
忽必烈汗 (詩)


忽必烈汗》(Kubla Khan /ˌkʊblə ˈkɑːn/)是塞繆爾·泰勒·柯勒律治寫的一首詩,1797年完成,1816年出版。根據柯勒律治自己寫的序,這首詩的靈感來自他讀了一部描寫忽必烈時代元上都的作品後,晚上吸食鴉片後做的夢。醒來的他開始複述夢中想到的詩句,直到被「波洛克來客」(Person from Porlock)打斷。這導致他忘掉了後面的內容,這首詩也因此無法按原定的200至300行寫完。他一開始沒有打算出版這首詩,僅留下來給朋友私下閱讀,直到1816年在拜倫勳爵的推動下才正式出版。








柯勒律治後來在別的地方說它創作於1797年。柯勒律治的「克魯手稿」(Crewe manuscript)中,柯勒律治的註釋說它是「1797年秋天」寫成的[4][5]。在1816年這首詩第一次出版時的序言中,柯勒律治又說是「1797年夏天」在薩默塞特郡長期逗留期間創作的[6]。1797年10月14日,柯勒律治給約翰·塞爾沃爾寫了一封信,雖然沒有直接提到它,但提到了許多詩中出現的細節[註 1][8]


1797年9月,柯勒律治住在英格蘭西南部的下斯托伊,經常與威廉多蘿西·華茲華斯在附近的匡托克丘陵散步[9] ,散步路線即今「柯勒律治之路」 (Coleridge Way) [10]。1797年10月9日至14日之間的某個時間,當柯勒律治說他完成了悲劇《奧索里奧》時,他離開斯托伊前往林頓。在回程中,他得了病並在位於卡爾本教堂(Culbone Church)附近的阿什農場(Ash Farm)休息[9],這就是他作夢的地方。


根據他自己寫的序言,他當時正在讀塞繆爾·珀切斯的《珀切斯的朝聖》(Purchas his Pilgrimes),其中有一則忽必烈的故事,他讀完後就睡着了。然後,他說他「在深度睡眠中持續了大約三個小時…在這段時間裏,他堅信這首詩不可能少於兩三百行....醒來時他全詩都記得很清楚,便拿起筆、墨水和紙,立即急切地寫下記着的詩」[註 2]。但不幸地是他被打斷了:[12]「此時,他不幸被來自波洛克的一個有事的人叫了出來……在回到房間時,他震驚而沮喪地發現,雖然他對之前的幻覺還保留着一些模糊混沌的回憶,但除了八或十個零散的句子和圖像外,其餘的都已經消失了」[註 3]。「波洛克來客」(Person from Porlock)這個說法由此而來,後世被用來描述被打斷的天才想法。約翰·利文斯頓·洛斯教授這首詩時就告訴他的學生,文學史上最該死的就是這個「來自波洛克的有事的人」[13]




寫完之後,柯勒律治時常給他的朋友們朗讀這首詩,1798年曾讀給華茲華斯兄妹,但並沒有立刻尋求出版。他在1816年4月10日將這首詩讀給拜倫勳爵。拜倫說服柯勒律治出版這首詩。1816年4月12日,柯勒律治與出版商約翰·默里簽訂了一份80英鎊的合同[17]。序言解釋說:它是「應一位當之無愧的大詩人的要求印刷的,就作者自己的觀點而言,與其說有什麼詩歌上的價值,不如說是出於心理上的好奇。" [18]柯勒律治的妻子也不贊成出版[註 4],柯勒律治的朋友查爾斯·蘭姆則擔心這首詩的印刷版缺少朗讀版的力量。[註 5]

1816年5月25日,它與《克里斯特貝爾》(Christabel )、《睡眠的痛苦》(The Pains of Sleep)一起出版[21]。柯勒律治還給《忽必烈汗》加了一個副標題「片段」(A Fragment),告訴讀者它本來就是不完整的[22]。該作品的初版分為兩節,第一節在第30行結束[23]。柯勒律治在世時,這首詩一共出版了四次,最後一次出版於1834年的《詩作》(Poetical Works)中[24]。最後一次出版的標題進一步擴展為「或夢中的幻象。一個片段」(Or, A Vision in a Dream. A Fragment)。在後世的一些柯勒律治詩歌選集中,序言與副標題一起被刪除。有時現代版本的序言會缺少第一段和最後一段。[25]





  1. ^ "I should much wish, like the Indian Vishna, to float about along an infinite ocean cradled in the flower of the Lotos, & wake once in a million years for a few minutes – just to know I was going to sleep a million years more...I can at times feel strong the beauties, you describe, in themselves, & for themselves – but more frequently all things appear little – all the knowledge, that can be acquired, child's play – the universe itself – what but an immense heap of little things?...My mind feels as if it ached to behold & know something great – something one & indivisible – and it is only in the faith of this that rocks or waterfalls, mountains or caverns give me the sense of sublimity or majesty!"[7]
  2. ^ "continued for about three hours in a profound sleep... during which time he had the most vivid confidence, that he could not have composed less than from two or three hundred lines ... On Awaking he appeared to himself to have a distinct recollection of the whole, and taking his pen, ink, and paper, instantly and eagerly wrote down the lines that are here preserved."[11]
  3. ^ "At this moment he was unfortunately called out by a person on business from Porlock... and on his return to his room, found, to his no small surprise and mortification, that though he still retained some vague and dim recollection of the general purpose of the vision, yet, with the exception of some eight or ten scattered lines and images, all the rest had passed away."[11]
  4. ^ 她寫給托馬斯·普爾:"Oh! when will he ever give his friends anything but pain? he has been so unwise as to publish his fragments of 'Christabel' & 'Kubla-Khan'...we were all sadly vexed when we read the advertisement of these things."[19]
  5. ^ 蘭姆寫給華茲華斯"Coleridge is printing Xtabel by Lord Byron's recommendation to Murray, with what he calls a vision of Kubla Khan – which said vision he repeats so enchantingly that it irradiates & brings Heaven & Elysian bowers into my parlour while he sings or says it; but there is an observation: 'never tell thy dreams,' and I am almost afraid that 'Kubla Khan' is an owl that won't bear daylight. I fear lest it should be discovered by the lantern of typography and clear reducing to letters, no better than nonsense or no sense."[20]




  1. ^ Hit Singles by Joshua Weiner. Poetry Foundation. 13 September 2017 [13 September 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2020-08-02). 
  2. ^ Manuscript of S T Coleridge's 'Kubla Khan'. The British Library. [13 September 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-17). 
  3. ^ Holmes 1989 p. 165
  4. ^ Manuscript of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's 'Kubla Khan'. British Library. [January 25, 2020]. (原始內容存檔於17 June 2019). 
  5. ^ Holmes 1989 qtd. p. 162
  6. ^ Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Christabel, Kubla Khan, and the Pains of Sleep, 2nd edition, William Bulmer, London, 1816. Reproduced in The Complete Poems, ed. William Keach, Penguin Books, 2004.
  7. ^ Holmes 1989 qtd p. 167
  8. ^ Holmes 1989 pp. 166–167
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Holmes 1989 pp. 161–162
  10. ^ The Coleridge Way. Somerset Rural Renaissance. 2007 [2 July 2010]. (原始內容存檔於23 November 2008). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Holmes 1998 qtd. p. 435
  12. ^ Holmes 1998 p. 435
  13. ^ Perkins 2010 qtd. p. 39
  14. ^ Fruman 1971 p. 337
  15. ^ Bate 1968 pp. 75–76
  16. ^ Perkins 2010 p. 39
  17. ^ Holmes 1998 p. 426
  18. ^ Sisman 2006 qtd. p. 417
  19. ^ Holmes 1998 qtd. p. 431
  20. ^ Holmes 1998 qtd. p. 429; Doughty 1981 qtd. p. 433.
  21. ^ Holmes 1998 p. 434
  22. ^ Ashton 1997 pp. 112–113
  23. ^ Yarlott 1967 p. 145
  24. ^ Mays 2001 p. 511
  25. ^ Perkins 2010 pp. 39–40


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