< User:王桁霽
- 古希腊奴隶主民主政治的退化在政治、哲学、文艺上的反映
- 在政治上,奴隶主民主政治衰落、奴隶主贵族政治抬头。
- 在哲学上,唯物论哲学衰落,唯心论哲学抬头。哲学家所考虑的问题,不是怎样和自然作斗争、和反动阶级作斗争的问题,而是怎么维持个人幸福和心灵安宁的问题,这是阶级斗争日趋激烈、奴隶社会日趋没落的一种反映。
- 奴隶主求耳目之娱,不喜欢需要深思熟虑的作品。
- 文艺方面,缺少和现实作斗争的内容,唯利用辞藻的装饰、博学的炫耀、情节的离奇可笑。
- 本作映射的修昔底德的爱国主义
- 对于国内少数野心家不顾国内遭遇强大敌人的侵扰而去从事西西里远征,他给予沈痛的批判;
- 对于阴谋推翻民主政治的寡头政变(Athenian coup of 411 BC),他没有给予同情;
- 对于出卖祖国利益,利用替萨斐尼(Tissaphernes)来讹诈雅典的人,又利用雅典人以讹诈替萨斐尼的亚西比德(Alcibiades),给予无情的谴责。
- 修昔底德剖析事件原因的高妙与缺憾
- 修昔底德是第一个尝试揭露历史事件发展中的真正因果关系的史学家。
- 修昔底德并不[如希罗多德或阿里斯多芬那样]把重大历史事件的起因归于某种偶然事件上,而力图寻找更深刻的原因。
- 修昔底德并未摆脱古代历史学家的共同缺点 —— 对命运的信仰,认为人类无力抗拒变化无常的命运。
- 他的历史观基础是人性不变的观念,他是从心理方面来解释历史事件的。这样就堕入唯心主义历史观的泥坑中去了。
- 修昔底德在本作中对对比手法 (Antithesis)的运用
- 叙述伯里克利在阵亡将士葬礼上歌颂雅典的光辉灿烂,接着就是雅典的瘟疫流行、死亡狼藉;
- 叙述雅典人对弥罗斯人的欺凌屠杀,接着就是雅典人自己在西西里所遭遇的惨局;
- 叙述雅典西西里远征军在庇里犹斯港启程时壮志凌云和军容空前的盛况,接着就是远征军在大港的惨败,从陆地上溃逃,死者来不及安葬,生者无法自存的悲惨下场。
[编辑]- 希腊人的漠视真相
- There are many other unfounded ideas current amongst the rest of the Hellenes, even on matters of contemporary history, which have not been obscured by time. “不正确的猜想”
- So little pain do the vulgar take in the investigation of truth, accepting readily the first story that comes to hand.
- —— 庸民们在调查真相上费的功夫实在太浅,他们很乐意接受最先听闻的东西。
- 似贬实褒地强调本作力求真实
- The absence of romance in my history will, I fear, detract somewhat from its interest.
- If it be judged useful by those inquirers who desire an exact knowledge of the past as an aid to the interpretation of the future, which in the course of human things must resemble if it does not reflect it, I shall be content.
- —— 甲、起初还原为“Things must resemble if it (人类) does not reflect it (历史)”,按《阿房宫赋》主旨解作“如果人类不反思历史,那么事件必然重演/以相似形式出现。”
- —— 乙、但如此一来出现语病,定语从句不存。故应将“must resemble”视为“future”之谓语,解为:“Future must resemble if it (未来) does not reflect it (历史).”即“未来若不全然映照历史,至少必然与之相似。”
- —— 丙、参看霍布斯译本更可佐证【乙】解之正确性:“the truth of the things done, and which may be done again, or at least their alike”。
- In fine, I have written my work, not as an essay which is to win the applause of the moment, but as a possession for all time.
- —— 我的著作并非为讨群众一时欢心,而是要垂诸万世。
- IN FINE = in short 简而言之
- 伯罗奔尼撒战争的真正原因
- The growth of Athenian power, which put the Lacedæmonians into fear, necessitated the war. —— 霍布斯译本
- the undue PARTIALITY /ˌpɑːʃɪˈalɪti/ for one side or the other
[编辑]- Maize - English Wikipedia
- Maize starch can be hydrolysed and enzymatically treated to produce high-fructose corn syrup, a sweetener. —— 玉米淀粉可以经过加水分解和酵素处理来生产高果糖玉米糖浆(一种甜味剂)。
- —— to HYDROLYSE 水解
- —— FRUCTOSE 果糖 —— “-ose”后缀常表示某种糖,又如“MALTOSE”麦芽糖、“SUCROSE”蔗糖、“GLUCOSE”葡萄糖。
- Maize may be fermented and distilled to produce Bourbon whiskey. —— 波本威士忌
[编辑]- 有说法称在移民潮中,最早的一批移民来自麻城,他们势力大、资格老,后来者为寻求荫庇而冒充麻城人。
- 而移民的增多,为联络感情、相互帮助,催生了湖广会馆,会馆是明清时城镇中供外乡人歇脚、聚会的场所,按地域划分,一般由同乡移民或商旅创办,供奉家乡神灵先贤。书生赶考,商人买卖,大都首选本乡会馆投宿。就地理分布而言,四川盆地西南部土著居民存留较多,而东北部则较少。总体而言,今日大约有70%的四川人为湖广填四川的后裔,也因为移民潮使四川文化形成包容开放的氛围。
- 1947年2月27日,专卖局查缉员在台北市太平町天马茶房附近查缉私烟,打伤烟贩林江迈、误杀市民陈文溪,激起群众久积的愤怒。2月28日,市民罢市、罢课、罢工,游行至专卖局抗议、前往长官公署请愿,但遭到卫兵以机枪扫射,数人死伤。这导致抗争与冲突全面蔓延,台湾各大都市爆发暴力事件,军队开枪镇压,死伤多人。
- 事件结果:
- —— 有利于中国国民党在台湾开展一党专政,影响民主政治发展
- —— 造成台湾民众长期对政治感到恐惧与冷漠
- —— 加深族群隔阂,影响台湾文化发展至今
- Unabhängigkeit = Un (not) + ab (de-) + hang (-pend,^) + ig (-ent) + keit (-ness)(^ pendre 在法语中是 hang(绞死/悬挂)的意思)
- Entkolonisierungsprozeß = ent- (de-) + kolonisier[en] (colonise) + -ung (-ation) + s + Prozeß (process) 去殖民化进程
[编辑]- The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Lee Kuan Yew. 大英百科全书. [2024年5月14日].
- 论李光耀政府的威权色彩 —— Lee brought his country an efficient administration and spectacular prosperity at the cost of a mildly authoritarian style of government that sometimes infringed on civil liberties.
[编辑]- 九开八闭重庆城墙 — [Ch'ungk'ing] is surrounded by a crenelated stone wall, which is 5 m. in circumference and is pierced by nine gates.
- to CRENELLATE = to provide (a wall) with battlements → CRENELLATED 筑有城垛的
- Native produce, such as yellow silk, white wax, hides, rhubarb, musk and opium, is here collected and repacked for conveyance to Hankow, Shanghai or other parts of the empire.
- 重庆开埠限定条件 — The city was opened to foreign trade by convention with the British government in 1891, with the proviso, however, that foreign steamers should not be at liberty to trade there until Chinese-owned steamers had succeeded in ascending the river.
- PROVISO 限制性条款;附加条件
- 印度板块以约50mm/a的速度向北运动与欧亚板块碰撞汇聚于喜马拉雅弧,造成了青藏块体的不断隆升。
- 中国有仪器纪录以来所纪录到的震级最大的地震
- 阿克赛钦问题的祸根竟是英俄中亚对抗 —— The Ardagh–Johnson Line represented the "forward school" that wanted to advance the boundary as forward as possible as a defence against the growing Russian empire.
- 表示喀喇昆仑走廊,tract 此处意为“大片土地”。
- “Taxkorgan”塔什库尔干。
[编辑]- Gynaecomastia is the abnormal non-cancerous enlargement of one or both breasts in males due to the growth of breast tissue as a result of a hormone imbalance between oestrogens and androgens.
- Gynecomastia can cause significant psychological distress or unease.
- If it causes embarrassment, pain or tenderness, treatment is warranted (= justified; necessitated).
- 这里的 TENDERNESS 应指“sensitivity to pain”;其亦可指食用肉的“嫩”,近“SUCCULENCE”。
[编辑]- 《莊子·外篇·秋水》. [2024年4月29日].
- 孔子游于匡,宋人围之数匝,而弦歌不惙。子路入见,曰:“何夫子之娱也?”孔子曰:“来!吾语女。我讳穷久矣,而不免,命也;求通久矣,而不得,时也。当尧、舜而天下无穷人,非知得也,当桀,纣而天下无通人,非知失也,时势适然。夫水行不避蛟龙者,渔父之勇也;陆行不避兕虎者,猎夫之勇也;白刃交于前,视死若生者,烈士之勇也;知穷之有命,知通之有时,临大难而不惧者,圣人之勇也。由处矣!吾命有所制矣。”
- HEROES WANTED. 维基文库 (英文).
- EXCEPTIONAL work demands exceptional men.
- 故马或奔而致千里 —— A bolting or a kicking horse may eventually become a most valuable animal.
- 士或有负俗之累而立功名 —— A man who is the object of the world's detestation may live to accomplish great things.
- 【负俗】被世人讥讽和议论。
- 夫泛驾之马,弛之士,亦在御之而已 —— As with the intractable horse, so with the infatuated man;―it is simply a question of training.
- INTRACTABLE stubborn, obstinate
[编辑]- 今空语同知有达人,无所不堪,外不殊俗,而内不失正,与一世同其波流,而悔吝不生耳。
- 现在大家都说有一种对任何事情都能忍受的通达的人,他们外表上跟一般世俗的人没有两样,而内心却仍能保持正道,能够与世俗同流合污而没有悔恨的心情,但这只是一种空话罢了。
- 老子、庄周,吾之师也,亲居贱职;柳下惠、东方朔,达人也,安乎卑位。吾岂敢短之哉!又仲尼兼爱,不羞执鞭,子文无欲卿相,而三登令尹,是乃君子思济物之意也。
- 达能兼善而不渝,穷则自得而无闷。
- 君子百行,殊涂而同致,循性而动,各附所安。
- 游山泽,观鸟鱼,心甚乐之。一行作吏,此事便废,安能舍其所乐,而从其所惧哉!
- 夫人之相知,贵识其天性,因而济之。
- 直木必不可以为轮,曲者不可以为桷,盖不欲以枉其天才,令得其所也。
- 吾新失母兄之欢,意常凄切,女年十三,男年八岁,未及成人,况复多病,顾此悢悢,如何可言!
- 今但愿守陋巷,教养子孙,时与亲旧叙阔,陈说平生,浊酒一杯,弹琴一曲,志愿毕矣。
- 野人有快炙背而美芹子者,欲献之至尊,虽有区区之意,亦已疏矣,愿足下勿似之。
- 嗟余薄祜,少遭不造。哀茕靡识,越在繈褓。母兄鞠育,有慈无威。恃爱肆姐,不训不师。
- 爰及冠带,冯宠自放。抗心希古,任其所尚。托好老庄,贱物贵身。志在守朴,养素全真。
- 曰余不敏,好善暗人。子玉之败,屡增惟尘。大人含弘,藏垢怀耻。民之多僻,政不由己。
- 惟此褊心,显明臧否。感悟思愆,怛若创痏。欲寡其过,谤议沸腾。性不伤物,频致怨憎。
- 昔惭柳惠,今愧孙登。内负宿心,外恧良朋。仰慕严郑,乐道闲居。与世无营,神气晏如。
- 咨予不淑,婴累多虞。匪降自天,寔由顽疏。理弊患结,卒致囹圄。对答鄙讯,絷此幽阻。
- 实耻讼免,时不我与。虽曰义直,神辱志沮。澡身沧浪,岂云能补。嗈嗈鸣雁,奋翼北游。
- 顺时而动,得意忘忧。嗟我愤叹,曾莫能俦。事与愿违,遘兹淹留。穷达有命,亦又何求。
- 古人有言,善莫近名。奉时恭默,咎悔不生。万石周慎,安亲保荣。世务纷纭,祗搅予情。
- 安乐必诫,乃终利贞。煌煌灵芝,一年三秀。予独何为,有志不就。惩难思复,心焉内疚。
- 庶勗将来,无馨无臭。采薇山阿,散发岩岫。永啸长吟,颐性养寿。
[编辑]- 详观往诰,逖听前闻,阶缘外戚以致显荣者,其所由来尚矣。
- 而多至祸败,鲜克令终者,何哉?岂不由禄以恩升,位非德举;识惭明悊。
- ——【识惭明悊】懂得羞耻,明白事理,具有远见。
- 材谢经通;假椒房之宠灵,总军国之枢要。或威权震主,或势力倾朝;居安而不虑危,务进而不知退;骄奢既至,衅隙随之者乎!
- 是以吕霍之家,诛夷于西汉,梁邓之族,剿绝于东都,其余干纪乱常、害时蠹政者,不可胜载。至若樊靡卿之父子,窦广国之弟兄,阴兴之守约戒奢,史丹之掩恶扬善,斯并后族之所美者也。由此观之,干时纵溢者必以凶终,守道谦冲者永保贞吉,古人所谓祸福无门,惟人所召,此非其效欤!
- ——【纵溢】恣肆过度。
- 逮于晋难,始自宫掖。杨骏藉武帝之宠私,叨窃非据,贾谧乘惠皇之蒙昧,成此厉阶,遂使悼后遇云林之灾,湣怀滥湖城之酷。天人道尽,丧乱弘多,宗庙以之颠覆,黎庶于焉殄瘁。《诗》云:“赫赫宗周,褒姒灭之。”其此之谓也。爰及江左,未改覆车。
- ——【叨窃】甲、谓不当得而得。乙、自谦无才而据有其位。
- ——“赫赫宗周,褒姒灭之。”出《诗经·正月》,刺周幽王。
- 庾亮世族羽仪,王恭高门领袖,既而职兼出纳,任切股肱。孝伯竟以亡身,元规几于败国,岂不哀哉!若褚季野之畏避朝权,王叔仁之固求出镇,用能全身远害,有可称焉。
[编辑]- 漫评丨网飞“魔改”《三体》揭示了美国文化霸权江河日下. 中国军网. 2024-03-30 [2024-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-02).
- 尽管美国的这一套已经在全球范围内普遍遭到了舆论反弹,但美国文化传媒业界依然要在这条道上走到黑。
- 当“美国梦”以肉眼可见的速度溃灭的时候,美国只能通过宣扬所谓的“多元化与包容性”,用“政治正确”来打击、消融其他国家的文化影响力,以“多元”之名,行反“多元”之实,强行为自己的文化霸权续命。
- (《网飞三体》的)目的是要尽可能地消除小说《三体》在世界上为现代化中国赢得的声誉。
- 美国文化传媒产业在兜售“多元性与包容性”时,始终是“美西方中心论”的调调,将对其他文化的“东方学”审视作为自己所谓“多元性”的一部分加以“包容”,尽管多样的世界文明并非美国“多元性”的一部分,实际上也更不需要美国来“包容”。
- 美国影片中的东方总是神秘的、诡异的,也是屈从于西方的。
- 在美西方文化霸权主义的视域里,如果没有被塑造出来的“东方”,那么优越的“西方”也就不存在了。
[编辑]- @CRISPR--Cas 在哔哩哔哩《Smooth Fire On You - Shaho Rear Najim Joy【我与音乐】》视频下的评论
- “怎么会有这样的音乐,同时融合了无尽的悲伤,绝望裹挟着紧张和徬徨,压抑著一种希冀,想要抚平别人的伤痛但是却也为自己的明天惴惴不安。”
[编辑]- 有山先生. 语文课本不敢收录的古诗《菜人哀》完全解读 (视频). 四川: 哔哩哔哩. 2024年5月5日.
- 正视历史是一个伟大民族迈向未来的血清。以血清解蛇毒为喻。
- 鲁迅先生在《狂人日记》里说:“这里是没有年代,满本都写着两个字是‘吃人’!”起初我以为“吃人”是封建礼教,后来我发现,迅哥儿明明是在一语双关啊。中国历史上不乏吃人事件,括弧,物理意义上,括弧完了:商纣王把伯邑考做成肉饼;黄巢将捉来的俘虏捣成馅当军粮(
);金人把宋朝百姓成为“两脚羊”;就连曹操和刘备的军队,也出现过人吃人的恶性事件。论据部分可以参考英维“亚洲的食人行为”一条目。 - (解“不令命绝要鲜肉”一句)肉店老板说:“我不能让你死啊,你死了肉就不新鲜了。”
- 这几天居然还没有什么猛禽来吃我的肉,我好幸运啊。末句“却幸乌鸢啄不早”,乌鸢即黑鹰,可谓是极为悲怆的乐观。
[编辑]- Vox. China is erasing its border with Hong Kong [中国正在抹除它同香港的边界] (视频). 香港: YouTube. 2018年7月25日.
- 香港衰落一大原因在于内地经济腾飞 —— Look at this explosive development of these Chinese cities in recent years.
- China's mega cities eventually ECLIPSED Hong Kong as the economic powerhouse of China.
- Hong Kong, once the economic powerhouse of China and the gate way to the West, became much less economically relevant.
- And soon the Chinese government didn't have the same incentives to respect Hong Kong's autonomy.
[编辑]- Novak, Parker. The not-so-hidden contest behind Timor-Leste’s presidential election. 2022-04-18 [2024-04-03].
- Some of Gusmão-Alkatiri mutual animosity stems from the fact that the former was in the country during the occupation, while the latter was in exile outside of the country.
- Gusmão is known for his charisma, while Alkatiri is a relatively quiet operator.
- 阿尔卡蒂里并非贪生怕死,而是碰巧正在国外 —— By happenstance, Alkatiri was on travel to Mozambique in 1975, and subsequently spent the occupation in exile.
- a country spiralling into civil war
- a scenario devolving into instability
- a shadowbox match
[编辑]- Palmer, Lisa. Timor-Leste’s deep politics and the enigma of Xanana Gusmao. Newmandala. 2022-05-20 [2024-04-03].
- When things go wrong in the lives of Timorese people, they generally return to their roots.
- 光明与黑暗、传统与现代之间深刻的悖论 —— Xanana embodies both quintessential Timorese power figures and the deep paradoxes of darkness and light, tradition and modernity which continue to pervade and underpin 贯穿且成为其基础 the politics of Timor-Leste.
- to implore their ancestors and potent nature spirits to redress their suffering
[编辑]- Wheeler, Nicholas J.; Dunne, Tim. East Timor and the new humanitarian interventionism [〈东帝汶与新人道干涉主义〉]. International Affairs. 2001, 77 (4): 805–827.
- 引修昔底德《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》“正义与荣誉之路将人置于危险之中”—— 'The path of justice and honour involves one in danger.'
- After INTERFET, Indonesian-Australian relations were close to free-fall.
- 马来西亚对印尼的委婉批评之术,非难现在同时表扬过去
- —— Indonesia's actions over East Timor were not in keeping with its respected role as a leader in the non-aligned movement.
- —— Actions of the TNI contradicted its historical role in and contribution to national peace and security and regional stability.
- 卢旺达之鉴:强权国家有利才干涉,无利则旁观
- —— States were not prepared to incur the human costs of 'intervention where no perceived vital interests were at stake'.
- 东帝汶危机爆发后澳大利亚群众产生“我们背叛了东帝汶”的感觉,这一耻感促成了要求政府派兵的压力。
- —— A major factor behind this public reaction was the sense of shame at Australia's continuing betrayal of the people of East Timor.
- rampaging militiamen terrorising civilians —— terrorise 恐吓
- attachment that runs very deep
- a ruthless scorched earth policy pursued by Indonesians
[编辑]- Taylor, John G. “Encirclement and Annihilation” [〈包围并歼灭〉]. Robert Gellately; Ben Kiernan (编). The Specter of Genocide: Mass Murder in Historical Perspective [《种族灭绝的幽灵:历史视阈下的大屠杀》]. 剑桥大学出版社. 2003. ISBN 9780511819674. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511819674.008.
- 混杂脱叶任务的饱和轰炸 —— Saturation bombing was accompanied by defoliation. —— 目的是将山区内的东帝汶人赶到滨海平原去:“Indonesian troops awaited them”。
- 闻所未闻的军事暴行,相比之下顿觉日军仁慈。
- —— 1. 脚注三:长者在家中被活活烧死,男人和女人被捆在一起处决,幼童在父母面前被杀掉;
- —— 2. 脚注二:腿脚不便者只能被炸弹活活炸死;
- —— 3. 把俘获的东帝汶人脚上绑着重物从直升机上扔到海里去(页168)
- the captured dumped from a helicopter into the sea with weights on their feet;
- —— 4. 脚注九:印尼士兵杀死幼童并当众毁尸,然后笑着说:“当你清理你的田地时,难道不杀掉所有的蛇吗?大蛇和小蛇不都得杀?”
- —— 5. 1981年9月拉克图拉(lactula)四百妇孺被杀。
- —— 6. Crucification(钉在十字架上)。
- “去游泳了(gone for a swim)”作为“失踪”的委婉语(页168)。
- to terrorise the population into submission
- imprisonment indeterminate and arbitrary
[编辑]名探偵コナン 世紀末の魔術師
[编辑]- 君に一つ助言させてもらうぜ 世の中には謎のままにしといた方がいいこともあるってな
- しといた = しておいた
名探偵コナン ベイカー街の亡霊
[编辑]- “未だ血れに成って居無い、未だ生きて居るじゃ無いか、もう諦めるのか?既に御前等は真実の結び目に両の手を掛けて居ると言うのに”
- “君を確実にさせる事が出来れば、の利益の為に僕は喜んで死を受け入れよう”
名探偵コナン 戦慄の楽譜
[编辑]片名中“乐谱”读作“フルスコア (full score)”,不同声乐部分别标明五线谱 (stave) 的总乐谱。
- 私が何故コンサートの前の日、森の中を歩くか分かる。
自然を 体の中に 取り込みたい の。 - 音楽は 人间から神への だ。祈る様に歌え。
- くばかりの / みなりき / 此の身のれを / 知れる我に
[编辑]- They who have showed their valour by action, should also by an action have their honour.
- —— 用行动彰显勇敢的,人们也应用行动为之赋予荣誉。
- We [are] not offended at any man for following his own humour, nor casting on any man censorious looks which grieve.
- —— 言社会之宽容,接纳众人各自心性(humour),而不非难。
- From ease rather than studious labour, and upon natural rather than doctrinal valour, we come to undertake any danger.
- —— 我们藉以面对危险的,是自如从容而非刻意辛劳,我们的勇气是天性使然而非习自教诲。
- We shall not faint beforehand with the meditation of future trouble.
- —— 忧虑未来不使我们提前昏厥。
- For we also give ourselves to bravery, and yet with thrift; and to philosophy, and yet without mollification of the mind.
- # 此“Bravery”指“华丽”。
- 雅典体力工人亦关心政治,知悉国务。Moreover there is in the same men, a care both of their own and the public affairs; and a sufficient knowledge of state matters, even in those that labour with their hands. For we only think one that is utterly ignorant therein, to be a man, not that meddles with nothing, but that is good for nothing.
- 从而贬抑他国:ignorance makes them dare, and consideration dastards.“无知使他们莽撞、考量使他们卑懦。”
- To avoid prolixity I will pass over.
- the daily delight whereof we expel sadness —— 这里的 WHEREOF 相当于 with which,已算古老用法。
- Reputations of many brave men should not to be imperilled in the mouth of a single individual.
- For we study taste with economy, and philosophy without effeminacy.
- # EFFEMINACY —— 女人的柔弱
- While poverty is nothing disgraceful for a man to confess, but not to escape it by exertion is more disgraceful.
- —— 承认贫穷并不可耻,可耻的是不愿通过努力摆脱贫困。
- “誉大于利” For the love of honour is the only feeling that never grows old; and in the helplessness of age it is not the acquisition of gain, as some assert, that gives greatest pleasure, but the enjoyment of honour.
[编辑]- If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.
- —— もしも、米国はあらゆる事が可能な地であると言う事を未だにい、等の夢がに於いても生き続けているのかかを未だにしみ、我々の民主主義の力を未だにう者が居るのであれば、今夜が答えである。
- —— 余尝闻世人有疑,不知当今美利坚凡事皆可成就耶?开国先贤之志犹岿然于世耶?民主之伟力不减于昔年耶?凡此诸疑,今夕当焕然冰释矣。
- Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.
- —— 此の国の政治をして来た、主義や、に再び陥らぬよう、に。
- —— 党争纷纭,锱铢必较,轻狂懵懂,皆腐坏人心、惑乱政局之弊也,其来已久,余今愿与诸君协力,共灭除之。
- To those who would tear this world down: We will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security: We support you.
- —— 世界を人々よ、我々は御前達をする。平和と安全を人々よ、我々は諸君を支援する。
- —— 至若如如蛇,与世为敌者,吾邦猛志常在,彼等必取灭亡。而温良恭俭,久慕大同者,吾辈则当倾力以助,鼎力相援。
- What we have already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.
- —— 我々が此れ迄に達成して来た事は、明日達成出来、又達成せねばなら無い事への希望を我々に与えて呉れる。
[编辑]- 李显龙. Transcript of speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at May Day Rally 2024 at Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre on 1 May 2024. 新加坡总理办公室. 2024年5月1日 [2024年5月13日].
- 论威胁思潮 ——[I]f our system malfunctions – becomes BESET by populism, tribalism, nativism, or obsessed by short term gains, like some other countries – then we will certainly be sunk.
- 论卓越与平庸 —— [I]t is crucial that all of us uphold this ethos of exceptionalism and excellence[.]
- Even if we just become ordinary, average, we will already be in serious trouble.
- 论分歧 —— [W]hen we are dealing with controversial issues, we accept that differences exist, but we will avoid accentuating them. Accept them, do not accentuate them.
- ACCENTUATE - 加重音符号 (accent) 于,引申为:凸显
- 论党与劳工运动的关系 —— [The] symbiotic partnership [of People's Action Party and the Labour Movement] was born in a crucible of fire.
- CRUCIBLE - 坩锅,引申为:严峻的考验
- 论经济脱碳 —— We will decarbonise our economy to reach net zero carbon emissions, and do our part to mitigate climate change.
- 追怀李光耀名言 —— Mr Lee Kuan Yew memorably said, shortly after independence: “Over 100 years ago, this was a mudflat, swamp. Today, this is a modern city. Ten years from now, this will be a metropolis. Never fear.”
- MEMORABLY - 值得纪念地,易于记忆地