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== 依日期排序 ==
== 依日期排序 ==
=== [[11月29日|29日]] ===
*[[布萊恩·麥克唐納]](Brian Macdonald),86歲,加拿大舞蹈家和編舞家。<ref>[http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/famed-canadian-director-choreographer-brian-macdonald-dies/article21838348/ Famed Canadian director, choreographer Brian Macdonald dies]</ref>
*[[弗朗西斯·尼祿]](Frances Nero),71歲,美國靈魂爵士樂歌手。<ref>[http://www.soulandjazzandfunk.com/news/3101-frances-nero-dies.html Frances Nero Dies....]</ref>(死亡報導日期)
*[[馬克·斯特蘭德]](Mark Strand),80歲,加拿大出生的美國詩人和作家。<ref>[http://theweek.com/article/index/272779/pulitzer-winning-poet-laureate-mark-strand-dies-at-80-years-old Pulitzer-winning poet laureate Mark Strand dies at 80 years old]</ref>

=== [[11月28日|28日]] ===
*[[大津幸四郎]]({{lang-ja|大津 幸四郎}}),80歲,日本電影導演。<ref>[http://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/news/f-et-tp1-20141128-1402021.html 映画監督の大津幸四郎さん死去] 日刊スポーツ 2014年11月28日閲覧</ref>
*[[賽義德·阿克勒]]({{lang-ar|سعيد عقل}}),102歲,黎巴嫩詩人,作家,劇作家和語言改革者。<ref>[http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Lebanon-News/2014/Nov-28/279225-lebanese-poet-writer-said-akl-dies-at-age-102.ashx#axzz3KMaDJI00 Centenarian Lebanese poet, writer Said Akl dies at age 102]</ref>
*[[戴爾·阿姆斯特朗]](Dale Armstrong),73歲,加拿大阻力賽車手和車隊隊長,結節病併發症。<ref>[http://motorsportstalk.nbcsports.com/2014/11/29/nhra-champion-driver-tuner-innovator-dale-armstrong-passes-away-at-73/ NHRA: Champion driver, tuner, innovator Dale Armstrong passes away at 73]</ref>
*[[切斯里圖]]({{lang-es|Chespirito}}),85歲,墨西哥劇作家,演員和編劇。<ref>[http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/iconic-mexican-comedian-chespirito-dies-85-27240401 Iconic Mexican Comedian 'Chespirito' Dies at 85]</ref>
*[[卢西迪奥·森蒂门蒂]]({{lang-it|Lucidio Sentimenti}}),94歲,意大利足球運動員([[尤文图斯足球俱乐部|尤文图斯]]、[[拉齐奥足球俱乐部|拉齐奥]])。<ref>[http://www.repubblica.it/sport/calcio/2014/11/28/news/morto_sentimenti_iv-101626241/ Calcio, è morto Sentimenti IV: fu il primo portiere goleador] {{it icon}}</ref>

=== [[11月27日|27日]] ===
=== [[11月27日|27日]] ===
*[[沈觀仰]],66歲,馬來西亞政治人物、前[[民主行動黨 (馬來西亞)|民主行動黨]][[砂拉越|砂拉越州]][[古晉|古晉市區]]國會議員(1982-1995),曾任該黨全國副主席、砂拉越州主席<ref>http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/281784 砂拉越民主运动拓荒者沈观仰逝世享年66岁</ref>。
*[[沈觀仰]],66歲,馬來西亞政治人物、前[[民主行動黨 (馬來西亞)|民主行動黨]][[砂拉越|砂拉越州]][[古晉|古晉市區]]國會議員(1982-1995),曾任該黨全國副主席、砂拉越州主席<ref>[http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/281784 砂拉越民主运动拓荒者沈观仰逝世享年66岁]</ref>。
*[[王永在]],93歲,台灣企業家、[[台塑集團]]創辦人[[王永慶]]胞弟。<ref>[http://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/201411275005-1.aspx 台塑創辦人王永在 享壽93歲]</ref>
*[[王永在]],93歲,台灣企業家、[[台塑集團]]創辦人[[王永慶]]胞弟。<ref>[http://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/201411275005-1.aspx 台塑創辦人王永在 享壽93歲]</ref>
*[[江口一雄]]({{lang-ja|江口 一雄}}),71歲,日本政治人物,前[[自由民主党 (日本)|自由民主党]][[日本众议院|众议院]]議員。<ref>[http://www.chibanippo.co.jp/news/national/227255 江口一雄氏が死去 77歳] 千葉日報ウェブ ちばとぴ 2014年11月28日</ref>
*[[松本健一]]({{lang-ja|松本 健一}}),68歲,日本評論家、作家、史學家及思想家。<ref>[http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASGCX2SHZGCXUCVL005.html 評論家の松本健一さん死去 近代日本の精神史を考察] 朝日新聞 2014年11月28日</ref>
*[[巴蘭迪·哲爾吉]]({{lang-hu|Bárándy György}}),95歲,匈牙利律師。<ref>[http://index.hu/belfold/2014/11/27/meghalt_barandy_gyorgy_ugyvedlegenda/ Meghalt Bárándy György ügyvédlegenda] {{hu icon}}</ref>
*[[婉達·波維斯卡]]({{lang-pl|Wanda Błeńska}}),103歲,波蘭醫生和傳教士。<ref>[http://www.thenews.pl/1/9/Artykul/188664,‘Mother-of-Lepers’-Wanda-Blenska-dies-in-Poznan ‘Mother of Lepers’ Wanda Blenska dies in Poznan]</ref>
*[[菲利普·休斯]](Phillip Hughes),25歲,澳洲板球運動員。<ref>[http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-11-27/phillip-hughes-doctors-say-injury-extremely-rare/5923282 Phillip Hughes: Doctors reveal condition 'incredibly rare' with only one other case resulting from cricket ball ever reported]</ref>
*[[P·D·詹姆斯]](P. D. James),94歲,英國犯罪小說家。<ref>[http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-30232569 PD James, crime novelist, dies aged 94]</ref>
*[[傑克·凱爾]](Jack Kyle),88歲,英國橄欖球聯盟球員及外科醫生。<ref>[http://www.rte.ie/sport/rugby/irish-international/2014/1128/663228-ireland-legend-kyle-dies-at-88/ Ireland legend Jack Kyle dies at 88]</ref>
*[[斯坦尼斯瓦夫·米庫爾斯基]]({{lang-pl|Stanisław Mikulski}}),85歲,波蘭戲劇和電影演員。<ref>[http://wiadomosci.gazeta.pl/wiadomosci/1,114871,17035210,Stanislaw_Mikulski_nie_zyje__Odtworca_roli_kapitana.html Stanisław Mikulski nie żyje. Miał 85 lat] {{pl icon}}</ref>
*[[傅南比茨·B·佩里]](Fernance B. Perry),93歲,百慕達商業領袖。<ref>[http://www.royalgazette.com/article/20141128/NEWS/141129660 Fernance Perry MBE (1921-2014)]</ref>
*[[特里·桑德森]](Terry Sanderson),62歲,加拿大曲棍球教練和經理人。<ref>[http://www.mapleridgenews.com/national/sport/284114281.html Rock GM Terry Sanderson dies at 62]</ref>
*[[法蘭克·亞伯蘭茲]](Frank Yablans),79歲,美國電影製片人和編劇,前[[派拉蒙電影]]總裁。<ref>[http://www.heralddeparis.com/frank-yablans-former-paramount-president-dies-at-79/245479 Frank Yablans, Former Paramount President, Dies at 79]</ref>

=== [[11月26日|26日]] ===
=== [[11月26日|26日]] ===
第17行: 第40行:
*[[沙巴 (歌手)|沙巴]]({{lang-ar|صباح}}),87歲,黎巴嫩歌手和演員。<ref>[http://english.alarabiya.net/en/life-style/2014/11/26/Lebanese-legend-Sabah-dies-at-age-87-.html Al-Arabiyah, Lebanese legend Sabah dies at age 87]</ref>
*[[沙巴 (歌手)|沙巴]]({{lang-ar|صباح}}),87歲,黎巴嫩歌手和演員。<ref>[http://english.alarabiya.net/en/life-style/2014/11/26/Lebanese-legend-Sabah-dies-at-age-87-.html Al-Arabiyah, Lebanese legend Sabah dies at age 87]</ref>
*[[吉爾·特倫布萊]]({{lang-fr|Gilles Tremblay}}),75歲,加拿大冰球運動員([[蒙特利尔加拿大人]])。<Ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.leaderpost.com/sports/Four+time+Stanley+winner+Gilles+Tremblay+dies/10415990/story.html |title=Four-time Stanley Cup winner Gilles Tremblay dies at age 75 |work=Regina Leader-Post |date=2014-11-26 |accessdate=2014-11-26}}</ref>
*[[吉爾·特倫布萊]]({{lang-fr|Gilles Tremblay}}),75歲,加拿大冰球運動員([[蒙特利尔加拿大人]])。<Ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.leaderpost.com/sports/Four+time+Stanley+winner+Gilles+Tremblay+dies/10415990/story.html |title=Four-time Stanley Cup winner Gilles Tremblay dies at age 75 |work=Regina Leader-Post |date=2014-11-26 |accessdate=2014-11-26}}</ref>
*[[馬爾科姆·芬利森]](Malcolm Finlayson),84歲,英國足球運動員([[伍尔弗汉普顿流浪足球俱乐部|伍尔弗汉普顿流浪]])。<ref>[http://www.expressandstar.com/sport/2014/11/27/wolves-legend-malcolm-finlayson-dies-at-84/ Wolves legend Malcolm Finlayson dies at 84]</ref>
*[[馬文·倫納德·戈德伯格]](Marvin Leonard Goldberger),92歲,美國物理學家,前[[加州理工學院]]院長。<ref>[http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/general-news/20141128/caltech-president-marvin-goldberger-dies-at-92 Caltech president Marvin Goldberger dies at 92]</ref>
*[[瑪麗·欣克森]](Mary Hinkson),89歲,美國舞蹈家和編舞家,肺間質纖維化。<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/30/arts/dance/-mary-hinkson-a-star-for-martha-graham-dies-at-89.html?_r=0 Mary Hinkson, a Star for Martha Graham, Dies at 89]</ref>
*[[塔潘·雷查得符里]](Tapan Raychaudhuri),90歲,印度歷史學家。<ref>[http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/world/historian-raychaudhuri-passes-away/article6640696.ece Historian Raychaudhuri passes away]</ref>
*[[艾倫·雪利]](Aaron Shirley),81歲,美國醫生和民權活動家。<ref>[http://www.wjtv.com/story/27492210/local-civil-rights-pioneer-dr-aaron-shirley-dies Local Civil Rights Pioneer Dr. Aaron Shirley Dies]</ref>
*[[彼得·安德伍德 (超心理學家)|彼得·安德伍德]](Peter Underwood),91歲,英國作家,播音員及超心理學家。<ref>[http://hidden-highgate.org/peter-underwood-r-p-1923-2014/ Peter Underwood R.I.P 1923 – 2014]</ref>
*[[安祖·圖拉·速]]({{lang-es|Ángel Tulio Zof}}),86歲,阿根廷足球運動員和教練([[罗萨里奥中央]])。<ref>[http://www.conmebol.com/en/11272014-0212/don-angel-tulio-zof-hero-rosario-central-dies Don Ángel Tulio Zof, a hero of Rosario Central, dies]</ref>

=== [[11月25日|25日]] ===
=== [[11月25日|25日]] ===

2014年11月30日 (日) 06:45的版本

2014年逝世人物列表1月 - 2月 - 3月 - 4月 - 5月 - 6月 - 7月 - 8月 - 9月 - 10月 - 11月 - 12月

































  1. ^ Famed Canadian director, choreographer Brian Macdonald dies
  2. ^ Frances Nero Dies....
  3. ^ Pulitzer-winning poet laureate Mark Strand dies at 80 years old
  4. ^ 映画監督の大津幸四郎さん死去 日刊スポーツ 2014年11月28日閲覧
  5. ^ Centenarian Lebanese poet, writer Said Akl dies at age 102
  6. ^ NHRA: Champion driver, tuner, innovator Dale Armstrong passes away at 73
  7. ^ Iconic Mexican Comedian 'Chespirito' Dies at 85
  8. ^ Calcio, è morto Sentimenti IV: fu il primo portiere goleador (意大利文)
  9. ^ 砂拉越民主运动拓荒者沈观仰逝世享年66岁
  10. ^ 台塑創辦人王永在 享壽93歲
  11. ^ 江口一雄氏が死去 77歳 千葉日報ウェブ ちばとぴ 2014年11月28日
  12. ^ 評論家の松本健一さん死去 近代日本の精神史を考察 朝日新聞 2014年11月28日
  13. ^ Meghalt Bárándy György ügyvédlegenda (匈牙利文)
  14. ^ ‘Mother of Lepers’ Wanda Blenska dies in Poznan
  15. ^ Phillip Hughes: Doctors reveal condition 'incredibly rare' with only one other case resulting from cricket ball ever reported
  16. ^ PD James, crime novelist, dies aged 94
  17. ^ Ireland legend Jack Kyle dies at 88
  18. ^ Stanisław Mikulski nie żyje. Miał 85 lat (波兰文)
  19. ^ Fernance Perry MBE (1921-2014)
  20. ^ Rock GM Terry Sanderson dies at 62
  21. ^ Frank Yablans, Former Paramount President, Dies at 79
  22. ^ Burg-Doyenne Düringer gestorben
  23. ^ Mad Frankie Fraser dead: Notorious gangster dies in hospital aged 90 following leg surgery. The Mirror. 26 November 2014 [26 November 2014]. 
  24. ^ Fenerbahçe'nin acı kaybı! Fikret Kırcan vefat etti
  25. ^ Gyász: elhunyt Konrád János olimpiai bajnok vízilabdázó (匈牙利文)
  26. ^ Football broadcaster Arthur Montford dies, aged 85
  27. ^ Al-Arabiyah, Lebanese legend Sabah dies at age 87
  28. ^ Four-time Stanley Cup winner Gilles Tremblay dies at age 75. Regina Leader-Post. 2014-11-26 [2014-11-26]. 
  29. ^ Wolves legend Malcolm Finlayson dies at 84
  30. ^ Caltech president Marvin Goldberger dies at 92
  31. ^ Mary Hinkson, a Star for Martha Graham, Dies at 89
  32. ^ Historian Raychaudhuri passes away
  33. ^ Local Civil Rights Pioneer Dr. Aaron Shirley Dies
  34. ^ Peter Underwood R.I.P 1923 – 2014
  35. ^ Don Ángel Tulio Zof, a hero of Rosario Central, dies
  36. ^ 元参院議員、国弘正雄氏が死去 同時通訳の第一人者 共同通信、2014年11月26日閲覧
  37. ^ Irvin J. Borowsky, Publishing Magnate, Ecumenical Pioneer, Dies at 90
  38. ^ Sitara Devi passes away in Mumbai
  39. ^ Умер олимпийский чемпион по биатлону Владимир Гундарцев (俄文)
  40. ^ Zemřel hudební skladatel a zpěvák Petr Hapka (捷克文)
  41. ^ Doctor behind 'free radical' aging theory dies at 98
  42. ^ Celtic Swing trainer Lady Herries dies aged 76
  43. ^ Murli Deora, former Union minister, dies in Mumbai
  44. ^ Fallece el diputado Jorge Herrera Delgado (西班牙文)
  45. ^ John Neal: Ex-Wrexham, Chelsea and Middlesbrough boss dies
  46. ^ Skådespelaren Emy Storm död (瑞典文)
  47. ^ Viktor Tikhonov, legendary Soviet Union hockey coach, dead at 84
  48. ^ 訃報 会員 石川フミヤス氏 日本漫画家協会 2014年11月26日閲覧
  49. ^ Jean-Paul Bechat, Safran’s Ex-CEO Who Oversaw Merger, Dies at 72
  50. ^ Preminuo Nenad Manojlović (波斯尼亞文)
  51. ^ Former DC Mayor Marion Barry dead at 78
  52. ^ Bob Gottlieb, basketball coach at UW-Milwaukee in the 1970s, dies at 74
  53. ^ http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/in-sight/wp/2014/11/24/icon-of-new-topography-movement-lewis-baltz-dies-at-69/
  54. ^ [http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2014/11/24/columbus-bob-conners-obit.html
  55. ^ Bishop Joseph Francis Maguire
  56. ^ Ex-North Star Murray Oliver dies at 77
  57. ^ Clive Palmer RIP
  58. ^ Halford, Mike. Pat Quinn, ‘one of hockey’s most respected individuals,’ has died. NBC Sports. November 24, 2014 [November 24, 2014]. 
  59. ^ 人民网. 著名演员孙飞虎逝世享年73岁 20多次扮演蒋介石. 新华网. [2014-11-23]. 
  60. ^ 「闇社会の守護神」、元特捜部検事の田中森一さん死去 朝日新聞 2014年11月22日閲覧
  61. ^ Addio al cardinale Fiorenzo Angelini (意大利文)
  62. ^ Longtime federal district judge James Ellison dies
  63. ^ http://www.kentucky.com/2014/11/24/3557146_larry-kelm-ex-am-nfl-linebacker.html?rh=1
  64. ^ Nécrologie. Décès du sociologue du catholicisme et de la laïcité Emile Poulat (法文)
  65. ^ Arthur L. Quirk Jr. Obituary
  66. ^ Former Major League Baseball player, Greenfield native Don Grate dies at 91, The Greenfield County Press, November 24, 2014
  67. ^ 著名女高音歌唱家王昆去世 曾演《白毛女》喜儿(图). 凤凰网. [2014-11-21]. 
  68. ^ 声乐宗师”楼乾贵去世 享年91岁
  69. ^ Richard Eder dies at 82; won a Pulitzer as L.A. Times book reviewer
  70. ^ J.C. "Sonny" Gilbert
  71. ^ Göran Graffman är död (瑞典文)
  72. ^ Longtime Apopka mayor John Land, 94, dies
  73. ^ Former Senator Paterno dies
  74. ^ 漢寶德辭世 建築大師享壽80歲. 中央通訊社. 2014-11-21 [2014-11-21查閱] (中文(臺灣)). 
  75. ^ 向華勝北京逝世 終年64歲. 香港蘋果日報. 2014-11-20 [2014-11-21查閱] (中文(繁體)). 
  76. ^ 「 東 方 王 朝 」 門 將 希 福 特 逝 世   曾 827 分 鐘 不 失 球
  77. ^ Morre em São Paulo o ex-ministro da Justiça Márcio Thomaz Bastos (葡萄牙文)
  78. ^ Samuel Klein, founder of Brazil's largest appliance chain, dies
  79. ^ Beloved Coral Reef teacher dies after battle with brain cancer
  80. ^ Spain's richest duchess dies aged 88
  81. ^ Marian B. Brown, half of S.F.’s famous twins, dies at 87
  82. ^ Death of Arthur Butterworth
  83. ^ Former Wichita Falls Senator Ray Farabee dies
  84. ^ Homabay Senator Otieno Kajwang' dies
  85. ^ Entertainment Icon Mike Nichols Has Died at Age 83. ABC新聞. 2014-11-20 [2014-11-20查閱] (英语). 
  86. ^ Bishop Jeremiah Joseph Coffey
  87. ^ Pete Harman, Utah native who opened first KFC franchise, has died
  88. ^ Murió Ramón Hoyos Vallejo, leyenda del ciclismo colombiano (西班牙文)
  89. ^ غلامحسین مظلومی درگذشت. (波斯文)
  90. ^ Cardinal Donald Wuerl – Statement on the Death of Bishop Leonard James Olivier, S.V.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Washington
  91. ^ Fallece Sebelio Peralta, obispo de San Lorenzo (西班牙文)
  92. ^ City’s first woman Mayor dies at 67
  93. ^ 陶芸家の坂高麗左衛門氏死去 時事通信 2014年11月19日閲覧
  94. ^ Journalist Pepe Eliaschev dies at 69
  95. ^ Dave Appell, Songwriter for Chubby Checker, Dies at 92
  96. ^ エッセイスト羽仁未央さん死去 父は映画監督の羽仁進氏 朝日新聞 2014年11月20日閲覧
  97. ^ Tamil film director Rudhraiah passes away
  98. ^ AIT前理事主席白樂崎辭世 享壽88歲
  99. ^ 廖淑玲. 內台戲霸主 黃俊卿人生謝幕. 自由時報. 2014-11-25 [2014-11-25查閱] (中文(臺灣)). 
  100. ^ 【訃報】声優の納谷六朗さんが…. 朝日电视台. [2014-11-18]. 
  101. ^ 核弹头专家刘连元院士在岗位病逝. 网易. [2014-11-21]. 
  102. ^ 自動車評論家の前澤義雄氏が死去 レスポンス 2014年11月18日
  103. ^ Murió Omar Chabán (西班牙文)
  104. ^ Cold War Prisoner, Judge John Downey Dies At Age 84
  105. ^ Ndërron jetë këngëtari 'Doktor Flori', shkak i vdekjes dyshohet ataku kardiak (阿爾巴尼亞文)
  106. ^ Bill Frenzel, Ex-Minnesota Congressman, Dies At 86
  107. ^ Goalkeeping legend Ilija Pantelic dies
  108. ^ Ex-Giants pitcher Ray Sadecki, obtained in Cepeda trade, dies
  109. ^ In Memoriam Patrick Suppes
  110. ^ 一代總持 覺光長老
  111. ^ 「金三順的媽媽」演員金慈玉逝世
  112. ^ 甘肃临洮县副县长猝死家中 3个月“英年早逝”两位县长
  113. ^ Muere el actor Héctor Arredondo; padecía cáncer de páncreas (西班牙文)
  114. ^ Fallece Javier Azagra, el 'obispo del pueblo' (西班牙文)
  115. ^ Australia's Ian Craig dies aged 79
  116. ^ بابک قرباني در زندان درگذشت (波斯文)
  117. ^ Racehorse trainer Dessie Hughes dies
  118. ^ Nie żyje Jadwiga Piłsudska-Jaraczewska. Miała 94 lata (波兰文)
  119. ^ 俳優の片山明彦さん死去 映画「路傍の石」の主人公 朝日新聞 2014年11月18日
  120. ^ French photographer and Picasso confidant dies aged 80
  121. ^ Football - Ex-Portsmouth midfielder Valery Mezague found dead
  122. ^ Critical illness pioneer Dr Marius Barnard dies
  123. ^ Décès de Mgr Brincard (法文)
  124. ^ Diem Brown Dead at 32
  125. ^ Jane Byrne, Chicago's only female mayor, dies at 81
  126. ^ Murió Tulio Halperín Donghi (西班牙文)
  127. ^ Евгений Борисович Дынкин (俄文)
  128. ^ Famous Brazilian cardiologist and ex-health minister Adib Jatene dies
  129. ^ Glen A. Larson, Creator of TV’s 'Quincy M.E.,' 'Magnum, P.I.' and 'Battlestar Galactica,' Dies at 77
  130. ^ James A. Lebenthal, Muni Bond Expert, Dies at 86
  131. ^ Robert Littell, 40-year NJ lawmaker, dies at 78
  132. ^ «مرتضی پاشایی» درگذشت (波斯文)
  133. ^ Former Malaysian national goalie dies aged 63
  134. ^ Former Minister Lino Spiteri passes away
  135. ^ [中国海军原顾问桂绍彬逝世 享年99岁]
  136. ^ 兵库县前知事贝原遇车祸死亡
  137. ^ Morre o poeta mato-grossense Manoel de Barros, aos 97 anos (葡萄牙文)
  138. ^ Alvin Dark, All-Star shortstop and manager, dies at 92
  139. ^ Leeds United Former Whites striker Storrie passes away
  140. ^ Alexandre Grothendieck, ou la mort d'un génie qui voulait se faire oublier. Libération Sciences. 13 November 2014 [14 November 2014] (French). 
  141. ^ Mike Burney 1944-2014 R.I.P.
  142. ^ Marion Downs (January 26, 1914 – November 13, 2014)
  143. ^ DUGDALE
  144. ^ College mourns Armand V. Feigenbaum '42
  145. ^ 传海军副政委马发祥跳楼自杀身亡. 多维新闻网. [2014-11-17]. 
  146. ^ 港媒:海军副政委马发祥跳楼身亡 疑因抑郁症. 搜狐. [2014-11-17]. 
  147. ^ Honduras beauty queen found dead
  148. ^ 洪都拉斯小姐香消玉殒 姐姐未婚夫为杀人嫌犯. 环球网. [2014-11-20]. 
  149. ^ Warren Clarke, star of Dalziel and Pascoe, dies aged 67
  150. ^ Judge Mike Faulk Has Died Of Cancer
  151. ^ Marge Roukema, former congresswoman, dies at age 85
  152. ^ 福田みどりさんが死去 司馬遼太郎氏の夫人 産経west 2014年11月12日
  153. ^ ドキュメンタリー映画監督の小泉修吉氏死去 時事ドットコム 2014年11月13日
  154. ^ Filmmaker Ravi Chopra dies at 68
  155. ^ Casualty star Rebekah Gibbs dies, aged 41
  156. ^ Soviet-Era Dissident Valery Senderov Dies In Moscow
  157. ^ Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank Dead at 57
  158. ^ Muere Servando Chávez, ex gobernador de Michoacán (西班牙文)
  159. ^ John Doar, ex-Justice Department civil rights lawyer, dies at 92
  160. ^ Motstandsmannen Erik Sture Larre er død (挪威文)
  161. ^ Tidligere biskop Jan Lindhardt er død (丹麦文)
  162. ^ Carol Ann Susi, Voice Behind Big Bang Theory's Mrs. Wolowitz, Dead at 62
  163. ^ USA: Former Bethlehem bishop Mark Dyer dies at 84
  164. ^ ERB, JAMES
  165. ^ Harry Lonsdale, Bend entrepreneur and Senate candidate, dies at 82
  166. ^ 中国首位斯诺克全国冠军11日去世 享年68岁(图). 中国网. [2014-11-14]. 
  167. ^ 丁伟岳院士逝世 享年70岁. 中科院. [2014-11-14]. 
  168. ^ 著名书画家于太昌逝世. 网易. [2014-11-14]. 
  169. ^ Former Queensland premier Wayne Goss dead
  170. ^ 国家最高科学技术奖获得者师昌绪院士逝世
  171. ^ 高倉健さん死去 83歳、悪性リンパ腫
  172. ^ В Алматы на 93 году жизни скончался дважды герой Советского Союза Талгат Бегельдинов (俄文)
  173. ^ Josip Boljkovac preminuo u 94. godini u karlovačkoj bolnici (克羅埃西亞文)
  174. ^ Former RTÉ presenter Brian Farrell dies aged 85
  175. ^ Actress Geula Nuni Dies at 72
  176. ^ Chris Hedges: The Crucifixion of Tomas Young
  177. ^ Local film legend Steve Dodd passes away
  178. ^ Former TN state rep Emmitt Ford dies in Memphis
  179. ^ Former State Sen. Heck dies at 78
  180. ^ John Krebs, former Fresno congressman, dies at 87
  181. ^ Jewish surfing legend Dorian ‘Doc’ Paskowitz dies at 93
  182. ^ Longtime UM hockey coach Al Renfrew, 89, dies
  183. ^ Former Western Arkansas legislator dies
  184. ^ 电影《董存瑞》导演郭维逝世“董存瑞”扮演者哀悼. 中国江苏网. [2014-11-14]. 
  185. ^ Muere monseñor Juan Antonio Flores Santana (西班牙文)
  186. ^ CMP leader M V Raghavan passes away
  187. ^ ZBOGOM DRUŽE PANTIĆU: Preminuo Nikola Simić! (塞爾維亞文)
  188. ^ Former NBA player Ernie Vandeweghe dies at 86
  189. ^ Former Minister for Agriculture dies aged 71
  190. ^ 社会学泰斗郑杭生病逝 确诊癌症后未间断工作(图)
  191. ^ 秋葉英則氏死去(大阪健康福祉短期大学長) 時事ドットコム 2014年11月11日
  192. ^ Philip M. Crane, Former Illinois Congressman and Conservative Leader, Dies at 84
  193. ^ A murit deputatul Ivan Ionaș (罗马尼亚文)
  194. ^ Senator Archie Johnstone dies
  195. ^ Hugo Sánchez Jr. Dies: Soccer Player Found Dead At 30 From Gas Intoxication
  196. ^ Magen-Krebs! Otto Ziege ist tot (德文)
  197. ^ Le hockeyeur Connie Dion s'éteint (法文)
  198. ^ 全国全军最早报道雷锋记者李健羽去世
  199. ^ 自動車評論家、徳大寺有恒さん死去 辛口の新車批評 朝日新聞 2014年11月8日閲覧
  200. ^ Czech artist Zdeněk Beran dies
  201. ^ Elhunyt Gera Zoltán (匈牙利文)
  202. ^ The death has occurred of Francis (Frank) HARVEY
  203. ^ Umrl je pesnik in pisatelj Kajetan Kovič (斯洛文尼亚文)
  204. ^ University of Malawi’s first vice chancellor dies aged 99
  205. ^ Ex-Argentine footballer Juan Taverna, an idol at Banfield, passes away
  206. ^ Dwivedula Visalakshi passes away
  207. ^ “Bloodbath” Blue dies... and then there was one
  208. ^ 聯合報系大家長 王必成病逝
  209. ^ 新民晚报. 拆弹英雄于尚清抢救无效去世(图). 网易. 2014-11-07 [2014-11-07]. 
  210. ^ 種村直樹氏死去(作家). 時事ドットコム. 2014-11-07 [2014-11-07]. 
  211. ^ Виктор Костецкий (俄文)
  212. ^ Sir Thomas Macpherson - obituary
  213. ^ Director Alok Nembang found dead
  214. ^ Fallece a los 65 años, Rick Rosas, bajista de Neil Young (西班牙文)
  215. ^ Skuespillerveteranen William Rosenberg er død (丹麦文)
  216. ^ Bernie Wolfe, former deputy mayor and longtime councillor, dies at 91
  217. ^ 元NHK会長 川口幹夫氏が死去 「紅白の川口」として知られる スポーツニッポン 2014年11月5日
  218. ^ Vladimir Movsisyan dies
  219. ^ Vladimir Putin critic dies in apartment
  220. ^ Former U.S. Rep. Lane Evans dies
  221. ^ UM hockey All-American Wally Grant dies at 86
  222. ^ Football - Club legend Hartle dies
  223. ^ France's gypsy guitarist Manitas de Plata dies at 93
  224. ^ Jack Nelson, The Coach Behind 1976 Epic Relay Win, Dies After Battle With Alzheimer’s Disease
  225. ^ Former Pride Fighter Hans Nijman Killed in Drive-by Shooting
  226. ^ 杨紫琼男友以女婿身份为"岳父"戴孝 2人已订婚(图)
  227. ^ Former senator and architect Jack Fitzsimons dies
  228. ^ Former big league lefty Halsey dies at 33
  229. ^ Former Leicester City winger Derek Hogg dies
  230. ^ Ex BA City mayor Olivera dies at 74
  231. ^ Krigsveteran Annæus Schjødt er død (挪威文)
  232. ^ Mirė Nepriklausomybės akto signataras Liudvikas Simutis (in Lithuanian)
  233. ^ Archbishop Spaita Dies
  234. ^ Tributes to Wolves legend Eddie Stuart
  235. ^ Ex-Bok, WP centre Tinus Linee dies
  236. ^ TORQUAY UNITED: Gulls great Geoff Cox dies at the age of 79
  237. ^ "Skyward" creator Jeremy Dale passes away
  238. ^ Egyptian Actress Mariam Fakhreddine Dead at 81
  239. ^ Muore Augusto Martelli, una vita in musica da Mina alla Tv (意大利文)
  240. ^ Full time blows for Sheffield Wednesday player Ivor Seemley, who dies aged 85
  241. ^ Sad news: Bolshoi star has died
  242. ^ Gordon Tullock (1922-2014)
  243. ^ 落語家の桂小金治さんが死去 日刊スポーツ 2014年11月5日閲覧
  244. ^ 刘志丹之女逝世 习远平到家中吊唁并出席遗体告别
  245. ^ Jazz legend Acker Bilk dies aged 85
  246. ^ Umro ratni zločinac Kadijević, bio je vođa napada na Vukovar (克羅埃西亞文)
  247. ^ Ani modrý pramen jí neprodloužil život: Zemřela babka znásilňovačka z Kameňáku (捷克文)
  248. ^ 歌人の田井安曇さん死去 朝日新聞 2014年11月4日
  249. ^ Former Elon basketball great Jesse Branson dies at 72. Burlington Times-News. November 3, 2014 [November 3, 2014]. 
  250. ^ Heinrich Treichl, Who Expanded Creditanstalt Abroad, Dies at 101
  251. ^ Michael Coleman Dies at 58
  252. ^ Muere Pierre Daix, escritor y biógrafo de Picasso (西班牙文)
  253. ^ Australian sporting community is in mourning after death of legendary triathlete Jackie Fairweather
  254. ^ Herman Sarkowsky, original Seahawks owner, dies at 89
  255. ^ Ушел из жизни Владимир Викторович Сучилин (俄文)
  256. ^ Shabtai Teveth, David Ben-Gurion's official biographer, dies
  257. ^ Murió Biosca, el capitán del Barça ‘de les Cinc Copes’ (西班牙文)
  258. ^ Rest In Peace, Shaka Ngcobo
  259. ^ Jean-Pierre Roy s'éteint à 94 ans (法文)
  260. ^ Lord Barnett, creator of formula for UK spending allocations, dies
  261. ^ "Han har haft en avgörande betydelse" (瑞典文)
  262. ^ Terminally Ill Woman Who Planned Assisted-Suicide Dies
  263. ^ Michael Jackson Prosecutor Tom Sneddon Dies of Cancer at Age 73
  264. ^ Philanthropist Bernard Spitzer, Father Of Former Gov. Eliot Spitzer, Dies At Age 90
  265. ^ Static-X frontman Wayne Static dead at 48
  266. ^ 「タムゲン」の愛称…元衆院議長の田村元氏死去 読売新聞 2014年11月4日
  267. ^ 藤山覚一郎氏死去(元大日本製糖〈現大日本明治製糖〉社長) 時事ドットコム 2014年11月4日
  268. ^ 弥永和子さん 敗血症で死去 デイリースポーツ 2014年11月4日閲覧