

Neil Gehrels
出生Cornelis A. Gehrels
美國威斯康辛州日內瓦湖城英語Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
美國馬里蘭州伯溫海茨英語Berwyn Heights, Maryland
獎項亨利·德雷伯獎章 (2009)

科內利斯·A·「尼爾」格雷爾斯(英語:Cornelis A. "Neil" Gehrels,1952年10月3日—2017年2月6日),美國天體物理學家,研究領域為伽馬射線天文學。他是美國國家航空航天局戈達德太空飛行中心粒子天體物理實驗室首席科學家。




  • 2016, "Galaxy Strategy for LIGO-VIRGO Gravitational Wave Counterpart Searches", N. Gehrels, et al., ApJ, 820, 136.
  • 2015, "WFIRST Science Definition Team Report", D. Spergel, N. Gehrels et al., arXiv 1503.03757.
  • 2014, "GRB 130427A: A Nearby Ordinary Monster", A. Maselli, et al., Science, 343, 48.
  • 2012, "Fermi Large Area Telescope Second Source Catalog", P. Nolan, et al., ApJ Supp, 199, 31.
  • 2011, "Relativistic Jet Activities from the Tidal Disruption of a Star by a Massive Black Hole", D. N. Burrows, et al., Nature, 476, 421.
  • 2009, "Gamma Ray Bursts in the Swift Era", N. Gehrels, E. Ramirez-Ruiz, & D. B. Fox, ARAA, 47, 567.
  • 2006, "The New Gamma Ray Burst Classification Scheme from GRB 060614", N. Gehrels et al., Nature, 444, 1044.
  • 2006, "Detection, Huge Explosion in the Early Universe", G. Cusumano, et al., Nature, 440, 164
  • 2005, "A Short GRB Apparently Associated with an Elliptical Galaxy at Redshift z=0.225", N. Gehrels, et al., Nature 437, 851.
  • 2005, "Swift Detection of a Giant Flare from SGR 1806-20", D. Palmer, et al., Nature, 434, 1107.
  • 2004, "The Swift Gamma Ray Burst Mission", N. Gehrels, et al., ApJ, 611, 105.
  • 2003, "Ozone Depletion from Nearby Supernovae", N. Gehrels, C. Laird, C. Jackman, J. Cannizzo & B. Mattson, Astrophys. J., 585, 1169.
  • 2000, "New Population of Galactic High Energy Gamma Ray Sources", N. Gehrels, D. Macomb, D. Bertsch, D. Thompson,& R. Hartman, Nature, 404, 363.
  • 1999, "Revisiting the Black Hole", R. Blandford & N. Gehrels, Physics Today, June 1999 p. 40.
  • 1998, "The New Gamma Ray Astronomy", N. Gehrels and J. Paul, Physics Today, February 1998 issue, p. 26.
  • 1995, "Two Classes of Gamma-Ray Emitting Active Galactic Nuclei", C. Dermer & N. Gehrels, Astrophys. J., 447, 103.
  • 1993, "The Geminga Supernova as a Possible Cause of the Local Interstellar Bubble", N. Gehrels & W. Chen, Nature 361, 706.
  • 1993, "Temperatures of Enhanced Stability in Hot Thin Plasmas", N. Gehrels & E. D. Williams, ApJ, 418, L25.
  • 1987, "Prospects for Observations of Nucleosynthetic Gamma-Ray Lines and Continuum from SN 1987A", N. Gehrels, C.J. MacCallum and M. Leventhal, ApJ, 320, L19.
  • 1986, "Confidence Limits of Small Numbers of Events in Astrophysical Data", N. Gehrels, ApJ, 303, 336.
  • 1985, "Instrumental Background in Balloon-Borne Gamma-Ray Spectrometers and Techniques for Its Reduction", N. Gehrels, NIM, A239, 324.
  • 1983, "Energetic Oxygen and Sulfur in the Jovian Magnetosphere and Its Contribution to the Auroral Excitation", N. Gehrels and E. C. Stone, JGR, 88, 5537.


  1. ^ Henry Draper Medal. National Academy of Sciences. [24 February 2011]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-26).