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“是时候彻底抛弃我们的殖民历史了。巴巴多斯人希望有一位巴巴多斯国家元首,”巴巴多斯总督桑德拉·普鲁内拉·梅森阁下在2020年的王位演讲中如是说。[7] 根据加拿大广播公司2021年3月对情况的调查,2021年期间能否实现成为共和国的目标“尚不清楚”。在CBC的请求后,政府没有提供这个过程的时间表。[8] 上一个尝试转向共和政体的加勒比国家是邻国圣文森特和格林纳丁斯,该国在2009年就该措施举行了公投失败。2016年,邻国格林纳达尝试了一次公投,这次公投除了其他内容之外,还更新了就职宣誓,它特别提出,该国将改变宣誓效忠“格林纳达”的方式,而不是“女王”,这与牙买加目前的宣誓方式是一致的。[9]




  1. ^ 奴隶贩铜像被扔进河里:当年英国为何掺和非洲奴隶贸易?. [2020-06-13]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-13). 
  2. ^ Leave the monarchy? In Barbados, that's just the first step on a long path to healing. [18 March 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-13). 
  3. ^ Team, Caribbean Lifestyle Editorial. Barbados to become an Independent Republic in 2021. Caribbean Culture and Lifestyle. 2020-09-15 [2020-09-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-23) (美国英语). 
  4. ^ Speare-Cole, Rebecca. Barbados to remove Queen as head of state by November 2021. Evening Standard. 2020-09-16 [2020-09-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-13) (英语). 
  5. ^ Madden, Marlon (编). Wickham predicts Barbados' republic model to mirror Trinidad's. Top Featured Article. Barbados Today. 17 September 2020 [4 June 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-13). As Barbados prepares to ditch the Queen as its Head of State and become a republic, a prominent political scientist is predicting that Prime Minister Mia Mottley will follow the Trinidad and Tobago model. What's more, Peter Wickham has shot down any idea of the Barbados Labour Party administration holding a referendum on the matter, saying that to do so would be a "mistake". "There is no need to and I don't think it makes a lot of sense. We had a situation where since 1999 this [political party] indicated its desire to go in the direction of a republic. The Opposition has always supported it ... So, I think there is enough cohesion in that regard to go with it," he said. 
  6. ^ Barbados to remove Queen Elizabeth as head of state. BBC News. 16 September 2020 [18 March 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-11). 
  7. ^ Throne Speech Delivered September 15, 2020. [2021-09-07]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-14). 
  8. ^ Leave the monarchy? In Barbados, that's just the first step on a long path to healing. [18 March 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-18). 
  9. ^ Oaths Act | Ministry of Justice - Government of Jamaica. moj.gov.jm. [2021-09-07]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-14). 
  10. ^ Call for citizens to propose constitutional changes to Republic Committee. Local News. Barbados Today News. 3 June 2021 [4 June 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-13). Barbadians at home and throughout the Diaspora are being invited to submit their suggestions for the new constitution as the island prepares to assume republican status. Persons are asked to submit their suggestions in written, audio and/or video formats in keeping with the committee’s mandate to engage members of the public in this historic transition effort. Submissions, including audio and video clips under 10 minutes, can be emailed to republicconsultations@barbados.gov.bb or posted to The Republican Status Transition Advisory Committee, Cabinet Office, Government Headquarters, Bay Street, St. Michael.