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== 相关工作 ==
== 相关工作 ==
=== 复杂系统和元胞自动机 ===

1983年,沃尔夫勒姆进入[[普林斯顿大学]]自然科学学院,进行对[[元胞自动机]]的研究。<ref>{{Cite journal | last1 = Wolfram | first1 = S. | doi = 10.1007/BF01217347 | title = Computation theory of cellular automata | journal = Communications in Mathematical Physics | volume = 96 | pages = 15–57 | year = 1984 | pmid = | pmc = }}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal | last1 = Martin | first1 = O. | last2 = Odlyzko | first2 = A. M. | last3 = Wolfram | first3 = S. | doi = 10.1007/BF01223745 | title = Algebraic properties of cellular automata | journal = Communications in Mathematical Physics | volume = 93 | issue = 2 | pages = 219 | year = 1984 | pmid = | pmc = }}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal | last1 = Wolfram | first1 = S. | title = Cellular automaton fluids 1: Basic theory | doi = 10.1007/BF01021083 | journal = Journal of Statistical Physics | volume = 45 | issue = 3–4 | pages = 471–526 | year = 1986 | pmid = | pmc = }}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal | last1 = Wolfram | first1 = S. | title = Cellular automata as models of complexity | doi = 10.1038/311419a0 | journal = Nature | volume = 311 | issue = 5985 | pages = 419–424 | year = 1984 | pmid = | pmc = }}</ref><ref name="automata">{{Cite journal | last1 = Wolfram | first1 = S. | title = Statistical mechanics of cellular automata | doi = 10.1103/RevModPhys.55.601 | journal = Reviews of Modern Physics | volume = 55 | issue = 3 | pages = 601 | year = 1983 | pmid = | pmc = }}</ref> 主要使用计算机模拟。他系统性地调查了基本元胞自动机制的类别,并发表了一系列论文,初步构建了 Wolfram 代码的理念,发明了一维元胞自动机的命名系统,并且提出元胞行为复杂性的分类机制。他提出规则 110元胞自动机制可能具有[[图灵完备性]]。

1980年代中期,沃尔夫勒姆与 Richard Feynman 一起研究物理过程的仿真。<ref name="DH">{{cite web|url=http://www.kurzweilai.net/articles/art0504.html?printable=1|title=Richard Feynman and The Connection Machine|author=W. Daniel Hillis|publisher=Physics Today|date=February 1989|accessdate=3 November 2006}}</ref>并且帮助构建复杂系统的场论,设立了第一个相关课题的研究机构,[[伊利诺伊大学香槟分校]]的复杂系统研究中心(CCSR)。<ref name="wired.com">{{cite news|url=http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/10.06/wolfram_pr.html|title=The Man Who Cracked The Code to Everything|accessdate=7 April 2012 | work=Wired}}</ref> and the journal ''[[Complex Systems (journal)|Complex Systems]]'' in 1987.<ref name="wired.com"/>

=== 符号操作程序 ===
=== 符号操作程序 ===
1979年和1981年之间,斯蒂芬领导[[加州理工学院]]物理系的{{Link-en|计算代数系统|Symbolic Manipulation Program}}(Symbolic Manipulation Program,SMP。即符号操作程序) 项目的开发。
1979年和1981年之间,斯蒂芬领导[[加州理工学院]]物理系的{{Link-en|计算代数系统|Symbolic Manipulation Program}}(Symbolic Manipulation Program,SMP。即符号操作程序) 项目的开发。

2016年3月25日 (五) 16:43的版本

出生 (1959-08-29) 1959年8月29日64歲)
知名于MathematicaWolfram Alpha的主要发明者

斯蒂芬·沃尔夫勒姆Stephen Wolfram,1959年8月29日),旧译斯蒂芬·沃尔夫雷姆,是计算机科学数学理论物理方面的著名英国科学家[1][2]。他编写了著作《一种新科学》[3]。同时,他还是著名大学UIUC的兼职教授[4]。2012年,他成为美国数学协会的院士。[5]

作为商人,他是软件公司沃尔夫勒姆研究公司的创立者和首席执行官。在公司内部,他是数学软件Mathematica和计算型知识引擎Wolfram Alpha的主要设计师。他近期的工作主要是基于知识的编程,把 Mathematica 编程语言进一步拓展为Wolfram 语言。他的相关著作《Wolfram 语言基础入门》于2015年出版。在学术上,他以粒子物理学元胞自动机宇宙学复杂性理论计算机代数系统上的研究成果闻名于世。他还是一名左撇子。




斯蒂芬的父亲雨果·沃尔夫勒姆(1925年出生于德国)是纺织品制造商,曾担任卢勒克斯公司的常务董事,织物卢勒克斯的制造商,同时也是三本小说的作者。[6][7][8][9] 雨果出生于德国,于1933年移民到英格兰。[10] 当第二次世界大战爆发后,年轻的雨果在15岁时离开学校,后来发现,因为他被视为一个很难找到一份工作“敌国侨民”。作为一个成年人,他参加了哲学和心理学函授课程。[6]


斯蒂芬的母亲西比尔·沃尔夫勒姆(1931-1993,出生西比尔米施)从1964年到1993年任牛津大学玛格丽特夫人学堂的院士和讲师。她出版了两本著作Philosophical Logic: an Introduction (1989)[11]In-laws and Outlaws: Kinship and Marriage in England (1987).[12][13] 她翻译了由Claude Lévi-Strauss著作的 La pensée sauvage (The Savage Mind),但是后来否认了翻译。[14][15] 她是犯罪学家和心理分析学家凯特·弗里德兰德 (1902-1949)[16] 和物理学家 Walter Misch (1889-1943) 的女儿。在1933年德国国会大厦火灾后,她从德国柏林岁父母和犹太精神分析学家 Paula Heimann(1899–1982)移民到英国。[17][18][19]




童年时期,沃尔夫勒姆一开始学业上并不顺利,在学习算术上遇到了困难。[20] 12岁时,他编写了一部关于物理的字典。[21] 13岁至14岁之间,他编写了3本关于粒子物理的书籍。[22][23][24] 它们没有发表。斯蒂芬·沃尔夫勒姆15岁时发表第一篇科学论文,17岁进入牛津大学学习;20岁时获得加州理工學院理论物理博士学位,22岁获得麦克阿瑟奖,23岁时创立复杂系统研究(complex systems research)领域,27岁时开发Mathematica软件,创立了斯蒂芬·沃尔夫勒姆公司,从事Mathematica以及其他数学软件、电脑软件的开发和发行。43岁时出版《一种新科学》。其中,Mathematica及相关产品同时获得了技术与商业上的巨大成功,成为支撑斯蒂芬·沃尔夫勒姆公司的旗舰产品。


15岁时,沃尔夫勒姆开始在应用量子场论粒子物理方面的研究和发表科学论文。课题包括物质产生和湮灭的基本相互作用、基本粒子和电流、强子和轻子物理、部分子模型,发表在专业的同行评议的科学期刊,包括Nuclear Physics B、Australian Journal of Physics、Nuovo Cimento 和 Physical Review D[25]


他在伊顿公​​学接受教育,但在1976年进入圣约翰学院[28],17岁进入牛津大学,但发现课堂“awful”[13] ,因此1978年未获得学位就离开[29],进入加州理工大学[30][31]。次年,他20岁,就获得了粒子物理学博士学位[32][33]。他的论文答辩委员会由Richard Feynman、Peter Goldreich、Frank J. Sciulli 和 Steven Frautschi组成,并且由Richard D.Field主持[34]




1983年,沃尔夫勒姆进入普林斯顿大学自然科学学院,进行对元胞自动机的研究。[36][37][38][39][40] 主要使用计算机模拟。他系统性地调查了基本元胞自动机制的类别,并发表了一系列论文,初步构建了 Wolfram 代码的理念,发明了一维元胞自动机的命名系统,并且提出元胞行为复杂性的分类机制。他提出规则 110元胞自动机制可能具有图灵完备性

1980年代中期,沃尔夫勒姆与 Richard Feynman 一起研究物理过程的仿真。[41]并且帮助构建复杂系统的场论,设立了第一个相关课题的研究机构,伊利诺伊大学香槟分校的复杂系统研究中心(CCSR)。[42] and the journal Complex Systems in 1987.[42]


1979年和1981年之间,斯蒂芬领导加州理工学院物理系的计算代数系统英语Symbolic Manipulation Program(Symbolic Manipulation Program,SMP。即符号操作程序) 项目的开发。

在1981年,斯蒂芬被授予麦克阿瑟奖(MacArthur Fellowship)。1983年,他在国家自然科学学院进一步学习,并进行元胞自动机的研究,主要研究计算机模拟。 80年代中期, 斯蒂芬使用元胞自动机进行了物理过程的模拟研究。







Stephen宣布把价值25000美元的奖[43]颁发给提供了某个候选方案是否是通用最简的证明的第一个人或者小组。而Alex Smith,一个年仅20岁的来自英国的本科生宣布已经证明了Stephen的图灵机的全局性,并且获得了该奖。[44]而计算机科学家Vaughan Pratt后来宣称已经发现该证明推理中的一个错误。对此,Stephen、Smith和其他人与Pratt的推理进行了辩论。[45][46][47]


2009年3月,斯蒂芬宣布Wolfram Alpha的发行。沃尔夫勒姆阿尔法作为一个知识型计算搜索引擎,采用新方法提取信息,并具有易于使用的界面。Wolfram Alpha不是一个简单的搜索引擎,因为它不是简单地返回基于查询条件的结果,而且尝试通过计算获得结果来输出。



  1. ^ Stephen Wolfram. Wolfram Alpha. [15 May 2012]. 
  2. ^ Stephen Wolfram: 'I am an information pack rat'. New Scientist. [19 April 2014]. 
  3. ^ Scopus书目数据库索引的史蒂芬·沃爾夫勒姆的出版物需付费查阅
  4. ^ adjunct professor in UIUC. 
  5. ^ List of Fellows of the American Mathematical Society, retrieved 1 September 2013.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Telling a good yarn by Jenny Lunnon, Oxford Times, Thursday 21 September 2006.
  7. ^ PHYSICIST AWARDED 'GENIUS' PRIZE FINDS REALITY IN INVISIBLE WORLD, by GLADWIN HILL, Special to the New York Times, Published: May 24, 1981
  8. ^ Howard Gottlieb Archival Research Center: Wolfram, Hugo (1925- ): "The Hugo Wolfram collection consists of manuscripts by Wolfram for novels, short stories, and essays."
  9. ^ Kirkus review of Into a Neutral Country, 1969
  10. ^ Hugo Wolfram. 1925- , Jüdische Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller in Westfalen.
  11. ^ Philosophical Logic: An Introduction by Sybil Wolfram on Google Books.
  12. ^ In-laws and Outlaws: Kinship and Marriage in England by Sybil Wolfram on Google Books.
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 Levy, Steven. The Man Who Cracked The Code to Everything ... (10.06). Wired. [2015-03-03]. 
  14. ^ Letter to the Editor, American Anthropologist, February, 1967.
  15. ^ Times Literary Supplement, October 29, 2008. "The century of Claude Lévi-Strauss: How the great anthropologist, now approaching his 100th birthday, has earned a place in the prestigious Pléiade library", by Patrick Wilcken.
  16. ^ The Psycho-Analytical Approach to Juvenile Delinquency: Theory, Case Studies, Treatment by Kate Friedlander (1947) on Google Books.
  17. ^ Smith, M. E.. (1993). Obituary. Anthropology Today, 9(6), 22–22. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/2783224
  18. ^ FRIEDLANDER, KATE in Jewish Virtual Library.
  19. ^ Kate Friedländer née Frankl (1902-1949), Psychoanalytikerinnen. Biografisches Lexikon.
  20. ^ PHYSICIST AWARDED 'GENIUS' PRIZE FINDS REALITY IN INVISIBLE WORLD, by GLADWIN HILL, Special to the New York Times, Published: May 24, 1981: "When I first went to school, they thought I was behind, he says, because I didn't want to read the silly books they gave us. And I never was able to do arithmetic. It was when he got into higher mathematics, such as calculus, he says, that he realized there was an invisible world that he wanted to explore."
  21. ^ S. Wolfram. Concise Directory of Physics (PDF). 1972. 
  22. ^ S. Wolfram. The Physics of Subatomic Particles (PDF). 1973. 
  23. ^ S. Wolfram. Introduction to the Weak Interaction (PDF) 1. 1974. 
  24. ^ S. Wolfram. Introduction to the Weak Interaction (PDF) 2. 1974. 
  25. ^ Stephen Wolfram: Articles on Particle Physics
  26. ^ Giles, J. Stephen Wolfram: What kind of science is this?. Nature. 2002, 417 (6886): 216–218. PMID 12015565. doi:10.1038/417216a. 
  27. ^ Fox, G.; Wolfram, S. Observables for the Analysis of Event Shapes in e^{+}e^{-} Annihilation and Other Processes. Physical Review Letters. 1978, 41 (23): 1581. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.41.1581. 
  28. ^ A Speech for (High-School) Graduates by Stephen Wolfram a commencement speech for Stanford Online High School, StephenWolfram.com, June 9, 2014: "You know, as it happens, I myself never officially graduated from high school, and this is actually the first high school graduation I’ve ever been to."
  29. ^ Complexity: A Guided Tour by Melanie Mitchell, 2009, p. 151: “In the early 1980s, Stephen Wolfram, a physicist working at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, became fascinated by cellular automata and the patterns they make. Wolfram is one of those legendary child prodigies people like to tell stories about. Born in London in 1959, Wolfram published his first physics paper at 15. Two years later, in the summer after his first year at Oxford, . . . Wolfram wrote a paper in the field of “quantum chromodynamics” that attracted the attention of Nobel Prize winning physicist Murray Gell-Mann, who invited Wolfram to join his group at Caltech…”
  30. ^ 30.0 30.1 Arndt, Michael. Stephen Wolfram's Simple Science. BusinessWeek. 17 May 2002 [20 August 2015]. 
  31. ^ Stephen Wolfram: 'The textbook has never interested me': The British child genius who abandoned physics to devote himself to coding and the cosmos, by Zoë Corbyn, The Guardian, Saturday 28 June 2014: "He entered Oxford University at 17 without A-levels and left around a year later without graduating. He was bored and he had been invited to cross the pond by the prestigious California Institute of Technology (Caltech) to do a PhD. "I had written a bunch of papers and so was pretty well known by that time,"" ...
  32. ^ 史蒂芬·沃爾夫勒姆數學譜系計畫的資料。
  33. ^ Wolfram, Stephen. Some Topics in Theoretical High-Energy Physics (PhD论文). California Institute of Technology. 1980. 
  34. ^ Application
  35. ^ About Stephen Wolfram. www.stephenwolfram.com. [2015-10-13]. 
  36. ^ Wolfram, S. Computation theory of cellular automata. Communications in Mathematical Physics. 1984, 96: 15–57. doi:10.1007/BF01217347. 
  37. ^ Martin, O.; Odlyzko, A. M.; Wolfram, S. Algebraic properties of cellular automata. Communications in Mathematical Physics. 1984, 93 (2): 219. doi:10.1007/BF01223745. 
  38. ^ Wolfram, S. Cellular automaton fluids 1: Basic theory. Journal of Statistical Physics. 1986, 45 (3–4): 471–526. doi:10.1007/BF01021083. 
  39. ^ Wolfram, S. Cellular automata as models of complexity. Nature. 1984, 311 (5985): 419–424. doi:10.1038/311419a0. 
  40. ^ Wolfram, S. Statistical mechanics of cellular automata. Reviews of Modern Physics. 1983, 55 (3): 601. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.55.601. 
  41. ^ W. Daniel Hillis. Richard Feynman and The Connection Machine. Physics Today. February 1989 [3 November 2006]. 
  42. ^ 42.0 42.1 The Man Who Cracked The Code to Everything. Wired. [7 April 2012]. 
  43. ^ The Prize Announcement; Looking for the formal proof. 
  44. ^ The Prize Is Won; The Simplest Universal Turing Machine Is Proved.  The 24 October entry at Wolfram Research's blog announcing the news.
  45. ^ Stephen Wolfram reply in the FOM list. 
  46. ^ Todd Rowland reply to Vaughan Pratt in the FOM list. 
  47. ^ Alex Smith reply to Vaughan Pratt in the FOM list. 
