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第5行: 第5行:
|2=zh-cn:美洲大蠊; zh-tw:美洲家蠊;
|2=zh-cn:美洲大蠊; zh-tw:美洲家蠊;
| color = pink
| image = Blattodea. Cascuda. Santiago de Compostela 1.jpg
| name = 德國姬蠊
| taxon = Blattella germanica
| status =
| authority = [[卡尔·林奈|Linnaeus]], {{tsl|en|12th edition of Systema Naturae|}}
| status_system =
| display_parents = 4
| image = Blattodea. Cascuda. Santiago de Compostela 1.jpg
| image_width = 250px
| image_caption =
| regnum = [[動物界]] Animalia
| phylum = [[節肢動物門]] Arthropoda
| classis = [[昆蟲綱]] Insecta
| subclassis = [[有翅亞綱]] Pterygota
| infraclassis = [[新翅下綱]] Neoptera
| ordo = [[蜚蠊目]] Blattodea
| familia = [[姬蜚蠊科]] Blattellidae
| genus = [[姬蠊屬]] ''Blattella''
| species = '''德國姬蠊 ''B. germanica'''''
| binomial = ''Blattella germanica''
| binomial_authority = [[卡爾·林奈|Linnaeus]], 1767

'''德國姬蠊'''([[學名]]:{{lang|la|''Blattella germanica''}}),俗稱'''德國蟑螂''',是[[蟑螂]]的種類之一,身長多為1.0到1.6厘米<ref name="蟑螂养殖">《[http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFD2002-NCXJ200210015.htm 蟑螂养殖技术]》,陈梦林,《农村新技术》, ''New Rural Technology'', 2002年10期 广西南宁地区科协</ref>,比[[美洲家蠊]]小,背部呈淺棕色及擁有兩條由頭部至翅膀末端的直紋飛行距離並不遠。
'''德國姬蠊'''(學名:{{lang|la|''Blattella germanica''}}),俗稱'''德國蟑螂''',是一個[[蟑螂]]的[[物种]],身長多為1.0到1.6厘米<ref name="蟑螂养殖">{{cite journal |url = http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFD2002-NCXJ200210015.htm |title=蟑螂养殖技术 |author=陈梦林 |journal=《农村新技术》|volume=2002年|issue=10期 |publisher=广西南宁地区科协}}</ref><ref name="isbn1-86872-713-0">{{cite book |author1=Alan Weaving |author2=Mike Picker |author3=Griffiths, Charles Llewellyn |title=Field Guide to Insects of South Africa |publisher=New Holland Publishers, Ltd |location= |year=2003 |pages= |isbn=1-86872-713-0 |oclc= |doi= |accessdate=}}</ref><ref name="JackmanDrees1998">{{cite book|author1=John A. Jackman|author2=Bastiaan M. Drees|title=A Field Guide to Common Texas Insects|url={{google books |plainurl=yes |id=sTH5AQAAQBAJ |pg=PA28}} |date= 1998-03-01 |publisher=Taylor Trade Publishing |isbn=978-1-4616-2291-8 |pages=28– |language = end }}</ref>,比[[美洲家蠊]]小。顏色從淺棕色到接近黑色的深棕色,而且在其[[前胸 (昆蟲)|前胸]]有兩條由頭部至翅膀末端的直紋飛行距離並不遠,只有在被搔擾時才會飛<ref name="BellRoth2007">{{cite book|author1=William J. Bell|author2=Louis M. Roth|author3=Christine A. Nalepa|title=Cockroaches: Ecology, Behavior, and Natural History|url={{google books |plainurl = yes |id=R7eVRP08kasC |pg=PA33 }} |date=2007-06-26 |publisher=JHU Press |isbn=978-0-8018-8616-4v|pages=33–}}</ref>

這種蟑螂是最常見的家居蟑螂之一,在全球不少有人居住的地方均有機會找到,但在寒冷的地區則較少。人工养殖只需要2个月即可繁殖一个世代,成虫寿命约为200天<ref name="蟑螂养殖"/>。
<ref name="BonnefoyKampen2008">{{cite book|author1=Xavier Bonnefoy|author2=Helge Kampen|author3=Kevin Sweeney|title=Public Health Significance of Urban Pests|url={{google books |plainurl =yes |id=uruktyYMGpAC |pg=PT35 }} |year=2008|publisher=World Health Organization|isbn=978-92-890-7188-8|pages=35–}}</ref>,但在寒冷的地區則較少。人工养殖只需要2个月即可繁殖一个世代,成虫寿命约为200天<ref name="蟑螂养殖"/>。It is very closely related to the {{tsl|en|Blattella asahinai|}}, and to the casual observer, the two appear nearly identical and may be mistaken for each other. However, the Asian cockroach is attracted to light and can fly like a moth, while the German cockroach cannot.

== Biology and pest status ==
德國蟑螂很容易在建築物裡紮根,但在[[餐馆]]、[[食品加工业]]設施、[[酒店]]及{{tsl|en|nursing home|安老院}}等機構設施裡尤為常見。牠們會在裡面建造巢穴,且繁殖速度快,每個卵囊可孵出多隻若蟲,這些若蟲由出生至交配期的所需時間短暫,因此人們難以將之徹底驅除。另外雌性德國蟑螂在產卵期間不會即時把卵囊排出,而是留在體內孵化一段時間,使人們不會發現牠們的卵囊,而將之清除。此外牠們的身型也比其他品種的小,可躲在狹窄的縫隙中,從而避過人們的攻擊。除人們家中飼養的寵物外,這種蟑螂在人類居住地方,其自然天敵非常少。

In cold climates, they occur only near human dwellings, because they cannot survive severe cold. However, though they would soon die in the outdoors on their own, German cockroaches have been found as {{tsl|en|inquiline|}}s ("tenants") of human buildings as far north as <!-- [[Alert, Nunavut]] -->[[阿勒特]].<ref>[https://www.pensoft.net/book/6332/the-insects-and-arachnids-of-canada-part-14 The insects and arachnids of Canada, part 14, The Grasshoppers, Crickets, and related insects of Canada and adjacent region]</ref> Similarly, they have been found as far south as southern <!-- [[Patagonia]] -->[[巴塔哥尼亞]].<ref>Faúndez, E. I. & M. A. Carvajal. 2011. Blattella germanica (Linnaeus, 1767) (Insecta: Blattaria) en la Región de Magallanes. Boletín de Biodiversidad de Chile, 5: 50-55.</ref>

Previously thought to be a native of Europe, the German cockroach later was considered to have emerged from the region of <!-- [[Ethiopia]] -->[[埃塞俄比亚]] in Northeast Africa,<ref>{{cite book|last1=Cory|first1=EN|last2=McConnell|first2=HS|title=Bulletin No. 8: Insects and Rodents Injurious to Stored Products|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=qcU2AQAAIAAJ&pg=PA135|year=1917|publisher=Maryland State College of Agriculture Extension Service|location=College Park, Maryland|page=135}}</ref><ref name="Hill2002">{{cite book|last=Hill|first=Dennis S. |title=Pests of Stored Foodstuffs and their Control|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=r6j1oFOdewwC&pg=PA146|date=30 September 2002|publisher=Springer|isbn=978-1-4020-0735-4|pages=145–146}}</ref> but more recent evidence suggests that it actually originated in Southeast Asia.<ref name="BonnefoyKampen2008" /><ref name="EatonKaufman2007">{{cite book|last1=Eaton|first1=Eric R. |last2=Kaufman|first2=Kenn |title=Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=aWVi0IF_jcQC&pg=PA62|year=2007|publisher=Houghton Mifflin Harcourt|isbn=0-618-15310-1|page=62}}</ref> Whatever the truth of the matter, the cockroach's sensitivity to cold might reflect its origin from such warm climates, and its spread as a <!-- 页面不存在 -->[[Wiktionary:domiciliary|domiciliary]] pest since ancient times has resulted from incidental human transport and shelter. The species now is {{tsl|en|Cosmopolitan distribution|}} in distribution, occurring as a household pest on all continents except Antarctica, and on many major islands, as well. It accordingly has been given various names in the cultures of many regions. For example, although it is widely known as the "German cockroach" in English-speaking countries, in Germany in turn, it is known as the Russian roach.<ref name="Berenbaum1989">{{cite book|last=Berenbaum|first=May |title=Ninety-nine Gnats, Nits, and Nibblers|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Te1x0opyYxoC&pg=PA3|year=1989|publisher=University of Illinois Press|isbn=978-0-252-06027-4|page=3}}</ref>
== 外部連結 ==
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20080615113221/http://news3.xinhuanet.com/photo/2003-07/08/content_960235.htm 殺不死的偷油婆 罕見德國蟑螂入侵成都(新華網)]

Though <!-- [[Nocturnality|nocturnal]] -->[[夜行性]], the German cockroach occasionally appears by day, especially if the population is crowded or has been disturbed. However, sightings are most frequent of an evening, when someone suddenly brings a light into a room deserted after dark, such as a kitchen where they have been scavenging.<ref name="MullenDurden2002">{{cite book|author1=Gary R. Mullen|author2=Lance A. Durden|title=Medical and Veterinary Entomology|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=6R1v9o-uaI4C&pg=PA33|date=27 September 2002|publisher=Academic Press|isbn=978-0-08-053607-1|pages=33–}}</ref> When excited or frightened, the species emits an unpleasant odor.

== Diet ==
German cockroaches are <!-- [[omnivorous]] -->[[雜食動物]] <!-- [[scavenger]] -->[[食腐動物]]s. They are attracted particularly to meats, <!-- [[starch]] -->[[淀粉]]es, sugars, and fatty foods. Where a shortage of foodstuff exists, they may eat household items such as soap, glue, and toothpaste. In famine conditions, they turn cannibalistic, chewing at each other's wings and legs.<ref name="CaliforniaWisconsin1994">{{cite book|first1=Michael K. |last1=Rust |first2= John M. |last2=Owens |first3=Donald A. |last3=Reierson |title=Understanding and Controlling the German Cockroach|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=4j8n8hIBEa0C&pg=PA388|date=30 November 1994|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-534508-7|pages=388–}}</ref>

== Reproduction ==
The German cockroach reproduces faster than any other residential cockroach,<ref name="Ebeling">{{cite web
|title=Urban entomology
|archive-date=17 July 2013
|accessdate=17 July 2013
}}</ref> growing from egg to reproductive adult in roughly 50 – 60 days.<ref>{http://museumpests.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/German-Cockroach.pdf Museumpests.net Accessed July 15, 2015}</ref> Once fertilized, a female German cockroach develops an {{tsl|en|ootheca|}} in her abdomen. The abdomen swells as her eggs develop, until the translucent tip of the ootheca begins to protrude from the end of her abdomen, and by that time the eggs inside are fully sized, about 1/4 inch long with 16 segments. The ootheca, at first translucent, soon turns white and then within a few hours it turns pink, progressively darkening until, some 48 hours later, it attains the dark red-brown of the shell of a chestnut. The ootheca has a keel-like ridge along the line where the young emerge, and curls slightly towards that edge as it completes its maturation. A small percentage of the nymphs may hatch while the ootheca is still attached to the female, but the majority emerge some 24 hours after it has detached from the female's body. The newly hatched 3-mm-long black nymphs then progress through six or seven {{tsl|en|instar|}}s before becoming sexually mature, but {{tsl|en|ecdysis|}} is such a hazardous process that nearly half the nymphs die of natural causes before reaching adulthood. Molted skins and dead nymphs are soon eaten by living nymphs present at the time of molting.<ref name="Ebeling" />

== Pest control ==
The German cockroach is very successful at establishing an <!-- [[ecological niche]] -->[[生态位]] in buildings, and is resilient in the face of many <!-- [[pest-control]] -->[[病虫害防治]] measures. Reasons include:
* lack of natural <!-- [[predator]] -->[[捕食]]s in a human habitat
* prolific reproduction
* short reproductive cycle
* the ability to hide in very small refuges
* sexual maturity attained within several weeks, and
* adaptation and resistance to some <!-- [[chemical pesticides]] -->[[农药]]
German cockroaches are <!-- [[Taxis|thigmotactic]] -->[[趨性]], meaning they prefer confined spaces, and they are small compared to other pest species, so they can hide within small cracks and crevices that are easy to overlook, thereby evading humans and their eradication efforts. Conversely, the seasoned pest controller is alert for cracks and crevices where it is likely to be profitable to place baits or spray surfaces.

To be effective, control measures must be comprehensive, sustained, and systematic; survival of just a few eggs is quite enough to regenerate a nearly exterminated pest population within a few generations, and recolonisation from surrounding populations often is very rapid, too.<ref name="CaliforniaWisconsin1994" />

Another problem in controlling German cockroaches is the nature of their population behaviour. Though they are not social and practise no organised maternal care, females carry oothecae of 18-50 eggs (average about 32) during incubation until just before hatching, instead of dropping them as most other species of cockroaches do. This protects the eggs from certain classes of predation. Then, after hatching, nymphs largely survive by consuming excretions and moults from adults, thereby establishing their own internal microbial populations and avoiding contact with most insecticidal surface treatments and baits. One effective control is insect growth regulators (hydroprene, methoprene, etc.), which act by preventing molting, thus prevent maturation of the various instars. Caulking baseboards and around pipes may prevent the travel of adults from one apartment to another within a building.

[[File:Blatella germanica cdc.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Female German cockroach with {{tsl|en|ootheca|}}]]
As an <!-- [[Adaptation|adaptive]] -->[[適應]] consequence of pest control by poisoned sugar baits, a strain of German cockroaches has emerged that reacts to glucose as distastefully bitter. They refuse to eat sweetened baits, which presents an obstacle to their control, given that baits are an economical and effective means of control. It also is a dramatic illustration of adaptive selection; in the absence of poisoned sweet baits, attraction to sugars strongly promotes growth, energy, and reproduction; cockroaches that are not attracted to sugars take longer to grow and reproduce, whereas in the presence of poisoned sugared baits, sugar avoidance promotes reproduction.<ref>{{Cite journal | last1 = Wada-Katsumata | first1 = A. | last2 = Silverman | first2 = J. | last3 = Schal | first3 = C. | doi = 10.1126/science.1234854 | title = Changes in Taste Neurons Support the Emergence of an Adaptive Behavior in Cockroaches | journal = Science | volume = 340 | issue = 6135 | pages = 972–5 | year = 2013 | pmid = 23704571| pmc = }} ([https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-22611143 summary at BBC News])</ref>

== Comparison of three common cockroaches ==
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Roach''' || German cockroach || <!-- [[Oriental cockroach]] -->[[东方蠊]] || American cockroach
|-on|'''Size''' || {{convert|13|–|16|mm|in|abbr=on}}<ref name="Robinson2005" /> || {{convert|18|–|29|mm|in|abbr=on}}<ref name="Robinson2005">{{cite book|last=Robinson|first=William H.|title=Urban Insects and Arachnids: A Handbook of Urban Entomology|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=aluUgDVYJ8wC&pg=PA51|date=14 April 2005|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-81253-5|pages=45–46, 51–54}}</ref> || {{convert|29|–|53|mm|in|abbr=on}}<ref name="Robinson2005" />
|'''Preferred temperature''' || {{convert|15|–|35|C|abbr=on}}<ref name="Bassett2012">{{cite book|last=Bassett|first=W.H. |title=Clay's Handbook of Environmental Health|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=ck2qO5Gyj40C&pg=PT317|date=12 October 2012|publisher=Routledge|isbn=978-1-135-81033-7|page=317}}</ref> || {{convert|20|–|30|C|abbr=on}}<ref name="Robinson2005" /> || {{convert|20|–|29|C|abbr=on}}<ref name="Bassett2012" />
|'''Nymphal development'''{{efn|Dependent on several factors, including temperature (significantly), sex, and nutrition.}} || 54–215 days<br />(at {{convert|24|–|35|C|abbr=on}})<ref name="Robinson2005" /> || 164–542 days<br />(at {{convert|22|–|30|C|abbr=on}})<ref name="Robinson2005" /> || 150–360 days<br />(at {{convert|25|–|30|C|abbr=on}})<ref name="Robinson2005" />
|'''Lifespan''' || Around 200 days<ref name="Robinson2005" /> || 35–190 days<ref name="Robinson2005" /> || 90–706 days<ref name="Robinson2005" />
|'''Able to fly?''' || Uncommon{{efn|German cockroaches can glide, especially males, but powered flight is uncommon.}}<ref name="Robinson2005" /> || No<ref name="Robinson2005" /> || No<ref name="Robinson2005" />

== Genome ==
The genome of the German cockroach was published in February 2018 in ''{{tsl|en|Nature Ecology and Evolution|}}''.<ref name="Harrison2018">{{cite journal|last1=Harrison|first1=Mark C.|last2=Jongepier|first2=Evelien|last3=Robertson|first3=Hugh M.|last4=Arning|first4=Nicolas|last5=Bitard-Feildel|first5=Tristan|last6=Chao|first6=Hsu|last7=Childers|first7=Christopher P.|last8=Dinh|first8=Huyen|last9=Doddapaneni|first9=Harshavardhan|last10=Dugan|first10=Shannon|last11=Gowin|first11=Johannes|last12=Greiner|first12=Carolin|last13=Han|first13=Yi|last14=Hu|first14=Haofu|last15=Hughes|first15=Daniel S. T.|last16=Huylmans|first16=Ann-Kathrin|last17=Kemena|first17=Carsten|last18=Kremer|first18=Lukas P. M.|last19=Lee|first19=Sandra L.|last20=Lopez-Ezquerra|first20=Alberto|last21=Mallet|first21=Ludovic|last22=Monroy-Kuhn|first22=Jose M.|last23=Moser|first23=Annabell|last24=Murali|first24=Shwetha C.|last25=Muzny|first25=Donna M.|last26=Otani|first26=Saria|last27=Piulachs|first27=Maria-Dolors|last28=Poelchau|first28=Monica|last29=Qu|first29=Jiaxin|last30=Schaub|first30=Florentine|last31=Wada-Katsumata|first31=Ayako|last32=Worley|first32=Kim C.|last33=Xie|first33=Qiaolin|last34=Ylla|first34=Guillem|last35=Poulsen|first35=Michael|last36=Gibbs|first36=Richard A.|last37=Schal|first37=Coby|last38=Richards|first38=Stephen|last39=Belles|first39=Xavier|last40=Korb|first40=Judith|last41=Bornberg-Bauer|first41=Erich|title=Hemimetabolous genomes reveal molecular basis of termite eusociality|journal=Nature Ecology & Evolution|date=2018|volume=2|issue=3|doi=10.1038/s41559-017-0459-1|url=https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-017-0459-1}}</ref> The relatively large genome (2.0 Gb) harbours a very high number of proteins, of which most notably one group of {{tsl|en|chemoreceptors|}}, called the {{tsl|en|ionotropic receptors|}}, is particularly numerous. These chemoreceptors possibly allow the German cockroach to detect a broad range of chemical cues from toxins, food, pathogens, and pheromones.<ref name="Harrison2018" />

<!-- ==See also==
* <!-- 页面不存在 -->[[Cockroach]]
* <!-- [[Oriental cockroach]] -->[[东方蠊]]

== See also ==
* {{tsl|en|Blattellaquinone|}}, a sex pheromone of the German cockroach

== Notes ==

18. John Allen First Response Pest Control [https://www.lewisvillepestcontrol.net/single-post/2017/10/21/German-Roach-Blatella-Germanica]

{{Commonscat|Blattella germanica}}
* [http://entomology.ifas.ufl.edu/creatures/urban/roaches/german.htm German cockroach] on the [[佛罗里达大学|UF]] / {{tsl|en|Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences|}} Featured Creatures Web site
* [http://www.ento.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/german_cockroach.htm German cockroach fact sheet] from the [[宾夕法尼亚州立大学|Penn State]] Extension
* {{cite news |url = http://news3.xinhuanet.com/photo/2003-07/08/content_960235.htm |deadurl=yes |archive-url =v
https://web.archive.org/web/20080615113221/http://news3.xinhuanet.com/photo/2003-07/08/content_960235.htm |title=殺不死的偷油婆 罕見德國蟑螂入侵成都 |publisher=新華網 |archive-date=2008-06-15 |language=zh-hans }}


2019年1月10日 (四) 01:04的版本

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
纲: 昆虫纲 Insecta
目: 蜚蠊目 Blattodea
总科: 匍蜚蠊總科 Blaberoidea
科: 姬蜚蠊科 Ectobiidae
亚科: 姬蜚蠊亞科 Ectobiinae
属: 姬蠊屬 Blattella
德國姬蠊 B. germanica
Blattella germanica

德國姬蠊(學名:Blattella germanica),俗稱德國蟑螂,是一個蟑螂物种,身長多為1.0到1.6厘米[1][2][3],比美洲家蠊小。顏色從淺棕色到接近黑色的深棕色,而且在其前胸有兩條由頭部至翅膀末端的直紋。飛行距離並不遠,只有在被搔擾時才會飛[4]

這種蟑螂是最常見的家居蟑螂之一,屬於本目物種少數的有害生物,在全球不少有人居住的地方均有機會找到 [5],但在寒冷的地區則較少。人工养殖只需要2个月即可繁殖一个世代,成虫寿命约为200天[1]。It is very closely related to the Blattella asahinai英语Blattella asahinai, and to the casual observer, the two appear nearly identical and may be mistaken for each other. However, the Asian cockroach is attracted to light and can fly like a moth, while the German cockroach cannot.

Biology and pest status


In cold climates, they occur only near human dwellings, because they cannot survive severe cold. However, though they would soon die in the outdoors on their own, German cockroaches have been found as inquiline英语inquilines ("tenants") of human buildings as far north as 阿勒特.[6] Similarly, they have been found as far south as southern 巴塔哥尼亞.[7]

Previously thought to be a native of Europe, the German cockroach later was considered to have emerged from the region of 埃塞俄比亚 in Northeast Africa,[8][9] but more recent evidence suggests that it actually originated in Southeast Asia.[5][10] Whatever the truth of the matter, the cockroach's sensitivity to cold might reflect its origin from such warm climates, and its spread as a domiciliary pest since ancient times has resulted from incidental human transport and shelter. The species now is Cosmopolitan distribution英语Cosmopolitan distribution in distribution, occurring as a household pest on all continents except Antarctica, and on many major islands, as well. It accordingly has been given various names in the cultures of many regions. For example, although it is widely known as the "German cockroach" in English-speaking countries, in Germany in turn, it is known as the Russian roach.[11]

Though 夜行性, the German cockroach occasionally appears by day, especially if the population is crowded or has been disturbed. However, sightings are most frequent of an evening, when someone suddenly brings a light into a room deserted after dark, such as a kitchen where they have been scavenging.[12] When excited or frightened, the species emits an unpleasant odor.


German cockroaches are 雜食動物 食腐動物s. They are attracted particularly to meats, 淀粉es, sugars, and fatty foods. Where a shortage of foodstuff exists, they may eat household items such as soap, glue, and toothpaste. In famine conditions, they turn cannibalistic, chewing at each other's wings and legs.[13]


The German cockroach reproduces faster than any other residential cockroach,[14] growing from egg to reproductive adult in roughly 50 – 60 days.[15] Once fertilized, a female German cockroach develops an ootheca英语ootheca in her abdomen. The abdomen swells as her eggs develop, until the translucent tip of the ootheca begins to protrude from the end of her abdomen, and by that time the eggs inside are fully sized, about 1/4 inch long with 16 segments. The ootheca, at first translucent, soon turns white and then within a few hours it turns pink, progressively darkening until, some 48 hours later, it attains the dark red-brown of the shell of a chestnut. The ootheca has a keel-like ridge along the line where the young emerge, and curls slightly towards that edge as it completes its maturation. A small percentage of the nymphs may hatch while the ootheca is still attached to the female, but the majority emerge some 24 hours after it has detached from the female's body. The newly hatched 3-mm-long black nymphs then progress through six or seven instar英语instars before becoming sexually mature, but ecdysis英语ecdysis is such a hazardous process that nearly half the nymphs die of natural causes before reaching adulthood. Molted skins and dead nymphs are soon eaten by living nymphs present at the time of molting.[14]

Pest control

The German cockroach is very successful at establishing an 生态位 in buildings, and is resilient in the face of many 病虫害防治 measures. Reasons include:

  • lack of natural 捕食s in a human habitat
  • prolific reproduction
  • short reproductive cycle
  • the ability to hide in very small refuges
  • sexual maturity attained within several weeks, and
  • adaptation and resistance to some 农药

German cockroaches are 趨性, meaning they prefer confined spaces, and they are small compared to other pest species, so they can hide within small cracks and crevices that are easy to overlook, thereby evading humans and their eradication efforts. Conversely, the seasoned pest controller is alert for cracks and crevices where it is likely to be profitable to place baits or spray surfaces.

To be effective, control measures must be comprehensive, sustained, and systematic; survival of just a few eggs is quite enough to regenerate a nearly exterminated pest population within a few generations, and recolonisation from surrounding populations often is very rapid, too.[13]

Another problem in controlling German cockroaches is the nature of their population behaviour. Though they are not social and practise no organised maternal care, females carry oothecae of 18-50 eggs (average about 32) during incubation until just before hatching, instead of dropping them as most other species of cockroaches do. This protects the eggs from certain classes of predation. Then, after hatching, nymphs largely survive by consuming excretions and moults from adults, thereby establishing their own internal microbial populations and avoiding contact with most insecticidal surface treatments and baits. One effective control is insect growth regulators (hydroprene, methoprene, etc.), which act by preventing molting, thus prevent maturation of the various instars. Caulking baseboards and around pipes may prevent the travel of adults from one apartment to another within a building.

Female German cockroach with ootheca英语ootheca

As an 適應 consequence of pest control by poisoned sugar baits, a strain of German cockroaches has emerged that reacts to glucose as distastefully bitter. They refuse to eat sweetened baits, which presents an obstacle to their control, given that baits are an economical and effective means of control. It also is a dramatic illustration of adaptive selection; in the absence of poisoned sweet baits, attraction to sugars strongly promotes growth, energy, and reproduction; cockroaches that are not attracted to sugars take longer to grow and reproduce, whereas in the presence of poisoned sugared baits, sugar avoidance promotes reproduction.[16]

Comparison of three common cockroaches

Roach German cockroach 东方蠊 American cockroach
Preferred temperature 15—35 °C(59—95 °F)[18] 20—30 °C(68—86 °F)[17] 20—29 °C(68—84 °F)[18]
Nymphal development[a] 54–215 days
(at 24—35 °C(75—95 °F))[17]
164–542 days
(at 22—30 °C(72—86 °F))[17]
150–360 days
(at 25—30 °C(77—86 °F))[17]
Lifespan Around 200 days[17] 35–190 days[17] 90–706 days[17]
Able to fly? Uncommon[b][17] No[17] No[17]


The genome of the German cockroach was published in February 2018 in Nature Ecology and Evolution英语Nature Ecology and Evolution.[19] The relatively large genome (2.0 Gb) harbours a very high number of proteins, of which most notably one group of chemoreceptors英语chemoreceptors, called the ionotropic receptors英语ionotropic receptors, is particularly numerous. These chemoreceptors possibly allow the German cockroach to detect a broad range of chemical cues from toxins, food, pathogens, and pheromones.[19]



See also


  1. ^ Dependent on several factors, including temperature (significantly), sex, and nutrition.
  2. ^ German cockroaches can glide, especially males, but powered flight is uncommon.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 陈梦林. 蟑螂养殖技术. 《农村新技术》 (广西南宁地区科协). 
  2. ^ Alan Weaving; Mike Picker; Griffiths, Charles Llewellyn. Field Guide to Insects of South Africa. New Holland Publishers, Ltd. 2003. ISBN 1-86872-713-0. 
  3. ^ John A. Jackman; Bastiaan M. Drees. A Field Guide to Common Texas Insects. Taylor Trade Publishing. 1998-03-01: 28–. ISBN 978-1-4616-2291-8 (end). 
  4. ^ William J. Bell; Louis M. Roth; Christine A. Nalepa. Cockroaches: Ecology, Behavior, and Natural History. JHU Press. 2007-06-26: 33–. ISBN 978-0-8018-8616-4v 请检查|isbn=值 (帮助). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Xavier Bonnefoy; Helge Kampen; Kevin Sweeney. Public Health Significance of Urban Pests. World Health Organization. 2008: 35–. ISBN 978-92-890-7188-8. 
  6. ^ The insects and arachnids of Canada, part 14, The Grasshoppers, Crickets, and related insects of Canada and adjacent region
  7. ^ Faúndez, E. I. & M. A. Carvajal. 2011. Blattella germanica (Linnaeus, 1767) (Insecta: Blattaria) en la Región de Magallanes. Boletín de Biodiversidad de Chile, 5: 50-55.
  8. ^ Cory, EN; McConnell, HS. Bulletin No. 8: Insects and Rodents Injurious to Stored Products. College Park, Maryland: Maryland State College of Agriculture Extension Service. 1917: 135. 
  9. ^ Hill, Dennis S. Pests of Stored Foodstuffs and their Control. Springer. 30 September 2002: 145–146. ISBN 978-1-4020-0735-4. 
  10. ^ Eaton, Eric R.; Kaufman, Kenn. Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2007: 62. ISBN 0-618-15310-1. 
  11. ^ Berenbaum, May. Ninety-nine Gnats, Nits, and Nibblers. University of Illinois Press. 1989: 3. ISBN 978-0-252-06027-4. 
  12. ^ Gary R. Mullen; Lance A. Durden. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. Academic Press. 27 September 2002: 33–. ISBN 978-0-08-053607-1. 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Rust, Michael K.; Owens, John M.; Reierson, Donald A. Understanding and Controlling the German Cockroach. Oxford University Press. 30 November 1994: 388–. ISBN 978-0-19-534508-7. 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Ebeling, Walter. Urban entomology. [17 July 2013]. (原始内容存档于17 July 2013). 
  15. ^ {http://museumpests.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/German-Cockroach.pdf Museumpests.net Accessed July 15, 2015}
  16. ^ Wada-Katsumata, A.; Silverman, J.; Schal, C. Changes in Taste Neurons Support the Emergence of an Adaptive Behavior in Cockroaches. Science. 2013, 340 (6135): 972–5. PMID 23704571. doi:10.1126/science.1234854.  (summary at BBC News)
  17. ^ 17.00 17.01 17.02 17.03 17.04 17.05 17.06 17.07 17.08 17.09 17.10 17.11 17.12 Robinson, William H. Urban Insects and Arachnids: A Handbook of Urban Entomology. Cambridge University Press. 14 April 2005: 45–46, 51–54. ISBN 978-0-521-81253-5. 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Bassett, W.H. Clay's Handbook of Environmental Health. Routledge. 12 October 2012: 317. ISBN 978-1-135-81033-7. 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Harrison, Mark C.; Jongepier, Evelien; Robertson, Hugh M.; Arning, Nicolas; Bitard-Feildel, Tristan; Chao, Hsu; Childers, Christopher P.; Dinh, Huyen; Doddapaneni, Harshavardhan; Dugan, Shannon; Gowin, Johannes; Greiner, Carolin; Han, Yi; Hu, Haofu; Hughes, Daniel S. T.; Huylmans, Ann-Kathrin; Kemena, Carsten; Kremer, Lukas P. M.; Lee, Sandra L.; Lopez-Ezquerra, Alberto; Mallet, Ludovic; Monroy-Kuhn, Jose M.; Moser, Annabell; Murali, Shwetha C.; Muzny, Donna M.; Otani, Saria; Piulachs, Maria-Dolors; Poelchau, Monica; Qu, Jiaxin; Schaub, Florentine; Wada-Katsumata, Ayako; Worley, Kim C.; Xie, Qiaolin; Ylla, Guillem; Poulsen, Michael; Gibbs, Richard A.; Schal, Coby; Richards, Stephen; Belles, Xavier; Korb, Judith; Bornberg-Bauer, Erich. Hemimetabolous genomes reveal molecular basis of termite eusociality. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2018, 2 (3). doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0459-1. 

18. John Allen First Response Pest Control [1]


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