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麦克维于早上8点50分进入俄克拉何马城<ref name="AmerTerror" />{{rp|229}}。8点57分,于三天前录下尼科尔斯开着小卡车的丽晶大厦公寓楼大堂安防摄像机也记录到麦克维的卡车前往默拉联邦大楼<ref name="RTASecurityRyder">{{cite news | first = Talley | last = Tim | title = Man testifies axle of truck fell from sky after Oklahoma City bombing | url = http://legacy.utsandiego.com/news/nation/20040415-1925-nicholstrial.html | work = The San Diego Union-Tribune | date = 2004-04-15 | archivedate = 2012-03-18 | accessdate = 2014-04-04 | deadurl = no | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20120313182753/http://legacy.signonsandiego.com/news/nation/20040415-1925-nicholstrial.html}}</ref>。与此同时,麦克维引燃了需时5分钟的引信。三分钟后卡车距目标还剩一个街区,他引燃了2分钟的引信。他把卡车停在建筑物下一家日托中心的落客区,下车并上锁,然后朝自己的逃脱车辆走去,并在几个街区外扔掉了卡车的钥匙<ref name="HomelandStudyKeys1042">{{cite episode | title = A Study of the Oklahoma City Bombing | series = Homeland Security Television | minutes = 10:42 | airdate = 2006}}</ref>。
麦克维于早上8点50分进入俄克拉何马城<ref name="AmerTerror" />{{rp|229}}。8点57分,于三天前录下尼科尔斯开着小卡车的丽晶大厦公寓楼大堂安防摄像机也记录到麦克维的卡车前往默拉联邦大楼<ref name="RTASecurityRyder">{{cite news | first = Talley | last = Tim | title = Man testifies axle of truck fell from sky after Oklahoma City bombing | url = http://legacy.utsandiego.com/news/nation/20040415-1925-nicholstrial.html | work = The San Diego Union-Tribune | date = 2004-04-15 | archivedate = 2012-03-18 | accessdate = 2014-04-04 | deadurl = no | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20120313182753/http://legacy.signonsandiego.com/news/nation/20040415-1925-nicholstrial.html}}</ref>。与此同时,麦克维引燃了需时5分钟的引信。三分钟后卡车距目标还剩一个街区,他引燃了2分钟的引信。他把卡车停在建筑物下一家日托中心的落客区,下车并上锁,然后朝自己的逃脱车辆走去,并在几个街区外扔掉了卡车的钥匙<ref name="HomelandStudyKeys1042">{{cite episode | title = A Study of the Oklahoma City Bombing | series = Homeland Security Television | minutes = 10:42 | airdate = 2006}}</ref>。

上午9点02分([[协调世界时]]下午14点02分),装有超过2177公斤<ref name="ITN76">{{cite book | last = Irving | first = Clive | title = In Their Name | page = 76 | isbn = 0-679-44825-X}}</ref>硝酸铵肥料、硝基甲烷和柴油燃料混合物的卡车在九层高的艾尔弗雷德·{{lang|en|P}}·默拉联邦大楼北面爆炸<ref name="McVeighBomb33" />,上百人死亡,数百人受伤,三分之一的建筑物被完全炸毁<ref name="Terrorism Info">{{cite web | title = The Oklahoma Department of Civil Emergency Management After Action Report | accessdate = 2014-04-04 | archivedate = 2014-01-21 | deadurl = no | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20140121223730/http://www.ok.gov/OEM/documents/Bombing%20After%20Action%20Report.pdf | url = http://www.ok.gov/OEM/documents/Bombing%20After%20Action%20Report.pdf | format = PDF | page = 77 | publisher = Department of Central Services Central Printing Division | year = 1996}}</ref>,在大楼相邻的西北第五街炸出了一个9.1米宽,2.4米深的弹坑<ref name="FinalReport">{{cite book | last = City Of Oklahoma City Document Management | title = Final Report | pages = 10–12 | isbn = 0-87939-130-8}}</ref>。爆炸还令方圆16个街区的324幢建筑物受损或被毁,并且震碎了附近258幢建筑物的玻璃<ref name="TI3" /><ref name="Safety" />。单破碎的玻璃就导致了默拉联邦大楼以外死亡人数的5%的受伤人数的69%<ref name="Safety" />,大楼周围还有86辆车被烧毁或由冲击波摧毁<ref name="TI3" /><ref name="In Their Name">{{cite book | last = Irving | first = Clive | title = In Their Name | publisher = Random House | location = New York | year = 1995 | isbn = 0-679-44825-X | url = http://www.amazon.com/In-Their-Name-Clive-Irving/dp/067944825X | accessdate = 2014-04-04 | deadurl = no | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20130131055958/http://www.amazon.com/In-Their-Name-Clive-Irving/dp/067944825X | archivedate = 2013-01-31}}</ref>{{rp|52}}。多幢建筑物遭受的破坏还导致成百上千的人们流离失所,俄克拉何马市中心的多个办事处也予以关闭<ref name="USDJ" />。估计这次爆炸一共造成了至少6.52亿美元的损失<ref name="UnderstandingTerror" />。
上午9点02分([[协调世界时]]下午14点02分),装有超过2177公斤<ref name="ITN76">{{cite book | last = Irving | first = Clive | title = In Their Name | page = 76 | isbn = 0-679-44825-X}}</ref>硝酸铵肥料、硝基甲烷和柴油燃料混合物的卡车在九层高的艾尔弗雷德·{{lang|en|P}}·默拉联邦大楼北面爆炸<ref name="McVeighBomb33" />,上百人死亡,数百人受伤,三分之一的建筑物被完全炸毁<ref name="Terrorism Info">{{cite web | title = The Oklahoma Department of Civil Emergency Management After Action Report | accessdate = 2014-04-04 | archivedate = 2014-01-21 | deadurl = no | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20140121223730/http://www.ok.gov/OEM/documents/Bombing%20After%20Action%20Report.pdf | url = http://www.ok.gov/OEM/documents/Bombing%20After%20Action%20Report.pdf | format = PDF | page = 77 | publisher = Department of Central Services Central Printing Division | year = 1996}}</ref>,在大楼相邻的西北第五街炸出了一个9.1米宽,2.4米深的弹坑<ref name="FinalReport">{{cite book | last = City Of Oklahoma City Document Management | title = Final Report | pages = 10–12 | isbn = 0-87939-130-8}}</ref>。爆炸还令方圆16个街区的324幢建筑物受损或被毁,并且震碎了附近258幢建筑物的玻璃<ref name="TI3" /><ref name="Safety" />。单破碎的玻璃就导致了默拉联邦大楼以外死亡人数的5%的受伤人数的69%<ref name="Safety" />,大楼周围还有86辆车被烧毁或由冲击波摧毁<ref name="TI3" /><ref name="In Their Name">{{cite book | last = Irving | first = Clive | title = In Their Name | publisher = Random House | location = New York | year = 1995 | isbn = 0-679-44825-X | url = http://www.amazon.com/In-Their-Name-Clive-Irving/dp/067944825X | accessdate = 2014-04-04 | deadurl = no | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20130131055958/http://www.amazon.com/In-Their-Name-Clive-Irving/dp/067944825X | archivedate = 2013-01-31}}</ref>{{rp|52}}。多幢建筑物遭受的破坏还导致成百上千的人们流离失所,俄克拉何马市中心的多个办事处也予以关闭<ref name="USDJ">{{cite web | title = Responding to Terrorism Victims: Oklahoma City and Beyond: Chapter I, Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building | work = U.S. Department of Justice | accessdate = 2014-04-04 | deadurl = no url = http://ojp.gov/ovc/publications/infores/respterrorism/chap1.html | date = 2000-10 | archivedate = 2010-05-28 | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20100528062727/http://www.ojp.gov/ovc//publications/infores/respterrorism/chap1.html</ref>。估计这次爆炸一共造成了至少6.52亿美元的损失<ref name="UnderstandingTerror" />。

爆炸的威力相当于超过2268公斤{{lang|en|[[三硝基甲苯|TNT]]}}<ref name="web.mst.edu" /><ref name="JournalBlastDamage">{{cite journal | last = Mlakar, Sr. | first = Paul F. | coauthors = W. Gene Corley, Mete A. Sozen, Charles H. Thornton | title = The Oklahoma City Bombing: Analysis of Blast Damage to the Murrah Building | journal = Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities | volume = 12 | issue = 3 | date = 1998-08 | pages = 113-119 | doi = 10.1061/(ASCE)0887-3828(1998)12:3(113)}}</ref>,并且远在89公里外也能听到和感觉到<ref name="USDJ" />。位于6.92公里外的[[俄克拉何马州科学博物馆]]和位于25.91公里外[[诺曼 (奥克拉荷马州)|诺曼]]的[[地震仪]]都记录下了这次爆炸强度相当于[[黎克特制地震震级]]的三级<ref name="HolzerSiesmograms">{{cite journal | last = Holzer | first = T. L. | coauthors = Joe B. Fletcher, Gary S. Fuis, Trond Ryberg, Thomas M. Brocher, and Christopher M. Dietel | year = 1996 | title = Seismograms Offer Insight into Oklahoma City Bombing | journal = American Geophysical Union | pages = 393, 396–397 | volume = 77 | issue = 41 | url = http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/eosholzer.html | doi = 10.1029/96EO00269 | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20080918041620/http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/eosholzer.html | archivedate = 2008-09-18 | deadurl = yes}}</ref>。

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2014年4月4日 (五) 10:02的版本

Oklahoma City bombing
位置 美国俄克拉荷马州俄克拉荷马市艾尔弗雷德·P·默拉联邦大楼
坐标35°28′22.4″N 97°31′01″W / 35.472889°N 97.51694°W / 35.472889; -97.51694
類型卡车炸弹本土恐怖主义, 屠杀
主謀蒂莫西·詹姆斯·麦克维特里·尼科尔斯Terry Nichols


爆炸发生仅90分钟后,俄克拉何马州巡警拦下了无证驾驶的蒂莫西·詹姆斯·麦克维,并因涉嫌非法携带枪支将其逮捕[8][9]。很快,法医证据证实麦克维和特里·尼科尔斯与案件有关系,尼科尔森随即被捕[10],两人都在几天内受到起诉。侦察人员之后还确定迈克尔·福捷(Michael Fortier)和洛里·福捷(Lori Fortier)夫妇是案件的同谋。麦克维是一位曾参加过海湾战争的退伍军人,对美国的民兵运动抱有同情,他把一辆租来的卡车装满炸药后停在艾尔弗雷德·P·默拉联邦大楼前,然后引爆了炸药。特里·尼科尔斯是麦克维的同谋,他对炸弹的制备进行了协助。麦克维仇视联邦政府,认为政府对1992年的红宝石山脊事件和1993年的韦科惨案处理处理失当,他把自己的攻击时间定在韦科惨案以多人死亡告终这天的两周年纪念日[11][12]






爆炸案的两位主谋蒂莫西·詹姆斯·麦克维和特里·尼科尔斯于1988年在班宁堡接受美国陆军基本训练时相识[17]。迈克尔·福捷是麦克维在军中的室友[18]。三人对生存主义有着共同的兴趣[19][20]。1992年,联邦调查局与兰迪·韦弗Randy Weaver)之间的对峙以血案告终;1993年,联邦调查局与大卫教派成员因一纸搜查令导致长达51天的僵持也以双方火拼导致多达76人死亡划上句点(当时并不确定是大卫教派成员还是美国烟酒枪炮及爆裂物管理局探员首先开火)。麦克维等人对此深感愤怒,认为联邦政府处理失当[21]。1993年3月,麦克维曾在双方对峙期间到访韦科当地,事情结束后又去了一趟[22]。麦克维之后决定通过炸毁一座联邦大楼来表明自己的立场[12][23][24][25]




麦克维居住在亚利桑那州金曼,他先后考虑过密苏里州、亚利桑那州、德克萨斯州阿肯色州的目标[26]:167。麦克维在自己授权的传记中表示,他希望把非政府人员的伤亡减少到最低水平,因此排除了位于阿肯色州小岩城高40层的大都会国家银行大厦,因为那里的一楼有一家花店[26]:168-169。1994年12月,麦克维和福捷前往俄克拉何马城参观了前者选定的目标:艾尔弗雷德·P·默拉联邦大楼[23]。该楼早上1983年10月就曾是白人至上主义组织主之圣约、剑及武装The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord)的目标,其中包括创始人詹姆斯·埃里森James Ellison)和理查德·斯内尔Richard Snell)。该组织曾预谋在“该联邦大楼前(停放)一辆小货车或拖车,并用定时引爆的火箭弹将其炸毁”[27]。之后斯内尔因谋杀两人而被判死刑,这两人与他的炸弹袭击阴谋没有任何关联,最终他的上诉被法院驳回,死刑也在爆炸案发生的同一天执行[28]




麦克维和尼科尔森购买和窃取了制造炸弹所需的原料,并将之存放在租来的工棚中。1994年8月,麦克维从枪击收藏家罗杰·E·摩尔(Roger E. Moore)处获得了二元炸药,然后与尼科尔斯一起在后者位于堪萨斯州赫灵顿Herington)的家门外将之点燃[31][32]。1994年9月30日,尼科尔斯从堪萨斯州麥克弗森縣 (堪薩斯州)县城麦克弗森McPherson)的中堪萨斯州合作社购买了40包硝酸铵,每包重22.68公斤,这足够给4.24英亩的农田施肥,每英亩的含氮量可以提高约72.57公斤,通常适用于种植玉米(每公斤硝酸铵含氮0.34公斤,所以72.57公斤的氮相当于213.44公斤硝酸铵,共907公斤硝酸铵除了213.44,约等于4.24。尼科尔斯还于1994年10月18日另买了一袋22.68公斤重的硝酸铵[23]。麦克维联系了福捷,邀请他加入进行协助,但受到了拒绝[33][26]:201






1995年4月14日,麦克维到达堪萨斯州的章克申城,租下“梦境”(Dreamland汽车旅馆的一个房间[26]:209。次日他以假名罗伯特·D·克林(Robert D. Kling)租了一辆1993年的福特F-700卡车,他选择用这个假名是因为,自己认为一位姓克林(Kling)的陆军士兵,并且这个名字让自己想起《星际旅行》中的克林贡士兵[26]:199, 209[40]。4月16日,他与同谋特里·尼科尔斯一起驾车前往俄克拉何马市,并且已经在距艾尔弗雷德·P·默拉联邦大楼数个街区以外停了一辆用于逃离的汽车[26]:212。附近丽晶大厦公寓楼大堂的安防摄像机拍下了尼科尔斯把小卡车开往联邦大楼的图像[41]。他把车牌取下后留下了一张纸条盖住车辆识别号码,上面写道:“不是抛弃不要(的车)。请不要拖车。会在4月23日开走。(需要电池和线缆)”,之后两人都返回了堪萨斯州[23][26]:206-208






麦克维原计划在上午11点引爆炸弹,但到了1995年4月19日拂晓,他决定提前到9点开始[26]:220。麦克维开着卡车前往默拉联邦大楼时身上带有一个信封,其中装有《特纳日记》(The Turner Diaries)的书页,该书中虚构了一个白人至上主义者在一天早上9点15分使用卡车炸弹炸毁联邦调查局总部来引发革命的故事[23]。麦克维身穿一件印有弗吉尼亚州口号“Sic semper tyrannis”(拉丁语,意为“永远打倒专制君主”,据传马尔库斯·尤尼乌斯·布鲁图在刺杀尤利烏斯·凱撒时第一个说出这句话,并且约翰·威尔克斯·布斯刺杀美国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯得手后也立即大身喊出过这句话)和托马斯·杰斐逊的名言“自由之树一定要时时用爱国者和独裁者的血来浇灌”字样的印花T[26]:226。他还带有另一个信封,其中盛有反政府的宣传素材,如印有托马斯·杰斐逊另一句名言“当政府害怕人民时,就有了自由;当人民害怕政府时,就便是专制”(When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.)的保险杠贴纸。麦克维还在下面写道:“或许从今以后,就会有自由!”还有一份约翰·洛克名言的手抄,声称人有权杀死夺走自己自由的人[23][26]:228







  1. ^ Victims of the Oklahoma City bombing. USA Today. Associated Press. 2001-06-20 [2014-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-15). 
  2. ^ Shariat, Sheryll; Sue Mallonee and Shelli Stephens-Stidham. Summary of Reportable Injuries in Oklahoma. Oklahoma State Department of Health. 1998-12 [2008-01-10]. (原始内容存档于2008-01-10). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Oklahoma City Police Department Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Bombing After Action Report (PDF). Terrorism Info: 58. [2008-12-18]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2008-12-18). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Case Study 30: Preventing glass from becoming a lethal weapon. Safety Solutions Online. [2007-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2007-02-13). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Hewitt, Christopher. Understanding Terrorism in America: from the Klan to al Qaeda. Routledge. 2003: 106 [2014-04-03]. ISBN 978-0-415-27765-5. 
  6. ^ Responding to Terrorism Victims: Oklahoma City and Beyond: Chapter II: The Immediate Crisis Response. U.S. Department of Justice. 2000-10 [2014-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2010-05-28). 
  7. ^ FEMA Urban Search And Rescue (USAR) Summaries (PDF). Federal Emergency Management Agency: 64. [2008-12-18]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2008-12-18). 
  8. ^ Timothy McVeigh is apprehended (Video, 3 minutes). NBC News Report. 1995-04-22 [2014-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-25). 
  9. ^ Ottley, Ted. License Tag Snag. truTV. 2005-04-14 [2014-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2011-02-27). 
  10. ^ Witkin, Gordon; Karen Roebuck. Terrorist or Family Man? Terry Nichols goes on trial for the Oklahoma City bombing. U.S. News & World Report. 1997-09-28. (原始内容存档于2013-12-24). 
  11. ^ Feldman, Paul. Militia Groups Growing, Study Says Extremism: Despite negative publicity since Oklahoma bombing, membership has risen, Anti-Defamation League finds (Fee required). Los Angeles Times. 1995-06-18 [2014-04-03]. 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 McVeigh offers little remorse in letters. The Topeka Capital-Journal. Associated Press. 2001-06-10. (原始内容存档于2013-12-24). 
  13. ^ Serano, Richard. One of Ours: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing. : 139–141. 
  14. ^ Lessons learned, and not learned, 11 years later. MSNBC. Associated Press. 2006-04-16. (原始内容存档于2013-12-24). 
  15. ^ Hamm, Mark S. Apocalypse in Oklahoma. : vii. ISBN 1-55553-300-0. 
  16. ^ Doyle, Charles. Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996: A Summary. FAS. 1996-06-03. (原始内容存档于2013-10-02). 
  17. ^ Swickard, Joe. The Life Of Terry Nichols. The Seattle Times. 1995-05-11 [2014-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-16). 
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  19. ^ Johnson, Kevin. As Okla. City date nears, militias seen as gaining strength. USA Today. 2010-04-16 [2014-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-04). 
  20. ^ Means, Marianne. Search for meaning produces scapegoats. The Tampa Tribune (Fee required). 1996-04-20. 
  21. ^ Caesar, Ed. The British Waco survivors. The Sunday Times (London). 2008-12-14. (原始内容存档于2011-06-29). 
  22. ^ Baker, Al; Dave Eisenstadt, Paul Schwartzman, and Karen Ball. Revenge for Waco Strike Former Soldier is Charged in Okla. Bombing. New York Daily News. 1995-04-22. (原始内容存档于2011-02-27). 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 Collins, James; Patrick E. Cole and Elaine Shannon. Oklahoma City: The Weight of Evidence. Time. 1997-04-28: 1–8 [2014-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-25). 
  24. ^ McVeigh's Apr. 26 Letter to Fox News. Fox News. 2001-04-26 [2014-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-08). 
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  • Hinman, Eve E.; Hammond, David J. Lessons from the Oklahoma City Bombing: Defensive Design Techniques. ASCE Press. 1997. ISBN 0-7844-0217-5.  |newspaper=被忽略 (帮助)
  • Jones, Stephen; Israel, Peter. Others Unknown: The Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy. New York: PublicAffairs. 2001. ISBN 978-1-58648-098-1. 
  • Oklahoma Today. 9:02 am, April 19, 1995: The Official Record of the Oklahoma City Bombing. Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Today. 2005. ISBN 0-8061-9957-1. 
  • Hoffman, David. The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror. Feral House. 1998. ISBN 0-922915-49-0. 
  • Sanders, Kathy. After Oklahoma City: A Grieving Grandmother Uncovers Shocking Truths about the bombing ... and Herself. Arlington, TX: Master Strategies. 2005. ISBN 0-9766485-0-4. 
  • Sherrow, Victoria. The Oklahoma City Bombing: Terror in the Heartland. Springfield, N.J.: Enslow Publishers. 1998. ISBN 0-7660-1061-9. 
  • City of Oklahoma City Document Management. Final Report: Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Bombing April 19, 1995. Stillwater, OK: Department of Central Services Central Printing Division. 1996. ISBN 0-87939-130-8. 
  • Crothers, Lane. Rage on the Right: The American Militia Movement from Ruby Ridge to Homeland Security. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 2003. ISBN 0-7425-2546-5. 
  • Figley, Charles R. Treating Compassion Fatigue. New York: Brunner-Routledge. 2002. ISBN 1-58391-053-0. 
  • Giordano, Geraldine. The Oklahoma City Bombing. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. 2003. ISBN 0-8239-3655-4. 
  • Hamm, Mark S. Apocalypse in Oklahoma: Waco and Ruby Ridge Revenged. Boston: Northeastern University Press. 1997. ISBN 1-55553-300-0. 
  • Hamm, Mark S. In Bad Company: America's Terrorist Underground. Boston: Northeastern University Press. 2002. ISBN 1-55553-492-9. 
  • Hewitt, Christopher. Understanding Terrorism in America: From the Klan to Al Qaeda. London; New York: Routledge. 2003. ISBN 0-415-27765-5. 
  • Irving, Clive. In Their Name. New York: Random House. 1995 [2014-04-04]. ISBN 0-679-44825-X. (原始内容存档于2013-01-31). 
  • Kellner, Douglas. Guys and Guns Amok: Domestic Terrorism and School Shootings from the Oklahoma City Bombing to the Virginia Tech Massacre. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers. 2007. ISBN 1-59451-492-5. 
  • Knight, Peter. Conspiracy Theories in American History: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. 2003. ISBN 1-57607-812-4. 
  • Linenthal, Edward. The Unfinished Bombing: Oklahoma City in American Memory. New York: Oxford University Press. 2001. ISBN 0-19-513672-1. 
  • Michel, Lou; Dan Herbeck. American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh & The Oklahoma City Bombing. New York: ReganBooks. 2001. ISBN 0-06-039407-2. 
  • Miller, Richard Earl. Writing at the End of the World. New York: University of Pittsburgh Press. 2005. ISBN 0-8229-5886-4. 
  • Serano, Richard A. One of Ours: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. 1998. ISBN 0-393-02743-0. 
  • Stickney, Brandon M. All-American Monster: The Unauthorized Biography of Timothy McVeigh. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. 1996. ISBN 1-57392-088-6. 
  • Sturken, Marita. Tourists of History: Memory, Kitsch, and Consumerism from Oklahoma City to Ground Zero. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 2007. ISBN 0-8223-4103-4. 
  • Wright, Stuart A. Patriots, Politics, and the Oklahoma City Bombing. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. 2007. ISBN 978-0-521-87264-5. 
  • Key, Charles, State Representative. The Final Report of the Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee. 2001. ISBN 0-9710513-0-5. LCCN 2001117318. 


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