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耐辐射奇球菌的[[基因组]]包含两个主要的环状[[染色体]](Ⅰ号染色体约为2.65 Mb,Ⅱ号染色体约为412 kb)以及大小分别为177和46 kb的[[质粒]]<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Lin |first1=Jieyi |last2=Qi |first2=Rong |last3=Aston |first3=Christopher |last4=Jing |first4=Junping |last5=Anantharaman |first5=Thomas S. |last6=Mishra |first6=Bud |last7=White |first7=Owen |last8=Daly |first8=Michael J. |last9=Minton |first9=Kenneth W. |last10=Venter |first10=J. Craig |last11=Schwartz |first11=David C. |title=Whole-Genome Shotgun Optical Mapping of Deinococcus radiodurans |journal=Science |date=1999-09-03 |volume=285 |issue=5433 |pages=1558–1562 |doi=10.1126/science.285.5433.1558}}</ref>。其基因组的GC含量高达66.6%,这种高GC含量在一定程度上维持了DNA结构的稳定<ref name="SSV-2023-0062" />。耐辐射奇球菌的[[预测开放阅读框]]中约有四分之一只存在于该菌或[[异常球菌属]]中,推测其可能来自于不同未知物种的水平基因转移<ref name="SSV-2023-0062" />。在稳定生长期,耐辐射奇球菌四叠体的拟核部分显示为异常致密的环状结构,这种结构被认为能够阻止电离辐射所造成DNA碎片在修复过程中的弥散,使得修复更为有效<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Gao |first1=GuanJun |last2=Lu |first2=HuiMing |last3=Yin |first3=LongFei |last4=Hua |first4=YueJin |title=Ring-like nucleoid does not play a key role in radioresistance of Deinococcus radiodurans |journal=Science in China Series C: Life Sciences |date=2007-08 |volume=50 |issue=4 |pages=525–529 |doi=10.1007/s11427-007-0061-x}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1=Levin-Zaidman |first1=Smadar |last2=Englander |first2=Joseph |last3=Shimoni |first3=Eyal |last4=Sharma |first4=Ajay K. |last5=Minton |first5=Kenneth W. |last6=Minsky |first6=Abraham |title=Ringlike Structure of the Deinococcus radiodurans Genome: A Key to Radioresistance? |journal=Science |date=2003-01-10 |volume=299 |issue=5604 |pages=254–256 |doi=10.1126/science.1077865}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1=Minsky |first1=Abraham |last2=Shimoni |first2=Eyal |last3=Englander |first3=Joseph |title=Ring-Like Nucleoids and DNA Repair through Error-Free Nonhomologous End Joining in Deinococcus radiodurans |journal=Journal of Bacteriology |date=2006-09 |volume=188 |issue=17 |pages=6047–6051 |doi=10.1128/jb.01951-05}}</ref>。同时耐辐射奇球菌在不同的生长时期具有4-10个基因组拷贝,能够为DNA损伤修复提供更多的修复模板<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Kitayama |first1=Shigeru |last2=Matsuyama |first2=Akira |title=Genome Multiplicity and Radiation Resistance in Micrococcus radiodurans1 |journal=The Journal of Biochemistry |date=1981-07 |volume=90 |issue=3 |pages=877–880 |doi=10.1093/oxfordjournals.jbchem.a133544}}</ref>。
耐辐射奇球菌的[[基因组]]包含两个主要的环状[[染色体]](Ⅰ号染色体约为2.65 Mb,Ⅱ号染色体约为412 kb)以及大小分别为177和46 kb的[[质粒]]<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Lin |first1=Jieyi |last2=Qi |first2=Rong |last3=Aston |first3=Christopher |last4=Jing |first4=Junping |last5=Anantharaman |first5=Thomas S. |last6=Mishra |first6=Bud |last7=White |first7=Owen |last8=Daly |first8=Michael J. |last9=Minton |first9=Kenneth W. |last10=Venter |first10=J. Craig |last11=Schwartz |first11=David C. |title=Whole-Genome Shotgun Optical Mapping of Deinococcus radiodurans |journal=Science |date=1999-09-03 |volume=285 |issue=5433 |pages=1558–1562 |doi=10.1126/science.285.5433.1558}}</ref>。其基因组的GC含量高达66.6%,这种高GC含量在一定程度上维持了DNA结构的稳定<ref name="SSV-2023-0062" />。耐辐射奇球菌的[[预测开放阅读框]]中约有四分之一只存在于该菌或[[异常球菌属]]中,推测其可能来自于不同未知物种的水平基因转移<ref name="SSV-2023-0062" />。在稳定生长期,耐辐射奇球菌四叠体的拟核部分显示为异常致密的环状结构,这种结构被认为能够阻止电离辐射所造成DNA碎片在修复过程中的弥散,使得修复更为有效<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Gao |first1=GuanJun |last2=Lu |first2=HuiMing |last3=Yin |first3=LongFei |last4=Hua |first4=YueJin |title=Ring-like nucleoid does not play a key role in radioresistance of Deinococcus radiodurans |journal=Science in China Series C: Life Sciences |date=2007-08 |volume=50 |issue=4 |pages=525–529 |doi=10.1007/s11427-007-0061-x}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1=Levin-Zaidman |first1=Smadar |last2=Englander |first2=Joseph |last3=Shimoni |first3=Eyal |last4=Sharma |first4=Ajay K. |last5=Minton |first5=Kenneth W. |last6=Minsky |first6=Abraham |title=Ringlike Structure of the Deinococcus radiodurans Genome: A Key to Radioresistance? |journal=Science |date=2003-01-10 |volume=299 |issue=5604 |pages=254–256 |doi=10.1126/science.1077865}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1=Minsky |first1=Abraham |last2=Shimoni |first2=Eyal |last3=Englander |first3=Joseph |title=Ring-Like Nucleoids and DNA Repair through Error-Free Nonhomologous End Joining in Deinococcus radiodurans |journal=Journal of Bacteriology |date=2006-09 |volume=188 |issue=17 |pages=6047–6051 |doi=10.1128/jb.01951-05}}</ref>。同时耐辐射奇球菌在不同的生长时期具有4-10个基因组拷贝,能够为DNA损伤修复提供更多的修复模板<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Kitayama |first1=Shigeru |last2=Matsuyama |first2=Akira |title=Genome Multiplicity and Radiation Resistance in Micrococcus radiodurans1 |journal=The Journal of Biochemistry |date=1981-07 |volume=90 |issue=3 |pages=877–880 |doi=10.1093/oxfordjournals.jbchem.a133544}}</ref>。

耐辐射奇球菌的细胞中金属[[锰离子]]浓度高达0.2-3 mmol/L,并且具有非常高的锰铁比<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Daly |first1=M. J. |last2=Gaidamakova |first2=E. K. |last3=Matrosova |first3=V. Y. |last4=Vasilenko |first4=A. |last5=Zhai |first5=M. |last6=Venkateswaran |first6=A. |last7=Hess |first7=M. |last8=Omelchenko |first8=M. V. |last9=Kostandarithes |first9=H. M. |last10=Makarova |first10=K. S. |last11=Wackett |first11=L. P. |last12=Fredrickson |first12=J. K. |last13=Ghosal |first13=D. |title=Accumulation of Mn(II) in Deinococcus radiodurans Facilitates Gamma-Radiation Resistance |journal=Science |date=2004-11-05 |volume=306 |issue=5698 |pages=1025–1028 |doi=10.1126/science.1103185}}</ref>。与其他辐射不耐受的细菌相比,其细胞内的这种高水平锰铁比与生物的辐射抗性成正相关<ref name="journal.pone.0012570">{{cite journal |last1=Daly |first1=Michael J. |last2=Gaidamakova |first2=Elena K. |last3=Matrosova |first3=Vera Y. |last4=Kiang |first4=Juliann G. |last5=Fukumoto |first5=Risaku |last6=Lee |first6=Duck-Yeon |last7=Wehr |first7=Nancy B. |last8=Viteri |first8=Gabriela A. |last9=Berlett |first9=Barbara S. |last10=Levine |first10=Rodney L. |title=Small-Molecule Antioxidant Proteome-Shields in Deinococcus radiodurans |journal=PLoS ONE |date=2010-09-03 |volume=5 |issue=9 |pages=e12570 |doi=10.1371/journal.pone.0012570}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1=Fredrickson |first1=James K |last2=Li |first2=Shu-mei W |last3=Gaidamakova |first3=Elena K |last4=Matrosova |first4=Vera Y |last5=Zhai |first5=Min |last6=Sulloway |first6=Heather M |last7=Scholten |first7=Johannes C |last8=Brown |first8=Mindy G |last9=Balkwill |first9=David L |last10=Daly |first10=Michael J |title=Protein oxidation: key to bacterial desiccation resistance? |journal=The ISME Journal |date=2008-04-01 |volume=2 |issue=4 |pages=393–403 |doi=10.1038/ismej.2007.116}}</ref>。锰离子通过多种途径帮助耐辐射奇球菌抵御高剂量的电离辐射,包括维持细胞[[拟核]]的高度浓缩状态、降低细胞中的氧化水平以及激活DNA损伤修复蛋白和抗氧化酶的活性<ref name="journal.pone.0012570" />。


2024年4月28日 (日) 13:24的版本

科学分类 编辑
域: 细菌域 Bacteria
界: 细菌界 Bacteria
门: 奇异球菌门 Deinococcota
纲: 异常球菌纲 Deinococci
目: 奇异球菌目 Deinococcales
科: 奇异球菌科 Deinococcaceae
属: 奇异球菌属 Deinococcus
抗輻射奇異球菌 D. radiodurans
Deinococcus radiodurans
Brooks & Murray, 1981

抗輻射奇異球菌学名Deinococcus radiodurans)又称耐辐射奇球菌,是奇异球菌门异常球菌纲奇异球菌科奇异球菌属的一種對輻射有免疫力的嗜極生物,可以承受能殺死人類3000倍和蟑螂無法抵抗的15倍輻射,也可在充满辐射的外太空存活3年。该菌具有超强的DNA损伤修复能力以及多种高效抗氧化系统的协同作用,使其能够在数小时内高效而精准地修复同一个基因组中产生的多达100个以上的DNA双链断裂[1]


一般认为, 嗜極生物所具有的环境适应性来自于其所生存的特殊环境, 然而地球历史上并没有长期存在强烈辐射的特殊时期,对具有超强辐射抗性的耐辐射奇球菌在进化上的认识存在不同的观点[1]







耐辐射奇球菌的基因组包含两个主要的环状染色体(Ⅰ号染色体约为2.65 Mb,Ⅱ号染色体约为412 kb)以及大小分别为177和46 kb的质粒[10]。其基因组的GC含量高达66.6%,这种高GC含量在一定程度上维持了DNA结构的稳定[1]。耐辐射奇球菌的预测开放阅读框中约有四分之一只存在于该菌或异常球菌属中,推测其可能来自于不同未知物种的水平基因转移[1]。在稳定生长期,耐辐射奇球菌四叠体的拟核部分显示为异常致密的环状结构,这种结构被认为能够阻止电离辐射所造成DNA碎片在修复过程中的弥散,使得修复更为有效[11][12][13]。同时耐辐射奇球菌在不同的生长时期具有4-10个基因组拷贝,能够为DNA损伤修复提供更多的修复模板[14]

耐辐射奇球菌的细胞中金属锰离子浓度高达0.2-3 mmol/L,并且具有非常高的锰铁比[15]。与其他辐射不耐受的细菌相比,其细胞内的这种高水平锰铁比与生物的辐射抗性成正相关[16][17]。锰离子通过多种途径帮助耐辐射奇球菌抵御高剂量的电离辐射,包括维持细胞拟核的高度浓缩状态、降低细胞中的氧化水平以及激活DNA损伤修复蛋白和抗氧化酶的活性[16]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Zha, QingQiao; Zhao, Ye. Radiation-resistance mechanism and potential utilization of extremely radioresistant bacterium <italic>Deinococcus radiodurans</italic>. SCIENTIA SINICA Vitae. 2024-03-01, 54 (3): 469–481. doi:10.1360/SSV-2023-0062. 
  2. ^ Yamagishi, Akihiko; Kawaguchi, Yuko; Yokobori, Shin-ichi; Hashimoto, Hirofumi; Yano, Hajime; Imai, Eiichi; Kodaira, Satoshi; Uchihori, Yukio; Nakagawa, Kazumichi. Environmental Data and Survival Data of Deinococcus aetherius from the Exposure Facility of the Japan Experimental Module of the International Space Station Obtained by the Tanpopo Mission. Astrobiology. 2018-11-01, 18 (11): 1369–1374. doi:10.1089/ast.2017.1751. 
  3. ^ Kawaguchi, Yuko; Shibuya, Mio; Kinoshita, Iori; Yatabe, Jun; Narumi, Issay; Shibata, Hiromi; Hayashi, Risako; Fujiwara, Daisuke; Murano, Yuka; Hashimoto, Hirofumi; Imai, Eiichi; Kodaira, Satoshi; Uchihori, Yukio; Nakagawa, Kazumichi; Mita, Hajime; Yokobori, Shin-ichi; Yamagishi, Akihiko. DNA Damage and Survival Time Course of Deinococcal Cell Pellets During 3 Years of Exposure to Outer Space. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020-08-26, 11. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2020.02050. 
  4. ^ Horne, William H.; Volpe, Robert P.; Korza, George; DePratti, Sarah; Conze, Isabel H.; Shuryak, Igor; Grebenc, Tine; Matrosova, Vera Y.; Gaidamakova, Elena K.; Tkavc, Rok; Sharma, Ajay; Gostinčar, Cene; Gunde-Cimerman, Nina; Hoffman, Brian M.; Setlow, Peter; Daly, Michael J. Effects of Desiccation and Freezing on Microbial Ionizing Radiation Survivability: Considerations for Mars Sample Return. Astrobiology. 2022-11-01, 22 (11): 1337–1350. doi:10.1089/ast.2022.0065. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Mattimore, V; Battista, J R. Radioresistance of Deinococcus radiodurans: functions necessary to survive ionizing radiation are also necessary to survive prolonged desiccation. Journal of Bacteriology. 1996-02, 178 (3): 633–637. ISSN 0021-9193. doi:10.1128/jb.178.3.633-637.1996 (英语). 
  6. ^ Cox, Michael M.; Battista, John R. Deinococcus radiodurans — the consummate survivor. Nature Reviews Microbiology. 2005-11, 3 (11): 882–892. doi:10.1038/nrmicro1264. 
  7. ^ Billi, Daniela; Friedmann, E. Imre; Hofer, Kurt G.; Caiola, Maria Grilli; Ocampo-Friedmann, Roseli. Ionizing-Radiation Resistance in the Desiccation-Tolerant Cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2000-04, 66 (4): 1489–1492. doi:10.1128/AEM.66.4.1489-1492.2000. 
  8. ^ Chauhan, Deepika; Srivastava, Pulkit Anupam; Ritzl, Barbara; Yennamalli, Ragothaman M.; Cava, Felipe; Priyadarshini, Richa. Amino Acid-Dependent Alterations in Cell Wall and Cell Morphology of Deinococcus indicus DR1. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2019-07-03, 10. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2019.01449. 
  9. ^ von Kügelgen, Andriko; van Dorst, Sofie; Yamashita, Keitaro; Sexton, Danielle L.; Tocheva, Elitza I.; Murshudov, Garib; Alva, Vikram; Bharat, Tanmay A. M. Interdigitated immunoglobulin arrays form the hyperstable surface layer of the extremophilic bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2023-04-18, 120 (16). doi:10.1073/pnas.2215808120. 
  10. ^ Lin, Jieyi; Qi, Rong; Aston, Christopher; Jing, Junping; Anantharaman, Thomas S.; Mishra, Bud; White, Owen; Daly, Michael J.; Minton, Kenneth W.; Venter, J. Craig; Schwartz, David C. Whole-Genome Shotgun Optical Mapping of Deinococcus radiodurans. Science. 1999-09-03, 285 (5433): 1558–1562. doi:10.1126/science.285.5433.1558. 
  11. ^ Gao, GuanJun; Lu, HuiMing; Yin, LongFei; Hua, YueJin. Ring-like nucleoid does not play a key role in radioresistance of Deinococcus radiodurans. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences. 2007-08, 50 (4): 525–529. doi:10.1007/s11427-007-0061-x. 
  12. ^ Levin-Zaidman, Smadar; Englander, Joseph; Shimoni, Eyal; Sharma, Ajay K.; Minton, Kenneth W.; Minsky, Abraham. Ringlike Structure of the Deinococcus radiodurans Genome: A Key to Radioresistance?. Science. 2003-01-10, 299 (5604): 254–256. doi:10.1126/science.1077865. 
  13. ^ Minsky, Abraham; Shimoni, Eyal; Englander, Joseph. Ring-Like Nucleoids and DNA Repair through Error-Free Nonhomologous End Joining in Deinococcus radiodurans. Journal of Bacteriology. 2006-09, 188 (17): 6047–6051. doi:10.1128/jb.01951-05. 
  14. ^ Kitayama, Shigeru; Matsuyama, Akira. Genome Multiplicity and Radiation Resistance in Micrococcus radiodurans1. The Journal of Biochemistry. 1981-07, 90 (3): 877–880. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.jbchem.a133544. 
  15. ^ Daly, M. J.; Gaidamakova, E. K.; Matrosova, V. Y.; Vasilenko, A.; Zhai, M.; Venkateswaran, A.; Hess, M.; Omelchenko, M. V.; Kostandarithes, H. M.; Makarova, K. S.; Wackett, L. P.; Fredrickson, J. K.; Ghosal, D. Accumulation of Mn(II) in Deinococcus radiodurans Facilitates Gamma-Radiation Resistance. Science. 2004-11-05, 306 (5698): 1025–1028. doi:10.1126/science.1103185. 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Daly, Michael J.; Gaidamakova, Elena K.; Matrosova, Vera Y.; Kiang, Juliann G.; Fukumoto, Risaku; Lee, Duck-Yeon; Wehr, Nancy B.; Viteri, Gabriela A.; Berlett, Barbara S.; Levine, Rodney L. Small-Molecule Antioxidant Proteome-Shields in Deinococcus radiodurans. PLoS ONE. 2010-09-03, 5 (9): e12570. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012570. 
  17. ^ Fredrickson, James K; Li, Shu-mei W; Gaidamakova, Elena K; Matrosova, Vera Y; Zhai, Min; Sulloway, Heather M; Scholten, Johannes C; Brown, Mindy G; Balkwill, David L; Daly, Michael J. Protein oxidation: key to bacterial desiccation resistance?. The ISME Journal. 2008-04-01, 2 (4): 393–403. doi:10.1038/ismej.2007.116. 
