


化石時期:155–125 Ma
科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 脊索動物門 Chordata
綱: 蜥形綱 Sauropsida
總目: 恐龍總目 Dinosauria
目: 鳥臀目 Ornithischia
科: 結節龍科 Nodosauridae
亞科: 多刺甲龍亞科 Polacanthinae
Wieland, 1911
  • 林龍科 Hylaeosauridae
    Nopcsa, 1902





多刺甲龍亞科生存於侏儸紀晚期到白堊紀早期,存在了將近3000萬年。詹姆士·柯克蘭(James Kirkland)提出,多刺甲龍亞科的存在時期,北美洲與亞洲之間有陸橋連接[2]






在1911年,George R. Wieland建立多刺甲龍科,以包含無法歸類於甲龍科結節龍科的甲龍類恐龍。



在2001年,肯尼思·卡彭特(Kenneth Carpenter)在一個甲龍亞目的系統發生學研究中,再將多刺甲龍亞科修改為多刺甲龍科,親緣關係較接近甲龍科,離結節龍科較遠;並將多刺甲龍科定義為:包含所有接近加斯頓龍,而離埃德蒙頓甲龍包頭龍較遠的所有物種。他認為這些甲龍類恐龍的身體構造相當特殊。甲板接近三角形,而且薄。甲板的排列與牙齒相當原始[11]。但有其他研究人員提出異議。

M. Vickaryous等人在2004年的研究,則將怪嘴龍加斯頓龍列為原始的甲龍科,而其餘四屬則是甲龍亞目的未定屬[12]



  1. ^ Lucas, F.A. (1901). A new dinosaur, Stegosaurus marshi, from the Lower Cretaceous of South Dakota. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 23(1224):591-592.
  2. ^ Kirkland, J. I. (1996). Biogeography of western North America's mid-Cretaceous faunas - losing European ties and the first great Asian-North American interchange. J. Vert. Paleontol. 16 (Suppl. to 3): 45A
  3. ^ Hayashi, S., Carpenter, K., Scheyer, T.M., Watabe, M. and Suzuki. D. (2010). "Function and evolution of ankylosaur dermal armor." Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 55(2): 213-228. doi:10.4202/app.2009.0103
  4. ^ J. Peczkis. 1995. Implications of body-mass estimates for dinosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 14(4):520-533
  5. ^ K. Carpenter, J. I. Kirkland, C. Miles, K. Cloward, and D. Burge. 1996. Evolutionary significance of new ankylosaurs (Dinosauria) from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous, Western Interior. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 16(3, suppl.):25A
  6. ^ K. Carpenter and J. I. Kirkland. 1998. Review of Lower and middle Cretaceous ankylosaurs from North America. Lower and Middle Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems, S. G. Lucas, J. I. Kirkland & J. W. Estep (eds.). New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 14:249-270
  7. ^ J. I. Kirkland. 1998. A polacanthine ankylosaur (Ornithischia: Dinosauria) from the Early Cretaceous (Barremian) of eastern Utah. Lower and Middle Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems (S. G. Lucas, J. I. Kirkland, & J. W. Estep, eds.), New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 14:271-281
  8. ^ K. Carpenter, J. I. Kirkland, D. Burge and J. Bird. 1999. Ankylosaurs (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) of the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, and their stratigraphic distribution. Vertebrate Paleontology in Utah, D. D. Gillette (ed.), Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication 99-1:243-251
  9. ^ W. T. Blows. 2001. Dermal armor of the polacanthine dinosaurs. In K. Carpenter (ed.), The Armored Dinosaurs. Indiana University Press, Bloomington 363-385
  10. ^ X. Pereda Suberbiola and P. M. Galton. 2001. Reappraisal of the nodosaurid ankylosaur Struthiosaurus austriacus Bunzel from the Upper Cretaceous Gosau Beds of Austria. In K. Carpenter (ed.), The Armored Dinosaurs. Indiana University Press, Bloomington 173-210
  11. ^ Carpenter K. Phylogenetic analysis of the Ankylosauria. Carpenter, Kenneth(ed) (編). The Armored Dinosaurs. Indiana University Press. 2001: 455–484. ISBN 0-253-33964-2. 
  12. ^ Matthew K. Vickaryous, Teresa Maryańska und David B. Weishampel: Ankylosauria. In: David Weishampel, Peter Dodson und Halszka Osmólska (Hrsg.): The Dinosauria. University of California Press, 2004. ISBN 0520242092; S. 363-392.
  13. ^ Thompson, R.S., Parish, J.C., Maidment, S.C.R. and Barrett, P.M. (2012). "Phylogeny of the ankylosaurian dinosaurs (Ornithischia: Thyreophora)." Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 10(2): 301-312. doi:10.1080/14772019.2011.569091

