
用户:Vanished user 1231123/沙盒/TS24

出生 (1995-12-26) 1995年12月26日28岁)
教育程度费欧雷罗·H·拉瓜迪亚高中英语Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School

提莫西·查拉梅(Timothée Chalamet,/ˈtɪməθi ˈʃæləm/;出生于1995年12月26日)是一位美国籍演员。查拉梅在出演《国土安全》之前曾参与拍摄了两部短片,而这是他演艺生涯的开端。他在贾森·雷特曼的戏剧《男人、女人和孩子英语Men, Women & Children (film)》中首次正式演出,他的身影也出现在了克里斯托弗·诺兰的科幻电影《星际穿越》当中。2017年,他通过在葛莉塔·洁薇所执导的处女作《瓢虫英语Lady Bird (film)》出演配角和在卢卡·瓜达格尼诺英语Luca Guadagnino的浪漫电影《请以你的名字呼唤我》中饰演主角从而得到了高度的赞赏与广泛的认知度。

在戏剧舞台上,查拉梅出演了在尊·柏烈·尚尼在2016年拍摄的自传剧《浪子英语Prodigal Son》。查拉梅因此得到了戏剧联盟杰出表演奖英语Drama League Award的提名并斩获了罗特最佳男主角奖英语Lucille Lortel Award



查拉梅出生并成长于地狱厨房[1] 他是地产代理商兼前百老汇舞者[2]妮科尔·弗兰德和联合国儿童基金会编辑[3]马克·查拉梅之子。他有一位名叫波林、生活在巴黎的姐姐,他的姐姐同样是一位演员。[4][5] 查拉梅的父亲是法国人而他的母亲是犹太裔美国人(或半俄裔犹太人英语Russian Jewish和半奥地利犹太人血统)。[6][7] 查拉梅的叔叔是制片人罗德曼·弗兰德英语Rodman Flender,查拉梅的姑姑是电视制片人兼作家艾米·李普曼英语Amy Lippman,而查拉梅的外公是编剧家哈罗德·弗兰德(英文:Harold Flender)。[8][9]

长大之后查拉梅参演了几条商业广告,而他并不享受拍摄过程。他曾说过:“我上了高中—一家名为拉瓜迪亚的表演艺术学校之后—老师们都很优秀,我真的爱上了这所学校。我看见了它的潜力而且这所学校应该被视为一门手艺。”[10] 查拉梅在2013年毕业于费欧雷罗·H·拉瓜迪亚音乐、艺术和表演艺术高中英语Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts,随后在歌厅中饰演主持人,又在《生命的旋律英语Sweet Charity》中饰演奥斯卡·林奎斯特。[11][12] 查拉梅也是YoungArts英语YoungArts的校友之一。[13][14]

常春藤盟校校友克莱儿·丹妮丝的劝告之下,查拉梅进入了哥伦比亚大学求学。[15]查拉梅之后为了在演艺生涯追求更多的自由,他转学到了纽约大学迦勒汀个人学习学院英语Gallatin School of Individualized Study[16]





孩童时期的查拉梅于长篇警察刑侦英语police procedural电视连续剧《法律与秩序》(2009)首次登台扮演谋杀案受害者之前曾露面在几条商业广告和两部恐怖英语horror (genre)短片中。之后他又在电视电影莉雅的第二春英语Loving Leah》(2009)中扮演了一个配角。

2011年,查拉梅在外百老汇的戏剧《The Talls》初次登场。《The Talls》是一部1970年代有关青少年成长的喜剧,查拉梅在其中扮演了12岁性好奇的尼古拉斯。纽约每日新闻首席戏剧评论家写道:“查拉梅喜不自禁地抓住了小鬼头们对于性逐渐崛起的好奇心”。[17]

2012年,查拉梅在戏剧《欲海医心》扮演了一个经常出现的角色,还在广受热评的谍报小说改编剧《国土安全》中扮演副总统的逆子芬恩·沃顿。连同其他演员一起,查拉梅得到了美国演员工会戏剧集体杰出表演奖英语Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series的提名。[18][19]


2014年,查拉梅在贾森·雷特曼精心策划的戏剧《男人、女人和孩子英语Men, Women & Children (film)》中扮演配角,这是查拉梅首次在电影正片中出镜。那一年的晚些时候,查拉梅在克里斯托弗·诺兰的《星际穿越》饰演马修·麦康纳所演角色之子汤姆·库珀。这部电影饱受好评,评论家对于演员演技的赞赏络绎不绝,电影在全球共计带来了6.75亿美元票房的收入。[20][21][22][23]同样在2014年,查拉梅在有限的戏院播放的好评喜剧《最坏的朋友英语Worst Friends (2014 film)》中扮演了年轻版的主角。[24]

2015年,查拉梅在安得烈·德罗·巴勒莫英语Andrew Droz Palermo的幻想惊悚片《一和二英语One & Two》中共同出演角色扎克(Zac),剧中的扎克与他的姐姐在他们的母亲病倒时开始了一段对超能力与家庭背后的暗黑秘密的探索旅程。影片在柏林国际电影节首映,正式在影院大荧幕播放之前就已经收到了很多褒贬不一的评价。[25] 他的下一个角色是表演青少年时詹姆斯·法兰科所表演的角色——帕梅拉·罗曼诺夫斯基英语Pamela Romanowsky的《阿德拉尔日记英语The Adderall Diaries (film)》中的斯蒂芬·埃利奥特[26]查拉梅在2015年所表演的最后一个角色是在圣诞喜剧《爱上库珀一家英语Love the Coopers》中黛安·基顿约翰·古德曼角色之孙查理·库柏(Charlie Cooper),库柏在评论家中找到了一些敬仰者。[27]

2016年2月,他在曼哈顿戏剧俱乐部英语Manhattan Theatre Club里出演了自传剧《尊·柏烈·尚尼》中的吉姆·奎因(Jim Quinn)。导演尊·柏烈·尚尼和制作人 斯科特·鲁丁亲自选拔了查拉梅表演年轻时的史丹利,史丹利是一个1963年在新罕布什尔州一座久负盛名的预科学校上学的不合群的布朗克斯小孩。[28] 他的表现收到了狂热褒评并获得了戏剧联盟杰出表演奖英语Drama League Award的提名和罗特杰出男主角奖英语Lucille Lortel Award[29][30][31][32]

查拉梅同时也在电影《史蒂文斯小姐英语Miss Stevens》(2016)中与莉莉·拉贝英语Lily Rabe联合出演,他表演问题学生比利(Billy)。来自荷里活报道的斯蒂芬•法伯(英文:Stephen Farber)写道:“即使当他在默默地观望其他角色或对其他角色做出反应时,他的表演也是引人入胜的。当他不得不爆发出内心的怒火与疯狂的劲头的时候,他变得惊为天人。在戏剧比赛中,他阅读《推销员之死》的高潮部分表现出了这一年轻的演员在许多不同的媒体上都将有光明的未来。(我不知道我有没有见过比查拉梅的阅读更好的)”。纽约时报史蒂芬·霍尔登英语Stephen Holden将查拉梅比作占士·甸[33][34]



在加入项目三年之后的2016年5月23日,官方宣布查拉梅将会主演卢卡·瓜达格尼诺英语Luca Guadagnino安德烈·艾希曼英语André Aciman的小说《以你的名字呼唤我》改编的同名电影[35][36] 故事围绕着80年代生活在意大利名为埃利奥的男人展开,埃利奥遇见了一位生活在他父母家别墅的大学生奥利弗(艾米·汉莫饰演)。随着他们不断发掘他们共有的性取向和犹太血统,他们之间建立了一段如胶似漆的感情。在准备角色的时候,查拉梅花了数周时间学习一口流利的意大利语、弹吉他和温习他的钢琴技巧。[37]电影于2017年1月22日在圣丹斯电影节首映;查拉梅的表现广受好评。[38][39]电影将于2017年11月24日在美国各大院线上映。[40]

In his second film of 2017, Chalamet played Daniel—a seemingly quiet and timid teenager—in the film Hot Summer Nights英语Hot Summer Nights (film), which is set in 1991. It premiered at the 西南偏南, where Chalamet again received positive reviews. The film will be released in cinemas in 2018 by the distribution company英语Film distributor A24 (公司).[41][42]

Later, he played Kyle Scheible, a rich hipster in a band and 瑟夏·罗南's character's love interest in Lady Bird英语Lady Bird (film) (2017), the critically acclaimed directorial debut of 葛莉塔·洁薇.[43] Critics raved about the ensemble cast and Ty Burr英语Ty Burr of 波士顿环球报 praised Chalamet for his "hilarious" performance.[44] The Telluride Film Festival英语Telluride Film Festival saw the release of Chalamet's last film of the year, as soldier Philippe DeJardin in 史考特·库柏's Hostiles英语Hostiles (film).[45]



截至2017年11月 (2017-11), Chalamet has two forthcoming projects. He will portray Nic Sheff英语David Sheff, a boy addicted to 甲基苯丙胺, in Beautiful Boy英语Beautiful Boy (2018 film) (2018), based on the memoir of the same name英语Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction by David Sheff英语David Sheff, who will be portrayed by 史提夫·加维.[46] Chalamet will also co-star in the 伍迪·艾伦 film A Rainy Day in New York英语A Rainy Day in New York.[47]



查拉梅生活在纽约,能说一口流利的法语[48][49] 童年时期,他在法国一个靠近里昂的小村庄附近度过了他无数个夏季。[50][51]他幼年时的梦想是成为一名足球运动员;他在13岁的时候曾经教过6到10岁的孩子。[52] 他曾和麦当娜的女儿罗德丝·里昂陷入情网。[53]




年份 标题 角色 注释
2008 Sweet Tooth Samuel Short film
2008 Clown Clown Boy Short film
2014 男人、女人和孩子英语Men, Women & Children (film) Danny Vance
2014 Spinners Jace Short film
2014 星际穿越 Young Tom Cooper
2014 Worst Friends英语Worst Friends (2014 film) Young Sam
2015 One and Two英语One and Two Zac
2015 The Adderall Diaries英语The Adderall Diaries (film) Teenage Stephen Elliott
2015 Love the Coopers英语Love the Coopers Charlie Cooper
2016 Miss Stevens英语Miss Stevens Billy Mitman
2017 请以你的名字呼唤我 (电影) Elio Perlman
2017 Hot Summer Nights英语Hot Summer Nights (film) Daniel
2017 Lady Bird英语Lady Bird (film) Kyle Scheible
2017 Hostiles英语Hostiles (film) Philippe DeJardin
2018 Beautiful Boy英语Beautiful Boy (2018 film) Nic Sheff英语David Sheff In post-production
2018 A Rainy Day in New York英语A Rainy Day in New York TBA In post-production


Year Title Role Notes
2009 法律与秩序 Eric Foley Episode: "Pledge"
2009 Loving Leah英语Loving Leah Young Jake Lever 电视电影
2012 欲海医心 Luke 4 episodes
2012 国土安全 (电视剧) Finn Walden 8 episodes
2013 Trooper Lee Flaxton Television film


Year Title Role Theatre
2011 The Talls Nicholas Clarke McGinn/Cazale Theatre英语Second_Stage_Theatre
2016 尊·柏烈·尚尼 Jim Quinn Manhattan Theatre Club英语Manhattan Theatre Club


Year Award Category Nominated work Result Ref.
2013 Screen Actors Guild Awards英语19th Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series英语Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series 国土安全 (电视剧) 提名 [54]
2016 Drama League Award英语Drama League Award Distinguished Performance 尊·柏烈·尚尼 提名 [30]
Lucille Lortel Award英语Lucille Lortel Award Outstanding Lead Actor in a Play 获奖 [29]
2017 Hollywood Film Awards英语Hollywood Film Awards Hollywood Breakout Performance Actor Award 请以你的名字呼唤我 (电影) 获奖 [55]
2017年哥谭独立电影奖 Breakthrough Actor 待定 [56]
棕榈泉国际电影节 棕榈泉国际电影节 获奖 [57]


  1. ^ Henderson, Kathy. Prodigal Son Playwright John Patrick Shanley & Star Timothee Chalamet on the Pain, Poetry & Pride of Revisiting 15. Broadway.com. March 7, 2016 [August 21, 2017]. 
  2. ^ Nicole Flender. www.corcoran.com. [August 13, 2017]. 
  3. ^ Marc Chalamet需要免费注册. 领英. [August 13, 2017]. 
  4. ^ Nicole Flender. Corcoran英语Barbara Corcoran. [August 13, 2017]. 
  5. ^ Lawrence, Vanessa. Actor Timothée Chalamet Is Young and Wise. W英语W (magazine). February 6, 2016 [August 9, 2017]. 
  6. ^ Bloom, Nate. Celebrity Jews. J Weekly. November 26, 2014. 
  7. ^ Tampa Jewish Federation: "Jews in the News: Mike Nichols, Yael Grobglas and Dominic Fumusa" retrieved March 18, 2017 |"Raised in the States, his father is French and his mother is an American Jew. She’s the sister of RODMAN FLENDER, 52, a big-time TV director."
  8. ^ Timothée Chalamet on Twitter. Twitter. 
  9. ^ Rodman Flender Biography (1962?-). Film Reference. 
  10. ^ PeopleHop: Timothée Chalamet. 哥伦比亚大学. September 19, 2013 [August 27, 2017]. 
  11. ^ "Sweet Charity" on "Live From The Couch". YouTube. November 22, 2012 [August 22, 2017]. 
  12. ^ Timothée as the MC in LaGuardia’s production of “Cabaret” (2013). Tumblr. [August 22, 2017]. 
  13. ^ Timothee Chalamet Spoken Theater 2013 National YoungArts Week. YouTube. January 28, 2013 [August 22, 2017]. 
  14. ^ Timothée Chalamet / Why You Should Apply To YoungArts. YouTube. January 17, 2013 [August 22, 2017]. 
  15. ^ PeopleHop: Timothée Chalamet - Bwog. Bwog. 
  16. ^ Pretty cool to open up a @nymag and see #nyugallatin student Timothée Chalamet @RealChalamet looking back at us! Great photo by @normanjeanroy. Timothée is starring in Prodigal Son @mtc_nyc (1962?-). Instagram. 
  17. ^ Dziemianowicz, Joe. 'The Talls' review: Family drama is familiar story, but excellent acting gives play extra boost. 纽约每日新闻. August 16, 2011 [August 9, 2017]. 
  18. ^ SAG award nominations: Cable dramas and network sitcoms dominate. Los Angeles Times. December 12, 2012 [August 9, 2017]. 
  19. ^ Lawrence, Vanessa. Actor Timothée Chalamet Is Young and Wise. W英语W (magazine). February 6, 2016 [August 9, 2017]. 
  20. ^ Readers' Poll: The 20 Best Movies of the 2010s So Far. Rolling Stone. [July 21, 2017]. 
  21. ^ The 20 Best Hollywood Movies of This Decade (2010-2016), Ranked. The Cinemaholic. August 5, 2016 [July 21, 2017] (美国英语). 
  22. ^ 10 Best Movies of 2014. Rolling Stone. [July 21, 2017]. 
  23. ^ Sneider, Jeff. Christopher Nolan Casting Young ‘Homeland’ Actor in ‘Interstellar’ (Exclusive). TheWrap. July 15, 2013 [August 9, 2017]. 
  24. ^ Worst Friends (2014). 烂番茄. 
  25. ^ One & Two (2015). 烂番茄. Flixster英语Flixster. [December 24, 2015]. 
  26. ^ The Adderall Diaries (2016). 烂番茄. Flixster英语Flixster. [April 19, 2016]. 
  27. ^ Love the Coopers (2015). Rotten Tomatoes. [April 24, 2016]. 
  28. ^ Timothee Chalamet. LaGuardia.com. [September 2, 2017]. 
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 Rooney, David. Lucille Lortel Awards: The Complete Winners List. 荷里活报道. May 1, 2016 [August 9, 2017]. 
  30. ^ 30.0 30.1 Cox, Gordon. Drama League Awards Nominations: Jessica Lange, Lupita Nyong’o, Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Lots More (FULL LIST). 综艺 (杂志). April 20, 2016 [August 23, 2017]. 
  31. ^ Brantley, Ben. Review: ‘Prodigal Son,’ John Patrick Shanley’s Exploration of the Student He Once Was. 纽约时报. February 9, 2016 [August 9, 2017]. 
  32. ^ Rooney, David. 'Prodigal Son': Theater Review. 荷里活报道. February 9, 2016 [August 9, 2017]. 
  33. ^ Farber, Stephen. 'Miss Stevens': SXSW Review. 荷里活报道. March 14, 2016 [August 16, 2017]. 
  34. ^ Holden, Stephen. Review: In ‘Miss Stevens,’ a Chaperone Greets Temptation. 纽约时报. September 15, 2016 [August 16, 2017]. 
  35. ^ Raup, Jordan. Michael Stuhlbarg, Armie Hammer & More Leading Luca Guadagnino’s ‘Call Me By Your Name’. The Film Stage. May 23, 2016 [June 5, 2016]. 
  36. ^ Vivarelli, Nick. Berlinale: Luca Guadagnino on Why ‘Call Me by Your Name’ Strikes Such Deep Chords. 综艺 (杂志). February 13, 2017 [August 17, 2017]. 
  37. ^ TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET. 访问 (杂志). August 5, 2017 [August 9, 2017]. 
  38. ^ Call Me By Your Name (2017). 烂番茄. [January 29, 2017]. 
  39. ^ Greene, Steve. Sundance 2017 IndieWire Critics Poll Results: Best Lead Performance. IndieWire. January 21, 2017 [August 12, 2017]. 
  40. ^ Call Me by Your Name. Box Office Mojo. [March 8, 2017]. 
  41. ^ http://variety.com/2017/film/markets-festivals/a24-directv-nab-worldwide-rights-to-hot-summer-nights-with-timothee-chalamet-exclusive-1202552179/
  42. ^ Rechtshaffen, Michael. 'Hot Summer Nights': Film Review SXSW 2017. 荷里活报道. March 14, 2017 [September 2, 2017]. 
  43. ^ Kohn, Eric. Saoirse Ronan Scores Her Greatest Role In Greta Gerwig’s Winning Directorial Debut ‘Lady Bird’ — Review. IndieWire. September 2, 2017 [September 2, 2017]. 
  44. ^ Burr, Ty. ‘Lady Bird’ a wise, funny, empathetic tale from Greta Gerwig. 波士顿环球报. 8 November 2017 [8 November 2017]. 
  45. ^ Kohn, Eric. Saoirse Ronan Scores Her Greatest Role In Greta Gerwig’s Winning Directorial Debut ‘Lady Bird’ — Review. IndieWire. September 2, 2017 [September 2, 2017]. 
  46. ^ Ford, Rebecca. Sundance Breakout Timothee Chalamet Joining Steve Carell in 'Beautiful Boy' (Exclusive). 荷里活报道. February 6, 2017 [March 27, 2017]. 
  47. ^ Lang, Brent. Elle Fanning, Selena Gomez, Timothée Chalamet to Star in Woody Allen Film. 综艺 (杂志). August 8, 2017 [August 9, 2017]. 
  48. ^ Timothée Chalamet, l’ex de la fille de Madonna lance un appel (exclu vidéo). Non Stop People. November 5, 2014. 
  49. ^ TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET. 访问 (杂志). August 5, 2017 [August 9, 2017]. 
  50. ^ Timothée Chalamet on Sundance. 综艺 (杂志). January 21, 2017 [September 12, 2017]. 
  51. ^ Meet 2017 Breakout Star Timothée Chalamet. Vanity_Fair_(magazines)英语Vanity_Fair_(magazines). September 10, 2017 [September 12, 2017]. 
  52. ^ Timothée Chalamet – Takes off in Interstellar. Verge magazine. February 6, 2015. 
  53. ^ Madonna’s Daughter, Lourdes Leon, Dating ‘Homeland’ Star Timothée Chalamet. 赫芬顿邮报. April 5, 2013 [September 1, 2017]. 
  54. ^ McNary, Dave. 'Lincoln,' 'Silver Linings' top SAG film noms. 综艺 (杂志). December 12, 2012 [December 13, 2012]. 
  55. ^ 2017 Honorees. Hollywood Film Awards英语Hollywood Film Awards. [October 19, 2017]. (原始内容存档于October 19, 2017). 
  56. ^ Cox, Gordon. 'Get Out' Leads 2017 Gotham Awards Nominations. 综艺 (杂志). October 19, 2017 [October 19, 2017]. 
  57. ^ Fessier, Bruce. Hot young actor Timothée Chalamet to receive Rising Star Award at Palm Springs film festival. The Desert Sun. 16 November 2017 [17 November 2017]. 



[[Category:1995年出生]] [[Category:在世人物]] <!-- 没有链接 -->[[Category:People from Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan]] [[Category:美國電影男演員]] [[Category:21世紀美國男演員]] [[Category:美國電視男演員]] [[Category:美國舞台男演員]] [[Category:法國裔美國人]] <!-- 没有链接 -->[[Category:American people of Russian-Jewish descent]] <!-- 没有链接 -->[[Category:American people of Austrian-Jewish descent]] <!-- 没有链接 -->[[Category:Jewish American male actors]] <!-- 没有链接 -->[[Category:Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School alumni]] <!-- 没有链接 -->[[Category:Male actors from New York City]] [[Category:紐約大學校友]] [[Category:哥倫比亞大學校友]]