


化石时期:567–550 Ma
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
亚界: 真后生动物亚界 Eumetazoa
演化支 副同源异形基因动物 ParaHoxozoa
演化支 两侧对称动物 Bilateria
门: 前分节动物门 Proarticulata
Fedonkin英语Mikhail Fedonkin, 1985

前分节动物门学名Proarticulata),又名盾状动物门[2]双侧动物门[3],是一个已经完全灭绝动物,由Mikhail Fedonkin英语Mikhail Fedonkin在1985年所建立。[4][5]它们是一类非常早期的两侧对称动物。其化石仅出现于前寒武纪末期的埃迪卡拉纪地层当中。

它们简单而奇特的形态使其生活方式和与其他生物间的亲缘关系一直以来饱受争议。如今它们普遍被认为属于后生动物,且由于身体中央具有明显的对称轴,被视为两侧对称动物的基干演化支。但特别的是其身体两侧的体节呈滑移对称英语Glide reflection而非简单的两侧对称,这种具有交错对称性质的体节被称为异构体节英语Isomer (Proarticulata)[6][7]



前分节动物门的学名“Proarticulata”由希腊语字根“προ”(pro- = "before",在…之前)与“Articulata”(分节动物英语Articulata hypothesis,指节肢动物环节动物等身体具有真正分节现象的动物)两部份组成。


由左至右为文德形纲英语Vendiamorpha索氏文德虫英语VendiaVendia sokolovi)、双侧水母纲肋脉狄更逊水母Dickinsonia costata)和头水母纲英语Cephalozoa瓦氏约尔加虫英语YorgiaYorgia waggoneri










斯氏奥涅加虫英语CephalonegaCephalonega stepanovi)和具钩塔木加虫英语Tamga (genus)Tamga hamulifera)身体的异构体节区被外围的不分节区域所包围。Cephalonega stepanovi的异构体节彼此相互连结,形成一个有如橡皮筏的异构体节区;而具钩塔木加虫的异构体节彼此分离,不互相接触。


Andiva ivantsovi
伊氏安迪瓦虫英语AndivaAndiva ivantsovi
Dickinsonia costata
肋脉狄更逊水母Dickinsonia costata
Spriggina floundensi
弗氏斯普里格蠕虫Spriggina floundensi
Ovatoscutum concentricum
同心卵盾虫英语OvatoscutumOvatoscutum concentricum
Yorgia waggoneri
瓦氏约尔加虫英语YorgiaYorgia waggoneri
A. parva Fedonkin, 1980
伊氏安迪瓦虫 A. ivantsovi Fedonkin, 2002
费氏古盾虫 A. fedonkini Ivantsov, 2001
斯氏奥涅加虫 C. stepanovi Fedonkin, 1976
C. bilobatum Wade, 1971
独特蓝山虫 C. singularis Ivantsov, 2004
肋脉狄更逊水母 D. costata Sprigg, 1947
曼氏狄更逊水母 D. menneri Keller 1976[11] (=Vendomia menneri Keller 1976[17])
纤细狄更逊水母 D. tenuis Glaessner et Wade, 1966
细皱伊沃维克虫 I. rugulosa Ivantsov, 2007
尼氏卡拉赫塔虫 K. nessovi Ivantsov, 2004
L. lissetskii Ivantsov, 2007
卵形玛丽韦德虫 M. ovata Glaessner et Wade, 1966
同心卵盾虫 O. concentricum Glaessner et Wade, 1966
亚娜似文德虫 P. janae Ivantsov, 2001 (=Vendia janae Ivantsov, 2001)
P. hanseni Jenkins et Gehling, 1978
P. mirus Fedonkin, 1983
P. siggilum Glaessner et Wade, 1966
弗氏斯普里格蠕虫 S. floundersi Glaessner, 1958
具钩塔木加虫 T. hamulifera Ivantsov, 2007
索氏文德虫 V. sokolovi Keller, 1969
中轴文德虫 V. rachiata Ivantsov, 2004
艾氏温德米尔水母 W. aitkeni Narbonne, 1994[18]
瓦氏约尔加虫 Y. waggoneri Ivantsov, 1999
E. axiferus Ivantsov, 2002
E. waggoneris Ivantsov, 2011 (瓦氏约尔加虫的生痕化石)
E. costatus Ivantsov, 2011 (肋脉狄更逊水母的生痕化石)




  1. ^ Mikhail A. Fedonkin, James G. Gehling, Kathleen Grey, Guy M. Narbonne, and Patricia Vickers-Rich foreword by Arthur C. Clarke. (2008) "The Rise of Animals. Evolution and Diversification of the Kingdom Animalia页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)"
  2. ^ 動物 - Wikipedia. [2017-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-29) (日语). 
  3. ^ Ediacaran时期发现了什么类型的现代Phyla?. [2020-07-29]. (原始内容存档于2020-07-29) (中文). 
  4. ^ M. A. Fedonkin (1985). "Systematic Description of Vendian Metazoa". In Sokolov, B. S. and Iwanowski, A. B., eds., "Vendian System: Historical–Geological and Paleontological Foundation, Vol. 1: Paleontology". Moscow: Nauka, pp. 70–106.
  5. ^ Fedonkin, M.A. The origin of the Metazoa in the light of the Proterozoic fossil record (PDF). Paleontological Research. 31 March 2003, 7 (1): 9–41 [2017-11-12]. doi:10.2517/prpsj.7.9. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-09-29). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Ivantsov, A.Y. Vendia and Other Precambrian "Arthropods". Paleontological Journal. 2001, 35 (4): 335–343 [2017-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-29). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Ivantsov, A.Y. A New Dickinsoniid from the Upper Vendian of the White Sea Winter Coast (Russia, Arkhangelsk Region). Paleontological Journal. 1999, 33 (3): 233–241 [2017-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-06).  引用错误:带有name属性“Ivantsov1999”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Ivantsov, A. Yu. New Proarticulata from the Vendian of the Arkhangel’sk Region (PDF). Paleontological Journal. 2004, 38 (3): 247–253. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-09-27). 
  9. ^ Ivantsov, A.Y.; Malakhovskaya, Y.E.; Serezhnikova, E.A. Some Problematic Fossils from the Vendian of the Southeastern White Sea Region (PDF). Paleontological Journal. 2004, 38 (1): 1–9. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-07-04). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Ivantsov, A.Y. (2004) "Vendian Animals in the Phylum Proarticulata"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). The Rise and Fall of the Vendian Biota. IGSP Project 493. Abstracts. Prato, Italy, p. 52.
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 Ivantsov, A. Yu. Small Vendian transversely Articulated fossils. Paleontological Journal. April 2007, 41 (2): 113 [2017-11-12]. doi:10.1134/S0031030107020013. (原始内容存档于2021-01-28). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Ivantsov, A.Y.; Malakhovskaya, Y.E. Giant Traces of Vendian Animals (PDF). Doklady Earth Sciences. 2002, 385 (6): 618–622. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-07-04). 
  13. ^ Andrey Yu. Ivantsov. Paleontological evidence for the supposed precambrian occurrence of mollusks. Paleontological Journal. December 2010, 40 (12): 1552–1559. doi:10.1134/S0031030110120105. 
  14. ^ Fedonkin, M. A. Andiva ivantsovi gen. et sp. n. and related carapace‐bearing Ediacaran fossils from the Vendian of the Winter Coast, White Sea, Russia. Italian Journal of Zoology. 2002, 69 (2): 175–181. doi:10.1080/11250000209356456. 
  15. ^ Ivantsov, A.Y.; Fedonkin, M.A.; Nagovitsyn, A.L.; Zakrevskaya, M.A. Cephalonega, a new generic name, and the system of Vendian Proarticulata. Paleontological Journal. 2019, 53 (5): 447–454. S2CID 203853224. doi:10.1134/S0031030119050046. 
  16. ^ Ivantsov, Andrey; Nagovitsyn, Aleksey; Zakrevskaya, Maria. Traces of locomotion of Ediacaran macroorganisms. Geosciences. 2019, 9 (9). Article 395. Bibcode:2019Geosc...9..395I. doi:10.3390/geosciences9090395可免费查阅. 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 B. M. Keller and M. A. Fedonkin. New Records of Fossils in the Valdaian Group of the Precambrian on the Syuz’ma River (PDF). Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Geol. 1976, 3: 38–44. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-09-27) (俄语). 
  18. ^ Narbonne, G. M. New Ediacaran fossils from the Mackenzie Mountains, Northwestern Canada. Journal of Paleontology. May 1994, 63 (3): 411–416. JSTOR 1306192. 
  19. ^ Ivantsov, A. Y. Feeding traces of Proarticulata — the Vendian metazoa. Paleontological Journal. May 2011, 45 (3): 237–248 [2017-11-12]. doi:10.1134/S0031030111030063. (原始内容存档于2020-04-25). 

