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信号转导接头蛋白或信号转导衔接蛋白(英语:Signal transducing adaptor proteins)是信号转导通路中的重要蛋白质。接头蛋白上有着各种能与其它蛋白结合的结构域,能形成各种信号复合体。这些蛋白质往往本身缺乏酶的活性[1],而是通过特异性的蛋白-蛋白交互作用形成蛋白质复合体来激活下游信号通路。常见的接头蛋白有MyD88、Grb2和SHC1等。
- BCAR3 – Breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance protein 3
- GRAP – GRB2-related adaptor protein
- GRAP2 – GRB2-related adaptor protein 2
- LDLRAP1 – low-density lipoprotein receptor adaptor protein 1
- NCK1 – NCK adaptor protein 1
- NCK2 – NCK adaptor protein 2
- NOS1AP – nitric oxide synthase 1 (neuronal) adaptor protein
- PIK3AP1 – phosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor protein 1
- SH2B1 – SH2B adaptor protein 1
- SH2B2 – SH2B adaptor protein 2
- SH2B3 – SH2B adaptor protein 3
- SH2D3A -SH2 domain containing 3A
- SH2D3C – SH2 domain containing 3C
- SHB – Src homology 2 domain containing adaptor protein B
- SLC4A1AP – solute carrier family 4 (anion exchanger), member 1, adaptor protein
- GAB2 – GRB2-associated binding protein 2
[编辑]- TAB2 is an adaptor protein involved in the IL-1 signal transduction pathway: Takaesu, Giichi; Kishida, Satoshi; Hiyama, Atsushi; Yamaguchi, Kyoko; Shibuya, Hiroshi; Irie, Kenji; Ninomiya-Tsuji, Jun; Matsumoto, Kunihiro. TAB2, a Novel Adaptor Protein, Mediates Activation of TAK1 MAPKKK by Linking TAK1 to TRAF6 in the IL-1 Signal Transduction Pathway. Molecular Cell. 2000, 5 (4): 649–658. ISSN 1097-2765. PMID 10882101. doi:10.1016/S1097-2765(00)80244-0.
- Good article about adaptor proteins involved in protein kinase C-mediated signal transduction: Schechtman D, Mochly-Rosen D. Adaptor proteins in protein kinase C-mediated signal transduction. Oncogene. October 2001, 20 (44): 6339–47 [2012-09-05]. PMID 11607837. doi:10.1038/sj.onc.1204778.
- A good article regarding the role of adaptor proteins involved with the T-cell antigen receptor: Samelson, Lawrence E. SIGNALTRANSDUCTIONMEDIATED BY THET CELLANTIGENRECEPTOR: The Role of Adapter Proteins*. Annual Review of Immunology. 2002, 20 (1): 371–394. ISSN 0732-0582. doi:10.1146/annurev.immunol.20.092601.111357.
- Signalling discussed with regards to adaptor proteins: Pawson, T. Signaling Through Scaffold, Anchoring, and Adaptor Proteins. Science. 1997, 278 (5346): 2075–2080. ISSN 0036-8075. doi:10.1126/science.278.5346.2075.