
钢圈胸罩(英語:Underwire bra),是一种在面料内安放半圆剛性薄片的胸罩。薄片材质可能是金属、塑料或是树脂,缝在每个罩杯面料的内部,由胸罩中央延展至佩戴者的腋下,有助于乳房的支撑、提升、分离和塑形。许多胸罩都有钢圈设计,包括非罩杯胸罩、半罩杯胸罩、哺乳胸罩及背心,裙子和泳衣等内置胸罩的衣服。

钢圈胸罩设有一个半月形的“钢圈”,嵌入环绕在每个罩杯底部和侧面的通道中,其头部靠近胸罩的前部和中心,尾部则靠近袖孔。钢圈大多由金属制成,小部分为塑料。由于没有金属钢圈同样的支撑性能和刚性,塑料钢圈的市场份额非常小[16]。金属钢圈是一条薄薄的金属条,两端有尼龙涂层[18],其成分有钢[19]和镍钛形状记忆合金[20][21]。根据为维多利亚的秘密、Bail、Playtex、VF Corporation、Warnaco集團等品牌,提供钢圈的纽约制造商S&S Industries的数据[16],70%穿胸罩的女性,选择金属钢圈胸罩[22]。
2002年,S&S Industries获得了钢圈设计专利,该设计在钢圈的一端或两端加装弹簧塑料垫,弹簧有助于防止钢圈外露。2008年,威尔士的斯科特·代顿发明了“胸罩天使”,一个简单的装置,用以修复钢圈弹出通道的胸罩。其上面的塑料盖要装配到钢圈的尾部,然后将其插入胸罩,并将倒钩放在适当的位置[25][26]。
[编辑]一些惩教机构,如圣昆丁州立监狱,让来访者要么剪开胸罩把钢圈取出,要么使用该机构为访客临时提供的无钢圈胸罩,这让不知情的访客很是尴尬和震惊[49] 。而其他机构则要求女性在洗手间内摘掉胸罩后再通过金属探测器,返回时到卫生间把胸罩拿回来[50]。
[编辑]有一些胸罩钢圈造成子弹或其他物体偏离,挽救佩戴者生命的个案。1996年,钢圈胸罩挽救了一位女孩的生命。据医院工作人员的介绍,这名女孩的身子被栏杆穿透,胸罩的钢圈将栏杆从心脏致命处錯開,挽救了她的性命[53]。也有一些个案中,胸罩钢圈造成子弹跳開,或致使子弹穿入心脏以外的身体部分[54]。其中一件就发生在2004年,一位贫民窟男孩射擊的流彈飛向海伦·凯莉的胸部,因胸罩的钢圈而讓流彈跳彈而沒有傷害到心脏[1] 。2008年,一名抢劫受害者的胸部被刺时,攻击者的小刀恰好碰到钢圈后錯開重要器官,从而保全了她的性命[2]。
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Akbar, Arifa. Underwired bra saved shooting victim's life. The Independent. 2005-10-08 [2009-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2009-03-04).
Helen Kelly's underwired bra deflected the bullet which doctors believe was heading towards her heart. The narrow piece of metal wiring, which snapped under the impact of the shot, bounced the bullet away from her heart and through her right breast.
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Stokes, Paul. Barmaid saved from stabbing by £6 Asda bra. The Daily Telegraph. 2008-09-07 [2009-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-10).
During a struggle the youth thrust the weapon at her chest, the point puncturing her skin. But the blade's serrated edge snagged on the wire under the cup of the cheap supermarket bra and prevented it penetrating further.
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Riordan, Teresa. Patents; In bra technology, an incremental improvement can translate into comfort. The New York Times. 2002-10-28 [2009-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2009-04-24).
Professor Farrell-Beck said the antecedents for underwire in bras date to at least 1893, when Marie Tucek of New York City patented a breast supporter, a sort of early push-up bra made of either metal or cardboard and then covered with fabric.
- ^ 美国专利494397 (于1893年03月28日注册)Marie Tucek——Breast Supporter。
- ^ 美国专利1798274 (于1931年03月31日注册)Helene Pons——Brassiere。
- ^ 美国专利1970920 (于1934年08月21日注册)Roth——Brassngre。
- ^ 美国专利2104725 (于1938年01月11日注册)Pauline Boris——Breast Support。
- ^ 美国专利2222523 (于1940年11月19日注册)Walter Emmett Williams——Ijldrs Health Brassiere And Health。
- ^ Napoleon, Anthony. Wardrobe. Awakening Beauty: An Illustrated Look at Mankind's Love and Hatred of Beauty Illustrated. Virtual Bookworm Publishing. 2003: 31, 130–131 [2009-04-21]. ISBN 1-58939-378-3.
Warner standardized the concept of "cup" size in 1935, and the first underwire bra was developed in 1938.
- ^ Kanner, Bernice. The Bra's not for Burning. New York Magazine (New York Media). 1983-12-12, 16 (49): 26–30 [2009-04-21]. ISSN 0028-7369.
In 1938, strapless and under-wire bras were invented, but neither hit it big until the 1950s, when exaggerated, pointed bras—with cups that bore more resemblance to those from paper-cup dispensers or Brünnhilde's breatplate than to the human body—were also popular.
- ^ 11.0 11.1 Seigel, Jessica. The Cups Runneth Over. The New York Times. 2004-02-13 [2013-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-12).
The new lift and separation evolved into the torpedo shape of the 1940s, which went nuclear with underwire in the 1950s, when the war's end freed metal for domestic use [...] The struggle to buttress what is naturally low-lying has produced its own mythology, like the legend that in the 1940s Howard Hughes used airplane technology to build a better bra for Jane Russell in The Outlaw.
- ^ Schiro, Anne-Marie. Fashion; Half a Yard or So of Nylon and Spandex, and Voila!. The New York Times. 1990-05-13 [2009-04-24]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-10).
The big news this year is the return of the bra. Norma Kamali pioneered the swimsuit with underwire bra, and the idea has caught on with manufacturers like Too Hot Brazil, La Blanca and Karla Coletto that cater to the daring young woman
- ^ 美国专利4798557 (于1989年01月17日注册)Scott M. Lucretia——Camisole underwire bra garment。
- ^ Charnos takes the plunge with a brand new bra. UK: Aroq Ltd. 2000-10-25 [2009-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-10).
The underwired bra accounts for 60 per cent of the market, but women with average or fuller busts must wonder why it is so popular. It is uncomfortable, non-machine washable, and difficult to make, but there has been nothing to replace it
- ^ Boom in Bras as Women Go Busty. [[Daily Record (Scotland)|Daily Record]]. 2005-10-12 [2009-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2005-10-24).
Demand for the underwired bra is up by 12 per cent in the last two years and now makes up 70 per cent of the bra market.
- ^ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Kehaulani, Sara. Functional Fashion Helps Some Through Airport Checkpoints. Washington Post. 2004-12-10: 2 [2009-04-24]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-25).
- ^ Lingerie – UK – September 2005 – Market Research Report. Mintel. September 2005 [2009-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-09).
Sales of underwired bras have been growing at a faster rate when compared to both soft bras and sport and maternity (12% between 2003 & 2005)
- ^ Madaras, Lynda. The "what's happening to my body?" book for girls Third. Newmarket Press. 2007: 48–50 [2009-04-21]. ISBN 1-55704-764-2.
Underwire bras have a flexible wire sewn into the lower edge and sides of the cup for support. They also lift the breasts for a fuller look.
- ^ American Society of Magazine Editors (COR), American Society of Magazine Editors. The Best American Magazine Writing 2008 Illustrated. Columbia University Press. 2008: 29 [2009-05-09]. ISBN 0-231-14714-7.
Previously, he had manufactured the steel underwire for women's brassieres
- ^ Brady, George Stuart; Henry R. Clauser, John A. Vaccari. Materials Handbook 15. McGraw-Hill Professional. 2002: 633 [2009-05-09]. ISBN 978-0-07-136076-0.
- ^ Jones, Gail; Michael R. Falvo, Amy R. Taylor, Bethany P. Broadwell. Nanomaterials: Memory Wire. Nanoscale science Illustrated. NSTA Press. 2007: 109 [2009-05-09]. ISBN 1-933531-05-3.
- ^ 22.0 22.1 Goo, Sara Kehaulani. Functional Fashion Helps Some Through Airport Checkpoints. Washington Post. 10 December 2004 [17 September 2009]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-30).
- ^ Breast supporting act: a century of the bra. London: The Independent UK. 15 August 2007 [11 May 2010]. (原始内容存档于2010-04-01).
- ^ Time saving tricks. (The Best of Everything: Testing From the Good Housekeeping Institute). Good Housekeeping. 2005-10-01 [2009-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-04).
You can protect bras and hosiery with Woolite's new double-compartment Bra Wash Bag [...] In our tests, the padded pouch prevented twisting and snagging
- ^ Bra repair invention strikes gold. BBC. 2008-11-28 [2009-04-24]. (原始内容存档于2009-04-30).
Scott Dutton, from Barry, Vale of Glamorgan, came up with a simple DIY device to fix his wife Laura's bra when the underwire popped out of the seams
- ^ Blake, Aled. Bra Angel launched to save underwear from the bin. Wales Online. 2008-12-10 [2009-04-24]. (原始内容存档于2009-10-29).
- ^ Mills, Dixie. The mystery of breast pain — and how to solve it. 1999-01-25 [2009-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2013-07-24).
Some underwire bras, or too-tight bras, can pinch or cause constant rubbing which irritates skin and breast tissue and leads to pain
- ^ Legato, Marianne J.; Carol Colman. What Women Need to Know. E-Reads. 2005: 33–34 [2009-04-21]. ISBN 0-7592-5444-3.
- ^ Boobs! an owner's guide. Girl's Life (The Free Library). 2002-10-01 [2009-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-01).
If you are sensitive to nickel and other metals, it could cause contact dermatitis when you sweat [...] The metal comes in contact with the skin due to the moisture connecting the two
- ^ Lauersen, Niels H.; Eileen Stukane. The Complete Book of Breast Care Illustrated. Ballantine Books. 1998 [2009-05-08]. ISBN 0-449-91241-8.
Sometimes the material covering the underwire deteriorates, exposing the metal underwire, leading to skin irritations, perhaps due to an allergic reaction to metal
- ^ Is your bra making you ill?. The Independent. 2008-12-02 [2009-04-26]. (原始内容存档于2009-03-31).
The metal in underwired bras is unpopular with acupuncturists as it crosses the body's meridians and blocks the flow of chi, they say, which can cause energy to stagnate
- ^ Littleton, Lynna Y.; Joan Engebretson. Maternal, Neonatal, and Women's Health Nursing. Cengage Learning. 2002: 915 [2009-05-05]. ISBN 0-7668-0121-7.
Avoid tight clothing, underwire bras, infant carriers that may block milk ducts or prevent breasts from emptying adequately
- ^ Hatfield, Nancy T.; Violet Broadribb. Broadribb's Introductory Pediatric Nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2007: 194 [2009-05-05]. ISBN 0-7817-7706-2.
... and to avoid constricting clothing or bras, including underwire bras.
- ^ To underwire or not to underwire, that is the question. The Guardian. 2001-12-30 [2009-04-24]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-31).
The reason the advice is conflicting is because your breast size (as you are finding out) fluctuates a great deal during pregnancy and it is essential that you are properly fitted for a bra, otherwise you will be uncomfortable and your breasts won't be well-supported
- ^ Burden, Nancy. Ambulatory Surgical Nursing. W.B. Saunders. 2000: 742. ISBN 978-0-7216-6847-5.
Most surgeons recommend that patients wear a brassiere, without underwire, to provide support for several days postoperatively.
- ^ Gates, Rose A.; Regina M. Fink. 240 Oncology Nursing Secrets 请检查
值 (帮助). Elsevier Health Sciences. 2007 [2014-06-04]. ISBN 978-0-323-04457-8. (原始内容存档于2014-07-09).Women should avoid underwire support postoperatively and during radiation therapy, when the breast is tender and edematous.
- ^ Craig, Karen. Take charge with an automated external defibrillator. Nursing. Spring 2006, 36 (Cardiac Insider): 24–26 [2009-04-30]. (原始内容存档于2017-06-12).
- ^ Scott, Shana. Shocking Defibrillator. b5media. 2008-03-19 [2009-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2008-05-08).
the team will test whether a defibrillator can burn someone if the electricity connects with: 1. an under-wire bra 2. a nipple piercing
- ^ Scott, Shana. Underwire Bra results. b5media. 2008-03-20 [2009-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2008-05-05).
- ^ Adisa CA, Mbanaso A. 'Furuncular myiasis of the breast caused by the larvae of the Tumbu fly (Cordylobia anthropophaga)'. BMC Surgery. 2004, 4: 5. PMC 394335
. PMID 15113429. doi:10.1186/1471-2482-4-5.
- ^ TSA Travel Assistant. Transportation Security Administration. [11 May 2011]. (原始内容存档于2011年5月11日).
- ^ Fargen, Jessica. Heavy metal: Underwire bra trips up airport cops. Boston Herald. 18 August 2008 [24 April 2009]. (原始内容存档于2009年4月30日).
A California woman is crying gender discrimination after she claims she was forced to strip off her bra and walk through airport security without support after being busted when the underwires in her lingerie set off a metal detector
- ^ Hendricks, Tyche. Delayed by her bra, air passenger is indignant. San Francisco Chronicle. 26 August 2008 [11 May 2011]. (原始内容存档于2011-11-17).
- ^ Molly Grantham; Brad Hyatt. After removing prosthetic breast, flight attendant says TSA goes "too far". Nov 18, 2010 [9 January 2012]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-17).
- ^ Assistive Devices and Mobility Aids. Transportation Security Administration. [9 January 2012]. (原始内容存档于2011年12月29日).
- ^ Barnett, Jim. TSA to phase in new pat-down procedures at airports nationwide. CNN. October 28, 2010 [9 January 2012]. (原始内容存档于2011年11月21日).
- ^ Siskos, Catherine. Please be Seated. Kiplinger's Personal Finance (Kiplinger Washington Editors). July 2002, 50 (7): 26 [2009-04-21]. ISSN 1528-9729.
- ^ Goo, Sara Kehaulani. Functional Fashion Helps Some Through Airport Checkpoints. The Washington Post. December 10, 2004 [9 January 2012]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-19).
- ^ Comfort, Megan. Doing Time Together: Love and Familyin the Shadow of the Prison Illustrated. University of Chicago Press. 2008: 54 [2009-04-21]. ISBN 0-226-11463-5.
The regulation of garments during visitor processing even encompasses undergarments, and virtually every woman on her first visit is sent away to remove the wire from her underwire bra so that she can pass through the metal detector without triggering the alarm.
- ^ Sullivan, Dennis; Larry Tifft. Handbook of restorative justice: a global perspective Illustrated. Routledge. 2006: 266 [2009-04-21]. ISBN 0-415-35356-4.
Women with an underwire bra can trigger the metal detector, requiring them to go into the bathroom with a paper bag, remove their bra, place it in the bag, return bare breasted under often revealing blouses, suffer the stares of the correctional officers, take back the bag and redress.
- ^ Florida Attorney Barred From Jail Over Bra, Then for Taking Bra Off. Fox News. 12 June 2010 [3 October 2010]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24).
- ^ Jay Weaver. Wrong bra, no bra: Jail bars lawyer. Miami Herald. June 12, 2010 [July 14, 2010]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-25).
- ^
Bra saves girl's life. London, England: The Mirror. 1996-07-05 [2009-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-04).
A girl's underwired bra saved her life when she was impaled on railings. Caroline Baptiste, 14, slipped as she climbed the fence after being locked inside a park at Dartford, Kent. An iron spike went into her body under the left arm. Mum Patricia said yesterday: "The hospital told me the spike was probably deflected from Caroline's heart by her underwired bra."
- ^ Bra Deflects Bullet, Saves Woman's Life. Geekologie. 2009-04-21 [2009-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-29).
The bullet shattered the woman's living room window but barely grazed her skin. Police said it was the underwire in her bra that deflected the bullet.