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Please include and translate this section: "A genetic research from 2016, comparing East Asians, Siberians and Native Americans, showed that the Ainu (and Jomon samples) are compared to all other Asians most closely related to Northeast Asian Siberian populations and some northern Native Americans. The study did not find any genetic relations between Tibetans, Andamanese and Ainu, suggesting the already existing view that y-DNA Haplogroups do not show close relationships at all.[1]" this is one of the newest genetic researches about the ainu and jomon people. thank youSatoshi Kondo留言2018年8月21日 (二) 15:03 (UTC)[回覆]

  1. ^ Jeong, Choongwon; Nakagome, Shigeki; Rienzo, Anna Di. Deep History of East Asian Populations Revealed Through Genetic Analysis of the Ainu. Genetics. 2016-01-01, 202 (1): 261–272. ISSN 0016-6731. PMID 26500257. doi:10.1534/genetics.115.178673 (英語).