
用戶:Kaladin Stormbringer/工作區





姓名 生平 身分 對象 家室 說明
瑪雅貴族男子[a] c. 700 瑪雅貴族 年輕瑪雅祭司 危地馬拉納·圖尼奇英語Naj Tunich洞穴發現一幅描繪兩名瑪雅男子親密相抱的壁畫[3][4]
阿布·努瓦斯 756–814 阿拔斯王朝波斯詩人 阿拉伯少年[b] 阿拔斯王朝宮廷詩人,寫了很多對男人的情詩。《一千零一夜》描繪阿布·努瓦斯和三名少年一同宴會的場景[7][8]
穆罕默德·阿明 787–813 阿拔斯王朝哈里發 Kauthar等人 Lubana王后
阿卜杜拉赫曼三世 891–961 後倭馬亞王朝哈里發 佩拉吉烏斯等人 Fatima王后 他和他的繼任者哈克汗二世英語Al-Hakam II都保有一座男性後宮[11][12]
馬哈茂德 971–1030 加茲尼王國蘇丹 馬力克·阿亞茲英語Malik Ayaz Kausari Jahan 喬治亞奴隸馬力克·阿亞茲英語Malik Ayaz是馬哈茂德蘇丹靡下的將軍以及情人,兩人的感情成為許多詩歌和故事的來源[13][14]
理查一世 1157–1199 英格蘭國王 腓力二世 貝倫加麗亞王后 又被稱作獅心王理查,據傳和法蘭西國王腓力二世同床共寢[15][16]
愛德華二世 1284–1327 英格蘭國王 Piers Gaveston英語Piers Gaveston 伊莎貝拉王后 據傳英國國王愛德華二世寵愛出身低微的男子蓋維斯敦,引來朝臣的不滿[17]
聖殿騎士團 c. 1307 基督教軍事修會 據傳聖殿騎士團的入會儀式,鼓勵新兵進行同性間的親密行為或性行為[18][19][20]


姓名 生平 身分 對象 家室 說明
桓玄 369–404 CE 東晉政治人物 丁期 劉皇后 丁期婉有容采,為桓楚國君王桓玄所寵嬖[21]
王僧達 423–458 劉宋政治人物 朱靈寶
劉氏 王僧達族子王確少美姿容,僧達與之私款甚昵[22]
沈約 441–513 南北朝詩人、作家 不明 妻名不詳 著《懺悔文》,提及自身分桃斷袖之事[c]
元悅 494–532 北魏王室 史書記載,元悅北魏孝文帝之子,受封汝南王,絕房中而更好男色[d]
陳蒨(陳文帝)(有爭議) 522–566 南陳君王 韓子高 情史情外類,記載韓子高容貌豔麗,離亂當中得寵於陳蒨,屢立戰功,拜爵封將[e][23]
庾信 513–581 南北朝詩人、作家 蕭韶 情史情外類,記載庾信曾與南梁宗室蕭韶有斷袖之歡[f]
李承乾 618–645 唐太宗太子 稱心 資治通鑑記載李承乾所寵愛的樂童稱心遭唐太宗處死, 太子思念流涕不已[g]
李賢 654–684 唐高宗太子 趙道生等戶奴 資治通鑑記載李賢頗好聲色,與戶奴趙道生等狎昵,多賜之金帛[h]
魚玄機(雙性戀) 844–868 唐朝道士 溫庭筠(男)
王鏻 ?–935 閩國君王 歸守明 新五代史記載,五代十國閩國皇帝王鏻有嬖吏歸守明者,以色見幸[i]
蒲察阿里虎 ?–1160 勝哥 完顏亮 海陵王完顏亮妃為蒲察阿里虎,她有個侍女叫勝哥,阿里虎與其同床共枕,如同夫婦一般[26]
王顓(恭愍王) 1330-1374 高麗國國王 洪倫韓語홍륜子弟衛韓語자제위成員 高麗史記載高麗國第三十一位國王恭愍王子弟衛韓語자제위成員的性關係[27][28]
  1. ^ Traci Ardren. Ancient Maya Women. Rowman Altamira. 2002. The Dominican bishop of Chiapas, Bartolome de las Casas (1967), for example, documented institutionalized relationships among boys and young men in sixteenth-century Verapaz (Guatemala). Interestingly, a deity named Cu, Chin, Cavil, or Maran instructed men in this sexual behavior. (Casas 1967, 2:522) 
  2. ^ Michael J. Horswell. Decolonizing the Sodomite: Queer Tropes of Sexuality in Colonial Andean Culture. University of Texas Press. 2005. 
  3. ^ Queer/GLBT Archaeology and Anthropology. a Late Classic Mayan cave painting and fragmentary hieroplyphs dating to the 700s from Naj Tunich英語Naj Tunich, Guatemala, depicting an older man and a younger man in an erotic embrace, which Dr. Karen Olsen Bruhns of SFSU's Anthropology Dept. calls "the only genuine depiction known of male-male erotic interaction" in the Americas. The younger man (right) sports what seems to be a Lunar Goddess hair lock down his back. 
  4. ^ Tony Scupham-Bilton. A Journey Into the Mayan Underworld. The Queerstory Files. [2016-03-08]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-08). 
  5. ^ Sebastian Günther; Todd Lawson. Roads to Paradise: Eschatology and Concepts of the Hereafter in Islam. BRILL. 2016. 
  6. ^ Philip Kennedy. Abu Nuwas: A Genius of Poetry. Oneworld Publications. 2012. 
  7. ^ 一千零一夜》:The boys were beguiled by his verses and consented to his wishes, saying, 『We hear and obey.』 So he carried them to his lodging, where they found all ready that he had set forth in his verses. They sat down and ate and drank and made merry awhile, after which they appealed to Abou Nuwas to decide which was the handsomest and most shapely of them……Presently, the wine crept to his head, drunkenness mastered him and he knew not hand from head, so that he swayed about for mirth, inclining anon to this one, to kiss him, and anon to another.
  8. ^ Abu Nuwas, the first and foremost Islamic gay poet. [2015-10-12]. (原始內容存檔於2005-12-31). 
  9. ^ Stefanie Lee Martin. The Role of Homosexuality in Classical Islam. University of Tennessee. 1997 [2016-03-07]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-26). Amin soon separated himself from the company and influence of his family, both men and women, and gave himself over wholly to dissipated pleasure in the company of his eunuchs. He dressed some of these latter as girls and organized them into a group of blacks whom he named "The Ravens," and another group of whites who were called "The Grasshoppers"...She (Zubayda, al-Amin's mother) selected pretty young girls of slim stature, had their hair cut like that of boys, dressed them in jackets with tight belts, and had them appear before the young Amin 
  10. ^ Muhammad al-Amin. [2016-03-07]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-07). 
    Hasan Shuraydi. The Raven and the Falcon: Youth versus Old Age in Medieval Arabic Literature. BRILL. 2014. 
  11. ^ E. Michael Gerli (編). Homosexuality (PDF). Medieval Iberia: An Encyclopedia. [2015-12-03]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2016-03-28). Abdar-RahmanIII,al-HakemII, Hisham II, and al-Mutamid, who openly kept male harems 
  12. ^ Louis Crompton. Male Love and Islamic Law in Arab Spain. Caliph 'Abd aI-Rahman III who ruled Cordoba at its political and cultural zenith (912-61) was attracted to a young Christian hostage, was repulsed, and had him barbarously executed. The boy was canonized as Saint Pelagius, and became the martyr-hero of a narrative poem by the German nun Hrosvitha which con-demned Arab lust and glorified Christian chastity 
  13. ^
    • Gay Muslim heroes: Mahmud of Ghazni and Ayaz. [2015-10-12]. (原始內容存檔於2015-03-05). 
    • Michael Lyons. Persian poetry lovers. Sa'di, a 13th-century poet, includes two stories about the lovers in his best-known work, Bustan, a collection of reflections on human nature. The chapter "Concerning Love" describes someone complaining that Mahmud's favourite slave "possesses no beauty." Upon hearing this, Mahmud responds, "My love, O sir, is for virtue, not for form or stature". 
  14. ^ S. Jabir Raza. MAHMUD'S AYAZ IN HISTORY. Proceedings of the Indian History Congress. 2011: 286–293. 
  15. ^ Jean Flori. Richard the Lionheart: King and Knight. 2006. 
  16. ^ Roger of Hoveden: Philip II Augustus and Richard The Lionheart from Annals. Richard, [then] duke of Aquitaine, the son of the king of England, remained with Philip, the King of France, who so honored him for so long that they ate every day at the same table and from the same dish, and at night their beds did not separate them. And the king of France loved him as his own soul; and they loved each other so much that the king of England was absolutely astonished and the passionate love between them and marveled at it. 
  17. ^ Edward II頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) on glbtq.com. Retrieved 1 November 2006.
  18. ^ THE HOMOSEXUAL CRUSADERS (Dec, 1967). [2015-10-11]. (原始內容存檔於2015-09-05). 
  19. ^ Were the Knights Templar gay?. [2015-10-11]. (原始內容存檔於2012-04-14). 
  20. ^ Anne Gilmour-Bryson. Sodomy and the Knights Templar. Journal of the History of Sexuality. 1996, 7 (2). 
  21. ^ 《藝文類聚.寵幸》:桓玄寵丁期,朝賢論事,賓客聚集,恆在背後坐,食畢,便迴盤與之,期雖被寵,而謹約不敢為非,玄臨死之日,期乃以身捍刃。
  22. ^ 宋書.王僧達傳》:在東宮,愛念軍人朱靈寶,及出為宣城〔太守〕,靈寶已長,僧達詐列死亡,寄宣城左永之籍,注以為己子,改名元序...僧達族子確年少,美姿容,僧達與之私款。確叔父休為永嘉太守,當將確之郡,僧達欲逼留之,確知其意,避不復往。僧達大怒,潛於所住屋後作大坑,欲誘確來別,因殺而埋之。從弟僧虔知其謀,禁呵乃止
  23. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為china的參考文獻提供內容
  24. ^ 曾春娥. 中國古代女同性戀的發展歷史. [2015-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2015-04-20). 
  25. ^ 森鴎外. 魚玄機. [2015-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2017-03-07). 
  26. ^ 金史.卷六三.后妃傳上.海陵嫡母徒單氏傳》:「凡諸妃位皆以侍女服男子衣冠,號『假廝兒』。有勝哥者,阿里虎與之同臥起,如夫婦。
  27. ^ 鄭麟趾. 高麗史. [2016-03-02]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-06). 冬十月甲戌朔,置子弟衛。選年小貌美者屬焉,以代言金興慶摠之。於是洪倫、韓安、權瑨、洪寬、盧瑄等俱以寵幸常侍臥內。王性不喜色,又不能御...常自粉黛為婦人狀。先納內婢少者房中,取袱掩其面,召興慶及倫輩亂之,王從旁室穴隙視之。及心歆動,即引倫輩入臥內,使行於己如男女,更數十人乃已。由是日晏乃起,其或稱意,賞賜無算 
  28. ^ Young‐Gwan Kima; Sook‐Ja Hahnb. Homosexuality in ancient and modern Korea (PDF). Culture, Health & Sexuality: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care. 2006, 8 (1) [2016-03-02]. doi:10.1080/13691050500159720. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-03-10). 

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