



  1. ^ command of the war against 米特里达梯六世 of 本都王国
  2. ^ defeated the 塞琉古帝国 ruler 安条克三世 at the 温泉关战役 (前191年)
  3. ^ Battle of Lake Regillus英语Battle of Lake Regillus, Roman victory over the 拉丁同盟
  4. ^ 罗马元老院 voted him a 凯旋式
  5. ^ entrusted with the defence of Illyricum英语Illyricum (Roman province) against the 格奈乌斯·庞培
  6. ^ ordered to clear the Mediterranean Sea of piracy, but instead, plundered the provinces he was supposed to protect
  7. ^ first to lead an army outside of the Italian mainland
  8. ^ defeated and captured at the Battle of Tunis英语Battle of Tunis
  9. ^ fought and defeated Gaius Scribonius Curio英语Gaius Scribonius Curio (praetor 49 BC)
  10. ^ one of the so-called Thirty Tyrants英语Thirty Tyrants (Roman)
  11. ^ twice defeated 安德里斯库斯, self-proclaimed pretender to 马其顿王国ian throne
  12. ^ defeated the 卢西坦人 at Ilipa英语Ilipa, and subjugated the 波伊人
  13. ^ instigated his "费边战术" against Hannibal
  14. ^ successful campaign to restore 托勒密十二世
  15. ^ defeated the Sclaveni英语Sclaveni Slavs near 塞萨洛尼基
  16. ^ defeated the Bessi英语Bessi in 色雷斯
  17. ^ defeated successively the Gauls, the 沃尔西语s, the 萨莫奈, the 伊特拉斯坎文明 and the Marsian英语Marsians