






苏格兰语的“muirs”通常是指石楠沼泽,但也泛泛的包含羊胡子草苔藓蕨类和灌木丛(如岩高兰,而长着泥炭藓的更湿的沼泽地上的草算入酸沼这类当中。[1] 关于人类活动造成多少尚不确定。奥利弗·拉克汉姆写道,花粉分析表明,某些荒原(例如在苏格兰的岛屿或苏格兰最北部)显然是自然的,从未有过树木[2]奔宁山脉的许多荒原地区则在中石器时代造林。[3]多少森林消失是由气候变化引起的,多少是由人类活动造成的,尚不确定。[1]


在全世界的高沼中,栖息地多种多样。 因土壤和微气候的特色很强,故其中的特有种很常见。比如英格兰的埃克斯摩尔就出产一种在其严酷环境下出现的埃克斯摩尔马。 在欧洲,与高沼相关的动物相里包含红松鸡英语Red grouse白尾鹞灰背隼欧金鸻白腰杓鹬云雀草地鹨草原石䳭环颈鸫黄嘴朱顶雀等鸟类。而别的生物支配了欧洲以外的高沼。因欧洲较冷,故此处高沼难见爬行动物,尽管别处高沼都有许多爬行动物,但欧洲的高沼仅有极北蝰青蛙等两栖生物是高沼的象征物。当高沼的地力被畜牧过度透支时,木本植物多会消亡,只剩粗砺、惹人生厌的禾本科植物和蕨类,生物相会大大退化。


羊会在一部分山丘上繁殖,如苏格兰黑面羊朗克羊英语Lonk (sheep),只要海拔合适,它们就能在石楠沼泽上大量繁殖。[4]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Rackham, Oliver. The History of the Countryside. Dent. 1986. ISBN 978-1-84212-440-6. 
  2. ^ Birks and Madsen(1979).Journal of Ecology,67.
  3. ^ Turner and Hodgson(1979).Journal of Ecology,67.
  4. ^ Camilla Bonn (1998). 'That Jack Cunningham wants half of us out of farming', in Country Life, 15 January 1998, pp. 28–35.
  5. ^ McDermot, Edward T. The History of the Forest of Exmoor. David and Charles. 1973 [1911]. 
  6. ^ Gimingham, C. H. Ecology of heathlands需要免费注册. London: Chapman & Hall. 1972. ISBN 978-1-5041-2639-7. 
  7. ^ Buchanan, G. M.; Pearce-Higgins, J. W.; Douglas, D. J.T.; Grant, M. C. Quantifying the importance of multi-scale management and environmental variables on moorland bird abundance. Ibis. 2017, 159 (4): 744–756. doi:10.1111/ibi.12488. 
  8. ^ Norton Anthology of English Literature; Romantic Literature.
  9. ^ Moorland. BBC Nature. BBC. October 2014 [3 April 2015]. Moorlands are upland areas with acidic, low-nutrient and often water-logged soils. In their cold, windy and wet conditions colourful heather plants dominate, growing on the deep peaty layers. These seas of pinks and purples are a haven for many small mammals and insects, but fewer reptiles than on lowland heaths. British moorland may look like wilderness, but it is actually a man-made and highly managed landscape, with regular burning to allow new heather growth. Some 10–15% of the world's moorland is found in the UK, mainly in the north and west of the country. 
  10. ^ Luteyn, James L. Páramo Ecosystem. Páramos: A Checklist of Plant Diversity, Geographical Distribution, and Botanical Literature. Missouri Botanical Garden. 1999. (The Páramo Ecosystem) It is concentrated in the northwest corner of South America, mostly in Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador.