



一九八四 维基百科 相似之处
英社 方针与指引
无产者 用户
外围党员 管理员
核心党员 行政员仲裁委员会监管员
老大哥 吉米·威尔士
爱麦虞埃尔·果尔德施坦因 拉里·桑格
双重思想 忽略所有规则
富裕部 专题委员会
友爱部 封禁申诉
真理部 维基简讯
和平部 当前的破坏
大洋国 维基百科
东亚国 伪基百科
欧亚国 Encyclopædia Dramatica
忘怀洞 监督
思想警察 用户查核
仇恨周 申请成为管理员
新语 术语
团体迷思 共识
非人 被封禁用户
两分钟仇恨 人身攻击

Did you know...

  • ...that Oceania is at war with Eurasia Eastasia?
  • ...that Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia Eastasia?
  • ...that war is peace?
  • ...that freedom is slavery?
  • ...that ignorance is strength?
  • ...that life is death?
  • ...that Larry Sanger did not co-found Wikipedia?


  • Let a and b be equal non-zero quantities
  • Multiply through by a
  • Subtract
  • Factor both sides
  • Divide out
  • Observing that
  • Combine like terms on the left
  • Divide by the non-zero b
  • Add 3 to each side

You know it's true (as long as you don't have any qualms against division by zero, and I hear Jimbo doesn't).

