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2023年2月27日 (一) 12:50的版本

Kane S. Yee
出生 (1934-03-26) 1934年3月26日90歲)
博士導師Bernard Friedman

余树江(英語:Kane Shee-Gong Yee,1934年3月26日),美籍华裔电气工程师、应用数学家、电磁学家。他的研究领域涉及电磁学流体力学连续介质力学[1],以及偏微分方程数值分析[2]余树江最知名的工作是1966年提出求解麦克斯韦方程组的一种算法时域有限差分法(FDTD)。[3]时域有限差分法使物理学家与工程师能用计算机直接模拟电磁波在空间中的传播与演化[3],在计算电磁学、光学、微波无线电、电子设计中有着重要应用。时域有限差分法的基本运算单位“余氏网格”(英語:Yee's cell)就是以他的姓氏命名的。



在自学Fortran编程时,作为练习,余树江开始尝试用计算机模拟麦克斯韦方程组。[3]1966年,余树江在《IEEE天线与传播期刊》(英語:IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation)上发表论文,提出一种在交错式网格上应用有限差分法以求解麦克斯韦方程组的算法。[6]由于当时电磁学界普遍使用频域法而非时域法;创建入射电磁波的初始条件算法效率欠缺;算法缺乏吸收边界条件,无法计算开放边界的辐射问题;缺乏实验验证,再加上计算机技术也不甚发达,这篇论文在当时学术界几乎完全没有引发关注。[3]

1969年,学者Dong-Hoa Lam改正了原论文中不正确的数值稳定性条件。[7]1975年,Allen Taflove与Morris E. Brodwin也改正了本错误,并进一步推广了余树江的工作。[8]1980年,本算法被重新命名为时域有限差分法。[9]为了纪念余树江的贡献,本算法有时也称为”余氏算法“,其基本运算单位“余氏网格”(英語:Yee's cell)也是以他的姓氏命名的。[10][11]



  • Taflove, A.; Umashankar, K.R.; Beker, B.; Harfoush, F.; Yee, K.S. Detailed FD-TD analysis of electromagnetic fields penetrating narrow slots and lapped joints in thick conducting screens [应用时域有限差分法对电磁场穿透厚导电屏蔽层上狭窄缝隙与搭接接头的详尽分析]. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. February 1988, 36 (2): 247–257. doi:10.1109/8.1102. 
  • Yee, K.S.; Ingham, D.; Shlager, K. Time-domain extrapolation to the far field based on FDTD calculations [基于时域有限差分法的时域远场外推]. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. March 1991, 39 (3): 410–413. doi:10.1109/8.76342. 
  • Yee, K.S.; Chen, J.S.; Chang, A.H. Conformal finite difference time domain (FDTD) with overlapping grids [应用重叠网格的共形有限差分时域法]. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 1992 Digest. June 1992. doi:10.1109/APS.1992.221489. 
  • Yee, Kane S.; Chen, Jei S. The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) and the finite-volume time-domain (FVTD) methods in solving Maxwell's equations [时域有限差分法(FDTD)与时域有限体积法(FVTD)对麦克斯韦方程组的求解]. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. March 1997, 45 (3): 354–363. doi:10.1109/8.558651. 


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Yee, Kane S.; Chen, Jei S. The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) and the finite-volume time-domain (FVTD) methods in solving Maxwell's equations. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. March 1997, 45 (3): 354–363. doi:10.1109/8.558651. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Yee, Kane S. A Closed-Form Expression for the Energy Dissipation in a Low-Loss Transmission Line. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. February 1974, 21 (1): 1006–1008. doi:10.1109/TNS.1974.4327594. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Pile, David. Numerical solution: Interview with Allen Taflove. Nature Photonics. 23 December 2014, 9: 5–6. doi:10.1038/nphoton.2014.305. 
  4. ^ Yee, Kane Shee-Gong. Analysis of a cylindrical cavity resonator with finite wall thickness (学位论文). University of California, Berkeley. 1958. 
  5. ^ Yee, Kane. Boundary-value problems for Maxwell's equations (学位论文). University of California, Berkeley. March 1963. 
  6. ^ Yee, Kane S. Numerical Solution of Initial Boundary Value Problems Involving Maxwell’s Equations in Isotropic Media (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. May 1966, 14 (3): 302–307. doi:10.1109/TAP.1966.1138693. 
  7. ^ Lam, Dong-Hoa. Finite Difference Methods for Electromagnetic Scattering Problems. Mississippi State University, Interaction Notes. 1969, 44. 
  8. ^ Taflove, A.; Brodwin, M. E. Numerical solution of steady-state electromagnetic scattering problems using the time-dependent Maxwell's equations (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 1975, 23 (8): 623–630. Bibcode:1975ITMTT..23..623T. doi:10.1109/TMTT.1975.1128640. 
  9. ^ Taflove, A. Application of the finite-difference time-domain method to sinusoidal steady state electromagnetic penetration problems (PDF). IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 1980, 22 (3): 191–202. Bibcode:1980ITElC..22..191T. doi:10.1109/TEMC.1980.303879. 
  10. ^ Taflove, Allen; Hagness, Susan. Computational Electrodynamics: The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method 2. Norwood, MA: Artech House. 2000: 75-79. ISBN 1580530761. 
  11. ^ Inan, Umran; Marshall, Robert A. Numerical Electromagnetics: The FDTD Method 2. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. 2011: 72-74. ISBN 1139497987.