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美国内乱事件列表(英語:List of incidents of civil unrest in the United States)是关于美国内动、暴乱、劳资纠纷冲突或者小规模叛乱。《独立宣言》前发生的内乱事件,见北美殖民地内乱事件列表








The New York Orange Riot of 1871, between Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants.


















  • 2010 – Springfest riot, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8,000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured. 30–35 arrested; Harrisonburg, Virginia.
  • 2010 – Santa Cruz May Day riot, May 1, 250 rampage through downtown Santa Cruz attacking 18 businesses, causing an estimated $100,000 in damages. 1 arrested. Santa Cruz, California.
  • 2010 – Oakland protest riot, November 5, Police made more than 150 arrests as a crowd broke windows and knocked down fences, protesting sentence of former BART officer in shooting of Oscar Grant on New Years Day 2009; see BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant. Oakland, California
  • 2011 – 2011年威斯康辛州抗議
  • 2011 – 佔領華爾街
  • 2011 – Occupy Oakland Oakland protests riots. October. Protesters shattered windows, set fires, and plastered buildings with graffiti. Riot police fired heavy amounts of tear gas on the protesters.
  • 2012 – Kentucky Wildcats supporters in Lexington, Kentucky[7]
  • 2012 – NATO 2012 Chicago Summit, May. Conflict between riot police and protesters. Dozens of demonstrators clubbed and arrested.
  • 2012 – Anaheim police shooting and protests, July 28. Violence erupted after multiple shootings in the neighborhood by police that included unarmed Manuel Diaz. 24 people were arrested.
  • 2013 – Flatbush Riots, March 11, Riots in Brooklyn, New York after the death of Kimani Gray who was shot and killed by NYPD.
  • 2014 – 邦迪對峙 - 於2014年,美國農場主克萊文·邦迪的支持者與美國執法當局之間的武裝對峙事件。
  • 2014 – Ferguson unrest, Ferguson and St. Louis, Missouri, August 10 and November 24. Following the shooting death of Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer, protests erupt in the streets. Police respond with riot gear, tear gas, sound canons, police dogs, concussion grenades, rubber bullets, pepper balls, wooden bullets, beanbag rounds, tasers, pepper spray, and armored vehicles. Unrest occurred continuously for weeks in August, and sporadically through December, with nearly daily protests throughout the period and rioting following the non-indictment announcement on November 24. Unrest again occurred on the one year anniversary in August 2015, with dozens of arrests.
  • 2014 – St. Louis, Missouri – October 8, police vehicle windows broken as rage at the killing of Vonderrit Myers Jr. Protests continued for days afterward, during the nearby and ongoing Ferguson Unrest.
  • 2014 – New York, New York, and Berkeley, California – After prosecutors and a grand jury refused to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner, protests erupted in New York City and other cities.
  • 2014 Oakland riots, November–December, A series of riots and civil disturbances that took place in Oakland and the surrounding area, in reaction to the events involving the Shooting of Michael Brown and later, the death of Eric Garner, Oakland, California
  • 2014 – Berkeley, Missouri, December 23–24. Antonio Martin is shot to death by police in a St. Louis suburb nearby to Ferguson, leading to violent conflict with police, and looting.
  • 2015 – 2015 Baltimore protests, April 25–28. Days of protests break out following the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. 34 people are arrested and 15 Officers injured after rioting and looting break out. Gray's funeral was held on April 27 and followed by further protests and looting. Governor Hogan had preemptively activated the Maryland National Guard, while the Maryland State Police had activated at least 500 officers.
  • 2015 – St. Louis, Missouri, August 19. Conflict with police following fatal shooting by St. Louis police officers of black teenager Mansur Ball-Bey leads to deployment of tear gas then burned car, buildings, and looting. Protests continue in subsequent days with tensions remaining high.
  • 2016 – Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, January–February 2016. 1 killed and several dozen arrested at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon.
  • 2016 – 2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest, March 11. Five people arrested and two police officers injured during a demonstration at the UIC Pavilion.
  • 2016 – Democracy Spring rally in April. March to Washington D.C. and sit-ins lead to arrests.
  • 2016 – 2016 Sacramento riot, June 26, A confrontation between white nationalists and left-wing counter protesters at the California State Capitol. Ten people were hospitalized for stabbing and laceration wounds.
  • 2016 – Widespread protests erupt in response to two deaths at the hands of police, the Shooting of Alton Sterling and shooting of Philando Castile. At least 261 people were arrested in protests in New York City, Chicago, St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and other cities.
  • 2016 – 2016 Milwaukee riots, Sherman Park, August 13–15. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, sparked by the fatal police shooting of 23-year-old Sylville Smith.
  • 2016 – 2016 Charlotte riot, September 20–21, Protests and riots break out in response to the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by a Charlotte police officer.
  • 2016 – 2016年北達科他州反對輸油管道事件
  • 2016 – Anti-Trump protests, November 9–27. As a result of Donald Trump elected as 45th President of the U.S., thousands protested across twenty-five American cities, and unrest broke out in downtown Oakland, California, and Portland, Oregon. In Oakland, over 40 fires started and police officers were injured.
  • 2017 – Berkeley, California, February 1, civil unrest ensued at UC Berkeley as Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak on the campus.[8][9]
  • 2017 – 2017 Anaheim, California protests, February 21, protesters demonstrate after police officer grabs boy and fires his gun. Protesters damage property and throw bottles and rocks at police.
  • 2017 – May Day, in Olympia, Washington and Portland, Oregon, protestors demonstrated for workers rights. Protestors damaged property and confronted law enforcement.
  • 2017 – 2017年團結右翼集會 - 2017年8月11日至12日,白人至上主義團體(其中包括另類右翼、新納粹主義、KKK黨、白人民族主義與極右翼團體)在美國維珍尼亞州夏洛茨維爾鎮舉行的一次的大規模集會。
  • 2017 – 2017 St. Louis protests, beginning September 15, large protests erupted when police officer Jason Stockley was found not guilty of murder in the shooting death of Anthony Lamar Smith on December 20, 2011. Some of the protests turned destructive and the police became violent. Windows were broken at Mayor Lyda Krewson's house and in the Central West End business district on the first night, many windows were broken in the Delmar Loop on September 16, a few were broken downtown on September 17 after police drove swiftly through a crowd following a peaceful march. Police conducted a kettling mass arrest operation of nonviolent protesters and bystanders, beating and pepper spraying many, including journalists, documentary filmmakers, and an undercover officer. Protests and sporadic unrest continued daily for weeks.
  • 2019 – Memphis riot, June 13, following the fatal shooting of Brandon Webber by U.S. Marshals, Memphis, TN.


  • 2020 – New York City FTP protests, January 31, Anti-Transit Police and MTA protest resulting in hundreds of arrests over the three separate days of demonstration. Vandalism and violence on train stations was reported.
  • 2020 –
    This is the remains of the pedestal base of the Christopher Columbus statue in the Baltimore inner harbor area. The statue was thrown into the harbor on July 4, 2020 as part of the George Floyd protests.
    佐治·弗洛伊德之死引發的示威活動 - 自2020年5月26日起,從美國明尼蘇達州明尼阿波利斯蔓延至全美乃至全世界的一系列針對警察暴行和警察種族主義的示威活動。[10]


  1. ^ see Ronald Gottesman, and Richard Maxwell Brown, eds. Violence in America: an encyclopedia (1999).
  2. ^ The Boston Mob of 1835. www.bpl.org. [May 29, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-04) (美国英语). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Detroit Free Press' "The Detroit Almanac", 2001
  4. ^ Journal, John Gomez/For The Jersey. Woman's arrest led to uprising in Jersey City in 1964. nj. April 24, 2017 [May 29, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-08) (英语). 
  5. ^ Taylor, Alan. 1964: Civil Rights Battles – The Atlantic. www.theatlantic.com. [May 29, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-09) (英语). 
  6. ^ Stevens, William K.; Times, Special To the New York. Police Drop Bomb on Radicals' Home in Philadelphia. The New York Times. 1985-05-14 [2020-09-02]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2020-11-09) (美国英语). 
  7. ^ 存档副本. [2020-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-08). 
  8. ^ Milo Yiannopoulos talk at UC Berkeley cancelled after protests erupt. KTVU. [2020-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-25). 
  9. ^ Riot Forces Cancellation Of Yiannopoulos Talk At UC Berkeley. KPIX 5. [2020-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-09). 
  10. ^ UN condemns US police killing of George Floyd | DW | May 29, 2020. Deutsche Welle. [May 30, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-03) (英国英语).