硬左派(英語:hard left或hard-left)是一个出现在澳大利亚英语和英式英语的术语,用于表示左翼政党或政治团体中最激进的成员,与“软左派”相对。[1][2]该术语也表示极左翼和主流中左翼之外的左翼政治运动与思想。[3]“硬左派”一词用以描述世界各地的多个政党的派系,如英国工党的左翼[4]和澳大利亚工党的左翼。[5][6]
[编辑]- ^ Definition of 'hard left'. Collins English Dictionary. [24 March 2023]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-06).
- ^ Definition of hard left. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. [24 March 2023]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-25).
- ^ * John Wilson. Understanding Journalism: A Guide to Issues. Psychology Press. 1996: 203. ISBN 978-0-415-11599-5.
Condemnation by label is a favourite tactic of political antagonism ... Descriptions like 'hard left', 'far left' ... all have extra connotations, political under-meanings to damage the people they describe
- Grant, Moyra. The British media illustrated. Comedia. 1984: 29 [1 November 2015]. ISBN 9780906890516.
Key words and phrases like 'hard left', 'extremist' and 'Soviet style' are explicitly derogatory and dismissive labels which mask a serious lack of information and analysis about the theory and practice of socialism and communism.
- Grant, Moyra. The British media illustrated. Comedia. 1984: 29 [1 November 2015]. ISBN 9780906890516.
- ^ 4.0 4.1 Labour's left wing 'can't tolerate dissent', a right-wing Labour MP has claimed. The Independent. 2016-01-05 [2023-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2024-09-07) (英语).
- ^ Megalogenis, George. Quarterly Essay 40 Trivial Pursuit: Leadership and the End of the Reform Era. Black Inc. 2010-11-16: 6. ISBN 978-1-921866-53-1 (英语).
- ^ Sartor, Frank. The Fog on the Hill: How NSW Labor Lost Its Way. Melbourne Univ. Publishing. 2011: 328. ISBN 978-0-522-86106-8 (英语).
- ^ Harris, Tony. Basket Weavers and True Believers: Making and unmaking the Labor Left in Leichhardt Municipality, c.1970–1991. Leftbank Press. 2007-08-10: 192. ISBN 978-0-9803883-5-0 (英语).
- ^ Harris, Tony. Basket Weavers and True Believers: Making and unmaking the Labor Left in Leichhardt Municipality, c.1970–1991. Leftbank Press. 2007-08-10: 192–198. ISBN 978-0-9803883-5-0 (英语).
- ^ Eric Shaw. Discipline and Discord in the Labour Party: The Politics of Managerial Control in the Labour Party, 1951–87. Manchester University Press. 1 January 1988: 267. ISBN 978-0-7190-2483-2.
- ^ Crines, Andrew Scott. Michael Foot and the Labour leadership. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. 2011: 161. ISBN 9781443832397.
- ^ What's left of the Labour left?. Total Politics. [6 May 2015]. (原始内容存档于21 August 2015). 已忽略未知参数
(帮助) - ^ Hill, Dave. Marxism Against Postmodernism in Educational Theory. Lexington Books. 2002: 188. ISBN 0739103466.
- ^ Andrew Roth. Dennis Skinner. The Guardian. 20 March 2001. Andrew Roth's parliament profiles [2024-10-06]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-08).
- ^ Thorpe, Andrew. A History of the British Labour Party 3rd. Palgrave Macmillan. 2008: 228. ISBN 978-1137248152. [失效連結]
- ^ James Curran. Culture Wars: The Media and the British Left. Edinburgh University Press. 29 July 2005: 196, 209.
- ^ Use by BBC: * "Kinnock attacks hard left (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)", BBC World Service. 18 September 1998. <Use by The Guardian:
- Wintour, Patrick. Unite challenges expulsion of alleged Trotskyists from Labour party. The Guardian. 24 October 2015 [24 October 2015]. (原始内容存档于24 October 2015).
However, there is concern in the parliamentary party that several hard-left groups such as Left Unity, the Socialist Workers party (SWP), the Socialist party and the AWL are trying to attach themselves to Momentum to gain entry into the party. Party moderates are fearful that Labour's largest affiliated union is too relaxed about opening the party's doors to the hard left.
Use by The Independent:
- Merill, Jamie. "Labour sets 100 staff to root out ineligible supporters as hard-left groups deny infiltrating election to support Jeremy Corbyn (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)" The Independent. 8 August 2015.Use by The Glasgow Herald:
- Turning hard left. The Glasgow Herald. 26 February 1988 [1 November 2015]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-30).
- Clark, William. Hard left in bid for key SNP group. The Glasgow Herald. 6 December 1985 [1 November 2015]. (原始内容存档于2024-10-07).
- Wintour, Patrick. Unite challenges expulsion of alleged Trotskyists from Labour party. The Guardian. 24 October 2015 [24 October 2015]. (原始内容存档于24 October 2015).