


印度尼西亞民族英雄印度尼西亞語: Gelar Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia)是由印度尼西亞授予的最高等級頭銜[1]


A man in a formal suit and peci, looking forward
A man in a military uniform, looking forward
A man in a peci, looking left
Agus Salim
A man in a turban, looking forward
Antasari, on a 2,000 印尼盾 bill
A man in a military uniform speaking vividly
Bung Tomo
A woman, looking left
A woman looking forward and smiling
A man wearing a tie, looking forward
A woman in a kebaya, looking right
A man in a uniform, looking right
Pakubuwono X
A man in spectacles, looking forward
A man in spectacles and a songkok, looking left
A man looking left
Mohammad Yamin
A grizzled man looking forward
Sisingamangaraja XII, on a 1,000 rupiah bill
A man in a peci, looking forward
A man in a bishop's outfit, looking forward
Albertus Sugiyapranata
A man in a peci, looking right
A man, looking left
Tan Malaka
A man in a peci, looking left
Urip Sumoharjo
A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · R · S · T · U · W · Y · Z
National Heroes of Indonesia
姓名 生年 卒年 簡介 追封年份 參考
阿卜杜勒·哈利姆 1911 1988 獨立運動家、政治家、第四任印尼總理 2008 [2][3]
阿卜杜爾·哈里斯·納蘇蒂安 1918 2000 國民軍將領,曾兩度擔任國民軍參謀長 2002 [2][4]
Abdul Kadir 1771 1875 Nobleman from Melawi, promoted economic development, fought against Dutch colonial forces 1999 [2][5]
Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah 1908 1981 Islamic scholar and author 2011 [6]
阿卜杜爾·穆伊斯 1883 1959 政治家,後成為作家 1959 [a][7][8]
Abdul Rahman Saleh 1909 1947 Early figure in the Air Force, killed when his medical flight was shot down by the Dutch 1974 [7][9]
Abdul Wahab Hasbullah印度尼西亞語Abdul Wahab Hasbullah 1888 1971 2014 [10]
Abdullah Bau Massepe, AndiAndi·Abdullah Bau Massepe 1918 1947 布吉人 nobleman, led attacks against Dutch forces during the 印度尼西亞獨立革命, son of Andi Mappanyukki 2005 [2][11]
阿赫馬德·蘇巴佐英語Achmad Soebardjo 1896 1978 獨立運動家,前政府部長 2009 [2][12]
阿丹·馬力克英語Adam Malik 1917 1984 記者、獨立運動家;第三任首任印尼副總統英語List of Vice Presidents of Indonesia 1998 [2][13]
阿德南·卡保·加尼 1905 1968 獨立運動家,後擔任政府部長;曾支持民族獨立革命,並為此而走私軍火 2007 [2][14]
Ageng Serang, NyiNyi·Ageng Serang 1752 1828 爪哇族 游擊戰 leader who led attacks on Dutch colonials on several occasions 1974 [2][15]
阿古斯·薩林英語Agus Salim 1884 1954 米南族伊斯蘭教領袖、政治家、獨立運動家 1961 [7][16]
Agustinus Adisucipto 1916 1947 Early figure in the Air Force, killed when his medical flight was shot down by the Dutch 1974 [7][17]
Ahmad Dahlan 1868 1934 爪哇族 Islamic leader, established 穆罕馬迪亞; husband of Siti Walidah 1961 [7][18]
Ahmad Rifa'i 1786 1870 Islamic thinker and writer known for his anti-Dutch stance 2004 [2][19]
Ahmad Yani 1922 1965 Leader of the Army, killed by the 九三〇事件 1965 [7][20]
阿利明 1889 1964 獨立運動倡導者、政治家、印尼共產黨黨員 1964 [7][21]
阿米爾·哈姆扎 1911 1946 詩人、民族主義者 1975 [2][22]
Antasari 1809 1862 Fought against Dutch colonial forces in the Banjarmasin War 1968 [7][23]
Arie Frederik Lasut 1918 1949 Geologist and educator who was executed by the Dutch 1969 [7][24]
Bagindo Azizchan 1910 1947 Mayor of 巴東 (西蘇門答臘省), resisted Dutch forces during the 印度尼西亞獨立革命 2005 [2][25]
Basuki Rahmat 1921 1969 General, witness to the Supersemar 1969 [7][26]
Bernard Wilhelm Lapian印度尼西亞語Bernard Wilhelm Lapian 1892 1977 2015 [27]
Chik di Tiro, TeungkuTeungku·Chik di Tiro 1836 1891 亞齊人 Islamic figure and 游擊戰 leader who fought against Dutch colonial forces 1973 [7][28]
Cilik Riwut 1918 1987 Soldier and politician, promoted economic and cultural development in 中加里曼丹省 1998 [2][29]
Cipto Mangunkusumo 1886 1943 爪哇族 politician, mentor to 蘇卡諾 1964 [7][30]
佐格羅阿米諾多英語Tjokroaminoto 1883 1934 政治家、伊斯蘭聯盟領袖、蘇卡諾的導師 1961 [7][31]
歐內斯特·道維斯·戴克爾 1879 1950 Indo journalist and politician who advocated Indonesian independence 1961 [b][7][32]
Dewi Sartika 1884 1947 教育家,印尼第一所女子學校的創辦人 1966 [7][33]
朱月婷 1850 1908 亞齊族游擊戰領袖,曾與荷蘭殖民軍交戰;特庫·烏瑪爾英語Teuku Umar的妻子 1964 [7][34]
蒂博尼哥羅 1785 1855 日惹蘇丹之子,曾在一場長達五年的戰爭中與荷蘭殖民軍交戰 1973 [7][35]
Donald Izacus Panjaitan 1925 1965 General in the Army, killed by the 九三〇事件 1965 [7][36]
Eddy Martadinata 1921 1966 Admiral in the Navy and diplomat, killed in a helicopter crash 1966 [7][37]
Fakhruddin 1890 1929 Islamic leader, negotiated protection of Indonesian 朝覲 (伊斯蘭教) pilgrims 1964 [7][38]
法瑪瓦蒂 1923 1980 第一面印尼國旗的縫製者、社會運動家、蘇卡諾夫人 2000 [2][39]
費迪南德·倫班托賓英語Ferdinand Lumbantobing 1899 1962 醫生、政治家,曾為勞務者英語romusha爭取權益 1962 [7][40]
Frans Kaisiepo 1921 1979 巴布亞人 nationalist who helped in the acquisition of 西巴布亞 1993 [2][41]
Gatot Mangkupraja 1896 1968 獨立運動家、政治家,曾提出成立鄉土防衛義勇軍的構思 2004 [2][42]
Gatot Subroto 1907 1962 General, deputy chief-of-staff of the Army 1962 [7][43]
Halim Perdanakusuma 1922 1947 Early figure in the Air Force, killed during the 印度尼西亞獨立革命 1975 [2][44]
哈孟庫布沃諾一世英語Hamengkubuwono I 1717 1792 日惹蘇丹國的建立者,日惹蘇丹,曾與荷蘭東印度公司交戰 2006 [2][45]
哈孟庫布沃諾九世英語Hamengkubuwono IX 1912 1988 日惹蘇丹、獨立運動家、軍方領袖、政治家,第二任印尼副總統英語List of Vice Presidents of Indonesia 1990 [2][46]
Harun Bin Said 1947 1968 Bombed the MacDonald House during the Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation 1968 [c][7][47]
Hasan Basri 1923 1984 獨立革命期間的印尼士兵,曾支持加里曼丹和印尼合併 2001 [2][48]
Hasanuddin 1631 1670 Sultan of Gowa, fought against Dutch colonial forces 1973 [7][49]
哈希姆·阿沙里 1875 1947 伊斯蘭教領袖、伊斯蘭教士聯合會創辦人 1964 [7][50]
哈宰林英語Hazairin 1906 1975 法學家、獨立運動家、前政府部長、教育家 1999 [2][51]
Herman Johannes 1912 1992 工程師,獨立革命期間曾參與武器生產,亦曾協助成立加查馬達大學 2009 [2][52]
伊達·阿奈克·阿貢·格德·阿貢英語Ida Anak Agung Gde Agung 1921 1999 獨立運動家、政府部長 2007 [2][53]
伊達姆·哈立德 1921 2010 伊斯蘭教士聯合會領袖、政治家 2011 [6][54]
Ilyas Yakoub 1903 1958 獨立運動家、政治家、游擊隊戰士 1999 [2][55]
端姑·伊瑪目·朋佐爾 1772 1864 Islamic figure from 西蘇門答臘省 who fought against Dutch colonial forces in the Padri War 1973 [7][56]
Inten II, RadinRadin·Inten II 1834 1856 楠榜貴族,曾發動革命,起兵抵抗荷蘭殖民者 1986 [2][57]
Iskandar Muda 1593 1636 亞齊蘇丹,曾擴大亞齊蘇丹國的影響力 1993 [d][2][58]
Ismail Marzuki 1914 1958 作曲家,曾創作多首愛國歌曲 2004 [2][59]
Iswahyudi 1918 1947 Early figure in the Air Force, killed during the 印度尼西亞獨立革命 1975 [2][60]
伊瓦·庫蘇馬蘇曼特里英語Iwa Koesoemasoemantri 1899 1971 獨立運動家、律師、政治家 2002 [2][61]
Izaak Huru Doko 1913 1985 Independence activist and educator, helped establish Udayana University 2006 [2][62]
Jamin Ginting印度尼西亞語Djamin Ginting 1921 1974 2014 [10]
Janatin 1943 1968 Bombed the MacDonald House during the Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation 1968 [e][7][63]
Jatikusumo 1917 1992 General in the Army and politician 2002 [2][64]
Jemma, AndiAndi·Jemma 1935 1965 Independence activist, led attacks against Dutch forces during the 印度尼西亞獨立革命 2002 [2][65]
Johannes Abraham Dimara 1916 2000 巴布亞人 army officer who helped in the acquisition of 西巴布亞 2010 [66]
約翰內斯·萊梅納 1905 1977 獨立初期的衛生部長,社會保健中心英語Puskesmas門診體系的創立人 2010 [66]
朱安達·卡塔維查亞 1911 1963 巽他族政治家,末任印尼總理 1963 [7][67]
Karel Satsuit Tubun 1928 1965 Police brigadier, killed by the 九三〇事件 1965 [7][68]
卡蒂尼 1879 1904 爪哇族女權人士 1964 [7][69]
依納爵·若瑟·卡西莫·亨德羅瓦赫約諾 1900 1986 獨立運動家、天主教黨領袖 2011 [6][70]
Katamso Darmokusumo 1923 1965 General in the Army, killed by the 九三〇事件 1965 [7][71]
Ketut Jelantik, I GustiI Gusti·Ketut Jelantik 不明 1849 Balinese leader who fought against Dutch colonial forces 1993 [2][72]
Ketut Puja, I GustiI Gusti·Ketut Puja 1904 1957 First governor of 巴厘島 2011 [6][73]
Ki Bagus Hadikusumo印度尼西亞語Ki Bagus Hadikusumo 1890 1954 2015 [27]
基·哈查爾·德萬塔拉英語Ki Hajar Dewantara 1889 1959 教育家、前政府部長,學生園印度尼西亞語Taman Siswa創辦人,蘇爾約普拉諾托印度尼西亞語Soerjopranoto的胞弟 1959 [7][74]
基·哈薩爾米迪·曼貢薩爾科羅英語Ki Sarmidi Mangunsarkoro 1904 1957 教育家、前政府部長、曾在由至善社主辦的學校和學生園印度尼西亞語Taman Siswa任教 2011 [6][75]
Kiras Bangun 1852 1942 巴塔克人 游擊戰 leader who fought the Dutch colonialists 2005 [2][76]
Kusumah Atmaja 1898 1952 First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court 1965 [7][77]
La Maddukelleng 1700 1765 Nobleman from Paser Sultanate, repelled Dutch forces from Wajo Kingdom 1998 [2][78]
Lambertus Nicodemus Palar 1900 1981 Diplomat, negotiated recognition of Indonesia during the 印度尼西亞獨立革命 2013 [79]
李約翰 1911 1988 海軍少將,曾在獨立革命期間走私物資,為革命籌募經費 2009 [2][80]
Mahmud Badaruddin II 1767 1852 Sultan of Palembang, fought against English and Dutch colonists 1984 [2][81]
Mangkunegara I 1725 1795 Fought against Dutch colonists and collaborators in 中爪哇省 1988 [2][82]
Mappanyukki, AndiAndi·Mappanyukki 1885 1967 布吉人 nobleman, led attacks against Dutch forces in the 1920s and 30s, father of Andi Abdullah Bau Massepe 2004 [2][83]
Maria Walanda Maramis 1872 1924 Women's rights advocate and educator 1969 [7][84]
Martha Christina Tiahahu 1800 1818 游擊戰 fighter from 摩鹿加群島 who died in Dutch custody 1969 [7][85]
Marthen Indey 1912 1986 民族主義者、獨立運動家,曾推動巴布亞和印尼合併 1993 [2][86]
Mas Isman印度尼西亞語Mas Isman 1924 1982 2015 [27]
Mas Mansur 1896 1946 Islamic scholar, 穆罕馬迪亞 leader 1964 [7][87]
Mas Tirtodarmo Haryono 1924 1965 General in the Army, killed by the 九三〇事件 1965 [7][88]
Maskun Sumadireja 1907 1986 獨立運動家、政治家 2004 [2][89]
Meutia, Cut NyakCut Nyak·Meutia 1870 1910 亞齊人 游擊戰 leader who fought against Dutch colonial forces 1964 [7][90]
穆罕默德·哈達 1902 1980 獨立運動家、首任印尼副總統英語List of Vice Presidents of Indonesia 2012 [f][91][92]
穆罕默德·胡斯尼·譚林 1894 1941 政治家、獨立運動家 1960 [7][93]
穆罕默德·納席爾 1908 1993 伊斯蘭學者、政治家、第五任印尼總理 2008 [2][94]
特烏庫·穆罕默德·哈山 1906 1997 獨立運動家、蘇門答臘省首任省長 2006 [2][95]
Muhammad Mangundiprojo印度尼西亞語Muhammad Mangundiprojo 1905 1988 2014 [10]
穆罕默德·亞明英語Muhammad Yamin 1903 1962 詩人,後成為政治家、獨立運動家 1973 [7][96]
Muhammad Yasin 2015 [27]
穆斯托波英語Moestopo 1913 1986 Leader during the Battle of Surabaya, established Dr. Moestopo Dental College 2007 [2][97]
Muwardi 1907 1948 Handled security for the Proclamation of Independence, established a hospital in 梭羅市 1964 [7][98]


Nani Wartabone 1907 1986 Independence activist and politician, helped put down the Permesta rebellion 2003 [2][99]
I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung印度尼西亞語I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung 1876 1906 2015 [27]
Ngurah Rai, I GustiI Gusti·Ngurah Rai 1917 1946 Balinese military leader during 印度尼西亞獨立革命 1975 [2][100]
Nuku Muhammad Amiruddin 1738 1805 Sultan of Tidore, led several naval battles against Dutch colonial forces 1995 [2][101]
Nur Ali 1914 1992 Islamic leader and educator, led student soldiers during the 印度尼西亞獨立革命 2006 [2][102]
Nyak Arif, TeukuTeuku·Nyak Arif 1899 1946 亞齊人 politician and resistance leader, first governor of 亞齊特區 1974 [103]
Opu Daeng Risaju印度尼西亞語Opu Daeng Risadju 1880 1964 Early woman politician, fought against the Dutch during the 印度尼西亞獨立革命 2006 [2][104]
Oto Iskandar di Nata 1897 1945 Politician and independence activist 1973 [7][105]
Pajonga Daeng Ngalie 1901 1958 Coordinated attacks in 南蘇拉威西省 during the 印度尼西亞獨立革命, promoted national integration 2006 [2][106]
Pakubuwono VI 1807 1849 Susuhunan of Surakarta, rebelled against Dutch colonial forces 1964 [7][107]
Pakubuwono X 1866 1939 Susuhunan of Surakarta, supported various projects which furthered Native Indonesian interests 2011 [6][108]
帕提穆拉 1783 1817 起兵反抗荷蘭殖民軍的馬魯古游擊隊領袖 1973 [7][109]
Pierre Tendean 1939 1965 Soldier in the Army, killed by the 九三〇事件 1965 [7][110]
Pong Tiku 1846 1907 托拉查人n noble, fought against Dutch colonialists 2002 [2][111]
Raja Ali Haji 1809 1870 Historian and poet from 廖內省 2004 [2][112]
Raja Haji Fisabilillah 1727 1784 Warrior from 廖內省 who fought against Dutch colonial forces 1997 [2][113]
拉吉曼·威迪約迪寧格拉特英語Rajiman Wediodiningrat 1879 1952 首任人民代表會議議長 2013 [79]
Ranggong Daeng Romo 1915 1947 Led troops in two battles against Dutch forces during the 印度尼西亞獨立革命 2001 [2][114]
Rasuna Said 1910 1965 Women's rights advocate and nationalist 1974 [2][115]
Robert Wolter Monginsidi 1925 1949 游擊戰 fighter in 望加錫 during the 印度尼西亞獨立革命, executed by the Dutch 1973 [7][116]
沙哈佐 1909 1963 司法部長英語List of ministers of law and human rights of Indonesia,印尼法律改革先驅 1963 [7][117]
Sam Ratulangi 1890 1949 Minahasa politician and supporter of Indonesian independence 1961 [7][118]
Samanhudi 1878 1956 Businessman, established Sarekat Islam 1961 [7][119]
Silas Papare 1918 1978 Fought for 巴布亞省's independence from the Netherlands, promoted Papuan integration in Indonesia 1993 [2][120]
西辛雅芒卡拉查十二世 1849 1907 巴塔克族領袖 who fought a lengthy 游擊戰 campaign against Dutch colonial forces 1961 [7][113]
Siswondo Parman 1918 1965 General in the Army, killed by the 九三〇事件 1965 [7][121]
西蒂·哈蒂娜 1923 1996 原總統蘇哈托夫人,曾積極參與社會福利工作,並創辦美麗印度尼西亞微縮公園英語Taman Mini Indonesia Indah 1996 [2][122]
Siti Walidah 1872 1946 Founder of Aisyiyah, 穆罕馬迪亞 figure, wife of Ahmad Dahlan, 1971 [g][7][123]
Slamet Riyadi 1927 1950 國民軍陸軍准將,在平定蘇拉威西島叛亂期間被殺 2007 [2][124]
蘇迪曼 1916 1950 Commander in Chief of the 國民軍 for most of the 獨立革命 1964 [h][7][125]
亞爾伯·蘇吉亞普拉納塔英語Albertus Sugiyapranata 1896 1963 爪哇族天主教主教、民族主義者 1963 [7][126]
Sugiyono Mangunwiyoto 1926 1965 Colonel in the Army, killed by the 九三〇事件 1965 [7][127]
Suharso 1912 1971 Medical pioneer in 義肢 1973 [7][128]
Sukarjo Wiryopranoto 1903 1962 Independence figure, diplomat, and politician 1962 [7][129]
Sukarni印度尼西亞語Sukarni 1916 1971 2014 [10]
蘇卡諾 1901 1970 獨立運動家、印尼獨立宣言的宣讀者、首任印度尼西亞總統 2012 [f][91][92]
Sultan Agung 1591 1645 馬打藍國 (伊斯蘭教), fought against encroaches by the 荷蘭東印度公司 1975 [2][130]
Sultan Daeng Radja, AndiAndi·Sultan Daeng Radja 1894 1963 獨立運動家、政治家 2006 [2][131]
蘇珀諾 1916 1949 前政府部長,民族獨立革命時期與荷軍戰鬥期間被殺害 1970 [7][132]
蘇波莫 1903 1958 首任司法部長英語List of ministers of law and human rights of Indonesia,協助起草憲法 1965 [7][133]
Suprapto 1920 1965 General in the Army, killed by the 九三〇事件 1965 [7][134]
Supriyadi 1925 1945 Leader of a rebellion against the 荷屬東印度日據時期 in 勿里達 1975 [i][2][135]
蘇羅索英語Soeroso 1893 1981 政治家、獨立運動家 1986 [2][136]
Suryo 1896 1948 Governor of 東爪哇省 during the 印度尼西亞獨立革命 1964 [7][137]
蘇爾約普拉諾托印度尼西亞語Soerjopranoto 1871 1959 Education and workers' rights figure, brother of Ki Hajar Dewantara 1959 [7][138]
蘇丹·夏赫里爾 1909 1966 政治家、首任印尼總理 1966 [7][139]
Sutomo 1888 1938 爪哇族 educator, established Budi Utomo 1961 [j][7][140]
Sutomo 1920 1981 Military officer who led troops in the Battle of Surabaya 2008 [k][2][141]
Sutoyo Siswomiharjo 1922 1965 General in the Army, killed by the 九三〇事件 1965 [7][142]
沙弗魯丁·普拉維拉內加拉 1911 1989 首任印度尼西亞銀行行長 2011 [6]
Syarif Kasim II 1893 1968 Sultan of Siak, promoted integration of the East Sumatran kingdoms 1998 [2][132]
達喜·波納爾·西馬杜邦英語T. B. Simatupang 1920 1990 曾在1950年至1954年期間擔任印尼國民軍總參謀長的將領 2013 [79]
Tambusai, TuankuTuanku·Tambusai 1784 1882 Islamic leader from 廖內省 who fought against Dutch colonial forces in the Padri War 1995 [2][143]
陳馬六甲 1884 1949 米南族政治家、共產黨活動家 1963 [7][144]
Thaha Syaifuddin 1816 1904 Sultan of Jambi, led an armed revolution against Dutch colonial forces 1977 [2][145]
阿貢·帝爾塔雅薩 1631 1683 from 萬丹省 who fought against the Dutch 1970 [7][146]
迪爾托·阿迪·蘇里約 1880 1918 印尼民族覺醒初期的新聞工作者,曾因發表反荷社評而被流放 2006 [2][147]
特庫·烏瑪爾英語Teuku Umar 1854 1899 亞齊族游擊隊領袖,曾與荷蘭殖民軍交戰;朱月婷的丈夫 1973 [7][148]
Untung Surapati 1660 1706 Led several rebellions against the 荷蘭東印度公司 1975 [2][149]
Urip Sumoharjo 1893 1948 印尼國民軍初創時期的領袖暨二號人物(僅次於蘇迪曼 1964 [7][150]
威吉·魯多爾夫·蘇普拉曼 1903 1938 印尼國歌《偉大的印度尼西亞》的作者 1971 [7][151]
瓦希德·哈希姆英語Wahid Hasyim 1914 1953 伊斯蘭教士聯合會領袖、首任印尼宗教事務部長 1964 [7][152]
瓦希丁·蘇迪羅胡索多英語Wahidin Soedirohoesodo 1852 1917 醫生、至善社領袖 1973 [7][153]
Wilhelmus Zakaria Johannes 1895 1952 Medical pioneer in 影像診斷學 1968 [7][154]
約斯·蘇達索 1925 1962 海軍准將,曾與荷軍就荷屬新幾內亞主權發生衝突,並在期間陣亡 1973 [7][155]
Yusuf Tajul Khalwati 1626 1699 Islamic leader, led a 游擊戰 rebellion against the 荷蘭東印度公司 1995 [2][156]
Zainal Mustafa 1907 1944 Islamic leader who fought against the 荷屬東印度日據時期 1972 [7][157]
再努爾·阿里芬英語Zainul Arifin 1909 1963 政治家、游擊隊戰士,被計劃刺殺蘇卡諾的殺手射殺 1963 [7][158]


  1. ^ Some sources give his birth year as 1886 or 1890.
  2. ^ Also known by the 巽他語 name Danudirja Setiabudi
  3. ^ Also known as Harun Tahir
  4. ^ Year of birth uncertain. Some sources, such as Encyclopedia Britannica, give 1590.
  5. ^ Also known as Usman bin Haji Muhammad Ali.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Previously declared a Proclamation Hero in 1986
  7. ^ Generally noted as Nyai Ahmad Dahlan, meaning "wife of Ahmad Dahlan"
  8. ^ 1916 is the date recognised by the Indonesian government. The actual date may be different. Several sources, for example, give 1912 (Said 1991,第80頁).
  9. ^ Date of death uncertain; he disappeared in 1945.
  10. ^ Most often referred to as Dr. Sutomo
  11. ^ Also known as Bung Tomo


  1. ^ Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2009.
  2. ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.39 2.40 2.41 2.42 2.43 2.44 2.45 2.46 2.47 2.48 2.49 2.50 2.51 2.52 2.53 2.54 2.55 2.56 2.57 2.58 2.59 2.60 2.61 2.62 2.63 2.64 2.65 2.66 2.67 Indonesian State Secretariat, Daftar Nama Pahlawan (2).
  3. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第254頁.
  4. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第251–252頁.
  5. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第2–3頁.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 The Jakarta Post 2011, Govt Gives.
  7. ^ 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 7.24 7.25 7.26 7.27 7.28 7.29 7.30 7.31 7.32 7.33 7.34 7.35 7.36 7.37 7.38 7.39 7.40 7.41 7.42 7.43 7.44 7.45 7.46 7.47 7.48 7.49 7.50 7.51 7.52 7.53 7.54 7.55 7.56 7.57 7.58 7.59 7.60 7.61 7.62 7.63 7.64 7.65 7.66 7.67 7.68 7.69 7.70 7.71 7.72 7.73 7.74 7.75 Indonesian State Secretariat, Daftar Nama Pahlawan (1).
  8. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第64–66頁.
  9. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第185–187頁.
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Tribunnews, Presiden Jokowi Beri Gelar Pahlawan.
  11. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第229–230頁.
  12. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第264頁.
  13. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第227–228頁.
  14. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第265–266頁.
  15. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第20–21頁.
  16. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第80–81頁.
  17. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第190頁.
  18. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第90–93頁.
  19. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第255頁.
  20. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第206–207頁.
  21. ^ Sudarmanto 2007,第90–91頁.
  22. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第143–144頁.
  23. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第22–23頁.
  24. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第158–159頁.
  25. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第234頁.
  26. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第168–169頁.
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 CNN Indonesia, Jokowi Anugerahkan Gelar Pahlawan Nasional.
  28. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第52–53頁.
  29. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第188–189頁.
  30. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第68–70頁.
  31. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第82–83頁.
  32. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第71–72頁.
  33. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第123–124頁.
  34. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第4–5頁.
  35. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第24–25頁.
  36. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第210–211頁.
  37. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第181–182頁.
  38. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第93–94頁.
  39. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第237–238頁.
  40. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第160–161頁.
  41. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第164–165頁.
  42. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第239–240頁.
  43. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第170–171頁.
  44. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第201–202頁.
  45. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第26–27頁.
  46. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第197–198頁.
  47. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第178頁.
  48. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第235–236頁.
  49. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第42–43頁.
  50. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第95–96頁.
  51. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第271–272頁.
  52. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第241–242頁.
  53. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第248頁.
  54. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第292–293頁.
  55. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第244–245頁.
  56. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第56–57頁.
  57. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第30–31頁.
  58. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第44–45頁.
  59. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第249頁.
  60. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第191–192頁.
  61. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第276–277頁.
  62. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第250頁.
  63. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第187頁.
  64. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第253頁.
  65. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第66–67頁.
  66. ^ 66.0 66.1 The Jakarta Post 2010, Doctor, Army Officer.
  67. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第86–87頁.
  68. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第224–225頁.
  69. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第121–122頁.
  70. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第300頁.
  71. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第212–213頁.
  72. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第8–9頁.
  73. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第298頁.
  74. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第105–107頁.
  75. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第296–297頁.
  76. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第258頁.
  77. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第183–184頁.
  78. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第14–15頁.
  79. ^ 79.0 79.1 79.2 Parlina 2013, Govt names three new national heroes.
  80. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第259–260頁.
  81. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第46–47頁.
  82. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第12–14頁.
  83. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第231頁.
  84. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第108–109頁.
  85. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第16–17頁.
  86. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第203–204頁.
  87. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第97–98頁.
  88. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第208–209頁.
  89. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第261頁.
  90. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第6–7頁.
  91. ^ 91.0 91.1 Aritonang 2012, Sukarno, Hatta.
  92. ^ 92.0 92.1 The Jakarta Post 2012, Respect Thy Heroes.
  93. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第110–111頁.
  94. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第262–263頁.
  95. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第286–287頁.
  96. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第119–120頁.
  97. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第273–274頁.
  98. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第73頁.
  99. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第243頁.
  100. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第176–177頁.
  101. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第18–19頁.
  102. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第256頁.
  103. ^ Kamajaya 1981,第50–57頁.
  104. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第268頁.
  105. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第131–132頁.
  106. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第269–270頁.
  107. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第36–37頁.
  108. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第299頁.
  109. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第10–11頁.
  110. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第214–215頁.
  111. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第28–29頁.
  112. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第32–33頁.
  113. ^ 113.0 113.1 Mirnawati 2012,第34–35頁.
  114. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第280頁.
  115. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第84–85頁.
  116. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第199–200頁.
  117. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第74–75頁.
  118. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第162–163頁.
  119. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第99–100頁.
  120. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第193–194頁.
  121. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第216–217頁.
  122. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第246–247頁.
  123. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第112–113頁.
  124. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第166–167頁.
  125. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第172–173頁.
  126. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第195–196頁.
  127. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第222–223頁.
  128. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第116–117頁.
  129. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第136–137頁.
  130. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第40–41頁.
  131. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第232–233頁.
  132. ^ 132.0 132.1 Mirnawati 2012,第138頁.
  133. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第114–115頁.
  134. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第218–219頁.
  135. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第134–135頁.
  136. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第133頁.
  137. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第127–128頁.
  138. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第125–126頁.
  139. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第139–140頁.
  140. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第76–77頁.
  141. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第284–285頁.
  142. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第220–221頁.
  143. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第58–59頁.
  144. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第141–142頁.
  145. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第48–49頁.
  146. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第38–39頁.
  147. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第129–130頁.
  148. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第54–55頁.
  149. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第60–62頁.
  150. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第174–175頁.
  151. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第147–148頁.
  152. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第88–89頁.
  153. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第78–79頁.
  154. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第118頁.
  155. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第179–180頁.
  156. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第50–51頁.
  157. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第101–102頁.
  158. ^ Mirnawati 2012,第103–104頁.



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