


細胞記憶,亦作身體記憶(Body memory)是一個沒有經過科學證實的假說,並被一些主流學者視為偽科學,該學說認為人體本身或身體上的所有細胞均有儲存記憶[1]個性特質[2]的能力,而不是主流學說所認為的只存在於大腦。這個假說可用來解釋某些腦部並未有用來儲存某種記憶的特定條件,而透過釋放記憶的方式來重新恢復,例如:幻肢痛英语Phantom pain,又或器官移殖後的殘存記憶[1]。這個假說亦被認為可以用來解釋智能的起源[3],以及一些透過身體感知而重新喚醒被抑壓的亂倫性虐待的回憶的現象[4]。這個假說之所以被認為是偽科學,是因為現時並未有確切證據去指明大腦以外的其他身體組織有儲存記憶的能力[4][5]



有關以大腦以外的器官作記憶的假說,可以追遡至19世紀法国作家莫里斯·雷纳德英语Maurice Renard的恐怖科幻小說《奧拉克之手法语Les Mains d'Orlac[2],講述一位鋼琴家因為意外而失去雙手,後來獲得移殖另一對手,卻不知道這對手是來自一位謀殺犯的。這小說隨後多次被改編成為電影。



1993年,一位心理學家蘇珊·史密斯(Susan E. Smith)在一篇第一次在假记忆体综合征學術會議上發表的論文,把「細胞記憶」跟「倖存者心理學」兩者相關連起來,指出:

body memories are thought to literally be emotional, kinesthetic, or chemical recordings stored at the cellular level and retrievable by returning to or recreating the chemical, emotional, or kinesthetic conditions under which the memory recordings are filed. She wrote in the abstract of the paper that "one of the most commonly used theories to support the ideology of repressed memories or incest and sexual abuse amnesia is body memories." [4]


The belief in these pseudoscientific concepts appears to be related to scientific illiteracy, gullibility, and a lack of critical thinking skills and reasoning abilities in both the mental health community and in society at large.[4]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Carroll, RT. Cellular Memory. The Skeptic's Dictionary. 2009-02-23 [2010-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-08) (英语). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Inherited Memory in Organ Transplant Recipients [器官移殖接受者所承繼的記憶]. 2013-01-25 [2013-07-12]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-13) (英语). 
  3. ^ Cellular memory hints at the origins of intelligence. Nature. 2008-01-23 [2013-07-12]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-12) (英语). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Smith, SE. Body Memories: And Other Pseudo-Scientific Notions of "Survivor Psychology" . Issues in Child Abuse Accusations. 1993, 5 (4) [2013-07-11]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-02). 
  5. ^ Scott O. Lilienfeld SO; Lynn SJ; Lohr JM (编). Science and Pseudoscience in Clinical Psychology [臨床心理學的科學與偽科學]. The Guilford Press. 2002. ISBN 1-57230-828-1. 

