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第73行: 第73行:
* [[伊便尼派]]
* [[伊便尼派]]

== 參考 ==
== 脚注 ==

== 更多阅读 ==
* {{Cite book|first=David |last=Alexander |author2=Pat Alexander |title=The Lion handbook to the Bible |publisher=[[Lion Hudson]] |location=[[Tring]] |year=1983 |pages= |isbn=0-86760-271-6}}
* {{Cite book|last=Baldwin |first=James |title=The fire next time |publisher=Modern Library |location=New York City |year=1995 |origyear=1963 |pages= |isbn=0-679-60151-1}}
* {{Cite book|first=Walter |last=Bauer |author2=Robert A. Kraft |title=Orthodoxy and heresy in earliest Christianity |publisher=Sigler Press |location=[[Mifflintown, Pennsylvania]] |year=1996 |origyear=1971 |pages= |isbn=0-9623642-7-4}}
* {{Cite book|first=Chris |last=Bennett |coauthors=Lynn Osburn and Judy Osburn |title=Green gold the tree of life: marijuana in magic & religion |publisher=Access Unlimited |location=[[Frazier Park, California]] |year=1995 |pages= |isbn=0-9629872-2-0}}
* {{Cite book|last=Bergmeier |first=Roland |title=Die Essener-Berichte des Flavius Josephus: Quellenstudien zu den Essenertexten im Werk des judischen Historiographen |publisher=Kok Pharos Publishing House |location=[[Kampen, Germany]] |year=1993 |pages= |isbn=90-390-0014-X}}
* {{Cite book|first=Rudolf |last=Bultmann |chapter=Significance of the Historical Jesus for the Theology of Paul |title=Faith and understanding |publisher=[[Augsburg Fortress]] |location=[[Minneapolis]] |year=1987 |pages= |isbn=0-8006-3202-8}}
* {{Cite journal|last=Burns |first=Joshua Ezra |title=Essene Sectarianism and Social Differentiation in Judaea After 70 C.E |journal=[[Harvard Theological Review]] |volume=99 |year=2006 |pages=247–74 |doi=10.1017/S0017816006001246|issue=3}}
* {{Cite book|last=Durant |first=Will |authorlink=Will Durant |title=Caesar and Christ |publisher=MJF Books |location= |year=1993 |pages= |isbn=5-552-12435-9}}
* {{Cite book|first=Robert H. |last=Eisenman |authorlink=Robert Eisenman |title=[[James the Brother of Jesus (book)|James, the brother of Jesus: the key to unlocking the secrets of early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls]] |publisher=[[Viking Press]] |location=New York City |year=1997 |pages= |isbn=0-670-86932-5}}
* {{Cite book|first=Upton Clary |last=Ewing |title=The prophet of the Dead Sea scrolls: the Essenes and the Early Christians, one and the same holy people: their seven devout practices |publisher=Tree of Life Publications |location= |year=1994 |origyear=1963 |pages= |isbn=0-930852-26-5 |oclc=30358890}}
* {{Cite book|first=Upton Clary |last=Ewing |title=The Essene Christ |year=1961 |oclc=384703 |publisher=Philosophical Library |location=New York City}}
* {{Cite book|first=Francis |last=Legge |title=Forerunners and rivals of Christianity, from 330 B.C. to 330 A.D. |year=1964 |publisher=University Books |location=[[New Hyde Park, New York]] |oclc=381558|lccn=6424125}}
* {{Cite book|first=Norman |last=Golb |title=Who wrote the Dead Sea scrolls?: the search for the secret of Qumran |publisher=Scribner |location=New York City |year=1995 |pages= |isbn=0-02-544395-X |oclc=31009916}}
* {{Cite book|first=Harvey Spencer |last=Lewis |authorlink=Harvey Spencer Lewis |title=Mystical Life of Jesus |publisher=[[Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis]] |location=[[San Jose, California]] |year=1997 |origyear=1929 |pages= |isbn=0-912057-46-7 |oclc=43629126}}
* {{Cite book|first=Helmut |last=Koester |authorlink=Helmut Koester |chapter=The Theological Aspects of Primitive Christian Heresy |editor=James McConkey Robinson |year=1971 |title=The Future of our religious past: essays in honour of Rudolf Bultmann |oclc=246558 |publisher=[[Harper & Row]] |location=New York City}}
* {{Cite book|first=Martin Alfred |last=Larson |authorlink=Martin A. Larson |title=The story of Christian origins: or, The sources and establishment of Western religion |publisher=J.J. Binns |location=Washington |year=1977 |pages= |isbn=0-88331-090-2 |oclc=2810217}}
* {{Cite book|first=Martin Alfred |last=Larson |authorlink=Martin A. Larson |title=The Essene heritage: or, The teacher of the scrolls and the gospel Christ |publisher=Philosophical Library |location=New York City |year=1967 |oclc=712416}}
* {{Cite book|first=E. P. |last=Sanders |authorlink=E. P. Sanders |title=Judaism: practice and belief, 63 BCE–66 CE |publisher=SCM Press |location=London |year=1992 |pages= |isbn=1-56338-015-3 |oclc=243725142}}{{Page needed|date=August 2010}}
* {{Cite book|first=Gene |last=Savoy |authorlink=Gene Savoy |title=The Essaei Document: Secrets of an Eternal Race : Codicil to The Decoded New Testament |publisher=International Community of Christ |location=[[Reno, Nevada]] |year=1980 |origyear=1978 |isbn=0-936202-03-3 |oclc=13952564}}
* {{Cite book|first=Lawrence H. |last=Schiffman |authorlink=Lawrence Schiffman |title=From text to tradition: a history of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism |publisher=Ktav Pub. House |location=New York City |year=1991 |pages=113–116 |isbn=0-88125-372-3 |oclc=23733614}}
* {{Cite book|first=Hugh J. |last=Schonfield |authorlink=Hugh J. Schonfield |title=The Essene Odyssey: The Mystery of the True Teacher and the Essene Impact on the Shaping of Human Destiny |publisher=Element Books |location=Tisbury |year=1984 |pages= |isbn=0-906540-49-6 |oclc=12223220}}
* {{Cite book|first=Hugh J. |last=Schonfield |authorlink=Hugh J. Schonfield |title=Those Incredible Christians |publisher=Element Books |location=Tisbury |year=1991 |origyear=1968 |pages= |isbn=0-906540-71-2 |oclc=13536522}}
* {{Cite book|first=George Bernard |last=Shaw |authorlink=George Bernard Shaw |title=[[Androcles and the Lion (play)|Androcles and The Lion]] |publisher=1st World Library - Literary Society |location=[[Fairfield, Iowa]] |year=2004 |origyear=1912 |pages= |isbn=1-59540-237-3 |oclc=63203922}}
* {{Cite journal|first=Enid S. |last=Smith |date=October 1959 |title=The Essenes Who Changed Churchianity |journal=[[Rays from the Rose Cross]]}}
* {{Cite book|first=Charles P. |last=Vaclavik |title=The vegetarianism of Jesus Christ |publisher=Kaweah Publishing Company |location=[[Three Rivers, California]] |year=1986 |pages= |isbn=0-945146-00-0 |oclc=26054343}}
* Vermes, Geza and Martin Goodman. The Essenes According to the Classical Sources. JSOT on behalf of the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studie: Sheffield, 1989.
* {{Cite book|first=Arthur |last=Lillie |title = Buddhism in Christendom, or, Jesus, the Essene |url = http://www.archive.org/stream/buddhisminchrist00lilluoft/buddhisminchrist00lilluoft_djvu.txt |publisher=Kegan Paul & Co., |location=[[1 Paternoster Square, London]] |year=1887 |pages= }}
* Smith; Enid S. - The Essens who changed churchianity, 1959
* Smith; Enid S. - The Essens who changed churchianity, 1959
* Jean Daniélou - I manoscritti del Mar Morto e le origini del cristianesimo, 1993
* Jean Daniélou - I manoscritti del Mar Morto e le origini del cristianesimo, 1993
第79行: 第109行:
* André Paul - I manoscritti del Mar morto, 1997
* André Paul - I manoscritti del Mar morto, 1997
* 翻譯博士周兆詳 - 聖經誤譯誤信舉一反三, 2011 [http://blog.yahoo.com/_43TIP4P6ZQ3Y6UHYKFACXBUBOU/articles/126238]
* 翻譯博士周兆詳 - 聖經誤譯誤信舉一反三, 2011 [http://blog.yahoo.com/_43TIP4P6ZQ3Y6UHYKFACXBUBOU/articles/126238]

== 外部链接 ==
* [http://keralaarticles.blogspot.com/2007/07/essenes-part-ii.html Historical Facts on Essene Culture]
* [http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Essenes Encyclopædia Britannica: Essenes]
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05546a.htm Catholic Encyclopedia: Essenes]
* [http://jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=478&letter=E&search=Essenes Jewish Encyclopedia: Essenes]
* [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1070797.html Scholar: The Essenes, Dead Sea Scroll 'authors,' never existed] - Haaretz, 13 March 2009.
* [http://www.duke.edu/~goranson/Essenes_&_Others.pdf Essenes and Others]: argues that the Hebrew original form of the name later spelled "Essenes" is in some Qumran scrolls as a self-designation.
* [http://www.duke.edu/~goranson/jannaeus.pdf "Jannaeus, His Brother Absalom, and Judah the Essene,"] Stephen Goranson, identities of Wicked Priest and Teacher of Righteousness, relevant to history of the Essenes.
*([http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~humm/Rs/rak/courses/225/texts/ESSENES Thematically compiled comparison of the parallels in the ancient sources]) Dead at 2009/09/22.
* [http://dss.collections.imj.org.il/community The Digital Dead Sea Scrolls/ Essenes]


2014年5月21日 (三) 04:59的版本

艾賽尼派(希伯来语: אִסִּיִים‬, Isiyim; 希腊语: Εσσήνοι, Εσσαίοι, or Οσσαίοι, Essḗnoi, Essaíoi, Ossaíoi) 是第二圣殿时期活跃在公元前2世纪到公元1世纪的犹太教派,有学者称其可能源自撒都该祭司。[1]该派系较之法利赛和撒都该来说人数较少,艾赛尼人分布在各大城市,过着集体生活,推崇禁欲主义(有的甚至单身)、安贫乐道、每日清洁。在当时,很多相关教派共享相似的神秘主义、末世来世、弥赛亚观、和禁欲苦修。这些派系被学者们称之为“艾赛尼”。约瑟夫斯的记录称在罗马尤迪亚省有数以千计的艾赛尼人居住。

今天,死海古卷的发现使得艾赛尼备受瞩目,古卷被认为是艾赛尼图书馆——虽然没有证据显示艾赛尼人编订了它们。这些文献保存了许多希伯来圣经的抄本,可能源自公元前300年,经文没有启封,直到1946年才得以见光。有的学者则认为是艾赛尼人创作了死海古卷。[2] 蕾切尔·埃莉诺甚至质疑艾赛尼人的存在。[3][4][5]


之后,约瑟夫斯在《犹太战史》就艾赛尼给出了详尽的描述,在《犹太古史》和《约瑟夫斯生平》中也略略提及。他生成自己拥有一手经验,并将 Essenoi 列为犹太三大派系之一,[7]与撒都该和法利赛并列。他记录了一些有关虔诚、独身、公有制、集体主义和坚守主日。他进而写道艾赛尼在仪式上每天早上浸水、进食前祷告、致力于慈善、压抑愤怒、研习古卷、保守秘密、铭记天使等。





是猶太教Second Temple Judaism 之一分支。

特徵 - 組織 與生活

  • 信仰虔誠的低下層避居於偏僻山村和死海沿岸,建立互助集體社團,
  • 小型修道院團體形式,
  • 恪守摩西律法
  • 嚴守安息日: 安息日不做一點工作,全部時間用作禱告、默想與讀經,
  • 反對世俗的奢華安樂,主張過淡泊清貧的生活,
  • 靠自己的勞力自耕自足集體勞動,
  • 互助集體社團制,不蓄私人財產,

特徵 - 飲食和其他

  • 每天浸水儀式,
  • 穿白衣,
  • 一早一起禱告一起用餐。
  • 容許女性擔任祭師


艾賽尼派地點包括: 死海沿岸,猶太地(Judaea) 內不同地方, 納匝勒/拿撒勒(Nazareth)



  • 相信靈魂不死
  • 竭力追求公義
  • 因為潔淨祭牲的方法不同,所以被禁止進入聖殿
  • 財產公用
  • 不將妻子、奴僕帶入這一教派之中
  • 離群索居
  • 身著白衣,在衣服穿破之前從不更換
  • 認為膏油是污穢之物,堅持用冷水洗澡/洗滌
  • 嚴格遵守安息日,甚至不沐浴更衣
  • 若想加入這一教派,必須經過三年考察



最早提到艾賽尼派的是在 Pliny the Elder 普林尼長老/老普林尼/大普林尼(Gaius Plinius Secundus)的作品中,提及艾賽尼派的歷史悠久和一些特質。

1947年在死海沿岸一些洞穴中發現的一批古代文獻死海古卷》(Dead Sea Scrolls)推測即為艾賽尼派所寫成、複製和收集的。

他們早期聖經 《艾賽尼的和平福音》(The Essene Gospel of Peace)現存於羅馬梵蒂岡圖書館 和 皇家哈布斯堡王朝圖書館。



  1. ^ F.F. Bruce, Second Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Paternoster Press, 1956.
  2. ^ Hillel Newman, Ph.D Bar Ilan University : Proximity to Power and Jewish Sectarian Groups of the Ancient Period Brill ISBN 90-04-14699-7.
  3. ^ Ilani, Ofri. Scholar: The Essenes, Dead Sea Scroll 'authors,' never existed. Haaretz. 13 March 2009 [17 March 2009]. 
  4. ^ McGirk, Tim. Scholar Claims Dead Sea Scrolls 'Authors' Never Existed. Time. 16 March 2009 [17 March 2009]. 
  5. ^ Rachel Elior Responds to Her Critics. Jim West. 15 March 2009 [17 March 2009]. [來源可靠?]
  6. ^ Historia Naturalis. V, 17 or 29; in other editions V,(15).73; the passage in question: "Ab occidente litora Esseni fugiunt usque qua nocent, gens sola et in toto orbe praeter ceteras mira, sine ulla femina, omni venere abdicata, sine pecunia, socia palmarum. in diem ex aequo convenarum turba renascitur, large frequentantibus quos vita fessos ad mores eorum fortuna fluctibus agit. ita per saeculorum milia — incredibile dictu — gens aeterna est, in qua nemo nascitur. tam fecunda illis aliorum vitae paenitentia est! infra hos Engada oppidum fuit, secundum ab Hierosolymis fertilitate palmetorumque nemoribus, nunc alterum bustum. inde Masada castellum in rupe, et ipsum haut procul Asphaltite. et hactenus Iudaea est.".  cf. English translation.
  7. ^ Josephus (75). The Wars of the Jews. 2.119.
  8. ^ Barthélemy, D.; J. T. Milik, Roland de Vaux, G. M. Crowfoot, Harold Plenderleith, George L. Harding. Introductory: The Discovery. Qumran Cave 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1997: 5 [1955] [31 March 2009]. ISBN 0-19-826301-5. 



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