

樞機團團長若望·方濟各·阿爾巴尼英語Gian Francesco Albani
總務樞機嘉祿·雷佐尼科英語Carlo Rezzonico (cardinal)
首席司鐸若瑟·波佐邦內利英語Giuseppe Pozzobonelli
首席助祭亞歷山大·阿爾巴尼英語Alessandro Albani
被禁止出任教宗若望·嘉祿·博斯基英語Giovanni Carlo Boschi
1799-1800 →

1774年至1775年教宗選舉秘密會議是教宗克勉十四世離世後樞機團於1774年10月5日至1775年2月15日舉行的選舉秘密會議。這次教宗選舉秘密會議共有44位樞機參加。各樞機最後選出聖奧諾夫廖堂區英語Sant'Onofrio, Rome樞機若望-安傑洛·布拉斯基為克勉十四世的繼任人,他取「庇護六世」為教宗名號英語Papal name



教宗克勉十四世在1774年9月22日突然逝世,終年68歲。克勉十四世任教宗期間受波旁王朝葡萄牙王國(即布拉干薩王朝)統治下的多個王室敦促打壓耶穌會;教宗在初期嘗試保護耶穌會並拖延時間,但最終仍然在各王室影響下在1773年發出教宗通諭英語Papal brief吾主救世主英語Dominus ac Redemptor》宣佈取締耶穌會,並將時任耶穌會總會長英語Superior General of the Society of Jesus洛倫佐·里奇英語Lorenzo Ricci神父囚禁於位於羅馬聖天使城堡,但實際上羅馬教廷樞機團中仍有不少耶穌會的信徒。對待耶穌會的態度故此成為了選舉秘密會議挑選下任教宗的主要條件之一。[1]





在克勉十四世逝世時樞機團共有55位樞機,但在教座出缺期間兩位樞機若望·方濟各·斯托帕尼意大利語Giovanni Francesco Stoppani費爾南多·瑪利亞·德·羅西意大利語Ferdinando Maria de' Rossi逝世,其餘有9名樞機則因各種原因沒有出席這次秘密會議,最終共有44名樞機出席並參與這次選舉。[3]

當中13人由克勉十四世冊封為樞機,20人由克勉十三世擢升。亞歷山大·阿爾巴尼英語Alessandro Albani則由諾森十三世委任為樞機,是44人中擔任樞機最長時間者;餘下10人均由本篤十四世冊封為樞機。

姓名 級別 於羅馬的領銜職務 冊封樞機日期 冊封者 備註
若望·方濟各·阿爾巴尼英語Gian Francesco Albani 主教級樞機 波多-聖魯菲納
1747年4月10日[4] 本篤十四世 樞機團團長典禮部英語Congregation of Ceremonies部長、波蘭王國代言樞機
亨利·本篤·斯圖亞特 弗拉斯卡蒂羅馬城郊教區主教 1747年7月3日[5] 樞機團副團長、達瑪穌的聖老楞佐執事區代理領銜執事、羅馬天主教會副秘書長英語Apostolic Chancery聖伯多祿大殿總鐸
法布里斯·塞爾貝洛尼英語Fabrizio Serbelloni[6] 奧斯蒂亞及韋萊特里
英語Cardinal-bishop of Ostia
嘉祿·雷佐尼科英語Carlo Rezzonico (cardinal) 薩比娜羅馬城郊教區主教 1758年9月11日[8] 克勉十三世 聖馬爾谷執事區代理領銜執事、總務樞機
英語François-Joachim de Pierre de Bernis
阿爾巴諾羅馬城郊教區主教 1758年10月2日[9] 法蘭西王國聖座大使、阿爾比總教區總主教[10]
英語Carlo Vittorio Amedeo delle Lanze
司鐸級樞機 聖巴西德堂區司鐸 1747年4月10日[11] 本篤十四世
雲先·馬爾韋齊意大利語Vincenzo Malvezzi Bonfioli 聖瑪策林及聖伯多祿堂區司鐸 1753年11月26日[12] 博洛尼亞總教區總主教、宗座審計院英語Apostolic Dataria副院長
安多尼·塞爾薩萊意大利語Antonino Sersale 聖普正珍堂區司鐸 1754年4月22日[13] 拿坡里總教區總主教[14]
意大利語Francisco de Solís Folch de Cardona
十二宗徒堂區司鐸 1756年4月5日[15] 西維爾總教區總主教、西班牙王國代言樞機
保祿·迪亞爾伯·德·呂訥英語Paul d'Albert de Luynes 帕里奧內聖多默堂區司鐸 桑斯總教區總主教
葉理諾·斯皮諾拉意大利語Girolamo Spinola 聖女巴比諾堂區司鐸 1759年9月24日[16] 克勉十三世
若瑟·瑪利亞·卡斯泰利意大利語Giuseppe Maria Castelli 聖波尼法爵及聖亞肋塞堂區司鐸 傳信部部長
加埃塔諾·凡圖齊意大利語Gaetano Fantuzzi 聖伯多祿鎖鏈堂區司鐸 教會豁免部部長[17]
馬爾谷-安多尼·科隆納英語Marcantonio Colonna (18th-century cardinal) 聖母平安堂區英語Santa Maria della Pace司鐸 羅馬教區代理主教、主教官邸部部長、立柏大殿總鐸
安德肋·科西尼英語Andrea Corsini (cardinal) 梅魯拉納聖瑪竇堂區英語San Matteo in Merulana司鐸 宗座聖璽正義最高法院院長
英語Christoph Anton Migazzi
1761年11月23日[18] 維也納總教區總主教、瓦茨教區署理[19]
西滿·博納科爾西意大利語Simone Buonaccorsi 拉丁門前聖若望堂區司鐸 1763年7月18日[20]
若望·屋大維·布法利尼意大利語Giovanni Ottavio Bufalini 天使與殉教者聖母堂區司鐸 1766年7月21日[21] 安科納總教區總主教
若望·嘉祿·博斯基英語Giovanni Carlo Boschi 聖若望及保祿堂區司鐸 宗座聖赦院英語Apostolic Penitentiary院長、東方教會禮儀書修正部部長[22]
盧多維科·卡利尼意大利語Lodovico Calini 聖斯德望圓形堂區司鐸 1766年9月26日[23] 大赦及聖髑部部長[24]樞機團財務總管英語List of Camerlengos of the Sacred College of Cardinals
安多尼·科隆納·布蘭奇福爾泰意大利語Antonio Colonna Branciforte 大道聖母堂區司鐸 波隆那大使
拉匝祿·奧皮齊奧·帕拉維奇尼意大利語Lazzaro Opizio Pallavicini 聖聶勒和聖亞基略堂區司鐸 國務樞機卿
維達·博爾羅梅奧意大利語Vitaliano Borromeo (cardinale) 天壇聖母堂區司鐸 羅馬涅意大利語Romagna大使
伯多祿·科隆納·潘菲利意大利語Pietro Colonna Pamphili 越台伯河的聖母堂區司鐸
烏爾巴諾·帕拉奇安尼·魯蒂利意大利語Urbano Paracciani Rutili 聖嘉禮堂區司鐸 費爾莫總教區總主教
馬里奧·孔帕諾尼·馬雷福斯基意大利語Mario Compagnoni Marefoschi 聖奧斯定堂區司鐸 1770年1月29日[25] 克萊孟十四世 禮儀部英語Sacred Congregation of Rites部長、拉特朗聖若望大殿總鐸
希皮奧內·波格賽意大利語Scipione Borghese (1734-1782) 神廟遺址聖母堂區司鐸 1770年9月10日[26] 費拉拉大使、德國代言樞機
安多尼·尤真尼奧·維斯孔蒂英語Antonio Eugenio Visconti 1771年6月17日
貝納迪諾·吉羅英語Bernardino Giraud 山上天主聖三堂區司鐸 費爾莫總教區總主教
因諾琴佐·孔蒂英語Innocenzo Conti 1771年9月23日
傑納羅·安多尼·德·西滿意大利語Gennaro Antonio de Simone 浴場聖伯爾納堂區司鐸 1773年3月15日
方濟各·卡拉法·德·特雷托英語Francesco Carafa di Traetto 拉特朗聖克勉堂區司鐸 1773年4月19日
方濟各·沙勿略·德·澤拉達英語Francesco Saverio de Zelada 山上聖瑪爾定堂區司鐸
若望-安傑洛·布拉斯基 聖奧諾夫廖堂區英語Sant'Onofrio, Rome司鐸 1773年4月26日 蘇比亞科代理修道院院長英語Commendatory abbot
亞歷山大·阿爾巴尼英語Alessandro Albani 執事級樞機 拉塔路聖母執事區執事 1721年7月16日[27] 諾森十三世 樞機團首席助祭英語Protodeacon希臘聖母堂代理領銜執事、神聖羅馬教會圖書館館長、奧地利王朝撒丁王國代言樞機[28]
道明·奧爾西尼·迪·阿拉貢意大利語Domenico Orsini d'Aragona 聖母與諸殉道者執事區意大利語Santa Maria ad Martyres (diaconia)執事 1743年9月9日[29] 本篤十四世 那不勒斯王國代言樞機
類斯·瑪利亞·托爾雷賈尼英語Luigi Maria Torregiani 蘇博拉聖亞加塔執事區英語Sant'Agata dei Goti執事 1753年11月26日[30]
若望·君斯當休·卡拉喬洛意大利語Giovanni Costanzo Caracciolo 聖歐大邱執事區執事 1759年9月24日[31] 克勉十三世 宗座聖璽聖寵法院院長[32]
安德肋·內格羅尼英語Andrea Negroni 聖維圖斯、莫德斯托和
英語Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia
1763年7月18日[33] 宗座簡函院秘書[34]
本篤·韋泰蘭尼意大利語Benedetto Veterani 聖葛斯默和達彌盎執事區執事 1766年9月26日[35] 索引部部長[36]
若望·巴蒂斯塔·雷佐尼科英語Giovanni Battista Rezzonico 聖尼各老監獄執事區執事 1770年9月10日 克萊孟十四世
安多尼·卡薩利意大利語Antonio Casali 維拉布洛聖喬治執事區執事 1770年12月12日 善治部意大利語Sacra Congregazione del Buon Governo部長
帕斯夸萊·阿夸維瓦·迪·阿拉貢意大利語Pasquale Acquaviva d'Aragona 阿奎羅聖母執事區英語Santa Maria in Aquiro執事 烏比諾副領主
方濟各·迪·埃爾奇意大利語Francesco D'Elci 魚市場的聖安傑洛執事區英語Sant'Angelo in Pescheria執事 1773年4月26日



Nine cardinals were absent:[3]

Benedict XIV, Clement XIII and Clement XIV created three of them each.

Died during sede vacante


Two cardinals, including one created by Benedict XIV and one created by Clement XIII:[3]

Divisions in the Sacred College


The College of Cardinals was generally divided into two blocs: curial, pro-Jesuit (zelanti) and political, anti-Jesuit. The first one was formed by the Italian curial cardinals who opposed the secular influences on the Church. The second one included crown-cardinals of the Catholic courts. These two blocs were in no way homogenous. Zelanti were divided into moderate and radical factions. The anti-Jesuit bloc was divided into several national groups with different interests.

The leader of Zelanti was Cardinal Marcantonio Colonna. The other representatives of this faction were Giovanni Battista Rezzonico, his relative Carlo Rezzonico, who occupied the important office of the camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church, Gian Francesco Albani, dean of the College of Cardinals, and Alessandro Albani, archdeacon of the College. The Rezzonichi represented the radical wing of this faction, while the Albanis and Colonna represented the moderate wing. Among the anti-Jesuit cardinals the main leader was Cardinal de Bernis, ambassador of Louis XVI of France. The interests of Charles III of Spain were represented by Cardona, interests of Ferdinand III of Sicily/Ferdinand IV of Naples by Orsini, while those of Maria Theresa of Austria and her son Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor were under the care of Migazzi and Corsini. Also very influential was Cardinal Giraud, former nuncio in France. Several cardinals were not counted among the members of these factions.[37]

There was no main favourite of the conclave. About thirty cardinals were considered papabile.[1]



The conclave began on October 5, 1774. Initially there were only 28 participants. By the middle of December their number reached only 39, but by the end of the conclave five more cardinals arrived.[38]

Cardinal Marcantonio Colonna, taking advantage of the small number of electors, mostly curial cardinals belonging to his zelanti faction, tried to release Father Ricci from prison. This initiative obtained support of camerlengo Carlo Rezzonico and of Cardinal of York, but the anti-Jesuit faction was strong enough to frustrate it.[1]

Every day at least one ballot took place, but no candidates with serious chances for the election were proposed at the beginning, because the number of electors was relatively small and they were obliged to await the arrival of the rest, particularly of those representatives of the courts who did not reside in Rome. Zelanti voted mainly for their leader Colonna, who received the greatest number of votes in these initial ballots, but certainly had no chances to secure the required majority of two thirds.[39] Some other candidates were also put forward by the Zelanti, but they were all rejected by crown-cardinals as too pro-Jesuit.[1] Against the candidature of Giovanni Carlo Boschi the Bourbon courts even pronounced the official papal veto.[2]

Although the court factions cooperated by blocking of Zelanti candidates, they were unable to agree upon one of their own. Spain supported Pallavicino, while Austria favoured Visconti, a former nuncio at Vienna. Towards the end of 1774, the name of young Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Braschi was raised for the first time. Braschi belonged to the moderate wing of the Zelanti faction. He was advanced by Cardinal Giraud, and obtained a significant number of votes. The crown-cardinals rejected Braschi as pro-Jesuit,[40] although Cardinal de Bernis in his report for the French court found him moderate man and did not exclude the support for him in the future, if no better candidate would be found. No consensus had been achieved before the end of 1774.[41]

In January 1775 cardinals Migazzi, Borromeo, Caracciolo, Pallavicino and Visconti were proposed by the political factions, but without any significant success, because Zelanti rejected all candidates recommended by the monarchs.[42] Cardinal Zelada tried to mediate between factions, proposing to reduce the number of candidates to six, of whom each of the two blocs had to advance three, and to elect the one who would be the most acceptable for all. But this initiative had also failed.[43]

Coat of arms of Pius VI.

Gradually French Cardinals de Bernis and Luynes came to the conclusion that it was impossible to find any better candidate with chances for election than the initially rejected Cardinal Braschi. This was the turning point of the conclave. Braschi's candidacy gained important and influential allies. But Spain and Portugal still opposed him as too favorable toward the Jesuits. Braschi also had some opponents in the radical wing of his own party. To secure the required majority, Cardinal de Bernis aligned himself with Cardinal Zelada, who acted as mediator: de Bernis had to convince the political factions, while Zelada had to overcome the opposition among the radical Zelanti.[44] Also Cardinal Albani was engaged in the promotion of Braschi.[1]

Cardinal Zelada secured the support of Zelanti without serious problems. Spain's candidate, Pallavicino, openly declared that he would not accept the tiara and supported Braschi.[45] The other political factions agreed when Braschi promised the ratification of the suppression of the Jesuits, his friendship to the House of Bourbon and to the House of Habsburg, and agreed to be guided by the allies in the distribution of State offices.[1]

Election of Pius VI


On February 15, 1775, after 134 days of deliberation, on the 265th ballot,[46] Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Braschi was elected to the papacy receiving all votes except his own,[44] which, according to custom, he gave to Gian Francesco Albani, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals. He took the name of Pius VI, in honour of St. Pius V.[38]

On February 22, 1775 the Pope-elect was consecrated bishop of Rome by Cardinal Dean Gian Francesco Albani, bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina, assisted by Sub-dean Henry Benedict Stuart, bishop of Frascati, and Camerlengo Carlo Rezzonico, bishop of Sabina. On the same day he was also solemnly crowned by Cardinal Alessandro Albani, protodeacon of S. Maria in Via Lata.[47]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 The Triple Crown
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Pattenden, Miles. Electing the Pope in Early Modern Italy, 1450-1700, Oxford University Press, 2017, ISBN 9780192517999
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 S. Miranda Conclave of 1774–75
  4. ^ 薩爾瓦多·米蘭達英語Salvador Miranda (historian). Consistory of April 10, 1747 (II) - Celebrated in Rome. 佛羅里達國際大學佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-01-27]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-27) (英語). 
  5. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of July 3, 1747 (II) - Celebrated in Rome. 佛羅里達國際大學佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-01-27]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-27) (英語). 
  6. ^ Salvador Miranda in his list of participants of this conclave erroneously indicate that Fabrizio Serbelloni, bishop of Ostia e Velletri, was dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals. Although the see of Ostia e Velletri was customary assigned to the dean of the Sacred College, the dean at that time was Cardinal Gian Francesco Albani, bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina. (Gaetano Moroni, Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica da S. Pietro sino ai nostri giorni, Tipografia Emiliana, Venice 1840–1861, vol. LXIV, p. 173)
  7. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of November 26, 1753 (IV). 佛羅里達國際大學佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  8. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of September 11, 1758 (I). 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  9. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of October 2, 1758 (II). 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  10. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of October 2, 1758 (II). 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  11. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of April 10, 1747 (II) - Celebrated in Rome. 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-01-27]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-27) (英語). 
  12. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of November 26, 1753 (IV). 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  13. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of April 22, 1754 (V). 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  14. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of April 22, 1754 (V). 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  15. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of April 5, 1756 (VII) - Celebrated in Rome. 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  16. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of September 24, 1759 (III). 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-01-28]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-28) (英語). 
  17. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of September 24, 1759 (III). 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-01-28]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-28) (英語). 
  18. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of November 23, 1761 (IV). 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  19. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of November 23, 1761 (IV). 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  20. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of July 18, 1763 (V). 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  21. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of July 21, 1766 (VI). 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  22. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of July 21, 1766 (VI). 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  23. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of September 26, 1766 (VII). 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-01-29]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-29) (英語). 
  24. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of September 26, 1766 (VII). 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-01-29]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-29) (英語). 
  25. ^ 薩爾瓦多·米蘭達. Consistory of January 29, 1770 (II) - Celebrated in Rome. 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  26. ^ 薩爾瓦多·米蘭達. Consistory of September 10, 1770 (IV) - Celebrated in Rome. 佛羅里達國際大學. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  27. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of July 16, 1721 (II) - Celebrated in Rome. Florida International University. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  28. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of July 16, 1721 (II) - Celebrated in Rome. Florida International University. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  29. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of September 9, 1743 (I) - Celebrated in Rome. Florida International University. [2018-01-27]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-27) (英語). 
  30. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of November 26, 1753 (IV). Florida International University. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  31. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of September 24, 1759 (III). Florida International University. [2018-01-28]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-28) (英語). 
  32. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of September 24, 1759 (III). Florida International University. [2018-01-28]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-28) (英語). 
  33. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of July 18, 1763 (V). Florida International University. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  34. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of July 18, 1763 (V). Florida International University. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-01) (英語). 
  35. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of September 26, 1766 (VII). Florida International University. [2018-01-29]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-29) (英語). 
  36. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of September 26, 1766 (VII). Florida International University. [2018-01-29]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-29) (英語). 
  37. ^ Bourgoing, p. 5–7
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 Damian Hungs: Pius VI 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期2007-09-28.
  39. ^ Bourgoing, p. 14–15
  40. ^ Ott, Michael. "Pope Pius VI." The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol. 12. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911. 30 May 2018
  41. ^ Bourgoing, p. 17–18
  42. ^ Bourgoing, p. 19
  43. ^ Bourgoing, p. 20; Damian Hungs: Pius VI 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期2007-09-28.
  44. ^ 44.0 44.1 Bourgoing, p. 23
  45. ^ Bourgoing, p. 22
  46. ^ K. Dopierała, p. 370
  47. ^ S. Miranda: Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Braschi (Pope Pius VI)



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