


谢荣光(Hsieh Yung-kuan,1848年—1916年2月4日)字“春生”(谢春生作Cheah Choon-seng或Tjia Tioen-sen),号“梦池”(谢梦池作Cheah Meng-chi),出生于荷属东印度坤甸(今属印度尼西亚)。祖籍广东省嘉应州(今广东省梅州市),客家人马来西亚华人领袖、中华民国官员。他于1895年至1903年以及1906年至1907年任中国驻槟城州副领事,亦是印尼日里银行(Deli Bank)的创始董事之一。[1]



1848年,谢荣光出生于荷属东印度坤甸。他曾充任荷属东印度政府的粮食和食品供应商八年。在移居苏门答腊岛西海岸的班达亚齐之后,他仍任承包商,而且其承包范围越来越大,包括承建铁路、鸦片及农场等。他被任命为雷珍兰(Lieutenant),21年后他升任甲必丹。荷属东印度政府授予其“Trouw en Verdienste”金星,以及杰出贡献金质奖章。

在1898年前后,他将其生意转让给其律师梁木安,自己移居槟城乔治市莲花河路8号(No. 8, Leith Street)。1896年(光绪廿二年丙申),他被清政府任命为第三任驻槟城副领事,1897年鬻官同知衔,1898年获封二品顶戴盐运使衔,1901年8月离职,1907年再任,至同年冬辞职,其职位由其女婿梁辉(梁碧如)接任。

在此期间,他和女婿梁辉共同成立霹雳咖啡山锡矿公司,在霹雳州打扪马来语Tambun以及吉隆坡附近的文冬开矿。他是槟州华人大会堂委员会委员。他同坤甸市长Chong Hi的女儿张氏结婚。[2][3][4]

他还和张弼士梁辉张鸿南以及胡子春创立了中华学校(Chung Hua School,或称中华学堂),这是马来亚第一所以华语作为教学语言的现代华文学校。[5]



  1. ^ 近代中国驻外领事与海外华人社会领袖角色的递换-以驻槟榔屿副领事谢荣光(1895-1907)为例 (The Modern-China Consulate Abroad and the Transformation of Leadership in Overseas Chinese Community: A Case Study of the Vice Consul in Penang, Hsieh Yung Kuang (1895-1907)) by 张晓威(Siou-Wei Chong)
  2. ^ Twentieth Century impressions of British Malaya: its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources, by Arnold Wright, Published 1908; p. 770
  3. ^ YAP THIAM HIEN AND ACEH by Daniel S. Lev published by Indonesia 82_(October 2006)
  4. ^ Historical Personalities of Penang By Historical Personalities of Penang Committee, Published by Historical Personalities of Penang Committee, 1986; p. 40
  5. ^ Re-examination of the “Chinese nationalism” and Categorization of the Chinese in Malaya: The Case of the Chinese in Penang, 1890s-1910s by SHINOZAKI Kaori, Ph.D. student, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences University of Tokyo Email: kaoris@pd.jaring.my presented at The Penang Story – International Conference 2002; 18–21 April 2002, The City Bayview Hotel, Penang, Malaysia organised by The Penang Heritage Trust & STAR Publications
  6. ^ Estate of Cheah Choon Seng, deceased in The Malayan Law Journal By Bashir Ahmad Mallal Published by Malaya Pub. House Ltd, 2007; p. 10


  • Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS) search results on Hsieh Yung Kuang
  • Syair Pangeran Syarif By Arena Wati, Sultan Matan Published by Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 1989; p. 65
  • Hua qiao yu Sun Zhongshan xian sheng ling dao di guo min ge ming xue shu yan dao hui lun wen ji By Xizhe Zhang, 张希哲, Sanjing Chen, 陈三井, Hua qiao xie hui Zong hui, Zhong yang yan jiu yuan Jin dai shi yan jiu suo Published by Guo shi guan, 1997; p. 376
  • Chinese Business in the Making of a Malay State, 1882-1941: Kedah and Penang By Wu Xiao An, Xiao An Wu Published by RoutledgeCurzon, 2003; ISBN 0415301769, ISBN 9780415301763
  • The Penang Po Leung Kuk: Records and Recollections (1889–1934): Chinese Women, Prostitution & a Welfare Organisation By Neil Jin Keong Khor, Keat Siew Khoo, Izrin Muaz Md. Adnan Published by Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 2004; p. 59
  • The Directory & Chronicle for China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, the Philippines, &c -1874 Published by The Hong Kong Daily Press Office, 1899; p 473
  • Memories of a Nonya By Queeny Chang Published by Eastern Universities Press, 1981; p. 21
  • A peek into Hakka heritage By CHOONG KWEE KIM, The Star, Wednesday August 16, 2006