

设计者查尔斯·C·欧弗顿(Charles C. Overton)和拉尔夫·尤金·迪芬道夫(Ralph Eugene Diffendorfer)

基督教旗帜是20世纪初期设计的普世教会合一运动旗帜,代表所有的基督教基督教世界[1]。自1942年教会联合理事会英语Federal Council of Churches采用这面旗帜开始,许多传统基督教教派已经开始使用基督教旗帜[2][1],包括圣公会[3]浸信会[4]信义会[5]门诺会[6]循道宗[2][7]摩拉维亚弟兄会[8]长老宗[5]贵格会[9]归正宗等教派[10]非洲美洲是使用基督教旗帜较多的地区[11]




基督教旗帜最初于1897年9月26日构想在美国纽约市布鲁克林区康尼岛的布莱顿礼拜堂。由于原本预定的演讲者未能出席活动,查尔斯·C·欧弗顿在这一天的主日学上进行了即兴演讲,并询问听众一面代表基督教的旗帜应是什么样子[15]。1907年,欧弗顿和循道宗青年人们传教运动秘书拉尔夫·尤金·迪芬道夫英语Ralph Eugene Diffendorfer设计并开始宣传基督教旗帜[16],并视基督教旗帜为基督教象征


普世教会合一运动机构教会联合理事会英语Federal Council of Churches(现由国家教会协会英语National Council of Churches基督教教堂团结英语Christian Churches Together继承)在1942年1月23日启用了这面旗帜[2][1]。教会联合理事会代表浸信会、弟兄会、东正教、圣公会、循道宗、摩拉维亚弟兄会、信义宗、东方正统教会波兰国家天主教会英语Polish National Catholic、长老宗、贵格会、归正宗等传统教派[17][18][19]。因设计者将这面旗帜献给全基督教世界,因此基督教旗帜并未申请版权[20]芬尼·克罗斯贝写过一首名为“Christian Flag”的赞美诗,并由R·亨廷顿·伍德曼谱曲[1]。和旗帜相同,这首赞美诗同样可自由使用[21]。1997年9月26日,基督教旗帜迎来其百年诞辰[22]









类似于美国国旗效忠宣誓,一些教堂和机构对基督教旗帜亦有效忠宣誓。最初的基督教旗帜誓词作者是循道宗牧师林恩·哈罗德·霍夫英语Lynn H. Hough。他曾在一次集会中听过拉尔夫·迪芬道夫对基督教旗帜的宣传[29]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Resolution. Federal Council Bulletin (Religious Publicity Service of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America). 1942, 25–27. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Kurian, George Thomas; Lamport, Mark A. Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2016-11-10: 1359. ISBN 9781442244320 (英语). In Protestant churches, the national flag was frequently displayed along with the “Christian Flag” (white field, red Latin cross on a blue canton), which had been created and popularized in American Methodist circles and adopted by the Federal Council of Churches in 1942. Often the staff would feature an eagle final and a cross final, respectively. 
  3. ^ Kelland, Ariana; Howells, Laura. Controversial Christian flag removed as provincial, national flags flown at half-mast. CBC News. March 23, 2016 [2020-01-02]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-30). 
  4. ^ Grose, Howard Benjamin. Missions: American Baptist International Magazine. American Baptist Convention. 1917: 49 (英语). Side by side in many of our churches hangs the Christian Flag with the Stars and Stripes—the Flag of White— which forever has stood for peace, having in the corner on the field of blue, the color of sincerity, faith and truth, the red Cross symbolic of Calvary. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Logan, Devin. Christian Flag: Which Denominations Say Its Pledge. Newsmax. 2015-05-01 [2017-07-08]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-28) (英语). 
  6. ^ Lind, Hope Kauffman. Apart & Together: Mennonites in Oregon and Neighboring States, 1876-1976. Herald Press. 1990-01-01: 277. ISBN 9780836131062 (英语). Most congregations of Russian Mennonite heritage displayed both the national and the Christian flag in the church sanctuary. 
  7. ^ Trewhitt, Katharine L. History of Broad Street United Methodist Church, Cleveland, Tennessee, 1836-1984: The Story of Methodism in Bradley County and of the Group which Became Broad Street United Methodist Church. The Church. 1984: 129 [2017-07-08] (英语). In 1968 the Methodist Men of Broad Street purchased flags to be used in the sanctuary of the Church. This involved one United States flag, one Christian flag, flag poles, stands, one eagle and one cross. 
  8. ^ Moravian Movement. 2014-12-08 [2017-07-08]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-12) (英语). The Moravians created a seal. The seal has a picture of a sheep holding a cross with the Christian flag attached. It says, “Our lamb has conquered. Let us Follow Him.” This symbolizes Jesus conquering sin, and the Moravian’s commitment to follow Him. 
  9. ^ Roberts, Arthur O. Tomorrow Is Growing Old: Stories of the Quakers in Alaska. Barclay Press. 1978: 446 [2017-07-08]. ISBN 9780913342220 (英语). 
  10. ^ Schuppert, Mildred W. A Digest and Index of the Minutes of the General Synod of the Reformed Church in America, 1906-1957. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. 1982: 105. ISBN 9780802819437 (英语). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Fifty-Eighth Annual Session. Order of the Eastern Star. 1932. Today the Christian Flag is flying over Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as America. 
  12. ^ The Christian Flag. Bob Jones University. [2007-10-18]. (原始内容存档于2005-09-05). The white on the flag represents purity and peace. The blue stands for faithfulness, truth, and sincerity. Red, of course, is the color of sacrifice, in this case calling to mind the blood shed by Christ on Calvary, represented by the cross. 
  13. ^ The American Lutheran 22–24. American Lutheran Publicity Bureau. 1939 [2018-02-01]. (原始内容存档于2017-02-15). 
  14. ^ A Theological Miscellany. Thomas Nelson. 2005-03-24 [2018-02-01]. ISBN 9781418552817. (原始内容存档于2017-02-15). The flag is white (for purity and peace), with a blue field (faithfulness, truth, and sincerity) and a red cross (the sacrifice of Christ). 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Christian Flag. The Christian Advocate (New York: T. Carlton & J. Porter). 1909-01-07, 84. Within recent years (1897) a flag has been designed which shall stand as an emblem; (Jesse L. Jones-McKay) which all Christian nations and various denominations may rally in allegiance and devotion. This banner is called the Christian flag. It was originated by Charles C. Overton of Brooklyn, N.Y., whose first thought of it came to him while addressing a Sunday school at a rally day service. The flag is most symbolic. The ground is white, representing peace, purity and innocence. In the upper corner is a blue square, the color of the unclouded sky, emblematic of heave, the home of the Christian; also a symbol of faith and trust. in the center of the blue is the cross, the ensign and chosen symbol of Christianity: the cross is red, typical of Christ's blood. The use of the national flag in Christian churches has become almost universal throughout the world. 
  16. ^ Coffman, Elesha. Do you know the history of the Christian flag?. Christianity Today. [2014-04-24]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-29). 
  17. ^ FitzGerald, Thomas E. The Ecumenical Movement: An Introductory History. Greenwood Publishing Group. 2004: 245. ISBN 9780313306068 (英语). 
  18. ^ Ahlstrom, Sydney E. A Religious History of the American People. Yale University Press. 2004: 985. ISBN 9780300100129 (英语). 
  19. ^ Convention of Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America Opposes Discrimination. Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 1948-12-06 [2021-03-12]. (原始内容存档于2020-07-28) (英语). A statement calling on the churches of this country to press for extension of full social, political and economic rights to every citizen without discrimination as to race, color, creed or sex was adopted here this week-end at the three-day biennial convention of Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. The Council represents 27 Protestant and Eastern Orthodox church bodies in the U.S. 
  20. ^ Christian Flag. The Christian Advocate (New York: T. Carlton & J. Porter). 1909-01-07, 84. Mr. Overton has dedicated his flag to the Christian world, refusing to copyright or patent it. It stands for no creed or denomination, but for Christianity. Every sect of Christ's followers can indorse this flag and it is equally appropriate for all nations. The hymn written by Fanny Crosby is also dedicated to the free use and followers of Christ the world over. 
  21. ^ The Quiver. Cassell Limited. 1900: 380 [2014-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-21). Miss Fanny J. Crosby, the veteran American hymn writer, has dedicated a hymn, called “The Christian Flag,” to the movement, the first verse of which is :— “ The Christian Flag! 
  22. ^ Pollock, James R. Congratulations to The Christian Flag Fourth. 1996-03-23. 
  23. ^ Presbyterian Mission Agency Signs and symbols. Presbyterian Church (USA). [2018-01-09]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-03) (英语). If a national flag is used alongside a symbol of God’s realm (such as the popularly accepted “Christian flag,” found mostly in U.S. congregations), the Christian flag is appropriately given a preeminent place. 
  24. ^ The Christian Century, Volume 59. Christian Century Company. 1942: 165 (英语). 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 Grose, Howard Benjamin. Missions: American Baptist International Magazine, Volume 8. American Baptist Convention. 1917: 497 (英语). 
  26. ^ Diffendorfer, Ralph Eugene. Missionary Education in Home and School. Abingdon Press. 1917: 184 (英语). The Christian flag is not patented, and is free from commercialism. Anyone may manufacture it, and it may be used on all proper occasions. Christian flags may be displayed at conventions, conferences, church demonstrations, and parades, and with the American flag may be used for general decorative purposes. For boys' and girls' societies and clubs and for the church school, especially on program occasions, the two flags may be presented and saluted. 
  27. ^ Brown, Drew. Newfoundland's Government Flies a 'Christian Flag,' Low-Key Holy War Follows. Vice. 2016-03-25 [2018-01-09]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-16) (英语). 
  28. ^ McCrummen, Stephanie. Taking up the Christian banner. The Washington Post. 2017-12-22 [2018-01-09]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-18) (英语). 
  29. ^ Elesha Coffman, Do You Know the History of the Christian Flag?, Christianity Today, 2001-07-13 [2021-03-12], (原始内容存档于2016-01-29) 



