

Operation Chastise

The Möhne dam the day following the attacks
结果 2座大坝被毁
英国 英国 納粹德國 納粹德國
英国 Guy Gibson英语Guy Gibson 納粹德國 Josef Kammhuber英语Josef Kammhuber
19架蘭開斯特轟炸機 XII. Fliegerkorps英语12th Air Corps (Germany)
8 架飛機擊落
53 位機組人員死亡
3 位機組人員被俘.
2 座水壩潰堤
1 座水壩輕度損害
1,600 平民死亡
(包括超過 1,000 名主要是蘇維埃的囚犯與強迫勞動者).

惩戒行动(英語:Operation Chastise)是英国皇家空军於1943年5月16日至17日对纳粹德国的一次袭击,该次袭击中英国用弹跳炸弹攻击了鲁尔河流域的3座水坝,其中2座被攻破,洪水造成约1600人死亡。此次行动为英国二战中的重要战果。


  • Arthur, Max. Dambusters: A Landmark Oral History. London: Virgin Books, 2008. ISBN 978-1-905264-33-9.
  • Ashworth, Chris. RAF Bomber Command 1936–1968. Somerset, UK: Haynes. 1995. ISBN 978-1-85260-308-3. 
  • Brickhill, Paul. The Dam Busters: An Account of 617 Squadron, R.A.F., 1943–45, with plates. London: Evans Bros., 1951. "Novelised" style. Covers entire wartime story of 617 Squadron. OCLC 771295878
  • Churchill, Winston S. The Second World War, Volume IV: The Hinge of Fate. 2nd edition. London: Cassell, 1951. OCLC 978145234
  • Cockell, Charles S. "The Science and Scientific Legacy of Operation Chastise." Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 27, 2002, pp. 278–286. ISSN 0308-0188
  • Dildy, Douglas C. Dambusters: Operation Chastise, Osprey Raid Series No. 16. Oxford, UK: Osprey Publishing, 2010. ISBN 978-1-84603-934-8.
  • Falconer, Jonathan. The Dam Busters Story. Stroud, Gloucestershire, UK: Sutton Publishing, 2007. ISBN 978-0-7509-4758-9.
  • Gibson, Guy. Enemy Coast Ahead. London: Pan Books, 1955. Gibson's own account. OCLC 2947593
  • Nichol, John. After the Flood: What the Dambusters did next. London: William Collins. 2015. ISBN 978-0-00-810031-5. 
  • Robertson, J. H. The Story of the Telephone: A History of the Telecommunications Industry of Britain. London: Pitman & Sons Ltd., 1947. OCLC 930475400
  • Speer, Albert. Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs. London: Cassell, 1999, First Edition 1970. (Translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston; originally published in German as Erinnerungen [Recollections], Propyläen/Ullstein, 1969.) ISBN 978-0-684-82949-4.
  • Sweetman, John. Operation Chastise. London: Jane's, 1982. ISBN 978-0-86720-557-2.
  • Sweetman, John. The Dambusters Raid. London: Cassell, 1999. ISBN 978-0-304-35173-2.