

Killing of Brianna Ghey
位置Culcheth Linear Park, Warrington, Cheshire, England
日期2023年2月11日 (2023-02-11)
類型Killing, stabbing
死亡Brianna Ghey

2023年2月11日,英國沃靈頓鎮伯奇伍德英語Birchwood一名16歲跨性別少女布麗安娜·蓋伊Brianna Ghey)於庫爾切斯線性公園(Culcheth Linear Park)遭到殺害[1][2][3][4]柴郡警方已拘留兩名未成年嫌疑人[5][6],並將其作為潛在的仇恨犯罪處理[7]





video icon Ghey's final TikTok

布里安娜·蓋伊是伯奇伍德社區高中英語Birchwood Community High School的一名11年級學生[9][10]。她的父母形容她為「一個會給每個遇到她的人留下持久印象的,有些傳奇色彩的人物」[11][12]。蓋伊在遭到殺害前經受了多年恐跨騷擾,包括被多人圍毆[13][14]。學習之餘,她還是一名TikTok用戶,在她名為@gingerpuppyx的TikTok帳戶上發表其身著校服模仿流行歌曲的短視頻[11][15],並積攢了超過63,000名粉絲[11]。她在該平台上發布的最後一條短視頻中,可以看見她在她後來遇害的公園散步;該視頻目前已有超過8,000條評論[16]。目前,她的TikTok帳戶已被註銷[13]






蓋伊之死引來她的家人、當地社區、政治家、慈善機構、社會活動家和音樂家的回應。蓋伊的家人稱她的死「給我們的家庭留下了一個巨大的空洞」[18]伯奇伍德社區高中英語Birchwood Community High School的校長艾瑪·米爾斯(Emma Mills)說:「聽到布麗安娜的死訊後,我們感到無比震驚和悲痛。」[18]

英國工黨議員道恩·巴特勒英語Dawn Butler發推文說「媒體中任何對她棄名錯稱,企圖抹去布麗安娜的身份的人,都應該為自己感到羞恥。」[19] 另一位工黨議員納蒂亞·惠托姆英語Nadia Whittome說「布麗安娜本應有機會長大成年,成為一位漂亮的女性,活著看到一個跨性別者可以安全生活並受到尊重的世界。」[12] 工黨前領袖傑里米·科爾賓回應:「她因想做自己而被殺,」「我的心與布麗安娜的家人,以及為安全、尊嚴和自由而戰的跨性別社區同在。」[20]

LGBT權益慈善機構石牆組織和跨性別青少年慈善機構美人魚組織英語Mermaids (charity)都對蓋伊的家人表示同情[21][22]。美國民權律師亞歷杭德拉·卡拉巴洛英語Alejandra Caraballo寫道:「性別批評者不斷為之鬥爭的性別承認法案英語Gender Recognition Act 2004,以及他們恐怖化、妖魔化的語言,意味著布麗安娜·蓋伊的死亡證明無法將她的性別列為女性。作為最後的侮辱,英國政府官方在她死後也要對她性別錯稱。」[23] 性別批評者指那些認為生物性別是真實的、最重要且不可改變的,且不應該和性別認同混淆的女性主義者。他們認為女性主義應當基於生物性別,而非社會性別[24][25][26][27]

英國音樂人Yungblud說這場謀殺使他「心碎」。他呼籲「每時每刻都要保護跨性別兒童,並要和我們邪惡的政府所推動的反跨情緒和法案進行鬥爭。」[19][28] 朋克樂隊Big Joanie英語Big Joanie對這起謀殺表達厭惡,並「聲援所有僅僅因為其存在而不得不每天為自己的安全和生命感到擔憂和恐懼的人們」[19][29]。搖滾樂隊Reverend and the Makers英語Reverend and the Makers說:「布麗安娜·蓋伊的死使我感到非常難過」;他們還發問「為什麼就不能對他人友好、尊重一點了呢?」[19][30]

英國多家媒體對蓋伊之死的報道受到了譴責[12][14][31]。跨性別權益組織Trans Safety Network英語Trans Safety Network表示,英國一些媒體在報道蓋伊死訊時對她「公開侮辱」[32][33]BBC新聞天空新聞台最初的報道中都沒有提到蓋伊的跨性別身份[32]。而《泰晤士報》由於從其原先報道中刪除了「女孩」(girl)一詞並加上了蓋伊的棄名而受到猛烈批評[14][32]。《瑪麗蘇英語Dan_Abrams#The_Mary_Sue》網站譴責英國媒體中的恐跨氛圍以及對蓋伊之死的恐跨式報道[14]。人權法教授森托倫·拉傑(Senthorun Raj)說:「我們都有責任挑戰媒體和政客將跨性別者非人化的陰險行為。」[23] Novara Media英語Novara Media記者阿什·薩卡英語Ash Sarkar稱她「無法想像一個人該是有多麼冷酷,才能選擇做出這樣的編輯,以在蓋伊死後還要踐踏她的尊嚴。」[32] 工黨議員夏洛特·尼科爾斯(Charlotte Nichols)表示,她將向《泰晤士報》和獨立新聞標準組織英語Independent Press Standards Organisation提交投訴;她說:「無論是誰都完全沒有必要在她已經在媒體報道中被標識為跨性別者的情況下對她棄名錯稱。」[32]







  1. ^ Holmes, Wesley. Two 15-year-olds arrested over Brianna Ghey murder. Liverpool Echo. 12 February 2023 [12 February 2023]. 
  2. ^ Lynch, Niamh. Girl, 16, stabbed to death in Cheshire park named as police launch murder probe. Sky News. 12 February 2023 [12 February 2023]. (原始內容存檔於13 February 2023). 
  3. ^ Kelly, Kieran; Solomons, Adam. Teenage boy and girl, both 15, arrested after 16-year-old trans girl murdered in park. LBC. 12 February 2023 [12 February 2023]. (原始內容存檔於13 February 2023). 
  4. ^ Humphries, Will; Sandeman, George. Brianna Ghey, 16, stabbed to death in 'targeted attack'需要付費訂閱. The Times. 12 February 2023 [13 February 2023]. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Brianna Ghey: Two teenagers arrested after 16-year-old stabbed to death in Warrington. Sky News. 12 February 2023 [12 February 2023]. (原始內容存檔於13 February 2023). 
  6. ^ Brianna Ghey: Two teens arrested on suspicion of murder over with death of 16-year-old in Warrington. ITV Granada. 12 February 2023 [12 February 2023]. (原始內容存檔於12 February 2023). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Brianna Ghey killing investigated as possible hate crime. BBC News. 2023-02-14 [2023-02-14] (英國英語). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Murray, Jessica. Brianna Ghey: boy and girl, both 15, arrested on suspicion of murder. The Guardian. 12 February 2023 [12 February 2023]. (原始內容存檔於12 February 2023). 
  9. ^ Barnes, Jessica. Birchwood High school pays tribute to pupil Brianna Ghey. Warrington Guardian. February 13, 2023 [February 13, 2023]. 
  10. ^ Holmes, Wesley. 'My heart is breaking': Tributes to Brianna Ghey posted to teen's TikTok. Liverpool Echo. February 13, 2023 [February 13, 2023]. 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Bolton, Will; Somerville, Ewan. Brianna Ghey, 16, posted on TikTok hours before being stabbed to death. The Daily Telegraph. February 13, 2023 [February 13, 2023]. 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 McMenamin, Lexi. Brianna Ghey: 16-Year-Old Trans Girl Killed in UK. Teen Vogue. 13 February 2023 [13 February 2023]. Brianna deserved a chance to become a beautiful adult woman, and to live to see a world where trans people are safe and respected. 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Ali, Joe. Brianna Ghey: Trans girl said she’d been excluded from school days before death. PinkNews. Feb 14, 2023 [14 February 2023]. 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Ball, Siobhan. Brianna Ghey Murder Coverage Shows Even in Death, British Media Can’t Respect Trans People. The Mary Sue. February 13, 2023 [February 13, 2023]. 
  15. ^ Mackinlay, Catherine; Holmes, Wesley. Brianna Ghey: Tributes pour in to 'beautiful' girl stabbed to death as murder investigation launched. Manchester Evening News. February 13, 2023 [February 13, 2023]. 
  16. ^ Mata, William. Final TikTok by Brianna Ghey shows park where trans girl may have been killed. The Independent. February 13, 2023 [February 13, 2023]. 
  17. ^ Brianna Ghey: Boy and girl arrested over Warrington park stabbing. BBC News. 12 February 2023 [12 February 2023]. (原始內容存檔於12 February 2023). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Vinter, Robyn. Brianna Ghey’s family say her death has left a 'massive hole'. The Guardian. 13 February 2023 [13 February 2023]. The loss of her young life has left a massive hole in our family, and we know that the teachers and her friends who were involved in her life will feel the same." "We are shocked and truly devastated to hear of the death of Brianna. 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 Jones, Damian. Yungblud, entertainment world and more pay tribute to murdered trans girl Brianna Ghey, aged 16. NME. 13 February 2023 [13 February 2023]. Anyone in the media who is using her deadname trying to erase Brianna's identity should be ashamed of themselves. 
  20. ^ Factora, James. 16-Year-Old Brianna Ghey, a Trans Teen, Killed in England. Them. 13 February 2023 [14 February 2023]. Former Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn tweeted that 「she was killed because she wanted to be herself,」 and added, 「My thoughts are with Brianna's family and the trans community fighting for safety, dignity and liberation.」 
  21. ^ Brianna Ghey: Family pays tribute to 'much-loved daughter and sister' who was stabbed to death in a park. Sky News. 13 February 2023 [13 February 2023]. 
  22. ^ Brianna Ghey's death has left massive hole, says family. BBC News. 13 February 2023 [13 February 2023]. 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 Billson, Chantelle. Brianna Ghey: Family leads tributes after 'much-loved daughter and sister' stabbed to death in park. PinkNews. 13 February 2023 [13 February 2023]. Alejandra Caraballo wrote: 'Important to note. The gender recognition act that the gender criticals keep fighting, with horrific, demonising language, means that Brianna Ghey's death certificate cannot list her gender as female. As a final insult, the English government will officially misgender her in death.'" "Professor in human rights law, Senthorun Raj, wrote: 'Young trans people deserve to thrive in a world that nurtures their humanity.' 
  24. ^ Woman accused of transphobia wins landmark employment case. HeraldScotland. [10 June 2021] (英語). 
  25. ^ Maya Forstater: Woman wins tribunal appeal over transgender tweets. BBC News. 10 June 2021 [10 June 2021] (英國英語). 
  26. ^ Smith, Helen-Ann. Maya Forstater: Woman who lost job over transgender views warns of 'scary' precedent if her tribunal appeal fails. Sky News. 24 April 2021 [26 June 2021]. Ms Forstater is a tax expert and a feminist and is the protagonist in a bitter legal battle about sex, gender and free speech. 
  27. ^ Observer editorial. The Observer view on the right to free expression. Observer. 27 June 2021 [27 June 2021]. Template:-'Gender-critical' beliefs refer to the view that someone's sex – whether they are male or female – is biological and immutable and cannot be conflated with someone's gender identity, whether they identify as a man or a woman. The belief that the patriarchal oppression of women is grounded partly in their biological sex, not just the social expression of gender, and that women therefore have the right to certain single-sex spaces and to organise on the basis of biological sex if they so wish, represents a long-standing strand of feminist thinking. Other feminists disagree, believing that gender identity supersedes biological sex altogether. 
  28. ^ @yungblud. utterly heartbroken about the death of 16 year old brianna ghey. protect trans kids every day and fight relentlessly against anti-trans sentiment & legislations being pushed by our heinous government . rest in peace brianna ghey (推文). 2023-02-13 –透過Twitter. 
  29. ^ @Big_Joanie. Disgusted doesn't cover it. Solidarity to all the communities having to live in fear for their own safety and lives for simply existing right now. (推文). 2023-02-13 –透過Twitter. 
  30. ^ @Reverend_Makers. The death of Brianna Ghey has really saddened me Lot of people on this website think their nasty mean spirited shit has no consequences but in the real world people get killed for it What happened to being decent towards other humans ? (推文). 2023-02-13 –透過Twitter. 
  31. ^ Smith, Serena. Brianna Ghey: a 16-year-old trans girl has been killed in Cheshire. Dazed Digital. 13 February 2023 [13 February 2023]. 
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 Kelleher, Patrick. Brianna Ghey: The Times condemned for using teen’s deadname in 'appalling' coverage. PinkNews. 13 February 2023 [13 February 2023]. A 16-year-old girl has been taken from her friends and family when her life was only just beginning. I cannot fathom the callousness involved in making the editorial decision to violate her dignity in death. 
  33. ^ @trans_safety. TSN Statement on the killing of Brianna Ghey (推文). 2023-02-13 –透過Twitter. 
  34. ^ Nicholson, Abigail. No fly zone imposed over scene of Brianna Ghey killing. Liverpool Echo. February 13, 2023 [February 13, 2023]. 
  35. ^ Skentelbery, Gary. No-fly zone put in place after drones seen flying over scene of Brianna Ghey’s death. Warrington Worldwide. February 13, 2023 [February 12, 2023]. 
  36. ^ Holt, James. Police condemn people flying drones over Warrington park where teenager Brianna Ghey was found dead. Manchester Evening News. February 13, 2023 [February 13, 2023]. 



蓋伊的TikTok帳戶連結 (失效)