炮决是一种处决方法,受刑者通常被绑在加农炮口,然后被炮弹打死。乔治·卡特·斯滕特(George Carter Stent)描述的过程如下:[1]
死刑 |
问题 |
存废问题 · 宗教与死刑 · 冤案 |
目前使用死刑的国家和地区 |
阿富汗 · 巴哈马 · 白俄罗斯 · 博茨瓦纳 · 中华人民共和国(罪名 · 死刑犯) · 危地马拉 · 埃及 · 印度 · 印度尼西亚 · 伊朗 · 伊拉克 · 日本(死刑犯) · 朝鲜 · 巴基斯坦 · 沙特阿拉伯 · 新加坡 · 索马里 · 苏里南 · 叙利亚 · 中华民国(死刑犯) · 塔吉克斯坦 · 泰国 · 阿拉伯联合酋长国 · 美国 · 越南 · 也门 |
长期停用、废除死刑或限于特定条件下使用死刑的国家和地区 |
澳大利亚 · 巴西 · 保加利亚 · 加拿大 · 库克群岛 · 古巴 · 丹麦 · 厄瓜多尔 · 法国 · 德国 · 香港 · 黎巴嫩 · 马来西亚 · 以色列 · 意大利 · 韩国 · 列支敦士登 · 墨西哥 · 蒙古 · 荷兰 · 新西兰 · 菲律宾 · 波兰 · 罗马尼亚 · 俄罗斯 · 圣马力诺 · 东加 · 土耳其 · 英国 · 委内瑞拉 |
行刑方法 |
烹刑 · 活埋 · 炮决 · 死亡轮 · 车裂 · 族诛 · 火刑 · 十字架 · 踏刑 · 象刑 · 斩首 · 剖腹(介错) · 腰斩 · 五马分尸 · 英式车裂 · 电椅 · 枪毙 · 剥皮 · 毒气室 · 缢死 · 穿刺 · 注射 · 火项链 · 锯刑 · 凌迟 · 石刑 · 氮气窒息 · 兽刑 · 船刑 · 铜牛 · 立枷 |
相关主题 |
犯罪 · 刑罚学 |
一些历史学家指出,炮决在印度次大陆是一种“古老的莫卧儿式惩罚”。[19]据传就在第一位莫卧儿皇帝巴布尔统治之前,他的儿子胡马雍在1526年3月6日与洛迪王朝的一次冲突中炮决了100名阿富汗战俘。[20]在17世纪后半叶,印度北部的贾特人起来反抗莫卧儿帝国,据传奥朗则布皇帝下令将他们的一个头目炮决。[21]据传Purbeel Singh是Oomga镇(靠近今比哈尔邦的奥郎加巴德市)最后一位长官,他被一位不知名的莫卧儿皇帝带到西边14英里的一个镇上炮决。[22]1716年,锡克叛军班达·辛格·巴哈都尔被皇帝法鲁克锡亚击败,在他被处决后,他的儿子被下令“用大炮炸碎”。[23]
1764年3月,一位本地军官想要引诱他的部队到敌军那里去,他被军事法庭审判并当着部队的面被炮决。[32][33]同年9月,赫克托尔·芒罗少校处决了24或25名“罪魁祸首”,他们导致一个营的士兵逃走(逃走的原因是“缺乏回报”、”缺少粮食”以及气候和疾病问题)。一位评论者赞成处决,说:“从那以后,兵变的倾向就没有出现过。”1775年,印度士兵Muctoom Sahib(被英国人指定为“指挥官”)拒绝东印度公司外国雇佣军所下达乘船前往孟买的“命令”。受到指挥官的鼓舞并出于对他的尊重,Muctoom Sahib的手下也跟着做了。外国雇佣军将Muctoom Sahib炮决作为报复。他的手下丧失了士气,开始前往孟买。[34]1782年,巴尔达曼和巴拉克普尔爆发了兵变。3名叛乱者被巴尔达曼法庭判处死刑,其中两人被炮决,一人被绞死。在巴拉克普尔审判中,受审的5人中有4人被判处炮决,另一人被鞭打1000次,并“被用绳子勒着脖子从营地里赶出去”。[35]在第三次盎格鲁-迈索尔战争期间(1789-1792年),6个团因拖欠军饷而叛变,并控制了他们的军官。秩序恢复后,两个最活跃的人被炮决。[36]1781年和1783年发生的几起案例表明,除了叛乱者,逃兵也被处以炮决。[37]
有时,尽管一个人被判处死刑,但他仍可能有希望得到赦免或减刑。1784年,一个团因军饷不足而叛变。莱因(Laing)中将镇压了反叛,并下令将12人炮决。[45]然而,12人中的最后1人非常幸运:他被绑在大炮口上,导火索烧毁了3次。然后他问莱因中将,他是否真的注定要这样死去,莱因中将决定赦免他。[46]1795年,梅迪尼普尔军事法庭以叛乱罪判处5名印度兵炮决,另外3名士兵被处以绞刑。然而,他们的案件被上诉,判决被减刑为开除现役。[47]在1824年巴拉克普尔兵变中,血腥镇压开始四天后,被派往第一次英缅战争前线的印度兵感到不满,一个名叫Bindee Tiwarree的47团领导人伪装成一名法基尔藏了起来。在随后军事法庭的审判中,他被判处炮决,但他却被用链子吊死。在他死后,尸体被吊在铁笼里示众长达几个月。[48]1836年,一名叫Jemadar Rungish的印度兵因临阵脱逃并抛弃他的欧洲军官而被判有罪。他被判处炮决,但这一判决被减刑为“流放海外”。[49]
[编辑]在1857年印度民族起义中,炮决被英军广泛使用。《艾伦的印度邮件》(Allen's Indian Mail)的记载显示了英国人执行炮决的规模和频率:
一个被炮决的印度士兵头骨在英国的一个酒吧里被发现,这也成了一本书——《阿鲁姆·比格的头骨:1857年一位反叛者的生与死》(The Skull of Alum Bheg: The Life and Death of a Rebel of 1857)的主题。[58]
[编辑]1880年,阿布杜尔·拉赫曼汗成为阿富汗的埃米尔,他很快就因为他的残暴和强硬统治而获得了“铁人埃米尔”(the iron emir)的绰号。有消息估计,在他执政的20年间,平均每年有5000人被处决,其中一些人被炮决。[62]例如,仅在1889年12月就有24人被记录炮决,还有许多人被以其它方式处决。[63]
[编辑]在乔治·麦克唐纳·弗莱泽以印度民族起义为背景的小说《Flashman in the Great Game》中,一个冒充印度人的英国军官哈里·弗莱西曼(Harry Flashman)在英国人对詹西王后营地的袭击中昏了过去并被俘虏。弗莱西曼被当作反叛分子,醒来时发现被塞住嘴绑在大炮口上。他勉强逃过了死刑,并释放了要和他一起被处决的叛乱分子。对于一个通常被描绘成说谎者、恶霸和无赖的角色来说,这是一种不同寻常的人道行为。
《蒸汽屋》是儒勒·凡尔纳1880年的一部小说,以那纳·萨伊布(Nana Sahib)被大炮炸死结尾。
在亨利·毕姆·派珀的科幻小说《Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen》中,主角卡尔文(Kalvan)从我们的宇宙时空转移到了架空历史,他提出应该用炮决杀死堕落的“教会”斯蒂芬世家(Styphon's House)的神职人员。他对自己辩解说英国人曾对反叛的印度兵使用这种手段,“在开明的维多利亚女王统治时期,你还能得到比那更多的尊敬吗?”卡尔文还认为这构成了“一个糟糕的关于‘炮’制殉道圣人的双关语”。这么说特别合适,因为“斯蒂芬世家”将它的的财富作为火药的唯一来源。
[编辑]- ^ Havholm (2008), p. 77
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Calcutta Review (1851), p. 395
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Alden (1996), p. 55
- ^ Southey (1822), p.469
- ^ 17th century case, Afsos, Court (1871), p. 64, 18th century case Hazārah, McChesney, Khorrami (2012), p. 54
- ^ Long (1869), p. 397–398
- ^ February 1781 Parlby (1822), p. 188, May 1783 Baillie (1788), p. 490, July 1783 Forbes (1815), p. 123, October 1783 Forbes (1815), p. 133 November 1783 Baillie (1788), p. 468
- ^ Long (1869), p. 51 page 224
- ^ Past Present, Volume 233, Issue 1, November 2016, Pages 185-225, Calculated to Strike Terror: The Amritsar Massacre and the Spectacle of Colonial Violence by Kim A. Wagner, https://academic.oup.com/past/article/233/1/185/2915150/Calculated-to-Strike-Terror-The-Amritsar-Massacre
- ^ 10.0 10.1 Cullather, Meyerowitz (2003), p. 50
- ^ Havholm (2008), p. 77
- ^ Boyar, Fleet (2010), p. 112
- ^ Campbell (1839), p. 421
- ^ Duff (1826, 3), p. 190, and Lal, Prinsep (1831), p. 127
- ^ Havholm (2008), p. 77
- ^ American Peace Society (1858) p. 23
- ^ "It is a curious fact, and well attested by many persons present, that a number of kites (a bird of prey very common in India) actually accompanied the melancholy party in their progress to the place of execution, as if they knew what was going on, and then kept hovering over the guns from which the culprits were to be blown away, flapping their wings, and shrieking, as if in anticipation of their bloody feast, till the fatal flash, which scattered the fragments of bodies in the air; when, pouncing on their prey, they positively caught in their talons many pieces of the quivering flesh before they could reach the ground! At sight of this the native troops employed on this duty, together with the crowd which had assembled to witness the execution, set up a yell of horror".. The description is from the execution of those found guilty in the Vellore Mutiny in 1806, Blakiston (1829), p. 309.
- ^ In an 1845 Herat case: "It was a scene that I shall never forget—a horrid spectacle, and touched me to the very heart. The broken limbs of the unfortunate man were scattered in all directions, while his bowels, which had not been thrown to so great a distance, were in an instant devoured by the dogs that were loitering about the spot." Ferrier (1856), p. 189.
- ^ See, for example, Heathcote (1995), p. 105, and Fremont-Barnes (2007), p. 79 [失效链接].
- ^ Sabahuddin, Shukla (2003), p. 122
- ^ Afsos (1871), p. 64
- ^ Asiatic Soicety of Bengal (1847), p. 658
- ^ Hazārah, McChesney, Khorrami (2012), p. 54
- ^ Bakshi (1997), p. 103–104
- ^ Irvine (1922), thieves, p. 287, and deserters, p. 415.
- ^ Ribeiro, Le Grand (1847), p. 138
- ^ According to the same source, this punishment was only inflicted in cases of rebellion, otherwise, deportation was the most severe punishment Thoman (1869), p. 111
- ^ Salt (1814), p. 39–40
- ^ Southey (1822), p. 469
- ^ Long (1869), p. 51 page 224 for 17 November 1760 decision, footnote remarking that thief was a carpenter named Nayn
- ^ Anderson (1859), p. 39
- ^ At that time, Shuja-ud-Daula, who was defeated by the British in the Battle of Buxar some months later
- ^ Broome (1850), p. 435
- ^ For 1764 and 1775 events, Butalia (1998), p. 273. Hector Munro's report on 24 executed to the House of Commons may be read here: Adolphus (1840), p. 268. In his letter dated 18 September to the East India Company, however, Monro says 25, detailing where they were sent for execution, Long (1869), p. 397–398.
- ^ Deerrett (1783), p. 83–85
- ^ Almon (1791), p. 637
- ^ February 1781 Parlby (1822), p. 188, May 1783 Baillie (1788), p. 490, July 1783 Forbes (1815), p. 123, October 1783 Forbes (1815), p. 133, November 1783 Baillie (1788), p. 468
- ^ Butalia (1998), p. 273–274
- ^ Grey, Garrett (1996), p. 216. However, a case from 1784 in the cantonment at Arcot says that a mutiny over reduced pay broke out in October among European troops, and that one active serjeant was condemned to be blown from a gun. Baldwin (1785), p. 390.
- ^ Philippart (1823), p. 497
- ^ Rosselli (1974), p. 52
- ^ Wilkes (1815), p. 310
- ^ Macready (1853), p. 236
- ^ Detailed report by captain Doveton from 1844, Doveton (1844), p. 620–624
- ^ On achieved rank under Madras governor George Macartney Munro (1789), p. 344
- ^ Munro (1789), p. 358
- ^ Seton-Karr (1865), p. 181–185
- ^ Wellington, Wellington (1868), p. 332, and Pogson (1833), p. 30–31
- ^ Asiatic Journal (1837), p. 58
- ^ Number executed specified in "Government Records" (1911), p. 132
- ^ Allen's Indian Mail (1857), pp. 465, 466, 502, 549, 601, 731, 771, 911
- ^ Parliament of Great Britain (1859), p. 80
- ^ Indian News (1858), p. 125
- ^ Shrivastav (1971), p. 108
- ^ See, for example, remark by colonel Mylne, Russell (1859), p. 45
- ^ In a letter dated 30 August 1857, received by William Muir working as an intelligence officer, the persons were Mr. Bridges (an indigo planter), his wife, his mother-in-law and their daughter Mrs. Eckford. Muir, Coldstream (1902), p. 501.
- ^ The Inquirer & Commercial News, Wednesday 7 April 1858, "Phoenix", 10 September 1857, Noel (1859), p. 461
- ^ What a skull in an English pub says about India's 1857 mutiny, BBC News, Thursday 5 April 2018
- ^ In this case, however, the viceroy of India, Richard Bourke, earl of Mayo, disowned the action of Mr. Cowan, who presided over the first 49 executions and dismissed that officer responsible for the mass execution. Knight (2012), p. 13. However, this was on basis of a procedural point concerning how the trial under Cowan had been held; Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Cowan's hierarchical superior, also blew the last 16 from guns, some time thereafter, but according to requirements of "fair trial". Singh (1995), p. 503–507.
- ^ Noelle (2012), p. 290
- ^ Tate (1911), on treachery, p. 115, on blowing from a gun, p. 121.
- ^ Apart from blowing from guns, the source mention as well that people could be bayoneted to death, hanged, crucified, disemboweled, sawn in two, hanged or dragged to death behind horses. Akbarzadeh, Macqueen (2008), p. 93. Lord Curzon, visiting Kabul in 1894, narrates the following chilling story about a rapist: "One official who had outraged a woman was stripped naked and placed in a hole dug for the purpose on the top of a high hill outside Kabul. It was in mid-winter; and water was then poured upon him until he was converted into an icicle and frozen alive. As the Amir sardonically remarked, “He would never be too hot again.”" Edwards (1996), p. 111.
- ^ Lee (1996), p. 551. In 1891 Herat, a rebel leader was also blown from a gun, p. 580.
- ^ Letter from Humphreys to the foreign secretary from 20 January 1929, cited in Roberts (2003), p. 51 and p. 61. For the case of Ali Ahmad Khan blown by guns in July 1929, see Lee (1996), p. 378.
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