
Supreme Leader Snoke
Star Wars角色
File:Snoke-The Force Awakens (2015).png

最高领袖斯诺克(Supreme Leader Snoke)是美国科幻系列星球大战中一位虚构人物。在2015年的电影《星球大战:原力觉醒》中,他是一个CGI角色,由安迪·瑟克斯提供动作捕捉。斯诺克是第一秩序的领导者,一个从失落的银河帝国复活的组织,寻求恢复对银河的控制。他强大的力量诱使凱羅·忍堕向了原力的黑暗面



斯诺克的外貌在《原力觉醒》的前期拍摄后期制作中发生了变化。瑟克斯说,“这是第一次我在参与拍摄的早期都不知道角色到底会是什么样。我的意思是,谈论保密!”According to the actor, the character's appearance, voice, and movements evolved as he and the film's writer/director J. J. Abrams challenged the visual effects team.[1]

《原力觉醒》资深艺术家伊万·曼泽拉(Ivan Manzella)[注释 1]在《星球大战:原力觉醒电影艺术画册设定集英语The Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens》中写道:"Snoke almost became a female at one point. J. J. picked out a maquette he liked and then we took it to a full-size version, sculpted in plasteline. J. J. and [creature creative supervisor 尼尔·斯坎兰英语Neal Scanlan[注释 2]] didn't want him to be old and decrepit, like the Emperor."[4]



2014年2月瑟克斯秘密加入了拍摄项目团队中[5],直到4月29日他在《原力觉醒》中将担纲角色的信息才第一次被公之于众[6][7]。当2014年7月被问及他在影片中的角色细节时,他开玩笑说,“我不是扮演的尤达大师。”[8] 在可能到2015年,StarWars.com采访的摄影师安妮·萊柏維茲 关于她的 生活 拍摄 《名利场》杂志显示,瑟金斯将扮演一个名叫最高领导人斯诺克的CGI角色,并刊登的图像演员在 运动捕获 的齿轮[9]。瑟克斯之前也曾饰演过几个CGI角色,包括在《指环王》系列电影(2001-2003年)中的咕噜,2005年电影《金刚》中的金刚和2011年电影《人猿星球》及其2014年的续集中的凯撒英语List of Planet of the Apes characters[10]


When we first started working on it, [Abrams] had some rough notions of how Snoke was gonna look, but it really hadn't been fully-formed and it almost came out of discussion and performance ... We shot on set of course, and I was in the scenes I have with other actors, but the beauty of this process is you can go back and reiterate, keep informing and honing beats and moments. So J.J., after we shot last year, we've had a series of sessions where I'd be in London at The Imaginarium, my studio, while he’s been directing from L.A., and we've literally been creating further additions and iterations to the character. That's been fascinating. And in the meantime I've been able to see the look and design of the character grow and change as the performances change. So it's been really exciting in that respect.[1]

According to Serkis's costar Lupita Nyong'o, who played the CGI character 玛兹·卡纳塔英语Maz Kanata[注释 3] in The Force Awakens, the actor coached her on performance-capture work, telling Nyong'o that "a motion-capture character you develop the same way as any other. You have to understand who the character is and what makes them who they are."[13] Serkis said of filming:

It was quite an unusual situation. I worked specifically with Domhnall Gleeson and with Adam Driver. My first day was basically standing on a 25-foot podium doing Lord Snoke without the faintest idea what he looked like ... or in fact who he was! I was very high up, totally on my own, away from everybody else, but acting with them ... we used sort of a "Kongolizer" method of having sound come out of speakers to give a sense of scale and distance for the character. So it was very challenging and scary, in fact probably one of my most scary film experiences I’ve ever had.[14]


如艾布拉姆斯所说的,斯诺克“是原力黑暗面的一个强大的人物”,是邪恶的“第一秩序”的政治领袖[15]。他也是影片的主要反派——原力黑暗面的实践者——凯洛·伦的主人[16]。瑟克斯将斯诺克描述为“一个非常神秘的角色,并且奇怪的是脆弱的同时为相当强大。 显然他有一个巨大的议程。 他已经遭受了很多伤害。”瑟克斯称为人斯诺克的“这个宇宙的一个新的角色”,加入"我认为它会以公平地说,他是知道过去的一个伟大的程度。”

瑟克斯在电影首映之前解释为什么CGI是创造斯诺克独特外形的唯一方式时说,“例如,他的身形是一个原因。 他很巨大,他看起来很高,他有着非常独特、特殊的骨骼和面部结构。” "The scale of him, for instance, is one reason. He is large. He appears tall. And also just the facial design—you couldn't have gotten there with prosthetics ... he has a very distinctive, idiosyncratic bone and facial structure." Chief of creature and droid effects Neal Scanlan said, "This character is much better executed as a CGI character. That's just a practical reality when he's 7-foot-something tall; he's very, very thin."[17] Snoke's "scarred, cavernous face" was not revealed before the release of the film, in which he appears as a "massive, ominous hologram".[18] The character's deep voice was first heard in the teaser trailer released on November 28, 2014.[19][20]

每日电讯报》的罗比·科林英语Robbie Collin[注释 4] described the disfigured and skeletal Snoke as a "sepulchral horror",[22]。《芝加哥太陽報》的理查德·罗帕(Richard Roeper)[注释 5]called him "hissing and grotesque",[24]。“沙龙”网站的安德鲁·奥海尔(Andrew O'Hehir)[注释 6] dubbed the character "a spectral demonic figure".[26]。《综艺》的Justin Chang wrote that Snoke resembled "a plus-sized, more articulate Gollum",[27] and 《娱乐周刊》的克里斯·纳肖沃蒂(Chris Nashawaty)[注释 7]described him as "essentially Emperor Palpatine crossed with one of the aliens from Close Encounters".[29]。《时代》的斯蒂芬妮·扎克拉克(Stephanie Zacharek)[注释 8] called the character "a giant, scary, noseless dude who sits placidly in an oversized chair like a dark-lord version of the Lincoln Monument."

One fan theory suggests that Snoke is really Jar Jar Binks, an anecdotal Sith Lord mentioned in Revenge of the Sith who possesses the power to resurrect the dead.[31][32][33] Another theory posits that Snoke is "the Operator" Gallius Rax, a mysterious First Order manipulator from Chuck Wendig's Aftermath novel trilogy,[34] or Ezra Bridger, a main character from the animated series Star Wars Rebels.[35][36][37] Pablo Hidalgo of the Lucasfilm Story Group dismissed the Darth Plagueis theory in May 2016.[38]



在电影中,斯诺克被描述为反派势力第一秩序的最高领袖,并掌控着凯洛·伦。 而被斯诺克引诱向原力黑暗面的戴面具人凯洛,正是本索罗——韓·蘇羅莱娅·奥加纳的儿子。斯诺克的感觉一股原力"觉醒",并警告不稳定的凯洛,在他追寻固执的机器人BB-8的路上将遇到他的父亲。届时凯洛也将迎来对他原力极限的考验。而莱娅向她疏远的丈夫韩表示,他们的儿子是受斯诺克的影响才被带坏了的。


斯诺克也出现在由阿兰·迪恩·福斯特英语Alan Dean Foster[注释 9]特于2015年的小说化的《原力觉醒英语Star Wars: The Force Awakens (novel)》中[40]。在小说中,Leia tells Han in more detail how Snoke, aware that their son would be "strong with the Force" and possess "equal potential for good or evil", had long watched Ben and manipulated events to draw him to the dark side.[41]


2015年12月,producer Kathleen Kennedy confirmed that Serkis was among those who would reprise their roles in the forthcoming sequel to The Force Awakens, Star Wars: The Last Jedi.[42]。MakingStarWars.net的杰森·沃德在2016年12月报道,that Snoke would be portrayed in part by a large, articulated puppet in the film.[43] Director Rian Johnson commented that in The Last Jedi, "We'll learn exactly as much about Snoke as we need to. We will see more of him, and Andy Serkis will get to do much more in this film than he did in the last one."[44]。约翰逊还指出,斯诺克会受到禁卫队的保护,新三部曲中的禁卫队比起原版三部曲中帝国皇帝的皇家禁卫队英语Emperor's Royal Guard,更像是武士[44]


好莱坞报道》的托德·麦卡西(Todd McCarthy)[注释 10]写道,"Supreme Leader Snoke is a larger-than-life, vaguely Harry Potter-ish hologram voiced with deep gravity by Andy Serkis; the full weight of this character's malignancy and dramatic power will presumably be better assessed in subsequent episodes."[46] Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun-Times called Serkis "the undisputed champion of the performance-capture roles". Though praising the "unobtrusive sophistication" of the visual effects used to portray the character, Variety''s Justin Chang said that Serkis is "fine but not galvanizing" in the role. 美联社的林赛·巴尔(Lindsay Bahr) of the deemed Snoke one of the "less memorable" characters in the film.[47]



  1. ^ 译名参考自搜狐网[2]
  2. ^ 译名参考自搜狐网[3]
  3. ^ 译名参考自时光网[11],部分来源翻译成玛兹·卡娜塔[12]
  4. ^ 译名参考自中国网[21]
  5. ^ 译名参考自立方网[23]
  6. ^ 译名参考自新浪网[25]
  7. ^ 译名参考自腾讯网[28]
  8. ^ 译名参考自德景资讯网[30]
  9. ^ 译名参考自太平洋游戏网[39],部分来源翻译成“艾伦·迪安·福斯特”。
  10. ^ 译名参考自搜狐网[45]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Breznican, Anthony. Supreme Leader Snoke: Andy Serkis on the 'damaged' villain of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Entertainment Weekly. November 12, 2015 [November 13, 2015]. 
  2. ^ 《星球大战:原力觉醒》里的一条虫,《星球大战:命运的力量》里的一条龙!. 搜狐网. 2017-09-19 [2017-11-28] (中文(中国大陆)). ……生物概念设计师伊万·曼泽拉(Ivan Manzella)用大约5…… 
  3. ^ 《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》幕后花絮揭秘. 搜狐网. 2016-12-28 [2017-11-28] (中文(中国大陆)). ……创意效果总监尼尔·斯坎兰(Neal Scanlan)…… 
  4. ^ Hawkes, Rebecca. Star Wars: The Force Awakens: 12 things they cut from the film. The Telegraph. January 5, 2016 [April 12, 2017]. 
  5. ^ Kit, Borys. How Star Wars Director J.J. Abrams Kept the Cast Secret. The Hollywood Reporter. April 30, 2014 [January 23, 2016]. 
  6. ^ Star Wars: Episode VII Cast Announced. April 29, 2014 [December 20, 2015]. 
  7. ^ Hipes, Patrick. Star Wars: Episode VII Cast Finalized: John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson & Max Von Sydow. April 29, 2014 [January 23, 2016]. 
  8. ^ Karlin, Lily. 5 Things You Didn't Know About Andy Serkis, AKA Caesar From Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes. The Huffington Post. July 11, 2014 [January 23, 2016]. 
  9. ^ Brooks, Dan. Capturing a Galaxy: An Interview with Annie Leibovitz. May 28, 2015 [January 23, 2017]. 
  10. ^ McLean, Craig. The evolution of Andy Serkis. The Independent. July 12, 2014 [January 27, 2017]. 
  11. ^ KevinLuo 2016.
  12. ^ nemo 2016.
  13. ^ Breznican, Anthony. Star Wars: The Force Awakens: J.J. Abrams reveals backstory of alien Maz Kanata. Entertainment Weekly. November 12, 2015 [January 14, 2016]. 
  14. ^ Thrower, Emma. Supreme Leader Snoke: Andy Serkis talks Star Wars' latest villain. Empire. November 17, 2015 [January 26, 2017]. 
  15. ^ Dyer, James. JJ Abrams Spills Details On Kylo Ren. Empire. August 25, 2015 [August 25, 2015]. 
  16. ^ Zacharek, Stephanie. Review: The Force Awakens Is Everything You Could Hope for in a Star Wars Movie—and Less. Time. December 15, 2015 [December 16, 2015]. 
  17. ^ Tauber, Chris. Who's the Real Bad Guy in Star Wars: The Force Awakens?. People. December 5, 2015 [February 5, 2017]. 
  18. ^ Breznican, Anthony. See exclusive new images of Maz Kanata and Supreme Leader Snoke from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Entertainment Weekly. January 2, 2016 [January 14, 2016]. 
  19. ^ Schuth, Louie. Andy Serkis' Star Wars: The Force Awakens character revealed. May 28, 2015 [January 27, 2017]. 
  20. ^ Lewis, Andy. Trailer Report: Star Wars Teaser Beats Age of Ultron In Debut. The Hollywood Reporter. December 1, 2014 [January 25, 2017]. 
  21. ^ Heaven. 外媒评《聂隐娘》:值得细品 舒淇很棒. 中国网. 2015-05-21 [2017-03-04] (中文(中国大陆)). 《每日电讯报》影评人罗比-科林(Robbie Collin) 
  22. ^ Collin, Robbie. Star Wars: The Force Awakens review: 'the magic is back'. The Telegraph. December 18, 2015 [December 29, 2015]. 
  23. ^ 对于一代人来说,他就是电影. 立方网. 2013-04-10 [2017-11-28] (中文(中国大陆)). ……《芝加哥太阳报》的专栏作家理查德·罗帕(Richard Roeper)成了固定…… 
  24. ^ Roeper, Richard. Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The thrills are strong with this one. Chicago Sun-Times. December 15, 2015 [December 16, 2015]. 
  25. ^ 评论:“小丑”杀人,《蝙蝠侠》有罪吗?. 新浪网. 2012-08-10 [2017-11-28] (中文(中国大陆)). ……Salon.com的影评人安德鲁·奥海尔(Andrew O’Hehir)在…… 
  26. ^ O'Hehir, Andrew. Star Wars: The Force Awakens: You know all the spoilers in J.J. Abrams’ obsessive reboot — because you’ve seen this movie before. Salon. December 16, 2015 [January 15, 2016]. 
  27. ^ Chang, Justin. J. J. Abrams' hugely anticipated blockbuster brings welcome jolts of energy, warmth and excitement back to the biggest franchise in movie history. Variety. December 15, 2015 [December 16, 2015]. 
  28. ^ 《娱乐周刊》评年度十部最佳与五部最差影片. 腾讯网. 2015-12-09 [2017-11-28] (中文(中国大陆)). ……《娱乐周刊》的电影评论家克里斯·纳肖沃蒂(Chris Nashawaty)选出…… 
  29. ^ Nashawaty, Chris. Star Wars: The Force Awakens: A 'rollicking adventure wrapped in epic mythology'. Entertainment Weekly. December 16, 2015 [January 19, 2016]. 
  30. ^ atlantis代表什么意思 亚特兰帝斯:失落的帝国. 德景资讯网. 2017-11-27 [2017-11-29] (中文(中国大陆)). ……Salon网站的斯蒂芬妮·扎克拉克(StephanieZacharek)对影片感到厌恶…… 
  31. ^ Trumbore, Dave. Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Theories on Supreme Leader Snoke. December 21, 2015 [January 15, 2016]. 
  32. ^ Tremeer, Eleanor. Supreme Leader Snoke's Role In Star Wars Episode 8 Revealed By John Williams?!. Moviepilot. December 28, 2015 [January 27, 2017]. 
  33. ^ Maharana, Kabita. Star Wars 8: Fan theories about Rey's origin and Supreme Leader Snoke's identity. International Business Times. December 29, 2015 [January 27, 2017]. 
  34. ^ Tremeer, Eleanor. Supreme Leader Snoke Origins Revealed In Star Wars 7 Book Aftermath?. Moviepilot. August 29, 2016 [January 23, 2017]. 
  35. ^ Myrick, Robert. Why It Makes Sense For Star Wars Rebels' Ezra Bridger To Be Supreme Leader Snoke. Moviepilot. January 22, 2016 [February 20, 2017]. 
  36. ^ Even More Evidence That Ezra From Star Wars: Rebels Is Supreme Leader Snoke. Moviepilot. July 18, 2016 [February 20, 2017]. 
  37. ^ Williams, Claire. TheoryLoop: Is Ezra Bridger really Supreme Leader Snoke?. Looper. [February 20, 2017]. 
  38. ^ Siegel, Lucas. Star Wars Story Group Definitively Says Supreme Leader Snoke is Not Darth Plagueis. May 10, 2016 [March 1, 2017]. 
  39. ^ 陈灼 MyST 2005.
  40. ^ Foster, Alan Dean. Chapter X. The Force Awakens (e-book). 2015. ISBN 978-1-101-96550-4. 
  41. ^ Foster. Chapter XIV. The Force Awakens. 2015. 
  42. ^ Ruby, Jennifer. Star Wars producer Kathleen Kennedy confirms that entire cast will return for eighth film. London Evening Standard. December 17, 2015 [December 17, 2015]. 
  43. ^ Ward, Jason. Star Wars: Episode VIII's Supreme Leader Snoke: Master of Puppets!. December 8, 2016 [January 23, 2017]. 
  44. ^ 44.0 44.1 Harrington, Neil. Supreme Leader Snoke will step out of the shadows in The Last Jedi. Dork Side of the Force. August 10, 2017 [August 11, 2017]. 
  45. ^ 《大战外星人》无新意 只重技术故事平庸(2). 中华网. 2009-04-08 [2017-11-28] (中文(中国大陆)). ……综艺影评人托德·麦卡西(TODD MCCARTHY):…… 
  46. ^ McCarthy, Todd. Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Review. The Hollywood Reporter. December 16, 2015 [December 29, 2015]. 
  47. ^ Bahr, Lindsey. Review: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is Fun Fan Service. Tribune-Star. Associated Press. December 16, 2015 [February 6, 2017]. 
  48. ^ Lovett, Jamie. Deadpool, Avengers, And Star Wars Nominated For MTV Movie Awards. March 8, 2016 [February 6, 2017]. 

