

類型 輕運動型飛機
製造商 Terrafugia
首飛 2009年3月5日[1]
起役日期 自2006年開發,樣機於2009年宣布
製造數量 2[2]
單位成本 US$279,000[3]


飛機由Rotax 912 ULS英語Rotax 912[7][8]活塞發動機驅動,機身由碳纖維強化聚合物製作。根據設計,飛機使用美國93號汽油或者100LL 航空汽油,巡航飛行速度為93 kn(107 mph;172 km/h),飛行範圍為425 nmi(489 mi;787 km)。裝備包括Dynon Skyview玻璃面板航空電子系統[9]、可吊起整架飛機的降落傘和可選的自動飛行系統。[10]







量產型號的設計於2010年7月26日在奧旭寇旭航空秀英語EAA AirVenture Oshkosh[17]公佈。[18]設計公開了新的空氣動力學改進,包括新增了優化了翼形的翼尖小翼;發現與前輪懸架存在不利的空氣動力學相互作用後移除了鴨翼;進一步的,來自美國國家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)的多用途客車分類不再強制要求配備全寬度保險槓,而要求配備保險槓的規定是原有鴨翼設計的主要因素。 [19]

2010年11月16日,NHTSA宣布了特力飛車公司針對Transition關於美國聯邦機動車安全標準(FMVSS)標準中其中四項長達三年的臨時豁免申請。特力飛車公司申請使用更輕的摩托車輪胎來替代汽車輪胎;使用聚碳酸酯材料製成的擋風玻璃和側窗;使用基本安全氣囊替代高級雙段式安全氣囊;不使用電子穩定系統[20][21] NHTSA於2011年6月29日同意了這些豁免,但針對電子穩定系統和安全氣囊的豁免期只有一年。[22][23]

2011年6月,Terrafugia的執行總裁宣布產品交付日期預計延期18個月至2012年末,但這個目標依舊沒能達成。[24] 2011年12月,銷售單價從最初的194,000美元上漲為279,000美元[3][25]

在通過駕駛測試和高速滑行測試後,量產樣機於2012年3月23日同樣在普拉茨堡國際機場完成它的首飛。 [26][27][28] 量產樣機在2012年4月的紐約國際車展首次亮相。[29]

2012年6月,特力飛車公司宣布Transition完成了6個階段性測試的第1個。[30][31] 7月之後,第二階段測試依舊在進行中,其中包括對飛行性能和地面駕駛的測試。[32]



2014年4月完成了12次雙人乘坐測試。這是Transition第一次搭載首席測試飛行員外的乘客。[37] 截至2014年8月22日 (2014-08-22),期待的首批交付日期為18個月後,2016年第二季度。[38]

輕運動型飛行器最大飛行毛重為1,320磅(599公斤)最大失速為45 kn(83 km/h;52 mph)。2014年12月,公司請求FAA允許Transition能夠以毛重1,800磅(816公斤)飛行,並且失速為54 kn(100 km/h;62 mph)。特力飛車公司聲明,這些新增的重量是用於搭載滿足FMVSS路面行駛安全規範的設備。公司此前被允許增加110磅(50公斤),而另一種輕運動型飛機ICON A5也獲得了250磅(113公斤)的豁免以滿足FAA關於旋轉阻力的要求。這項新的申請將使Transition的最大重量增加36%,共增加了480磅(218公斤)。[39] 協商中,對於增加重量的請求得到了來自通用航空製造商協會英語General Aviation Manufacturers Association(GAMA)[40]實驗性飛機協會英語Experimental Aircraft Association(EAA)[41]航空器擁有者及駕駛員協會輕型飛機製造商協會的支持。只有少數個人表達了對該請求的反對意見。[42]公司於2016年6月19日從FAA獲得豁免。[43][44][45]

2015年4月,公司宣布第三台飛機的部件已經製成,目前的預計首台交付日期是兩年後。特力飛車運營總監兼工程副總裁Kevin Colburn聲明公司決定將售價從預計的279,000美元漲至300,000美元-400,000美元之間。 [46]

2015年11月,公司宣布搭載了Rotax 912is發動機[47]的第三台樣機已測試。[48]





參考資料:特力飛車Transition概念驗證樣機參數。[52][53][54] 特力飛車Transition2010年參數 。[55]


  • 機組:1名飛行員
  • 容量:1名乘客駕駛艙寬度: 48英寸(1.2米) at the shoulder
  • 燃料容量: 23 US gal(87 L;19 imp gal), 141英磅(64公斤)
  • 路面車長: 18英尺9英寸(5.72米)(包括升降舵)
  • 路面車寬: 7英尺6英寸(2.29米)(機翼摺疊時)
  • 路面車高: 6英尺8英寸(2.03米)
  • 路面行駛時後輪驅動


  • 地面最大行駛速度: 70 mph(110 km/h)[11]
  • 飛行巡航燃油經濟性: 5 US gal(19 L) per hour, 21.4 mi/US gal(11.0 L/100 km;25.7 mi/imp gal)
  • 路面燃油經濟性: 35 mi/US gal(6.7 L/100 km;42 mi/imp gal)
  • 認證: 計劃獲得FAA和FMVSS認證

玻璃面板; 驗證概念的樣機包含:[56][57][58][59]


  • Dynon航空電子SkyView SV-D1000
  • XCOM航空電子VHF無線電收發器
  • 特力飛車定製的觸摸屏儀錶盤電腦


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Haines, Thomas B. First roadable airplane takes flight. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA). 19 March 2009 [2009-03-19]. (原始內容存檔於2009-03-23). 
  2. ^ FAA REGISTRY Make / Model Inquiry Results; Make/Model Code Entered: 05627LL. FAA Registry. FAA. March 7, 2014 [March 7, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2018-11-09). 截至2014年3月 (2014-03) Terrafugia has registered: * N302TF (proof-of-concept, s/n D0001, Airworthiness 2008-12-01); * N304TF (design prototype, s/n D0002, A/W 2013-11-26); * N305TF (design prototype, s/n D0003, no engine or A/W date listed 截至2014年3月 (2014-03) 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Hussey, Matt. Wait no longer: the flying car is finally ready for takeoff. Wired.co.uk. 2011-12-31 [April 4, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-10). 
  4. ^ Yahoo. yahoo.com. [22 June 2016]. (原始內容存檔於2010-07-03). 
  5. ^ 全球首台飛行汽車 美國航空局批準飛上天. Yahoo News. 2021-02-17 [2024-07-02] (中文(臺灣)). 
  6. ^ 天天飛. 您对轻型运动类飞机了解多少?要不要进来瞧瞧. cn.ttfly.com. 2018-05-15 [2024-07-02] (中文). 
  7. ^ TERRAFUGIA presentation of Transition aircraft "The Transition頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)", 5 march 2012
  8. ^ 912 ULS | S. 羅塔克斯. [2024-07-02] (英語). 
  9. ^ Dynon Avionics | Panel Display | SkyView HDX. dynonavionics.com. [2024-07-02] (英語). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Dietrich, Anna Mracek. Transition Equipment List (PDF). web site. Terrafugia, Inc. 2011-08-11 [April 20, 2012]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2013-04-30). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Durbin, Dee-Ann. Flying car gets closer to reality with test flight. boston.com. Associated Press. 2012-04-02 [April 20, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  12. ^ 2012 New York: Terrafugia Transition - The Plane That Drives. motortrend.com. 6 April 2012 [22 June 2016]. (原始內容存檔於2012-04-08). 
  13. ^ Phillips, Matt. Flying Car Takes First Flight. The Middle Seat Terminal (The Wall St. Journal). March 18, 2009 [2009-03-19]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-24). 
  14. ^ Mone, Gregory. The Driving Airplane Gets Real (PDF). Popular Science. October 2008: 42–48 [2009-03-20]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2008-12-30). 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 'Flying Car' Gets Big Break From FAA. CBS News. 2010-06-30 [1 July 2010]. (原始內容存檔於2012-10-26). 
  16. ^ Exemption number 10072. FAA. 2010-05-27 [9 July 2010]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2010-07-04). 
  17. ^ EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. [2024-07-02] (英語). 
  18. ^ "Flying Car" Moves Closer to First Delivery. Terrafugia. 2010-07-26 [27 July 2010]. (原始內容存檔於2012-07-07). 
  19. ^ Fast Lane to Sky High, Ansys Fluid flow simulation software co-pilots design of production prototype roadable aircraft by Gregor Cadman, Engineer, Terrafugia, Woburn, MA, USA頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館WebCite存檔,存檔日期2012-04-04
  20. ^ National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Docket No. NHTSA–2010-0154. Terrafugia, Inc.; Receipt of Application for Temporary Exemption From Requirements for Tire Selection and Rims or Motor Vehicles FMVSS No. 110, Electronic Stability Control Systems FMVSS No. 126, Glazing Materials FMVSS No. 205, and Occupant Crash Protection FMVSS No. 208 (PDF) 75 (220). U.S. GPO. 2010-11-16. 
  21. ^ Max Trescott. Terrafugia Roadable Aircraft Moves Closer to Reality. Experimental Aircraft Association. 2010-11-18 [2018-05-04]. (原始內容存檔於2010-11-24). 
  22. ^ Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Terrafugia, Inc.; Grant of Application for Temporary Exemption From Certain Requirements of FMVSS No. 110, Tire Selection and Rims for Motor Vehicles, FMVSS No. 126, Electronic Stability Control Systems, FMVSS No. 205, Glazing Materials, and FMVSS No. 208, Occupant Crash Protection. Federal Register. 2011-06-29, 76 (125): 38270–38279 [30 June 2011]. 76 FR 38270. (原始內容存檔於2015-09-20). Docket No. NHTSA-2010-0154, summary of section "F. Decision" allowing:
    * Use of lighter weight but equally safe motorcycle tires instead of RV tires. (three year exemption from FMVSS No. 110, S4.1 and S4.4)
    * Not including an electronic stability control system because of its weight and potential to become a single point of failure that might unintentionally throttle back the engine in flight. (one year exemption from FMVSS No. 126)
    * Use of lighter and stronger, but less scratch resistant, polycarbonate for the windshield and side windows in place of glass to more safely withstand bird strikes. (three year exemption from FMVSS No. 205, S5)
    * Use of a single-stage air bag instead of an advanced, dual-stage air bag (one year exemption from FMVSS No. 208, S14 apart from S14.5.1(a))
  23. ^ Page, Lewis, "Terrafugia flying car gets road-safety exemptions頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)", The Register, 4 July 2011; retrieved 11 July 2011.
  24. ^ Dietrich, Carl. CEO, Terrafugia (PDF). Terrafugia. [30 June 2011]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2011-08-16). 
  25. ^ Tacke, Willi; Marino Boric; et al: World Directory of Light Aviation 2015-16, page 83. Flying Pages Europe SARL, 2015. ISSN 1368-485X
  26. ^ Jim Patten. Flying car road tested at Lawrence Municipal Airport. eagletribune.com. 25 March 2012 [25 March 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-20). 
  27. ^ First Flight for Terrafugia. [2 April 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  28. ^ Major Milestone takes "Flying Car" Closer to First Delivery (PDF). terrafugia.com. April 2, 2012 [April 2, 2012]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2013-03-23). Terrafugia will continue its testing program in preparation for first delivery, which is expected to occur within the next year. 
  29. ^ Welsh, Jonathan. Flying Car Maker Offers ‘Show Special’ Discount. Driver's Seat. Wall St. Journal. April 5, 2012 [2012-07-30]. (原始內容存檔於2012-07-02). 
  30. ^ Phase 1 Flight Testing a Success for Transition Street-Legal Airplane. Terrafugia. [28 June 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2012-07-07). 
  31. ^ Jonathan Welsh. ‘Flying Car’ Completes First Round of Flight Tests. wsj.com. 28 June 2012 [1 July 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2015-10-11). 
  32. ^ Terrafugia’s Transition street-legal airplane continues flight and drive testing (PDF). Terrafugia. [30 July 2012]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2013-03-13). 
  33. ^ Terrafugia Transition Media Update: January 2013. Terrafugia. 2013-01-21 [16 May 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2016-04-18). 
  34. ^ Niles, Russ. Third Version Of Terrafugia Transition?. AVweb. 22 January 2013 [24 January 2013]. (原始內容存檔於2013-05-31). 
  35. ^ Mark Corriere, Vehicle Engineer, Terrafugia, Inc.; Nicholas Tucker, Senior Vehicle Engineer, Terrafugia, Inc. Developing the Transition Flying Car: Using Physics-Based Simulation to Design Air-worthy Composite Structures (Webinar). Tech Briefs Media Group, an SAE International Company. 22 記錄於. 2014-03-06.  |page=被忽略 (幫助); |minutes=|page=只需其一 (幫助)
  36. ^ Terrafugia | MIT Startups - WeFunder. WeFunder startup of the week. Terrafugia. 2013-10-22 [15 May 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2018-05-03). Delivery of the first Transition is expected in 2015. … A third prototype will incorporate those design changes and be used for final compliance testing for certification. 
  37. ^ My First Flight in the Transition. Terrafugia. 22 April 2014 [27 May 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2014-05-27). 
  38. ^ Sigal, Peter. Terrafugia Transition. New York Times. 2014-08-22 [2018-05-04]. (原始內容存檔於2018-05-04). 
  39. ^ Grady, Mary. Terrafugia Seeks Exemptions For Weight, Stall Speed. AVweb. 30 December 2014 [1 January 2015]. 
  40. ^ China. GAMA. [2024-07-02] (美國英語). 
  41. ^ Experimental Aircraft Association. www.eaa.org. [2024-07-02] (英語). 
  42. ^ Grady, Mary. Terrafugia Wins Support For Exemption Request. AVweb. 21 January 2015 [26 January 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2015-01-23). 
  43. ^ Flying cars almost anyone can drive — and fly — just took a big step closer to becoming legal in the U .S.. nationalpost.com. [22 June 2016]. 
  44. ^ Bennett, Jay. FAA Gives Flying Car Prototype the Go-Ahead as a Light Sport Aircraft. 23 June 2016 [24 June 2016]. (原始內容存檔於2018-05-04). 
  45. ^ Terrafugia Approved For Higher Weight, Stall Speed. AVweb. [24 June 2016]. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-28). 
  46. ^ Lawler, Richard. Terrafugia's flying car project is still a couple of years away. Engaget. 21 April 2015 [22 April 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-06). 
  47. ^ 912 iS Sport. Rotax. [2024-07-02] (英語). 
  48. ^ Terrafugia. Today at Terrafugia: Testing the Rotax 912iS Engine. Terrafugia. 18 November 2015 [14 December 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2015-12-19). 
  49. ^ Terrafugia. The Transition. Terrafugia. [21 April 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2018-04-28). 
  50. ^ Jian, Yang. Geely acquires U.S. flying-car developer Terrafugia. Automotive News. 13 November 2017 [16 November 2017]. 
  51. ^ Sheehan, Sam. Terrafugia aims to launch flying car in 2019 after takeover by Geely. Autocar Professional. 16 November 2017 [16 November 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2017-11-17). 
  52. ^ Dietrich, Anna Mracek. TransitionSpecs-FirstFlight-200 (PDF). Terrafugia. 2009-03-16 [2009-04-02]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2011-04-24). 
  53. ^ Terrafugia - Transition the Roadable Light Sport Aircraft : The Vehicle. Terrafugia. 2008 [2009-03-25]. (原始內容存檔於2010-07-24). 
  54. ^ Haines, Thomas B. Waypoints: From highway to airway. AOPA. May 2009 [2009-05-10]. (原始內容存檔於2011-06-10). 
  55. ^ Terrafugia -Transition the Roadable Light Sport Aircraft : The Vehicle. Terrafugia. 2010-07-26 [2010-07-27]. (原始內容存檔於2010-07-24). 
  56. ^ 56.0 56.1 56.2 Ward, Jeff. IMG_1104. 2009-09-13 [2018-05-04]. (原始內容存檔於2015-12-11). The cockpit of the Terrafugia Transition. Note the automotive steering wheel, plus the flight control stick in its flying position. 
  57. ^ EFIS-D100. Dynon Avionics. [13 January 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2016-11-11). 
  58. ^ HS34: HSI Expansion Module Intro. Dynon Avionics. [13 January 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2016-10-11). 
  59. ^ Dynon Avionics - D120 Intro. Dynon Avionics. [13 January 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2016-11-11). 
  60. ^ A Cockpit View of Suburban Driving. TerrafugiaInc. 2012-03-12 [2018-05-04]. (原始內容存檔於2016-10-01). 
  61. ^ Dynon in Terrafugia. Dynon Avionics Official Blog. Dynon Avionics. April 4, 2012 [April 5, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2012-04-14). 
  62. ^ Transition Interior 2011 - High resolution graphic rendering. Terrafugia press images. Terrafugia, Inc. 2011-06-17 [April 5, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2014-03-07). Reference to the image www.terrafugia.com/press/photos/TransitionNextGen/GraphicRendersHIRES/TransitionInterior-2011.jpg photos/TransitionNextGen/GraphicRendersHIRES/TransitionInterior-2011.jpg 

