

这是本页的一个历史版本,由Kaladin Stormbringer留言 | 贡献2021年2月19日 (五) 18:20 →‎地方政府编辑。这可能和当前版本存在着巨大的差异。


氣候緊急狀態宣言是一項由各地政府以及科學家發起的行動,宣告人類已進入氣候緊急狀態英语Climate crisis(Climate Emergency),須立即採取行動遏止氣候變化,以避免潛在和不可逆轉的環境破壞發生[1][2]。該宣言於2016年12月在澳洲德爾賓市英语City of Darebin首次發起[3]。截至2020年12月 (2020-12),33 個國家的共1,800個地方政府一同響應了這項宣言[4]



氣候緊急狀態(Climate Emergency)一詞,入選為牛津字典2019年度詞彙,指「須立即採取行動遏止氣候變化的狀態,避免因此帶來潛在和不可逆轉的環境破壞。」[1][9]








  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 我宣告,為氣候改變 - 綠色生活21 天 - 綠藤生機. 綠色生活21 天. 
  2. ^ 綠色和平氣候與能源專案小組. 上萬名科學家連署 氣候緊急宣言為地球拉警報. 綠色和平. 2019-12-23. 
  3. ^ History of Local Government Declarations. CACE. Council and Community Action in the Climate Emergency. [2020-01-06]. 
  4. ^ CEDAMIA list of global declarations. CEDAMIA. Climate Emergency Declaration and Mobilisation In Action. [2020-02-23]. 
  5. ^ 彭啟明. 2020台灣進入氣候緊急狀態. 聯合新聞. 2020-01-01 [2020-12-14] (中文(繁體)). 
  6. ^ Gorey, Colm. What Does Declaring a Climate Emergency Actually Mean?. Silicon Republic. 2019-05-10 [2019-12-12]. 
  7. ^ Resolution, Climate Emergency. What is a Climate Emergency Declaration. The Climate Mobilization. The Climate Mobilization. [2019-12-12]. 
  8. ^ 李佩珊. 蔡佳敏 , 编. 巴黎協定5週年 聯合國籲各國宣布氣候緊急狀態. 布魯塞爾: 中央通訊社. 2020-12-12 [2020-12-13] (中文(繁體)). 
  9. ^ Rice, Doyle. 'Climate emergency' is Oxford Dictionary's word of the year. USA TODAY. 2019-11-21 (美国英语). 
  10. ^ The European Parliament declares climate emergency | News | European Parliament. europarl.europa.eu. 2019-11-28 [2019-11-28] (英语). 
  11. ^ Rankin, Jennifer. 'Our house is on fire': EU parliament declares climate emergency. The Guardian. 2019-11-28 [2019-11-29]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  12. ^ Nicola Sturgeon declares 'climate emergency' at SNP conference. BBC.com. 2019-04-28 [2019-11-29]. 
  13. ^ 'Climate emergency' declared by Welsh Government. BBC.com. 2019-04-29 [2019-11-19]. 
  14. ^ UK Parliament declares climate change emergency. BBC.com. 2019-05-01 [2019-05-19]. 
  15. ^ Climate emergency declared in Jersey. ITV.com. 2019-05-02 [2019-05-19]. 
  16. ^ Irish parliament declares climate emergency. The Guardian. 2019-05-10 [2019-05-19]. 
  17. ^ This is a climate change emergency. IOMToday. 2019-05-10 [2019-05-19]. 
  18. ^ Parliament votes for government to declare "state of climate emergency". Portugal Resident. 2019-06-07 [2019-10-27]. 
  19. ^ Portuguese parliament declared climate emergency – and made sure it meant nothing. climaximo.pt. 2019-06-08 [2019-10-27]. 
  20. ^ Pope Francis made a pledge for a climate emergency in June 2019, at a meeting with oil executives. Pope Francis declares 'climate emergency' and urges action. BBC. 2019. 
  21. ^ VOTE NO. 1365, 42ND PARLIAMENT, 1ST SESSION. ourcommons.ca. 2019-06-17. 
  22. ^ Canada's House of Commons has declared a national climate emergency. ctvnews.ca. 
  23. ^ National climate emergency declared by House of Commons. globalnews.ca. 2019-06-17. 
  24. ^ L'Assemblée nationale vote "l'urgence écologique et climatique". FIGARO. 2019-06-27 (法语). 
  25. ^ Himitian, Evangelina. La Argentina declaró la emergencia climática y ecológica. La Nación. 2019-07-18. 
  26. ^ Argentine senate approves historic climate change bill. bnamericas.com. 2019-07-18 [2019-10-07]. 
  27. ^ dice, Chorche. El Congreso apoya la declaración de emergencia climática en España. lamarea.com. 2019-09-17. 
  28. ^ Rejón, Raúl. El Gobierno se compromete a poner en marcha en 100 días las medidas para eliminar las emisiones de CO2 en 2050. ElDiario.es. 2020-01-21 [2020-12-15]. 
  29. ^ tagesschau.de. Österreich ruft Klimanotstand aus. tagesschau.de. [2019-09-26] (德语). 
  30. ^ Government, Opposition declare climate emergency - TVM News. 
  31. ^ Bangladesh declares climate change a "planetary emergency" - World. ReliefWeb. 
  32. ^ Andorra declara l’estat d’emergència ecològica - Sostenible. www.sostenible.cat. [2020-12-15]. 
  33. ^ Parliament passes resolution to declare climate emergency in Maldives. SunOnline International. [2020-12-15]. 
  34. ^ South Korea national assembly declares 'climate emergency'. www.businessgreen.com. 2020-09-28 [2020-12-15]. 
  35. ^ 気候非常事態宣言を決議 参院. 時事通信社. 2020-11-20 [2020-11-22]. 
  36. ^ Taylor, Phil. New Zealand declares a climate change emergency. 2020-12-02 [2020-12-15] –通过www.theguardian.com. 
  37. ^ Clarke, Renfrey. Liberals squirm as South Australia's parliament declares climate emergency. Green Left Weekly. 2019-09-28 [2019-10-30] (英语). 
  38. ^ Melbourne Declares Climate Emergency, Vows To Listen To The Rightfully Pissed-Off Youth. 2019-07-17. 
  39. ^ The City of Sydney has officially declared a climate emergency. SBS News. 
  40. ^ Brussels-City declares climate emergency. FlandersToday. 2019-09-25 [2019-10-27]. 
  41. ^ Recife é a primeira cidade do Brasil a reconhecer a Emergência Climática e projeta carbono zero até 2050 - Prefeitura do Recife. www2.recife.pe.gov.br. [2020-12-15]. 
  42. ^ http://piensachile.com/2019/10/hualpen-primera-comuna-de-chile-en-declarar-emergencia-climatica-y-ecologica PiensaChile.com
  43. ^ https://www.efeverde.com/noticias/bogota-declara-emergencia-climatica-capital-colombiana/
  44. ^ Radnice Prahy 6 vyhlásila stav klimatického ohrožení. ekolist.cz. 2019-06-14 [2019-10-27] (捷克语). 
  45. ^ Helsinki declared climate emergency. Helsingin kaupunki. [2020-12-15]. 
  46. ^ Constance becomes first German city to declare 'climate emergency'. Deutsche Welle. 2019-05-02 [2019-05-15] (英国英语). 
  47. ^ Climate Emergency in Berlin. 
  48. ^ Cologne is first big city in Germany to declare climate emergency. Urban Transport Magazine. 
  49. ^ Heidelberg declares climate emergency. 
  50. ^ Acri prima città italiana a dichiarare lo stato di emergenza climatica. ilmattino.it. [2019-05-15]. 
  51. ^ Redazione. La Giunta approva delibera con dichiarazione simbolica di stato di Emergenza climatica e ambientale. Napoli Village – Quotidiano di Informazioni Online. 2019-05-24 (意大利语). 
  52. ^ Amsterdam becomes the first Dutch municipality to recognise the climate crisis. kinder.world. 
  53. ^ Bacolod first city in PH to declare climate emergency. Sunstar. 2019-07-20 [2019-08-27]. 
  54. ^ Onet – Jesteś na bieżąco. Onet.pl. [2019-08-27] (波兰语). 
  55. ^ Kraków przyjął rezolucję o klimatycznym stanie wyjątkowym. Smoglab.pl. [2019-08-27] (波兰语). 
  56. ^ Poza školu v Zlatých Moravciach vedie pocitový chodník. Pravda. 2019-10-11 [2019-10-27] (斯洛伐克语). 
  57. ^ Lund erkänner: Globalt klimatnödläge råder. Sydsvenskan. [2020-12-15]. 
  58. ^ Konstaterande av klimatnödläge får kritik. Aftonbladet. [2020-12-15]. 
  59. ^ Aidt, Mik. Climate emergency declarations in 528 councils cover 52 million citizens. Climate Emergency Declaration. 2019-05-09 [2019-05-15] (澳大利亚英语). 
  60. ^ 新北市簽署「氣候緊急宣言」 承諾2030年減碳30% 環團籲中央跟上腳步. 環境資訊中心. 2020-11-25. 
  61. ^ 響應全球氣候緊急行動 縣長饒慶鈴簽署綠色和平氣候緊急宣言. 
  62. ^ 簽氣候緊急宣言 盧秀燕:攜手中央打造無煤城市. 中央社. 2021-01-26. 
  63. ^ Alexander C. Kaufman. New York City Declares A Climate Emergency. HuffPost. 2019-06-26. 
  64. ^ San Francisco and Chico declare a Climate Emergency. The Climate Mobilization. [2019-05-15] (美国英语). 
