

出生Frank Hyneman Knight
博士导师Allyn A. Young
Alvin S. Johnson
Charles E. Lindblom
受影响于Clarence Edwin Ayres
John Bates Clark
Herbert J. Davenport
Charles E. Lindblom
奖项Francis A. Walker Medal (1957)

弗兰克·海尼曼·奈特(英语:Frank Hyneman Knight,1885年11月7日—1972年4月15日),生于美国伊利诺伊州麦克莱恩县,经济学家,曾提出奈特氏不确定性芝加哥大学教授,为芝加哥学派的先驱与建立者之一。



他在康乃尔大学取得经济学博士学位。由博士论文,他发展出他的成名作《风险、不确定性与利润》(Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit)。




  • "The Concept of Normal Price in Value and Distribution", 1917, QJE.
  • "Cassel's Theoretische Sozialökonomie", 1921, JPE.
  • "Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit", 1921
  • "Ethics and the Economic Interpretation", 1922, QJE (repr. in 1999, I)
  • "The Ethics of Competition", 1923, QJE (repr. in 1999, I)
  • "Business Management: Science or Art?页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)", 1923 Journal of Business.
  • "Some Fallacies in the Interpretation of Social Cost", 1924, QJE (repr. in 1999, I)
  • "The Limitations of Scientific Method in Economics", 1924, in Tugwell, editor, Trend of Economics (repr. in 1999, I)
  • "Fact and Metaphysics in Economic Psychology", 1925, AER (repr. in 1999, I)
  • "A Note on Professor Clark's Illustration of Marginal Productivity", 1925, JPE.
  • "Economic Psychology and the Value Problem", 1925, QJE.
  • "Economics at its Best: Review of Pigou", 1926, AER.
  • "Historical and Theoretical Issues in the Problem of Modern Capitalism", 1928, Journal of Econ & Business History (repr. in 1956 & 1999, I)
  • "A Suggestion for Simplifying the Statement of the General Theory of Price", 1928, JPE.
  • "Freedom as Fact and Criterion", 1929, Int J of Ethics
  • "Statics and Dynamics: Some queries regarding the mechanical analogy in economics", 1930, ZfN (repr. in 1956 & 1999, I)
  • "Professor Fisher's Interest Theory: A case in point", 1931, JPE.
  • "Modern Economic Society Further Considered", 1932, JPE.
  • "The Newer Economics and the Control of Economic Activity", 1932, JPE (repr. in 1999, I)
  • The Economic Organization, 1933.
  • "Capitalistic Production, Time and the Rate of Return", 1933, in Essays in Honor of Gustav Cassel (repr. in 1999, I)
  • "The Nature of Economic Science in Some Recent Discussion", 1934, AER.
  • "Social Science and the Political Trend", 1934, Univ of Toronto Quarterly
  • "Common-Sense of Political Economy: Wicksteed Reprinted", 1934, JPE (repr. in 1956)
  • The Ethics of Competition and Other Essays, 1935.
  • "The Ricardian Theory of Production and Distribution", 1935, Canadian JE (repr. in 1956 & 1999, I)
  • "A Comment on Machlup", 1935, JPE.
  • "Professor Hayek and the Theory of Investment", 1935, EJ.
  • "The Theory of Investment Once More: Mr. Boulding and the Austrians", 1935, QJE.
  • "Some Issues in the Economics of Stationary States", 1936, AER.
  • "The Place of Marginal Economics in a Collectivist System", 1936, AER.
  • "The Quantity of Capital and the Rate of Interest", 1936, JPE (repr. in 1999, I)
  • "Pragmatism and Social Action: Review of Dewey", 1936, Int J of Ethics
  • "Note on Dr. Lange's Interest Theory", 1937, RES.
  • "Unemployment: and Mr. Keynes's revolution in economic theory", 1937, Canadian JE (repr. in 1999, I)
  • "On the Theory of Capital: In reply to Mr. Kaldor", 1938, Econometrica.
  • "Bertrand Russell on Power", 1939, Ethics.
  • "The Ethics of Liberalism", 1939, Economica.
  • "Socialism: The Nature of the Problem", 1940, Ethics (repr. in 1999, II)
  • "'What is Truth' in Economics", 1940, JPE (repr. in 1956 & 1999, I)
  • "The Significance and Basic Postulates of Economics: a rejoinder", 1941, JPE
  • "Religion and Ethics in Modern Civilization", 1941, J of Liberal Religion
  • "The Meaning of Democracy: its politico-economic structure and ideals", 1941, J of Negro Education
  • "Social Science", 1941, Ethics (repr. in 1956)
  • "The Business Cycle, Interest and Money: A methodological approach", 1941, REStat (repr. in 1956 & 1999, II)
  • "Professor Mises and the Theory of Capital", 1941, Economica.
  • "The Role of the Individual in the Economic World of the Future", 1941, JPE.
  • "Anthropology and Economics"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 1941, JPE.
  • "Science, Philosophy and Social Procedure", 1942, Ethics
  • "Fact and Value in Social Science", 1942, in Anshen, editor, Science and Man
  • "Some Notes on the Economic Interpretation of History", 1942, Studies in the History of Culture (repr. in 1999, II)
  • "Social Causation", 1943, American Journal of Sociology (repr. in 1956)
  • "Diminishing Returns Under Investment", 1944, JPE.
  • "Realism and Relevance in the Theory of Demand", 1944, JPE (repr. in 1999, II)
  • "The Rights of Man and Natural Law", 1944, Ethics (repr. in 1999, II)
  • "Human Nature and World Democracy", 1944, American J of Sociology.
  • "Economics, Political Science and Education", 1944, AER
  • The Economic Order and Religion, with T.W. Merriam, 1945.
  • "Immutable Law in Economics: Its reality and limitations", 1946, AER.
  • "The Sickness of Liberal Society", 1946, Ethics (repr. in 1999, II)
  • "Salvation by Science: The gospel according to Professor Lundberg", 1947, JPE (repr. in 1956)
  • Freedom and Reform: Essays in economics and social philosophy, 1947.
  • "Free Society: Its basic nature and problem", 1948, Philosophical Review (repr. in 1956)
  • "The Role of Principles in Economics and Politics", 1951, AER (repr. in 1956 & 1999, II)
  • "Institutionalism and Empiricism in Economics", 1952, AER.
  • On the History and Methods of Economics: Selected essays, 1956, ISBN 978-0-226-44689-9.
  • Intelligence and Democratic Action, 1960.
  • "Methodology in Economics", 1961, Southern EJ
  • "Abstract Economics as Absolute Ethics", 1966, Ethics.
  • "Laissez Faire: Pro and con", 1967, JPE (repr. in 1999, II)
  • "The Case for Communism: From the Standpoint of an Ex-liberal." (published posthumously) in Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, edited by Warren J. Samuels, archival supplement 2 (1991): 57–108.
  • Selected Essays by Frank H. Knight, Volume 1: "What is Truth" in Economics?, (ed. by Ross B. Emmett), 1999, ISBN 978-0-226-44695-0
  • Selected Essays by Frank H. Knight, Volume 2: Laissez Faire: Pro and Con, (ed. by Ross B. Emmett), 1999, ISBN 978-0-226-44697-4

