
自由地带 (山达基)


自由地带(英语:Free Zone)泛指独立于山达基教会之外而实践山达基信仰的各种团体、组织和个人的总称,相当于山达基的宗教改革派。这些实践者包括那些严格遵循山达基创始人L·罗恩·贺伯特最原始教义的人,以及那些采取远离山达基教会实践的山达基人。


这个通用名称得名于“国际自由地带协会”(International Freezone Association),尽管它并不是第一个独立的山达基信仰团体。“加州戴尼提听析员协会”(California Association of Dianetic Auditors)是现存最古老的独立组织[1],据称其成立日期为1950年12 月,早于山达基教会[2]




根据宗教学者阿莱德·托马斯(Aled Thomas)所说的,自由地带的关键在于有著“基本上不受监管和没有等级制度的环境”[5]:2。独立山达基人对山达基也有著许多不同的解释[5]:ix

德国汉堡内务局山达基工作组专员乌苏拉·卡贝塔(Ursula Caberta)认为自由地带是一种“山达基人的美沙酮计划”,但无论如何“两害相权取其轻”[6]。据自由地带组织罗恩机构(Ron's Org)称,巴登-符腾堡州的宪法保护办公室表示,没有必要对罗恩机构进行监控,“因为罗恩机构并非山达基教会一部分,没有反宪法的目的”。罗恩机构的成员与观察并调查山达基教会活动的当局部门之间存在一些合作[7]




山达基的宗教分裂主要开始于1982年宗教技术中心的创立,这场政治权力斗争使得许多前教会高层被驱逐出教会,而大卫·密斯凯维吉最终胜出[9]。最有名的前高层人员是贺伯特本人的听析员——大卫·梅约(David Mayo)[10]。宗教技术中心代表教会宣布他为“压抑者”(危害山达基的人),在海洋机构内通过跑程序(Running program)体罚他,他最终逃脱并在1982年建立了“高级能力中心”(Advanced Ability Center)[11]:99-101[12]:36-7。该组织非常成功,但教会开始不断骚扰诬告并最终使其在1986年破产[13][14]:168–169


  1. ^ Sappell, Joel; Welkos, Robert W. When the Doctrine Leaves the Church. Los Angeles Times. 1990-06-29: A49:1 [2007-04-12]. (原始内容存档于March 25, 2015). 
  2. ^ California Association of Dianetic Auditors -- Who We Are. [2007-04-14]. 
  3. ^ Lippard, Jim; Jacobsen, Jeff. Scientology v. the Internet. Free Speech & Copyright Infringement on the Information Super-Highway. Skeptic Magazine. Vol. 3 no. 3. 1995: 35–41. 
  4. ^ Alter, Alexandra. Scientology: What's behind the Hollywood hype?. Miami Herald. 2005-07-02: 8E –通过newspapers.com. Some followers of Scientology say the church leadership has strayed from Hubbard's original teachings. Many belong to the Free Zone, a group of Scientologists who believe in the religion's practices but not the organization. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Thomas, Aled. Free Zone Scientology: Contesting the Boundaries of a New Religion. London: Bloomsbury. 2021. ISBN 978-1-350-18254-7. 
  6. ^ Kintzinger, Axel. The sect is broke. Die Woche. 1998-12-11. 
  7. ^ "Maybe it makes you feel more confident, for example, if you learn that the office for safeguarding the constitution (Verfassungsschutz) of the German state of Baden-Württemberg has stated years ago that the RON’s Org is not a part of the Church of Scientology and that there is no need to observe them as the RON’s Org has no anti-constitutional goals. Indeed, there is some cooperation between members of the RON’s Org and state authorities who observe the Church of Scientology and investigate their activities, English FAQ on German Ron's Org site with some similar cooperation taking place among other respective Freezone groups and affiliates. 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2007-09-28.
  8. ^ Sappell, Joel; Welkos, Robert W. When the Doctrine Leaves the Church. Los Angeles Times. 1990-06-29: A49:1 [2007-04-12]. (原始内容存档于March 25, 2015). 
  9. ^ Nordhausen, Frank; von Billerbeck, Liane, Scientology. Wie der Sektenkonzern die Welt erobern will, Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag: 278, 288, 302, 2008, ISBN 978-3-86153-470-9 (德语) 
  10. ^ Nordhausen, Frank; von Billerbeck, Liane, Scientology. Wie der Sektenkonzern die Welt erobern will, Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag: 278, 288, 302, 2008, ISBN 978-3-86153-470-9 (德语) 
  11. ^ Rinder, Mike. A Billion Years: My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology. Simon & Schuster. 2022. ISBN 9781982185763. 
  12. ^ Atack, Jon. A Piece of Blue Sky: Scientology, Dianetics and L. Ron Hubbard Exposed. Lyle Stuart Books. 1990. ISBN 081840499X. OL 9429654M. 
  13. ^ Interview with David Mayo. David Touretzky. 28 August 1986 [July 18, 2023]. 
  14. ^ Reitman, Janet. Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2011. ISBN 9780618883028. OL 24881847M. 

