 2005, the Seattle Police Department had not received Thompson's fax, which at that point had been sent to GameSpot, Penny Arcade, and other sites. Thompson emailed GameSpot, claiming that he had fixed the URL for Penny Arcade (which was incorrect in the original fax) and faxed the letter, commenting, "They have it now." Thompson also told GameSpot that he was not a "pixelated piñata in a game." He ended by saying that the "moral midgets" at Penny Arcade had chosen "the wrong target" and "I've been at this longer than he has." These vague threats have been deemed "nothing to worry about" by Penny Arcade. The Seattle Police Department confirmed to GameSpot on October 21 that they had received a complaint from Thompson.[10]

On October 21, 2005, Thompson claimed to have sent a letter to John McKay, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Washington, in an attempt to get the FBI involved. Thompson reiterated his claims of "extortion" and accuses Penny Arcade of using "their Internet site and various other means to encourage and solicit criminal harassment".[11] Penny Arcade denies the charge of "extortion", noting that they paid the $10,000 to charity, and are asking nothing in return.[来源请求]

Thompson also contacted the office of Washington State Legislature Representative Mary Lou Dickerson, and her office confirms they asked John McKay to look into the matter. Thompson has not clarified how he is being "extorted," but accuses Penny Arcade's Mike Krahulik of soliciting Florida Bar complaints against him through Mike posting the Florida Bar's link on Penny Arcade's website.[来源请求] The link, however, is in a post asking fans to stop sending letters to the Bar because the Bar is fully aware of the current situation.[12]

On October 27, 2005, the Seattle PD acknowledged receipt of Thompson's complaint, although after the initial reading of the letter they noted that the complaint appeared to be a civil, rather than criminal matter. They passed the letter on to the chief of their criminal investigations bureau for review.[13]


  1. ^ “Take This”是对“Take-Two Interactive”名字的戏仿,后者名下游戏包括侠盗猎车手系列恶霸鲁尼侠盗猎魔系列,都是杰克·汤普森游说反对的对象
  2. ^ 原文:Acting under hypnosis, Thompson moonlights as Banman and takes to the streets in his "Bannedwagon英语Bandwagon effect" to destroy the entire shipment of Rockstar's Bully before it reaches distribution.
  3. ^ 即公开信作者汤普森之姓Thompson与代表软件公司的soft的组合
  4. ^ O.K指Osaki Kim,此游戏主角


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Advanced Media Network - GameCube. [2018-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2005-11-01). 
  2. ^ Healey, Rick. "Interview with Jack Thompson页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)", NetJak, January 11, 2006
  3. ^ 存档副本. [2006-02-21]. (原始内容存档于2006-02-09). 
  4. ^ McCaulley, Dennis. New Game Designed Around Jack Thompson's "Modest Proposal". GamePolitics.com. February 5, 2006 [October 6, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-09) –通过LiveJournal. 
  5. ^ Miller, Ross. "Kill Joystiq, win swag页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)". Joystiq. 2006-04-05
  6. ^ ESA. [2018-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2011-01-19). 
  7. ^ Krahulik and Holkins, "Yack Thompson页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)", Penny Arcade, 2005-10-17
  8. ^ McCaulley, Dennis. "Will Seattle's Finest Be Raiding Penny Arcade?页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)", GamePolitics.com, October 18, 2005
  9. ^ Sinclair, Brendan; Feldman, Curt. "Thompson attacks Penny Arcade; seeks arrests页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)" GameSpot 2005-10-18
  10. ^ Sinclair, Brendan. "Thompson goes federal with Penny Arcade feud页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)". GameSpot 2005-10-21
  11. ^ Dennis McCaulley, "No End in Sight to Penny Arcade Saga; Thompson Turns to Feds页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)", GamePolitics, October 21. 2005
  12. ^ Thompson goes federal with Penny Arcade feud - Xbox News at GameSpot. [2018-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2006-06-25). 
  13. ^ Brendan Sinclair, "Seattle police pass on Penny Arcade flap页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)", GameSpot. October 27, 2005