

病毒分類 编辑
(未分级) 病毒 Virus
域: 核糖病毒域 Riboviria
界: 正核糖病毒界 Orthornavirae
门: 小核糖病毒门 Pisuviricota
纲: 小南嵌套病毒纲 Pisoniviricetes
目: 套式病毒目 Nidovirales
科: 冠状病毒科 Coronaviridae
属: 甲型冠狀病毒屬 Alphacoronavirus
高頭蝠冠狀病毒512 Scotophilus bat coronavirus 512

高頭蝠冠狀病毒512 Scotophilus bat coronavirus 512、Sc-BatCoV-512)是甲型冠狀病毒屬的一種病毒,於2005年在中國海南高頭蝠體內發現[1],2010年在菲律賓的高頭蝠中被發現,2016年又在臺灣單角菊頭蝠泰坦尼亚彩蝠東亞摺翅蝠英语Miniopterus fuliginosus體內被發現[2]






  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Tang, X. C.; Zhang, J. X.; Zhang, S. Y.; Wang, P.; Fan, X. H.; Li, L. F.; Li, G.; Dong, B. Q.; Liu, W.; Cheung, C. L.; Xu, K. M.; Song, W. J.; Vijaykrishna, D.; Poon, L. L. M.; Peiris, J. S. M.; Smith, G. J. D.; Chen, H.; Guan, Y. Prevalence and Genetic Diversity of Coronaviruses in Bats from China. Journal of Virology. 2006, 80 (15): 7481–7490. ISSN 0022-538X. doi:10.1128/JVI.00697-06. 
  2. ^ Chen, Y.-N.; Phuong, V. N.; Chen, H. C.; Chou, C.-H.; Cheng, H.-C.; Wu, C.-H. Detection of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Related Coronavirus andAlphacoronavirusin the Bat Population of Taiwan. Zoonoses and Public Health. 2016, 63 (8): 608–615. ISSN 1863-1959. doi:10.1111/zph.12271. 
  3. ^ Woo, P. C. Y.; Lau, S. K. P.; Lam, C. S. F.; Lau, C. C. Y.; Tsang, A. K. L.; Lau, J. H. N.; Bai, R.; Teng, J. L. L.; Tsang, C. C. C.; Wang, M.; Zheng, B.-J.; Chan, K.-H.; Yuen, K.-Y. Discovery of Seven Novel Mammalian and Avian Coronaviruses in the Genus Deltacoronavirus Supports Bat Coronaviruses as the Gene Source of Alphacoronavirus and Betacoronavirus and Avian Coronaviruses as the Gene Source of Gammacoronavirus and Deltacoronavirus. Journal of Virology. 2012, 86 (7): 3995–4008. ISSN 0022-538X. doi:10.1128/JVI.06540-11. 
  4. ^ Chen, Yi-Ning; Hsu, Hsiao-Chin; Wang, Sheng-Wei; Lien, Hao-Chiang; Lu, Hsin-Ti; Peng, Sheng-Kai. Entry of Scotophilus Bat Coronavirus-512 and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Human and Multiple Animal Cells. Pathogens. 2019, 8 (4): 259. ISSN 2076-0817. doi:10.3390/pathogens8040259.