

塔普里 (Tapuri) 的位置,在 吉蘭省 和 希爾卡尼亞 (古代行省) 之間

塔普里 (Tapuri) 或 塔皮里 (Tapyri)[1] 是托勒密和阿里安提到的裏海以南米底斯的一個部落。[2] 克特西亞斯 指的是位於 卡杜西 (Cadusii) 和 希爾卡尼亞 (古代行省) (Hyrcania) 兩地之間的 塔普里(Tapuri) 土地。[3]

在不同的歷史時期,塔普里人的名稱和可能的居住地似乎已經沿着從亞美尼亞到阿克薩斯河東側的廣闊國家空間延伸。 斯特拉波 將他們放置在裏海門和 Rhagae 旁邊,在帕提亞或在 德比斯 (Derbices) 和 希爾卡尼亞 (古代行省) (Hyrcani) 之間,或者與 Amardi 和裏海南岸的其他人一起; 其中最後一個觀點 昆圖斯·庫爾提烏斯·魯福斯、狄奧尼修斯 和 老普林尼 可以被認為是一致的。托勒密在一處將他們視為米底部落並在另一處將他們歸於馬吉亞納。 他們的名字寫在不同的作者有一些差異;因此 Τάπουροι 和 Τάπυροι 出現在斯特拉博;普林尼和庫爾提斯的塔普里; Τάπυρροι 在斯蒂芬。 B. sub voce 毫無疑問,現在的 塔巴里斯坦 (Taberistán) 地區的名字來源於他們。 愛蓮 對居住在媒體的塔普里人進行了特殊的描述。[2]

這些塔普里氏族為高加梅拉戰役提供了 1000 名騎兵作為阿契美尼德帝國軍隊。[4]

根據阿里安的說法,在阿契美尼德和亞歷山大時期,一群塔普爾生活在赫爾卡尼亞人和阿瑪德人中間。亞歷山大聽從了塔普爾人的命令,與阿瑪德作戰並擊敗了他們。亞歷山大隨後將阿馬爾土地併入塔普爾土地。 總督 (古波斯) 塔普里 (Satrap Tapuri) 在 奧托夫拉達提斯 (Autophradates) 的統治下。[5]


  1. ^ Tapuri. The mountains inland from the coast of Hyrcania are called the 「Tapurian mountains」 by Arrian, after the people there, settled in the mountains between the Derbices and the Hyrcanii (Str., 11.9.1, 11.11.8). They are spread toward the Caspian Gates and Rhaga in Media (Ptol., 6.2.6).These western Tapuri could have resulted from a tribal division north of the Sarnius/Atrak river—another, perhaps ancestral, group, the Tapurei, is located by Ptolemy (6.14.12) in Scythia. The remainder moved south and east into Margiana (「between the Hyrcani and the Arii,」 Str., 11.8.8; Ptol., 6.10.2) along the Ochus/Arius (mod. Tejen/Hari-rud) river into Aria (cf. Polyb., 10.49). The Tapuri on the Caspian could, alternatively, represent a later westward migration along the main east-west highway from Margiana. These Tapuri furnished 1,000 cavalry for the battle of Gaugamela (Curt., 3.2.7), apparently aligned with the Hyrcanii (the 「Topeiri,」 Arr., An. 3.8.4). Alexander later subdued them (Arr., An. 3.23.1-2; Polyb., 5.44.5; Curt., 6.4.24-25). A separate satrap administered them at the time of Alexander’s arrival, and this official was assigned the Caspian Mardi as well (Arr., An. 3.22.7, 24.3; 4.18.2).頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), IRANICAONlINE IRAN v. PEOPLES OF IRAN (2) Pre-Islamic
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 存档副本. www.perseus.tufts.edu. [2022-06-18]. (原始內容存檔於2022-06-02). 
  3. ^ Of the lands which lie on the sea and of the others which border on these, Ninus subdued Egypt and Phoenicia, then Coele-Syria, Cilicia, Pamphylia, and Lycia, and also Caria, Phrygia, and Lydia; moreover, he brought under his sway the Troad, Phrygia on the Hellespont, Propontis, Bithynia, Cappadocia, and all the barbarian nations who inhabit the shores of the Pontus as far as the Tanais; he also made himself lord of the lands of the Cadusii, Tapyri, Hyrcanii, Drangi, of the Derbici, Carmanii, Choromnaei, and of the Borcanii, and Parthyaei; and he invaded both Persis and Susiana and Caspiana, as it is called, which is entered by exceedingly narrow passes, known for that reason as the Caspian Gates. 4 Many other lesser nations he also brought under his rule, about whom it would be a long task to speak. But since Bactriana was difficult to invade and contained multitudes of warlike men, after much toil and labour in vain he deferred to a later time the war against the Bactriani, and leading his forces back into Assyria selected a place excellently situated for the founding of a great city.. Diodorus Siculus, Library 1-7 (2.2.3)
  4. ^ These Tapuri furnished 1000 cavalry for the battle of Gaugamela 頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), , 「IRAN v. PEOPLES OF IRAN (2) Pre-Islamic,」 Encyclopædia Iranica, online edition
  5. ^ Alexsander dimissed Mardians and appointed as their satrap Autophradates also made satrap of the Tapurians. anabasis of alexsander. arrian (24.2.5)


  • Dizadji, MD H. Journey from Tehran to Chicago: My Life in Iran and the United States, and a Brief History of Iran. Trafford Publishing. 2010. ISBN 1426929188 (英語).