


Οmicrοn/ˈmɪkrɒn, ˈɒmɪkrɒn, ˈmkrɒn/;[1] 大写Ο,小写ο,中文音译:奥米克戎[2]奥密克戎歐米克隆)是第15个希腊字母。在希腊数字系统中,它的数值为70。这个字母来源于腓尼基字母ayin。在古希臘語中,οmicrοn代表的发音是[o],与omega [ɔː]和ου [oː]形成对立。在现代希腊语中,οmicrοn代表中後圓唇元音/o̞/ ,与omega同音。由οmicrοn产生的字母包括罗马字母O和西里尔字母O



除了作为字母使用外,omicron偶尔也用于技术符号,但其用途有限,因为大写和小写(Ο ο)都与拉丁字母O无法区分,也难以与阿拉伯数字0区别。



由Paul Bachmann在1894年提出、愛德蒙·蘭道在1909年推广的大O符号,最初代表“order of”("Ordnung",阶),因此是一个拉丁字母,显然在1976年被高德纳视为大写的Omicron[3],可能是参考了他对符号(大写)Omega的定义。Bachmann和蘭道都没有称它为“Omicron”,“Omicron”这个词在克努特的论文中只出现过一次,而且只是在标题中。







Omicron用于指定一个星座组中的第十五颗星,它的序数位置是星等和位置的不规则函数。[4][5]这样的恒星包括Omicron AndromedaeOmicron CetiOmicron Persei

克劳狄乌斯·托勒密(约100–170)的《天文學大成》中,1 ... 59的六十進制数字表是以希腊数字的传统方式[c]表示:′α ... ′νθ。由于字母omicron[在标准系统中代表70(′ο)]在六进制中没有使用,它被重新用于代表一个空的数字单元。在某些版本中,该单元格只是留有空白(那里没有东西=数值为零),但为了避免复制错误,人们倾向于用omicron标记一个零单元格,就像现代表格中的空白单元格用破折号(-)填充一样。Omicron和破折号都意味着“这不是一个错误,这个单元格实际上应该是空的”。巧合的是,古代的零值omicron(ο)类似于现代阿拉伯数字的零(0)。





  • Greek Omicron / Coptic O[7]
字符 Ο ο
Unicode名称 Greek Capital Letter Omicron Greek Small Letter Omicron Coptic Capital Letter O Coptic Small Letter O
编码 十进制 十六进制 十进制 十六进制 十进制 十六进制 十进制 十六进制
Unicode 405 U+039F 425 U+03BF 3304 U+2C9E 3305 U+2C9F
UTF-8 206 159 CE 9F 206 191 CE BF 226 178 158 E2 B2 9E 226 178 159 E2 B2 9F
UTF-16 927 039F 959 03BF 11422 2C9E 11423 2C9F
字符值引用 Ο Ο ο ο Ⲟ Ⲟ ⲟ ⲟ
字符值引用 Ο ο
DOS Greek 142 8E 166 A6
DOS Greek-2 190 BE 233 E9
Windows 1253 207 CF 239 EF
  • Mathematical Omicron[8]


字符 𝚶 𝛐 𝛰 𝜊 𝜪 𝝄
Unicode名称 Mathematical Bold
Capital Omicron
Mathematical Bold
Small Omicron
Mathematical Italic
Capital Omicron
Mathematical Italic
Small Omicron
Mathematical Bold Italic
Capital Omicron
Mathematical Bold Italic
Small Omicron
编码 十进制 十六进制 十进制 十六进制 十进制 十六进制 十进制 十六进制 十进制 十六进制 十进制 十六进制
Unicode 23716 U+1D6B6 23730 U+1D6D0 23750 U+1D6F0 23710 U+1D70A 23730 U+1D72A 23744 U+1D744
UTF-8 240 157 154 182 F0 9D 9A B6 240 157 155 144 F0 9D 9B 90 240 157 155 176 F0 9D 9B B0 240 157 156 138 F0 9D 9C 8A 240 157 156 170 F0 9D 9C AA 240 157 157 132 F0 9D 9D 84
UTF-16 55349 57014 D835 DEB6 55349 57040 D835 DED0 55349 57072 D835 DEF0 55349 57098 D835 DF0A 55349 57130 D835 DF2A 55349 57156 D835 DF44
字符值引用 𝚶 𝚶 𝛐 𝛐 𝛰 𝛰 𝜊 𝜊 𝜪 𝜪 𝝄 𝝄
字符 𝝤 𝝾 𝞞 𝞸
Unicode名称 Mathematical Sans-Serif
Bold Capital Omicron
Mathematical Sans-Serif
Bold Small Omicron
Mathematical Sans-Serif
Bold Italic Capital Omicron
Mathematical Sans-Serif
Bold Italic Small Omicron
编码 十进制 十六进制 十进制 十六进制 十进制 十六进制 十进制 十六进制
Unicode 23764 U+1D764 23784 U+1D77E 23804 U+1D79E 23818 U+1D7B8
UTF-8 240 157 157 164 F0 9D 9D A4 240 157 157 190 F0 9D 9D BE 240 157 158 158 F0 9D 9E 9E 240 157 158 184 F0 9D 9E B8
UTF-16 55349 57188 D835 DF64 55349 57214 D835 DF7E 55349 57246 D835 DF9E 55349 57272 D835 DFB8
字符值引用 𝝤 𝝤 𝝾 𝝾 𝞞 𝞞 𝞸 𝞸


  1. ^ Greek letters-as-numbers used an older Greek alphabet with three more otherwise unused letters, two of them re‑instated in their old locations, early in the alphabet. So positions higher than 5th place (ε) were shifted from the standard alphabet; 5th place was marked with normal fifth letter epsilon (ε). The 6th letter in the conventional alphabet, that normally follows ε is ζ (zeta) but the number 6 was represented a revived ancient letter ϝ (digamma), followed by ζ which was pushed up from 6th to its ancient position (7th) to represent the number 7. All of the letters after ζ were likewise shifted up one place, until the second ancient letter koppa, (ϙ), was reached; it fell between π and ρ. Ever letter from ρ to ω was shifted two places past its conventional ordinal position. Last place coming right after omega (ω, 800) was sampi (ϡ) which represented 900. (From that point, the system restarted, with a new tick-mark, at ͵α. The tick-mark was put in a different place (͵α rather than α) to show that the letter represented a multiple of 1,000 rather than 1.)
  2. ^ From Euclid up to the 19th century, mathematical and technical diagrams were habitually marked sequentially with letters (or numbers), whereas in modern mathematical and scientific diagrams, it is much more common to choose for markers letters that might remind readers of the word used to describe the item in question. For example, Feynman diagrams in particle physics label the positions of particles with the first letter of their name, either in the Latin or Greek alphabet. So  p, n, and e , represent the position on a diagram of a  proton, neutron, and electron,  respectively. The neutrino is represented by ν (Greek "nu"), since the Latin letter "n" is reserved for the neutron.
  3. ^ Sexagesimal Greek numbers in the Almagest are conventional:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  =  ′α ′β ′γ ′δ ′ε ′ϝ ′ζ ′η ′θ . Notice that ancient digamma (ϝ) is used for  6  instead of zeta (ζ, which is used for 7) ;   10 20 30 40 50  =  ′ι ′κ ′λ ′μ ′ν . Adjacent number-letters add, so all the other numbers are made by letter pairs, such as  29 30 31  =  ′κθ ′λ ′λα . The number 59 (′νθ) is the largest value used in a single cell in sexagesimal. That leaves xi (ξ) and the letters following it   ξ ο π ϙ ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω ϡ  free for other use: Ptolemy picked  ο , which normally was used for 70, to mark empty (zero) cells, perhaps because the word for "nothing", οὐδέν starts with an omicron.


  1. ^ omicron. 牛津英語詞典 (第三版). 牛津大學出版社. 2005-09 (英语). 
  2. ^ 希腊字母的汉字规范译音. 中国科技术语. 2003, 5 (03) [2021-11-30]. ISSN 1673-8578. (原始内容存档于2021-09-21). 奥米克戎 
  3. ^ Knuth, Donald. Big Omicron and big Omega and big Theta (PDF). SIGACT News. April–June 1976, 8 (2): 18–24 [2021-11-28]. S2CID 5230246. doi:10.1145/1008328.1008329. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-11-30). 
  4. ^ Martin, Martha Evans. The Friendly Stars 1st. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers. 1907: 135 [8 February 2016]. 
  5. ^ Wilk, Stephen R. Medusa: Solving the Mystery of the Gorgon 1st. New York, NY; London, UK: Oxford University Press. 2007: 201 [8 February 2016]. ISBN 9780199887736. (原始内容存档于2022-01-30). 
  6. ^ Classification of Omicron (B.1.1.529): SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern. World Health Organization. [26 November 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-26). 
  7. ^ Greek and Coptic (Range: 0370–03FF) (PDF). The Unicode Standard, Ver. 8.0. Unicode, Inc. 2015 [8 February 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-02-15). 
  8. ^ Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols (Range: 1D400–1D7FF) (PDF). The Unicode Standard, Ver. 8.0. Unicode, Inc. 2015 [8 February 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-10-16). 

