


纽约州环境保护局(英语:New York State Department of Environmental Conservation,DEC)是纽约州政府的一个部门。[1]该部门负责指导和规范纽约州自然资源的保存、改善和保护;管理阿迪朗达克卡茨基尔公园英语Catskill Park的森林保护区、野生动物管理区英语wildlife management areas;规范休闲捕鱼狩猎;并执行纽约州有关自然环境的法律及法规。它成立于1970年,[2] 由巴兹尔·塞戈斯(Basil Seggos)领导。[3]

纽约州环境保护局2017年的年度预算约为14.3亿美元,[4]在纽约州雇用了大约3,000名员工。[5]它管理超过400万英亩(16,000平方公里)的国有土地和另外910,000英亩(3,700平方公里)的私人土地,并拥有保护地役权英语protected state-owned land[6]该部门的活动不仅限于土地管理和环境执法,还包括出版杂志和州鸟类地图集,以及在阿迪朗达克和卡茨基尔公园运营52个露营地。


  1. ^ Environmental Conservation Law § 3-0101. "The Department of Environmental Conservation, which was established by chapter 140 of the Laws of 1970, is hereby continued, and all the powers, functions, duties and obligations possessed by the department pursuant to such chapter immediately preceding the effective date of this chapter are hereby continued."
  2. ^ History of DEC. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. [15 November 2010]. (原始内容存档于11 November 2010). 
  3. ^ Governor Cuomo Announces Administration Appointments. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo. 2014-09-28 [2020-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-27) (英语). 
  4. ^ NYS DOB: FY 2018 Executive Budget - Agency Appropriations. www.budget.ny.gov. [2018-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27) (英语). 
  5. ^ About DEC - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation. www.dec.ny.gov. [2018-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2023-08-26). 
  6. ^ Division of Lands and Forests - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation. www.dec.ny.gov. [2018-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2018-05-17).