


脫線喜劇(英語:screwball comedy)是一種喜劇電影類型,流行於美國大蕭條時期,在1930年代起源,繁榮至1940年代早期。該類型的很多次要特徵類似於黑色電影,但不同之處在於有一個女性角色在和男主角的關係中占主導地位,挑戰他的男子氣概[1]。男女主角陷於幽默搞笑的兩性鬥爭之中,這對於當時的好萊塢和觀眾來說是新穎的主題[2]。其他元素包括快節奏的妙語連珠的對話、滑稽的情形、逃避現實的主題,以及涉及愛情和婚姻的情節[2]。脫線喜劇經常描繪社會階層之間的衝突,如在《一夜風流》(1934)和《我的高德弗里英語My Man Godfrey》(1936)中[2]


  1. ^ Dancyger, Ken; Rush, Jeff. Alternative Scriptwriting Fourth Edition. Focal Press. 2006: 85–85. ISBN 978-0240808499. The screwball comedy is funny film noir that has a happy ending... The premise of the film is about the struggle in their relationship. During the course of the struggle, which is highly sexually charged, the maleness of the central character is challenged. The female is the dominant character in the relationship. This role reversion is central to the screwball comedy. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Cele Otnes; Elizabeth Hafkin PleckCele Otnes, Elizabeth Hafkin Pleck (2003) Cinderella dreams: the allure of the lavish wedding頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) University of California Press, p. 168 ISBN 0-520-24008-1