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新頁面,內容: 在同調代數中,'''群上同調'''是一套研究及其表示的代數工具。群上同調源於代數拓撲,在[[代數...

2007年11月18日 (日) 11:22的版本



群論中的指導思想之一,是研究群 及其表示的關係。群 的表示是 -模的特例:一個 -模是一個阿貝爾群 配上 上的群作用 。等價的說法是:群環 上的模。通常將 的作用寫成乘法 。全體 -模自然地構成一個阿貝爾範疇

對給定的 -模 ,最重要的子群之一是其 -不變子群

是一個 -子模(即:是 的子群,且在 的作用下不變),則 上賦有自然的 -模結構,,但是未必有 。第一個群上同調群 可以設想為兩者間差異的某種量度。一般而言,可以定義一族函子 ,其間關係可以由長正合序列表示。


以下假設 有限群,全體 -模構成阿貝爾範疇,其間的態射 定義為滿足 的群同態 。由於此範疇等價於 -模範疇,故有充足的內射對象

函子 是從 -模範疇映至阿貝爾群範疇的左正合函子。定義 為其導函子。根據導函子的一般理論,可知:

  • 長正合序列:若 -模的短正合序列,則導出相應的長正合序列

在上述定義中,若固定一個域 ,並以 代替 ,得到的上同調群依然同構。


導出函子的定義來自內射分解,不便於具體計算。然而注意到 ,其中 被賦予平凡的 作用:,故

另一方面,-模範疇中也有充足的射影對象,若取一 的射影分解 ,則有自然的同構 。最自然的分解是標準分解


定義 ,其元素為形如 的函數,並滿足 ,稱之為齊次上鏈。根據 上的作用,這種 由它在形如 的元素上的取值確定。藉此,可將上鏈複形 描述為

  • 的元素為 之函數。




較常用的上同調是 。從標準分解可導出以下的描述:



Dually to the construction of group cohomology there is the following definition of group homology: given a G-module M, set DM to be the submodule generated by elements of the form g·m-m, gG, mM. Assigning to M its so-called co-invariants, the quotient

MG := M/DM,

is a right exact functor. Its left derived functors are by definition the group homology

Hn(G, M).

The functor which assigns MG to M is isomorphic to the functor which sends M to , where is endowed with the trivial G-action. Hence one also gets an expression for group homology in terms of the Tor functors,

Group homology and cohomology can be treated uniformly for some groups, especially finite groups, in terms of complete resolutions and the Tate cohomology groups.

Non-abelian group cohomology

Using the G-invariants and the 1-cochains, one can construct the zeroth and first group cohomology for a group G with coefficients in a non-abelian group. Specifically, a G-group is a (not necessarily abelian) group A together with an action by G.

The zeroth cohomology of G with coefficients in A is

which is a subgroup of A.

The first cohomology of G with coefficents in A is defined as above using 1-cocycles and 1-coboundaries. However, it is generally not a group when A is non-abelian. It instead has the structure of a pointed set.

Using explicit calculations, one still obtains a truncated long exact sequence in cohomology. Specifically, let

be a short exact sequence of G-groups, then there is an exact sequence of pointed sets


Group cohomology depends contravariantly on the group G, in the following sense: if f : GH is a group homomorphism and M is an H-module, then we have a naturally induced morphism Hn(H,M) → Hn(G,M) (where in the latter case, M is treated as a G-module via f).

If M is a trivial G-module (i.e. the action of G on M is trivial), the second cohomology group H2(G,M) is in one-to-one correspondence with the set of central extensions of G by M (up to a natural equivalence relation). More generally, if the action of G on M is nontrivial, H2(G,M) classifies the isomorphism classes of all extensions of G by M in which the induced action of G on M by inner automorphisms agrees with the given action.

The Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence relates the cohomology of a normal subgroup N of G and the quotient G/N to the cohomology of the group G (for (pro-)finite groups G).
