

Get Lucky
發行日期2013年4月19日 (2013-04-19)
  • 4:08 (電台版本)
  • 6:07 (專輯版本)
  • 湯瑪斯·本高特
  • 蓋-馬努爾·德霍曼-克里斯托
  • 菲瑞·威廉斯
  • 尼爾·羅傑斯
  • 湯瑪斯·本高特
  • 蓋-馬努爾·德霍曼-克里斯托
"Get Lucky"
"Lose Yourself to Dance"

「Get Lucky」(中國大陸譯為:「幸運兒」)是法國浩室電子舞曲二人組傻瓜龐克聯合菲瑞·威廉斯以及尼爾·羅傑斯合作的單曲。其為傻瓜龐克第四張錄音室專輯《超時空記憶體》的首波主打單曲。[1] 在這首單曲正式發行之前,蠢龐克已在《周六夜現場》的廣告時段放出了新專輯的消息,而此廣告背景曲目正是當時尚未發行的「幸運兒」。廣告播出之後,菲瑞·威廉斯與尼爾·羅傑斯亦確認了在此曲中與傻瓜龐克的合作。[2][3] 並且此曲片段在關於專輯製作的影像紀錄片「The Collaborator」中皆有出現。[4][5]

從音樂的角度上講,「幸運兒」是一首糅合了迪斯可放克兩種曲風的歌;而從歌詞的角度上講,法瑞爾表示這首歌是關於「與他人相遇的幸運」而非「僅僅只是關於性方面的化學反應」( The song is about the fortune of connecting with someone and not just about sexual chemistry.)[4] 在此曲片段曝光之後,「幸運兒」以數位下載的形式於2013年4月19日正式發行。[6]此曲正式發行後,各個平面/網絡媒體均給出正面積極評價,[7][8][9]並引起各路網友競相翻唱(或惡搞)此曲。「幸運兒」在超過32個國家/地區的音樂排行榜上登頂前十位,且單曲銷售量也達到了730萬(截至2013年9月)。傻瓜龐克還因此曲獲得了第56屆葛萊美獎「年度製作」「最佳流行組合表演」兩項大獎。



"Get Lucky" was completed over the course of approximately 18 months.「幸運兒」的製作大約歷經了一年半的時間。[10] Daft Punk first met Rodgers at a listening party in New York for the duo's 1997 debut album Homework, and became friends thereafter.傻瓜龐克初次遇見尼爾·羅傑斯是在1997年其第一張專輯《家庭作業》(Homework)在紐約的專輯試聽會上,而自此之後三人就成了要好的朋友。[11] The duo acknowledged Chic's influence in the song "Around the World" and had great respect for Rodgers.二人認為Chic(尼爾·羅傑斯原所屬樂團)對專輯中主打單曲《Around the World》影響頗深,並且也十分敬重羅傑斯。[12] He noted however that a series of near misses and scheduling conflicts had delayed their chance of collaborating. The duo eventually invited Rodgers to the Random Access Memories sessions at Electric Lady Studios in New York City. 儘管羅傑斯稱由於之前身患癌症和一系列時間上的衝突耽擱了他們的合作,但最後二人還是成功地將羅傑斯邀請到了紐約的Electric Lady錄音室進行專輯製作。This coincidentally was the studio where the first Chic single had been recorded, in the neighborhood in which Rodgers grew up.巧合的是Electric Lady錄音室所在地就處於羅傑斯少年時期住過的街區,而且Chic的第一支單曲也在此錄音室錄製。[5] After listening to Daft Punk's demo of what would become "Get Lucky", Rodgers asked that all of the elements except the drum track be muted so that he could create a suitable guitar part; he recalled that he experimented until the duo were visibly pleased.聽畢傻瓜龐克最初的「幸運兒」小樣後,羅傑斯覺得除了鼓的聲軌以外其他聲軌元素都應減弱,這樣他才能在小樣中加入適合的吉他部分。他回憶道當時他一直嘗試著吉他部分「直到傻瓜龐克二人均滿意為止」[13] Once he completed his contribution, Daft Punk re-recorded the bass part with Nathan East to fit Rodgers' performance.在羅傑斯完成了吉他部分過後,傻瓜龐克二人重新錄製了Nathan East的貝斯部分以配合曲中羅傑斯的吉他部分。[14] Rodgers further elaborated that, "Everybody else wound up re-playing to me".羅傑斯進一步回憶道:「等其他人的部分完成之後,他們(指傻瓜龐克二人)還會給我再聽一遍。」

Williams first heard about the project from Daft Punk "at a Madonna party" and offered his services for a collaboration. 菲瑞·威廉斯聽聞此事(指專輯錄製)是在「瑪丹娜開的一場派對里」,隨後他主動要求與傻瓜龐克進行合作。He had joked that, "If you just want me to play tambourine, I'll do it." 關於主動要求合作一事,他曾在採訪里開玩笑稱:「就算你只讓我在裡面(指錄製此專輯)打手鼓我也會去的。」The duo and Williams later met in Paris, where he shared some of his own material;後來威廉士與傻瓜龐克在巴黎會面,並且威廉士把當時手中自己的小樣給傻瓜龐克二人聽了一下。 Williams explained that he had been inspired by Rodgers, not knowing that Daft Punk had coincidentally been recording with him.威廉士解釋道他深受羅傑斯音樂的影響,但他當時並不知道蠢龐克二人已經與其合作錄音的事。[4] Williams noted that the duo adopted a perfectionist approach during the recording of the vocals for "Get Lucky", as he was asked to perform several takes and multiple instances of specific phrases.威廉士還特別提到傻瓜龐克二人在為「幸運兒」錄製人聲部分時極其追求完美主義,讓他錄了很多遍人聲部分,而且有些特定樂句每一遍還要錄出不同的感覺以供他們挑選。[15] As a member of The Neptunes production team, Williams had previously provided a remix of "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" that appeared on the 2003 album Daft Club. 作為海王星製作團隊(The Neptunes)的成員,威廉士先前在2003年的《Daft Club》混音專輯中重混過傻瓜龐克的經典作品「Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger」。Daft Punk also served as co-writers and producers for the 2010 single "Hypnotize U" by N.E.R.D, Williams' band.傻瓜龐克也曾經與威廉士的樂團——NERD一起合作了後者2010年的單曲「Hypnotize U」。


Pharrell Williams performed vocals for "Get Lucky".

"Get Lucky" is composed in the key of F-sharp minor, and runs at common time with a tempo of 116 BPM, with a chord structure of Bm-D-F#m-E[16] followed throughout the song.[17] Prior to Rodgers' involvement, the song existed in rough form that centered on Wurlitzer electric piano[10] with Omar Hakim on drums and Nathan East performing bass guitar. Rodgers' presence on the completed song consists of two layered guitar parts:[18] One layer features rhythm guitaring while the other is a melodic riff. Rodgers considered the minimal number of layers to be a characteristic of early Chic recordings due to the technical production limitations his band had at the time.[19]

Williams noted that upon returning to the United States after his vocals were recorded, he had "forgotten everything" regarding the composition of "Get Lucky"; he attributed this to jet lag, but jokingly wondered if Daft Punk had tampered with his memory.[4] The duo responded by explaining that Williams's lyrics and performance had come about in a very spontaneous way, which was the likely reason he had trouble recalling the song.[14] Upon hearing "Get Lucky" later in its developed form, Williams remarked that the music evoked the sense of being on an exotic island during a "peachy color[ed]" sunrise. He elaborated that the title does not simply refer to a sexual act, but to the fortune of meeting with and immediately connecting to someone.[4] The vocals in the song, including Daft Punk's vocoder performance, span three octaves: D2-D5. Daft Punk noted that their own ten-minute remix of "Get Lucky" is more akin to extended mixes of the 1970s and 80s, rather than a conventional reworking.[20]



"Get Lucky" was first publicly revealed via two 15-second television advertisements on Saturday Night Live. 「幸運兒」正式出現在公眾視野是在電視節目《周六夜現場》的兩支15秒專輯宣傳片廣告中。Rodgers announced his contribution to the song shortly afterward, and noted that various fan remixes of the clips have appeared online since the airing.羅傑斯在此曲公布後正式承認了與蠢龐克的合作,還特別提到自此曲公布之後大量歌迷自製的混音版在網上湧現。[2] The third trailer, which was shown at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, officially announced Williams's involvement in the song and features Daft Punk, Rodgers, and Williams performing together.第三支專輯宣傳片是在柯啟拉音樂節上出現的,宣傳片中正式宣布了威廉士的加盟,同時在宣傳片中也能看到蠢龐克與威廉士及羅傑斯在一起表演。[3] The promotional web series The Collaborators featured excerpts of "Get Lucky", culminating in the Williams-focused episode in which the song was first referred to by name.關於專輯的八集宣傳紀錄片「The Collaborators」均用到了「幸運兒」的片段,尤其是在關於威廉士的那一段宣傳紀錄片中。[4][5]

Days prior to the single release, the song had been leaked and broadcast on various radio stations.在正式發行前,此單曲已洩露並開始在許多電台播放。[6] In the United Kingdom the song joined the playlists of BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 2 and BBC Radio 6 Music. 在英國,此曲已進入英國廣播公司一台、二台與六台的音樂播放表中。Upon the official release, Williams performed "Get Lucky" live for the first time at an HTC One launch party in Brooklyn.在官方發行此單曲後,菲瑞·威廉斯在紐約布魯克林HTC One新品發布會上首次表演了此曲。[21]

Since the release of "Get Lucky", Daft Punk have encouraged the reworking of their latest musical works and a series of "Get Lucky" remixes have been released from acts such as PV Nova and TBM.自「幸運兒」問世以來,蠢龐克二人一直鼓勵廣大網友將其進行再創作,由此單曲也引出了一系列的混音作品,比較成功的案例有PV Nova與TBM等。[22][23] A 12" vinyl single was released on 16 July 2013, featuring a ten-minute remix by Daft Punk, the album version and the radio edit. 「幸運兒」的12英寸黑膠單曲版本也在2013年7月16日發行,收錄了蠢龐克二人自己重新混音的十分鐘版本、專輯完整版以及電台刪減版。The Daft Punk remix was first released on Spotify and, as of June 27, 2013, was streamed 64 million times.蠢龐克重新混音的版本一開始是在Spotify上供用戶免費收聽的,而截至2013年6月27日,此混音版在Spotify上已經達到6400萬點擊量。[24] In late June 2013, an unofficial remix album Daftside was released by Darkside, the musical partnership of producer Nicolas Jaar and musician Dave Harrington.2013年6月底,由製作人Nicolas Jaar與音樂人Dave Harrington組成的樂團Darkside發行了一張非官方蠢龐克混音專輯《Daftside》[25] Jaar has previously released remixes of Grizzly Bear and Brian Eno.Nicolas Jaar在此之前還發行過Grizzly BearBrian Eno的作品混音。[26]

Rodgers stated in an interview with The Guardian that a video for "Get Lucky" was shot in March 2013 that is distinct from the Coachella trailer, featuring a group of dancing extras.羅傑斯在與《The Guardian》的一次採訪中表示,」幸運兒「的音樂錄影帶已在2013年3月拍攝完畢,並且這支錄影帶的內容不同於之前在柯啟拉音樂節上曝光的第三支專輯預告片[27] In an interview with French music magazine Rock & Folk in April however, Daft Punk stated that a music video was not part of the immediate promotional plans for the single.但在4月份接受法國音樂雜誌《Rock & Folk》採訪時,蠢龐克則表示音樂錄影帶並不在目前為「Get Lucky」而做的宣傳計劃當中。[28] A trailer for the official "Get Lucky" remix was released via the Columbia Records YouTube channel on 25 June 2013, featuring a group of dancers.而混音版「幸運兒」的音樂錄影帶預告片則於2013年6月25日在Youtube的哥倫比亞唱片公司官方頻道發布,預告片中能見到很多舞者跳舞的場景。[29] Rodgers later stated that video footage for "Lose Yourself to Dance" had been shot simultaneously with footage for "Get Lucky".羅傑斯後來表示「Lose Yourself to Dance」的音樂錄影帶和「Get Lucky」的拍攝時間是一致的。[30]

Daft Punk were scheduled to appear on the August 6 episode of The Colbert Report to promote Random Access Memories, but were unable to do so because of contractual obligations regarding the duo's future appearance at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards. 傻瓜龐克二人本來計劃在8月6日的美國電視節目《科爾伯特報告》(The Colbert Report)中出現,以此宣傳新專輯《超時空記憶體》,但二人並未出現。According to Stephen Colbert, Daft Punk were unaware of any exclusivity agreement and were halted by MTV executives the morning prior to the taping.據此節目主持人史提芬·荷伯特說,傻瓜龐克二人之前並不知道任何關於MTV獨家宣傳此專輯的事,並且在先前錄製此次節目當天的早上由於合約衝突被MTV台的高層緊急叫停。[31] Colbert nevertheless performed a pre-recorded elaborate dance number to "Get Lucky" featuring appearances from Hugh Laurie, Jeff Bridges, Jimmy Fallon, The Rockettes, Bryan Cranston, Jon Stewart, Matt Damon, and Henry Kissinger.儘管如此,科爾伯特還是在節目中表演了一段先前已經精心錄製好的「幸運兒」惡搞表演,而此表演中出現了許多好萊塢大牌,包括修·勞瑞、傑夫·布雷哲斯、吉米·法倫、The Rockettes、布賴恩·克蘭斯通、喬恩·史都華、麥特·戴蒙以及亨利·凱辛格。[32] Earlier on the program, Colbert had declared that the song was "The Song of the Summer of the Century".在之前的節目中,科爾伯特曾稱此歌為「本世紀夏日之歌」("The Song of the Summer of the Century")。

"Get Lucky" is a featured song in the video game Just Dance 2014. A remix of the song was also used in the dance number choreographed and performed by the 2013 nominees of the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Choreography during the 65th Primetime Emmy Awards.除電視節目之外,「幸運兒」還在舞蹈遊戲《舞力全開2014》中出現。此歌混音版本亦用於2013年第65屆艾美獎「最佳編舞」提名者的表演中。

Critical reception


"Get Lucky" received critical acclaim from media outlets and music critics. 「幸運兒」自問世以來受到了各路媒體以及樂評界的交口稱讚。Michael Cragg from The Guardian said the song "eschews the crunching electronics of their last album and the vocoder-lead 原文如此 future-disco of Discovery", and it was the "best thing Pharrell Williams has been involved with for a long time".衛報的Michael Cragg稱此曲「避開了他們上張專輯(指專輯《Human After All》,中國大陸譯為《回歸》)中咚次咚次的電音之聲以及《Discovery》(中國大陸譯為《發現》;台灣譯為《迪斯可銀河大作戰》)專輯中由聲碼器主導的未來感迪斯可」( "eschews the crunching electronics of their last album and the vocoder-lead 原文如此 future-disco of Discovery"),並且這是「菲瑞·威廉斯在很長一段時間內與他人合作的最棒作品」。[7] Pitchfork listed "Get Lucky" as a Best New Track, stating that the song's "real elegance lies in the hands of Nile Rodgers".Pitchfork將「幸運兒」列入「最佳新曲」(Best New Track),稱此曲「真正巧妙之處是在尼爾·羅傑斯的手中(是指其在歌中的吉他部分)」(The song's "real elegance lies in the hands of Nile Rodgers")。[8] Lewis Corner from Digital Spy gave the single 5 stars and said although Daft Punk's "creative methods may be unorthodox, the final result is a legal rush we can all enjoy".來自《數字間諜》(Digital Spy)雜誌的路易斯·康納給此單曲以5星評價,並說儘管蠢龐克二人「富有創意的想法或許不同尋常,但最後結果出來時此曲(就像)是合法的Rush(一種藥物,性輔助吸入劑總稱)並且我們都能享用」("Creative methods may be unorthodox, the final result is a legal rush we can all enjoy")。[9] BBC Radio 1 host Annie Mac played "Get Lucky" on the day of its release, and gave it a positive review.BBC廣播一台主持人安妮·麥克在此單曲發行的那一天播放了此曲,並給予好評。 She remarked that Daft Punk are not making electronic dance music, but rather "real music to dance to". 她評論稱蠢龐克並非在做電子舞曲,而更像是在做出「真正的音樂且其能讓人與之起舞」(Daft Punk are not making electronic dance music, but rather "real music to dance to")。Music critic Sasha Frere-Jones of The New Yorker wrote that Rodgers' performance in the song was "as close to magic as pop comes."紐約客的樂評人薩莎·弗瑞瑞-瓊斯在雜誌中稱羅傑斯在此曲中的表現是"as close to magic as pop comes."。[33] Rolling Stone reviewer Will Hermes giving the song a four-star rating out of five, described it as "an old-school disco jam" and called it "formidable".滾石樂評人威爾·愛馬仕給此曲四星評價(滿分五星),形容此曲是「一次復古迪斯可即興演出」("an old-school disco jam")並稱此曲「很優秀傑出」("formidable")。[34] Amy Sciarretto of PopCrush also welcomed the song, she called it an "intoxicating track" and wrote it "represents all that’s right with electronic music."PopCrush網站的Amy Sciarretto也對此歌持積極態度,她稱此為「一首令人陶醉不已的歌曲」("intoxicating track")並寫道此曲「表現出電子音樂所有的長處」("represents all that’s right with electronic music."[35]

Fellow musicians have also publicly commented on the song.許多音樂人也公開地評論了此曲。 British DJ and producer Norman Cook (better known as Fatboy Slim) expressed high praise for the song and stated in an interview with the Daily Star: "I'm so impressed by them. It's a breath of fresh old-skool air". Cook had felt that recent popular electronic dance music had started to become bland and that "Daft Punk have given us [electronic musicians] all a kick up the arse."英國DJ、電音製作人諾曼·庫克(以Fatboy Slim的藝名為人熟知)就在與《Daily Star》的訪問中表達了對這首歌的高度讚揚:「他們令我印象深刻。這(就像)是一股清新的復古風」("I'm so impressed by them. It's a breath of fresh old-skool air")。庫克還認為最近流行的電子舞曲已經開始變得索然無味,而「傻瓜龐克(就像是)給了我們所有電音音樂人屁股上一腳」( "Daft Punk have given us [electronic musicians] all a kick up the arse.")。[36]

The song broke records with the highest number of plays of any song in a single day on music streaming application Spotify.除此之外,此曲還打破了音樂串流媒體軟體Spotify單日播放次數的最高紀錄。[37] British journalist Caitlin Moran has speculated that the song's attractiveness is due to its combination of minor chords and regular disco-type "up" beats throughout the song, with the former creating an unresolved feeling.英國記者凱特琳·莫蘭[38] "Get Lucky" was nominated for Best Song of the Summer at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards.[39] The song received awards for both Best Pop Duo/Group Performance and Record of the Year at the 56th Annual Grammy Awards. 「Get Lucky」 was voted the number one song of 2013 in a Digital Spy reader poll.[40][41]

Chart performance

"When I think how it happened, too, with people who I like a lot, that we just decided to go into the studio and do something... And then it turns out like this? It's absolutely remarkable, because no-one was prepared for this! [...] to have this ubiquitous record, that is a hit everywhere... It's amazing to me! I'm out on the road and I can hear it wherever I go. I'm flabbergasted!"
—Nile Rodgers, on the song's success[42]

In France, "Get Lucky" debuted at number one on the French Singles Chart on 24 April 2013, becoming Daft Punk first chart-topping single in their home country since "One More Time". The song sold 38,887 copies in three days, making "Get Lucky" the best-selling digital single in a one-week period.[43] In Belgium, where two independent official charts are published weekly (one for Flanders, one for Wallonia), "Get Lucky" entered in the top position on both charts, making it Daft Punk's highest Belgian chart entry ever and their first No. 1 song in the country.[來源請求]

In the United Kingdom, "Get Lucky" entered the UK Singles Chart at number three on 21 April 2013―only 48 hours after its release—selling more than 50,000 copies and becoming Daft Punk's first top ten hit in the UK since "One More Time" in 2000.[44] The song then peaked at No. 1 the following week, with sales of over 155,000 copies, and became Daft Punk's first ever No. 1 single in Britain. The song remained in the top position during the following week, selling over 163,000.[45] "Get Lucky" remained atop the chart for a third and fourth consecutive week, selling over 100,000 copies within each of them. By late May 2013, over 600,000 copies of the song had been sold in just over four weeks[46][47][48][49] and sales had exceeded those of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' "Thrift Shop", making "Get Lucky" the country's best-selling single of the year thus far.[50] On 27 June, the Official Charts Company announced that "Get Lucky" had sold over a million copies in the UK; only the 136th single and first released in 2013 to do so.[42][51] The song is the first involving Daft Punk, Williams or Rodgers to achieve this feat[42] as well as being the second by a French act (after David Guetta's "Titanium").[51] Both Martin Talbot, Chief Executive of the Official Charts Company and Rodgers were impressed by the quick time (69 days) the single took to cross the million sales barrier.[42][51] It is the second best-selling song in the UK in 2013 with sales of 1,308,007 copies for the year[52][53] and the most streamed track of 2013 in the UK.[54]

In the United States, the song debuted at number five on the Billboard Dance/Electronic Songs chart for the week ending 4 May 2013.[55] By the week ending 25 May,[56] the song had reached the No. 2 position and its peak position of No. 1 was eventually reached during the week ending 1 June 2013 remaining on top for 13 weeks.[57] The song debuted at number 19 on the Billboard Hot 100 on the 24 April 2013, selling 113,000 downloads[58]—this placement resulted in the song becoming the duo's first ever top 40 hit on the chart.[58][59] "Get Lucky" eventually peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100 for five weeks, behind Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" featuring T.I. and Williams.[60][61] Since both songs feature Williams, he became the first artist to simultaneously occupy the top two slots of the Billboard Hot 100 chart since 2009, when The Black Eyed Peas achieved the same feat. "Get Lucky" also reached the No. 1 position on the Hot Dance Club Songs chart, their first song to achieve this feat since "Face to Face" in 2004.[62] As of January 2014, the song has sold over 3 million units in the United States, the most for any Daft Punk song.[63]

In Australia, "Get Lucky" debuted at number two on the ARIA Singles Chart on the week ending 5 May 2013. The song is Daft Punk's highest-placing entry on the chart since "One More Time" peaked at number 10 in April 2001.[64] The song attained the top position on the ARIA chart in the second week after its release.[64] The song dropped back down to No. 2 on the week ending 19 May and remained at the position for two extra weeks.[64] Besides appearing at 2013 MTV Video Music Awards, Daft Punk, Williams, and Rodgers were nominated for Best Song of the Summer, but lost to 1世代's "Best Song Ever".

Cover versions


Numerous cover versions of "Get Lucky" have been published since the single's release. In April 2013, English folk band Daughter recorded an indie version of the song for BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge.[65][66] In the same month, Dutch reggae/hip hop band the Postmen recorded an English-language version for Giel Beelen's program on the 3FM radio station.[67] Israeli musician Noy Alooshe made a mashup of the song with Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean".[68] The song was also covered by George Barnett, Postmen, Igor Presnyakov, The Stepkids, Sam Sparro and Skylar Grey.[68][69][70][71] In May 2013, Peter Serafinowicz uploaded a video of him featuring the song.[72] The same month, English bands Peace and the Mystery Jets performed the song together during a concert.[73] Australian band San Cisco recorded a cover version for the radio station Triple J, incorporating slap bass and bongo drums as well as elements of the N.E.R.D song "Hypnotize U".[74][75] Joe McElderry has performed the song a number of times at his gigs, the first being at London's Pizza Express Jazz Club on May 28.[76]

On The Voice, Tom Jones, Jessie J, will.i.am and Danny O'Donoghue sang the song.[77] The song was covered by British record producer Naughty Boy, for his debut album Hotel Cabana; it features as a bonus track with vocals by Tanika.[78] In June 2013, The Roots covered the song as fictional duo "Black Simon & Garfunkel" on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.[79] Wilco performed a version at the opening night of the Solid Sound Festival in North Adams, Massachusetts, U.S. on June 21, 2013,[80] In July 2013, Florence Welch sang the song in London.[81] Arié Elmaleh, brother of Gad Elmaleh, performed an adapted Dutch version on Le Grand Journal in August 2013.[82] In the same month a Jewish Orthodox organization Aish HaTorah published a Rosh Hashanah's ("Jewish New Year") version of this song, called "Get Clarity".[83] Comedians Simon Pegg and Nick Frost did a humorous version on Capital FM radio.[84] In September 2013, Fall Out Boy performed the song during a concert in Uncasville, Connecticut.[85] A reggae cover version was released by Antiguan singer Asher Otto and her band Itchyfeet.[86] Rock band Halestorm recorded a cover for their EP ReAniMate 2.0.[87] Rapper Kellee Maize recorded a cover/remix of and created a video for the song entitled "Do Something".[88] The a cappella group Pentatonix covered the song as part of their tribute to Daft Punk, entitled "Daft Punk", for their extended play album PTX, Vol. II.[89] The Russian Interior Ministry (MVD) Choir performed a version of the song in concert in November 2013.



Charts and certifications


Release history

Region Date Format Label
Australia[161] April 19, 2013 Digital download Columbia Records
New Zealand[163]
United Kingdom[90]
United States[165]
United States[166] May 21, 2013 Mainstream airplay
Germany[92] June 28, 2013 CD
United Kingdom July 16, 2013[167] 12"
United States


  1. ^ Weiner, Jonah. Exclusive: Daft Punk Reveal Secrets of New Album. Rolling Stone. Wenner Media. 13 April 2013 [13 April 2013]. Without warning, a nearly two-minute video popped up on jumbotron screens flanking the festival's various stages, in which Pharrell Williams, Nile Rodgers and the Daft Punk robots rock out in heavily sequined getups to 'Get Lucky' 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Serwer, Jesse. Nile Rodgers: Daft Punk Collaboration 'Felt Unbelievably Natural'. Rolling Stone. Wenner Media. 23 March 2013 [30 March 2013]. Disco legend discusses his new projects at Miami's Winter Music Conference 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Daft Punk Tease New Album at Coachella, During 'Saturday Night Live', Reveal Guests. Billboard. Prometheus Global Media. 14 April 2013 [14 April 2013]. Random Access Memories was recorded in Paris, L.A. and New York and is slated to include a second Pharrell-sung track called 'Lose Yourself to Dance', according to Rolling Stone. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Cubarrubia, RJ. Pharrell: Daft Punk 'Not Bound by Time and Space' (YouTube video). Rolling Stone. Wenner Media. 15 April 2013 [15 April 2013]. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Blistein, Jon. Nile Rodgers: New Daft Punk Album 'Went Back to Go Forward' (YouTube video). Rolling Stone. RollingStone.com. 11 April 2013 [11 April 2013]. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Montgomery, James. Daft Punk's 'Get Lucky' Gets Very Specific Release Date. MTV News. MTV.com. 18 April 2013 [18 April 2013]. Spokesperson for Columbia Records confirms to MTV News band's single will be released Friday at 12:01 a.m. ET. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Cragg, Michael. Daft Punk: Get Lucky feat Pharrell Williams – review. The Guardian. Guardian Media Group. 19 April 2013 [21 April 2013]. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Beta, Andy. Daft Punk: "Get Lucky" [ft. Pharrell]. Pitchfork. 19 April 2013 [19 April 2013]. (...) "Get Lucky"'s real elegance lies in the hands of Nile Rodgers, which is no doubt the Robots' intent. (...) The vocodered break from Daft Punk thrills as well, but Rodgers is the reason that ten seconds of "Get Lucky" could dilate into minutes and hours of pleasure without tedium ever settling in. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Corner, Lawrence. Daft Punk ft. Pharrell, Nile Rodgers: 'Get Lucky' – Single review. Digital Spy. Hearst Corporation. 18 April 2013 [21 April 2013]. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Dombal, Ryan. Cover Story: Daft Punk. Pitchfork Media. Pitchfork.com. May 14, 2013 [May 14, 2013]. 
  11. ^ Martin, Lauren. Nile Rodgers' Top Five Daft Punk Tracks. Dazed & Confused. dazeddigital.com. May 13, 2013 [May 13, 2013]. 
  12. ^ Manouvere, Philippe. En couverture: Daft Punk. Rock & Folk (Editions Larivière). May 2013, (549): 74–81 (法語). 
  13. ^ Nile Rodgers interview: 'Daft Punk and I were on unified plane of grooviness' telegraph.co.uk. Retrieved on August 1, 2013.
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Tong, Pete. Daft Punk Speak To Pete Tong. BBC Radio 1. YouTube. May 10, 2013 [May 10, 2013]. 
  15. ^ Weiner, Jonah. Daft Punk: All Hail Our Robot Overlords. Rolling Stone. 21 May 2013 [21 May 2013]. 
  16. ^ Get Lucky Sheet Music. Nathan East on Instagram. Retrieved on January 21, 2013.
  17. ^ Daft Punk "Get Lucky" Sheet Music - Download & Print. musicnotes.com. Accessed from July 18, 2013.
  18. ^ Tingen, Paul. SOS Interview: Recording Random Access Memories. Sound on Sound (USA). July 2013, 28 (9). 
  19. ^ "Good Times" with Nile Rodgers, Part 1, Good Day New York. myfoxny.com. Retrieved on August 6, 2013. "08:28 - the way that 'Get Lucky' happened was [...] they asked me specifically, 'How did you make Chic records in the old days?' [...] In those days [...] we were limited by technology. So I said, 'I do this part first [guitar melody] and then I play the other part on top of it.' [guitar strumming gesture]"
  20. ^ David Blot, La Sélection de Daft Punk (French). novaplanet.com. Retrieved on August 20, 2013.
  21. ^ Swift, Patrick. Pharrell Performs 'Get Lucky' Three Times In NYC. Mixmag. Development Hell. 21 April 2013 [21 April 2013]. 
  22. ^ pvnova. Evolution of Get Lucky [Daft Punk Chronologic cover by PV NOVA] (Audio upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. 10 June 2013 [28 June 2013]. 
  23. ^ TheBeatmaniacTBM. Daft Punk and Pharrell Williams - Get Lucky (Official TBM remix) (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. 16 April 2013 [28 June 2013]. 
  24. ^ Brian Anthony Hernandez. Listen to Daft Punk's 10-Minute 'Get Lucky' Remix. Mashable. Mashable. 27 June 2013 [28 June 2013]. 
  25. ^ Forrest Wickman. Random Access Memories Gets Remixed. Slate. The Slate Group, LLC. 21 June 2013 [28 June 2013]. 
  26. ^ Kyle McGovern. Nicolas Jaar's Grizzly Bear, Brian Eno Remixes Pressed as Record Store Day Exclusive. Spin. SpinMedia. 11 March 2013 [28 June 2013]. 
  27. ^ Helmore, Edward. Disco's back as Nile Rodgers tops chart again – with help from his French friends. The Observer. 27 April 2013 [22 June 2013]. 
  28. ^ Manouvere, Philippe. En couverture: Daft Punk. Rock & Folk (Editions Larivière). May 2013, (549): 74–81 (法語). 
  29. ^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LquuPcRDMNo
  30. ^ Lachman, Ed. Exclusive: Nile Rodgers On Shooting Videos For Daft Punk, Collaborating With David Guetta, Avicii. Vibe. vibe.com. August 15, 2013 [August 16, 2013]. 
  31. ^ Daft Punk Cancel "Colbert Report" Appearance Due to Contractual Agreement With MTV VMAs
  32. ^ Arellano, Jennifer. Best of 2013 (Behind the Scenes): Stephen Colbert on how he got 'lucky' with his celeb-studded Daft Punk dance video. Entertainment Weekly. 3 December 2013 [4 December 2013]. 
  33. ^ Frere-Jones, Sasha. Sasha Frere-Jones: Daft Punk's Puzzling New Album. The New Yorker. Condé Nast. 27 May 2013 [27 May 2013]. 
  34. ^ Get Lucky – Song Reviews. Rolling Stone. 19 April 2013 [3 June 2013]. 
  35. ^ Sciarretto, Amy. Daft Punk, ‘Get Lucky’ Feat. Pharrell Williams + Nile Rodgers – Song Review. PopCrush. 19 April 2013 [3 June 2013]. 
  36. ^ Rigby, Sam. Fatboy Slim: 'Daft Punk have given dance music a kick up the arse'. Digital Spy. Hearst Corporation. 27 April 2013 [28 April 2013]. 
  37. ^ Rigby, Sam. Daft Punk's 'Get Lucky' breaks Spotify streaming records. Digital Spy. Hearst Corporation. 20 April 2013 [21 April 2013]. 
  38. ^ Moran, Caitlin. Caitlin Moran: my addiction to the Daft Punk song of the summer. The Times. News Corporation. 16 May 2013 [16 May 2013].  需付費查閱
  39. ^ Best Song of the Summer 2013 MTV Video Music Awards. mtv.com. Retrieved on August 18, 2013.
  40. ^ Nissim, Mayer. Daft Punk, Katy Perry voted best music of 2013 in DS readers' poll. DigitalSpy. National Magazine Company Ltd. 24 December 2013 [28 December 2013]. 
  41. ^ 'Get Lucky' pesma godine. Informer (Insajder tim d.o.o.). 27 December 2013. 
  42. ^ 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 Lane, Daniel. Daft Punk's Get Lucky becomes one of the UK's biggest selling singles of all-time!. Official Charts Company. 27 June 2013 [27 June 2013]. 
  43. ^ Decant, Charles. France: Daft Punk pulvérise le record de ventes digitales avec "Get Lucky". Charts in France. 21 April 2013 [24 April 2013] (法語). 
  44. ^ Kreisler, Lauren. Daft Punk Get Lucky with Top 3 placing after only 48 hours on sale. Official Charts Company. 21 April 2013 [21 April 2013]. 
  45. ^ Kreisler, Lauren. Daft Punk groove their way to first-ever UK number 1 with Get Lucky. Official Charts Company. 28 April 2013 [14 May 2013]. 
  46. ^ Lane, Daniel. Daft Punk's Get Lucky breaks half a million sales. Official Charts Company. 15 May 2013 [15 May 2013]. 
  47. ^ Kreisler, Lauren. Daft Punk blast through 100,000 sales barrier for third week running. Official Charts Company. 12 May 2013 [13 May 2013]. 
  48. ^ Kreisler, Lauren. Get Lucky becomes Daft Punk's biggest hit of Daft Punk's career. Official Charts Company. 5 May 2013 [13 May 2013]. 
  49. ^ http://www.officialcharts.com/chart-news/daft-punks-get-lucky-already-second-biggest-selling-single-of-the-year-2228/
  50. ^ Lane, Daniel. Daft Punk set for fastest selling album of 2013 with Random Access Memories. Official Charts Company. 22 May 2013 [22 May 2013]. ...lead single, Get Lucky, today becomes the UK’s biggest selling single of 2013 so far.…has sold a staggering 649,000 copies in just over 5 weeks. 
  51. ^ 51.0 51.1 51.2 Daft Punk's Get Lucky becomes first million-seller released in 2013. The Guardian. 28 June 2013 [28 June 2013]. 
  52. ^ 52.0 52.1 Official Charts Analysis: Pharrell Williams hits No.1 with 106k sales. Music Week. December 29, 2013. 
  53. ^ Daniel Lane. The Official Top 40 Biggest Selling Singles Of 2013. Official Charts Company. January 1, 2014. 
  54. ^ http://www.officialcharts.com/chart-news/the-official-top-40-most-streamed-songs-of-2013-2717/
  55. ^ Dance/Electronic Songs – May 4, 2013. Billboard. Prometheus Global Media. [23 May 2013]. 
  56. ^ Dance/Electronic Songs – May 25, 2013. Billboard. Prometheus Global Media. [23 May 2013]. 
  57. ^ Dance/Electronic Songs – June 1, 2013. Billboard. Prometheus Global Media. [23 May 2013]. 
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  60. ^ Trust, Gary. Robin Thicke's 'Blurred Lines' Remains Atop Hot 100 Chart. Billboard. Prometheus Global Media. 19 June 2013 [19 June 2013]. 
  61. ^ 61.0 61.1 "Daft Punk Chart History (Hot 100)". Billboard. [16 May 2013].(英語).
  62. ^ Trust, Gary. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Still Atop Hot 100, Zach Sobiech Debuts. Billboard. Prometheus Global Media. 29 May 2013 [22 May 2013]. 
  63. ^ 63.0 63.1 Paul Grein. Can You Believe "Don't Stop Believin'" Loses Spot as Best-Selling Rock Song?. Chart Watch (Yahoo). January 2, 2014. 
  64. ^ 64.0 64.1 64.2 64.3 "Australian-charts.com – Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams – Get Lucky". ARIA Top 50 Singles. [16 May 2013]. (英語).
  65. ^ ohdaughter. Daughter - "Get Lucky" (Daft Punk cover) (Audio upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. 28 April 2013 [28 June 2013]. 
  66. ^ Makarechi, Kia. Daughter's 'Get Lucky' Cover Makes Daft Punk's Single A Rainy Day Jam (AUDIO). The Huffington Post. 29 April 2013 [4 May 2013]. 
  67. ^ TopNotchNL. Postmen - Get Lucky @ Giel 3FM (Daft Punk & Pharrell Wiliams Cover) (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. 27 April 2013 [28 June 2013]. 
  68. ^ 68.0 68.1 Our 8 Favourite Cover Versions Of Daft Punk's 'Get Lucky'... So Far (VIDEO). The Huffington Post. 7 May 2013 [13 May 2013]. 
  69. ^ "Get Lucky" – Daft Punk ft. Pharrell Williams & Nile Rodgers (The Stepkids' Cover). 
  70. ^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_iMEvjvYu8
  71. ^ O'Neil, Luke. Skylar Grey Gets Really, Really, Really Ridiculously Lucky In Her Daft Punk Cover Video. MTV. 27 September 2013 [29 September 2013]. 
  72. ^ Colis, Clark. British comedian (and voice of Darth Maul) Peter Serafinowicz posts hilarious clip for Daft Punk's 'Get Lucky'. Entertainment Weekly. 3 May 2013 [4 British comedian (and voice of Darth Maul) Peter Serafinowicz posts hilarious clip for Daft Punk's 'Get Lucky']. 
  73. ^ Peace and Mystery Jets cover Daft Punk's 'Get Lucky' at London's Birthdays (May 3). NME. 4 May 2013 [12 September 2013]. 
  74. ^ San Cisco Mash Daft Punk And N*E*R*D For 'Like A Version'. Music Feeds. Music Feeds. 31 May 2013 [31 May 2013]. 
  75. ^ triplejtv. San Cisco cover Daft Punk 'Get Lucky' on triple j (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. 30 May 2013 [31 May 2013]. 
  76. ^ http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/music/news/a486074/joe-mcelderry-covers-daft-punks-get-lucky-watch.html
  77. ^ [1]
  78. ^ iTunes – Music – Hotel Cabana by Naughty Boy. iTunes Store. 
  79. ^ Williott, Carl. Watch The Roots Cover Daft Punk’s "Get Lucky" In The Style Of Simon & Garfunkel. Idolator. 20 June 2013 [12 September 2013]. 
  80. ^ Alex Young. Watch Wilco cover Daft Punk, The Replacements, and Pavement. Consequence Of Sound. Consequence Of Sound. 22 June 2013 [28 June 2013]. 
  81. ^ Reilly, Dan. Watch Florence Welch Pound Tequila and Sing Daft Punk. Spin. 22 July 2013 [12 September 2013]. 
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  83. ^ ‘Get Lucky’ — Rosh Hashanah version. The Times of Israel. 2013-09-02 [29 December 2013]. 
  84. ^ Rawden, Jessica. Watch Simon Pegg And Nick Frost Cover Daft Punk's Get Lucky. Cinema Blend. August 29, 2013 [September 20, 2013]. 
  85. ^ Fall Out Boy cover Daft Punk's 'Get Lucky' live - watch. NME. 6 September 2013 [12 September 2013]. 
  86. ^ Daft Punk - Get Lucky (Asher Otto & Itchyfeet Cover) (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. 26 June 2013 [20 October 2013]. 
  87. ^ Kielty, Martin. Halestorm cover Daft Punk. TeamRock Radio. 24 September 2013 [29 September 2013]. 
  88. ^ Daft Punk - Get Lucky Remix & Cover by Kellee Maize. 18 May 2013. 
  89. ^ Pentatonix Covers Daft Punk Hits in Stunning A Cappella Medley. [5 November 2013]. 
  90. ^ 90.0 90.1 Get Lucky (Radio Edit) [feat. Pharrell Williams] – Single by Daft Punk. iTunes Store (UK). Apple. [19 April 2013]. 
  91. ^ https://itunes.apple.com/dk/album/get-lucky-feat.-pharrell-williams/id664332737
  92. ^ 92.0 92.1 Get Lucky. Amazon.de. [23 June 2013]. 
  93. ^ "Austriancharts.at – Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams – Get Lucky". Ö3 Austria Top 40. [29 May 2013]. (德語).
  94. ^ "Ultratop.be – Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams – Get Lucky". Ultratop 50. [16 May 2013]. (荷蘭語).
  95. ^ "Ultratop.be – Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams – Get Lucky". Ultratop 50. [16 May 2013]. (法語).
  96. ^ 96.0 96.1 BPP (編). Billboard Brasil Hot 100 Airplay. Billboard Brasil. August 2013, (43): 88. 
  97. ^ "Daft Punk Chart History (Canadian Hot 100)". Billboard. [16 May 2013].(英語).
  98. ^ National Report – Top Nacional. National Report. 2013-06-23. (原始內容存檔於2013-06-24) (西班牙語). 
  99. ^ "ČNS IFPI". Hitparáda – Radio Top 100 Oficiální. ČNS IFPI. 註:輸入201336檢索. (捷克語).
  100. ^ "Danishcharts.com – Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams – Get Lucky". Tracklisten. [16 May 2013].(丹麥語).
  101. ^ "Daft Punk Chart History (Euro Digital Song Sales)". Billboard. (英語).
  102. ^ "Daft Punk: Get Lucky (Feat. Pharrell Williams)". Musiikkituottajat. [16 May 2013].(芬蘭語).
  103. ^ "Lescharts.com – Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams – Get Lucky". Les classement single. [16 May 2013].(法語).
  104. ^ Digital Singles Charts – Greece. Billboard. 
  105. ^ "Archívum – Slágerlisták – MAHASZ". Dance Top 40 lista. Magyar Hanglemezkiadók Szövetsége. [3 July 2013]. (匈牙利語).
  106. ^ "Archívum – Slágerlisták – MAHASZ". Rádiós Top 40 játszási lista. Magyar Hanglemezkiadók Szövetsége. [15 May 2013]. (匈牙利語).
  107. ^ "Archívum – Slágerlisták – MAHASZ". Single (track) Top 40 lista. Magyar Hanglemezkiadók Szövetsége. [23 January 2014]. (匈牙利語).
  108. ^ "Chart Track: Week 17, 2013". Irish Singles Chart. [26 April 2013]. (英語).
  109. ^ "Media Forest Week 19, 2013". Israeli Airplay Chart. Media Forest. [16 May 2013](英語).
  110. ^ "Italiancharts.com – Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams – Get Lucky". Top Digital Download. [16 May 2013].(英語).
  111. ^ Japan Billboard Hot 100. Billboard Japan. [May 31, 2013] (日語). 
  112. ^ The Official Lebanese Top 20. [June 16, 2013]. 
  113. ^ "Daft Punk Chart History (Luxembourg Digital Song Sales)". Billboard. [16 May 2013]. [失效連結](英語).
  114. ^ Top 20 General Del 17 Al 23 de Junio del 2013. Monitor Latino. RadioNotas. 23 June 2013 [26 June 2013] (西班牙語). 
  115. ^ Mexico Ingles Airplay. Billboard. 
  116. ^ "Nederlandse Top 40 – Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams search results" Dutch Top 40. [16 May 2013].(荷蘭語).
  117. ^ "Dutchcharts.nl – Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams – Get Lucky". Single Top 100. [12 July 2013].(荷蘭語).
  118. ^ "Charts.nz – Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams – Get Lucky". Top 40 Singles. [16 May 2013].(英語).
  119. ^ "Norwegiancharts.com – Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams – Get Lucky". VG-lista. [16 May 2013].(挪威語).
  120. ^ "Listy bestsellerów, wyróżnienia :: Związek Producentów Audio-Video". Polish Airplay Top 100. [July 15, 2013].(英語).
  121. ^ "Listy bestsellerów, wyróżnienia :: Związek Producentów Audio-Video". Polish Dance Top 50. [July 26, 2013].不正確的語言代碼。說明)如果在角色介紹看到此訊息,請參考這個條目修改原始碼。.
  122. ^ Portugal Digital Songs – Peak. Billboard. [19 May 2013]. 
  123. ^ "Official Scottish Singles Sales Chart Top 100". Official Charts Company. [April 21, 2013].(英語).
  124. ^ "ČNS IFPI". Hitparáda – Radio Top 100 Oficiálna. ČNS IFPI. 註:輸入201335檢索. (斯洛伐克語).
  125. ^ South Korea Gaon International Chart (Gaon Chart). Gaon Chart. [9 May 2013]. 
  126. ^ "Spanishcharts.com – Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams – Get Lucky" Canciones Top 50. [23 May 2013].(英語).
  127. ^ "Swedishcharts.com – Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams – Get Lucky". Singles Top 100. [16 May 2013].(英語).
  128. ^ "Swisscharts.com – Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams – Get Lucky". Swiss Singles Chart. [16 May 2013].(英語).
  129. ^ "Official Singles Chart Top 100". Official Charts Company. [16 May 2013].(英語).
  130. ^ "Official Dance Singles Chart Top 40". Official Charts Company. [16 May 2013].(英語).
  131. ^ "Daft Punk Chart History (Pop Songs)". Billboard. [13 June 2013].(英語).
  132. ^ "Daft Punk Chart History (Alternative Airplay)". Billboard. [13 June 2013].(英語).
  133. ^ "Daft Punk Chart History (Dance Club Songs)". Billboard. [23 May 2013].(英語).
  134. ^ "Daft Punk Chart History (Adult Pop Songs)". Billboard. [25 July 2013].(英語).
  135. ^ "Daft Punk Chart History (Adult Contemporary)". Billboard. [29 July 2013].(英語).
  136. ^ "Daft Punk Chart History (Hot Dance/Electronic Songs)". Billboard. [16 May 2013].(英語).
  137. ^ Pop Rock General. Record Report. R.R. Digital C.A. 18 May 2013 [18 May 2013]. (原始內容存檔於18 May 2013) (西班牙語). 
  138. ^ ARIA Charts – Accreditations – 2013 Singles (PDF). Australian Recording Industry Association (英語). 
  139. ^ Austrian single certifications – Daft Punk – Get Lucky. IFPI Austria (德語). 
  140. ^ Ultratop − Goud en Platina – singles 2013. Ultratop. Hung Medien (荷蘭語). 
  141. ^ Certificeringer. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry. [30 May 2013]. 
  142. ^ Gold-/Platin-Datenbank (Daft Punk; 'Get Lucky'). Bundesverband Musikindustrie. [July 4, 2013] (德語). 
  143. ^ Italian Music Certifications (PDF). FIMI. [May 31, 2013]. 
  144. ^ Certificaciones. Asociación Mexicana de Productores de Fonogramas y Videogramas. [January 11, 2014] (西班牙語).  在「ARTISTA」欄以下的框內輸入「Daft Punk」 並在「column heading」欄以下的框內輸入「Get Lucky」。.
  145. ^ NZ Top 40 Singles Chart - 26 August 2013. Recorded Music NZ. [24 August 2013]. (原始內容存檔於24 August 2013). 
  146. ^ Norwegian single certifications – Daft Punk – Get Lucky. IFPI Norway (挪威語). 
  147. ^ PROMUSICAE CERT (PDF). PROMUSICAE. [24 July 2013] (西班牙語). 
  148. ^ Veckolista Singlar - Vecka 29, 19 juli 2013. Sverigetopplistan/Swedish Recording Industry Association. [24 July 2013] (瑞典語). 
  149. ^ British single certifications – Daft Punk – Get Lucky. British Phonographic Industry (英語).  在「Format」欄位選擇「singles」。;在「Certification」欄位選擇「Platinum」在「BPI Awards」欄位輸入「Get Lucky」,並敲擊回車檢索。
  150. ^ American single certifications – Daft Punk – Get Lucky. Recording Industry Association of America (英語). 
  151. ^ 2013 Year End Singles Chart. ARIA. [2013-2-7]. 
  152. ^ Best of 2013: Canadian Hot 100. publisher=Prometheus Gobal Media. [December 13, 2013]. 
  153. ^ http://www.ozap.com/actu/les-20-meilleures-ventes-de-singles-en-france-en-2013/450563
  154. ^ MAHASZ Rádiós TOP 100 - radios 2013. MAHASZ. [January 22, 2014] (匈牙利語). 
  155. ^ http://www.mediaforest.biz/charts/yearlycharts.aspx
  156. ^ http://www.fimi.it/primopiano.php
  157. ^ http://www.dutchcharts.nl/jaaroverzichten.asp?year=2013&cat=s
  158. ^ http://nztop40.co.nz/chart/?chart=2348
  159. ^ http://www.officialcharts.com/chart-news/the-official-top-40-biggest-singles-of-2013-2709/
  160. ^ Best of 2013 - Hot 100 Songs. Prometheus Global Media. [December 13, 2013]. 
  161. ^ Get Lucky (Radio Edit) [feat. Pharrell Williams] – Single by Daft Punk. iTunes Store (AUS). Apple. [19 April 2013]. 
  162. ^ Get Lucky (Radio Edit) [feat. Pharrell Williams] – Single. iTunes Store (JPN). Apple. [19 April 2013] (日語). 
  163. ^ Get Lucky (Radio Edit) [feat. Pharrell Williams] – Single by Daft Punk. iTunes Store (NZ). Apple. [19 April 2013]. 
  164. ^ Get Lucky (Radio Edit) (feat. Pharrell Williams) - Single by Daft Punk
  165. ^ Get Lucky (Radio Edit) [feat. Pharrell Williams] – Single by Daft Punk. iTunes Store (US). Apple. [19 April 2013]. 
  166. ^ Top 40/M Future Releases. All Access Music Group. [27 April 2013]. (原始內容存檔於27 April 2013). 
  167. ^ Hudson, Alex. Daft Punk to Drop 10-Minute Remix of 'Get Lucky' on New Vinyl Release. Exclaim!. 7 June 2013 [23 June 2013]. 

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